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The Kitchen Counter (M)


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"MY NAME'S ZACHARIE" xD You liked killed me with laughter with that line.

Really cute.

Continue continue !


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Awe, thank you all so much! I have some things to take care of right now but here should be another part going up sometime this evening :)

I'm glad it's entertaining.

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Late in the evening the sky grew gray with thick, fat clouds over the city. The sky rumbled and shook mightily with every far away flash of lightning, causing Zacharie to curl up tighter under his comforter, tensing with every loud boom that shook the house and made the walls vibrate thoroughly. HE COULDN'T STAND THUNDER.

Ever since he was very small, the thought of the sheer power that mother nature could exert on you was enough to make his knees shake. He tried to reassure himself, 'You're safe in this house. You're okay. You won't be hurt, you won't be-" Another crack of thunder made him yelp quietly. He shivered under the heavy comforter and drew his knees closer to his chest.


The door to Ambrosis' room opened and shut quietly, creaking as it shut. Ambrosis lifted his head and squinted into the darkness. Lightning flashed outside the window, a crash of thunder booming loudly soon after. A whimper was audible during the crash, making Ambrosis sit all the way up.

"Zacharie?" his eyes adjusted and he saw Zacharie in front of the door with his hoodie pulled over his head, shaking and sniffling. "Come're." Ambrosis said, lifting his covers for Zacharie to climb in next to him.

"-Ambro, I... I just-"

"Shhhh, it's alright. Just get over here; it's cold."

Zacharie shuffled his feet slowly over the floor, flinching and startling when his feet brushed over something.

"What's on the floor?!" he gasped.

"Oh, yeah. Some of the tile came up. The concrete's exposed." He assured.

Zacharie slid into the bed next to his brother, curling in on himself instantly, sighing. His brother let his comforted fall over the both of them, the heat from Zacharie's fever immediately warming the sheets.

"You alright?" Ambrosis asked, reaching over and flicking on the lamp.

"Y-Yeah. I-it just sc-sc-scares me, y'know?" He replied shakily, sniffling.

"Yeah, I know." The dark haired one handed over some tissues, which Zacharie blew his nose into.

"Try and get some sleep now. Do you want the light on or off?"

"You can turn it off if you want." Zacharie said quietly, yawning and snuggling closer into Ambrosis' side.

"Night, Zach." Ambrosis turned off the lamp.

"It's Zach-ar-ie. Night, Ambro."

"It's Am-bro-sis." He mocked, wrapping a protective arm around his blonde brother and closing his eyes.


"Bless you." Ambrosis stroked Zacharie's hair gently as they both drifted off to sleep.

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I can't help but feel like this story is going nowhere. I'm waiting to get this done before I start a different one, but I was actually just writing as I went. I had a general idea but now it's just a pointless blah. I love all of you who commented and those of you who lurked silently and wished this story well... But i think i might be shutting it down....

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Well NegitiveZ

I love you writing! Your drive and stories are wonderful and I hope you know that. You encourage me so much with my writing and it inspires me! You should give yourself more credit! I hope you understand that it is not horrible to start a new story without finishing n old one....I'm no one special but if I could give advice it would be that you follow each new storyline or even small scenes that you may have in your heart and head. Honor them, give them the spotlight...This is what makes writing so amazing...it builds off of thoughts and colors in your head....don't try to "stifle" them just to finish a story unless you really want to...

I love these characters and stories and will miss them but I can wait to read other things you will write!

I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know <3

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Oh my God.

Oh my God Amberlight.

This is just... Thank you. Thank you so much for saying that. You're one of the authors who I look up to most, and not just on this site...

I was just saying that I really have no more ideas for this fic; not even an ending. The characters wouldn't be gone either. They're some of my main characters and I have even more to put into words. The problem with this story is that I rushed into it without thinking up a plot first. If I think of a good way to end it I'll finish it, but it's just being put on hold for now.

But thank you so much; your words really touched me.

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Of course :)

You know, parts of my story are not very plot driven, I do the same thing you did with not thinking far enough ahead. So I hear ya...cant wait to see more of these characters!

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Ambrosis stirred in the middle of the night, waking the notorious light-sleeper Zacharie. Ambrosis looked down at the clock which read 2:27, and looked out the window where a lights from the street shone through. He sighed and laid his head back down, not realizing that Zacharie was now awake. The thunderstorms had died hours ago, leaving a damp fall smell that came in though the drafts in Ambro's wooden window. Zacharie shivered and scooted closer to his brother, who was laying on his side as well. Zacharie curled in on himself, his forehead touching his brother's chest. He sighed contentedly from the warmth.

"Ambro?" he whispered softly.

"Yeah?" his brother whispered back.

Zacharie used a bit of his voice this time, his eyes still closed, "You smell like Mom."

"We all use the same detergent." Ambrosis also replied with his voice.

"Mom always uses baby lotion." Zachaire smiled, now half asleep.

"My hands get dry!" Ambrosis whispered furiously, embarrassed in reply. But he allowed his brother to curl in closer to his stomach as they both fell into a deeper sleep.


so this is the last update fro this three. It's all finished. I'm sorry it wasn't as thought out as it should've been, but this is definitely not the end of Zacharie and Ambrosis because they are my baby boys! Even though Ambrosis is older than me... Anyway thank you so much for reading and everyone who commented how much they liked it, it was fantabulous motivation.

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