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Human!Cas allergy fic (SPN)


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Wow I'm such an idiot... Sorry! :/ I hope I didn't offend. Thanks for the prompts though! smile.png

No no xD it's fine. I'm just being sassy.

No need to apoligize xD

Just a playful remark.

No problem :)

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Okay, "Walking ball of allergic" is pretty much the saddest, most adorable way to describe poor little Cas right now QwQ~ I feel so bad for him, but I can't help but eat up his misery x'DD. I also really like how this is going, because to me, it would make sense that a formerly inhuman being would be kind of sensitive to everything~

But the poor baby! <3 I just want to huggle him QwQ~

Thank you so much for writing this amazing story! I love it thus far~

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Alright! That's the end of my train of story-thought! So unless any one of you lovely people (so sorry DeathNoteOwner) has any prompts, (Which I would gladly fill) this story is finished!

Uh what if Dean and Sam got a kitty and Castiel run out of allergy meds.

or they go to a park forgetting to drug Castiel. pollen pollen pollen.

My own little idea of what happens after...

Something happens and they must go out of the bunker fast. An urgent hunt or something like that. Cas forget his pills and... ;)

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Alright! That's the end of my train of story-thought! So unless any one of you lovely people (so sorry DeathNoteOwner) has any prompts, (Which I would gladly fill) this story is finished!

Uh what if Dean and Sam got a kitty and Castiel run out of allergy meds.

or they go to a park forgetting to drug Castiel. pollen pollen pollen.

My own little idea of what happens after...

Something happens and they must go out of the bunker fast. An urgent hunt or something like that. Cas forget his pills and... wink.png

Definitly. That works :) I like NorthernLady's idea :)

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I like it too. :) I'll see what I can do. I might just start a short story thread where we can prompt and write all we want, because this story in particular is kind of finished. :)

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I like it too. smile.png I'll see what I can do. I might just start a short story thread where we can prompt and write all we want, because this story in particular is kind of finished. smile.png

Perhaps you can do that :)

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As hot as the actor portraying Castiel ;) And you did good! Can't wait to see what you'll write next!

Look at that, we got matching icons :D

Edited by NorthernLady
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Alrighty! :)

Here's the first part of the second instalment. I skipped the interview because I'm bad at writing those, and also I know that vengeful spirits don't need an incense ritual, but the story does. ;)


Everything was going excellently at the bunker. Sam and Dean purged everything they owned that could set Cas off, and replaced them with non-allergenic products. Cas hadn't sneezed more than once in a row for days, and life was peachy.

The next morning, the three men were sat down to a breakfast of bacon and toast.

“I still can't believe you're actually eating bacon, Sam.”

Sam rolls his eyes.

“Everyone likes bacon, Dean.”

“Yeah, but I haven't seen you eat something that wasn't green and leafy in weeks.”

Dean looks across the table at Cas.

“You take your pill yet?”

Cas nods and keeps eating. Sam's phone rings, and he hurriedly wipes bacon grease off his fingers before answering.


“Oh hey! Yeah... John's son. Sam..... yup....”

He pauses.


Sam looks at Dean, urgent. Dean frowns.

“Yeah. We'll be there as soon as we can.”

He hangs up.

“What the hell was that about?”

“We need to go. Now. I'll explain in the impala.”

The boys grab their duffel bags and run to the car.

“There's a family in Fort Greensburg, they have 10 kids – well, 8 now. Something keeps killing them off.”

“Oh. Any idea what it is?”

“Not a clue.”

When they arrive in Fort Greensburg, they head straight to the victim's house for an interview. Approximately 2 hours later they finally leave the house.

“I'm thinking vengeful spirit.” Dean suggests.

“All the signs are there. Sister's kid accidentally murdered by one of this woman's kids? Totally vengeful spirit material.”

“We can use that incense ritual to summon it, and then gank its ass.”

“Uh, Dean. I'm allergic to incense, you know that.”

“Oh right. Well that's ok. I'll take Cas, he should be ok with the incense if we medicate him enough, and you can be emergency backup. You good with that, Cas?”

“Yes Dean.”

Later that night, they check into a motel and gather all the supplies needed for the ritual. Even packaged up tight, the incense still manages to bother Sam a little.

“Heeh....heSHUh! Snff

“Damn Sammy, you really are allergic to that stuff. I'll go put it in the impala.”

“Thandks Deand.”

When Castiel wakes up the next morning, he feels as though he forgot something. He scrubs his itching nose, and prepares for his morning sneezing.

“hiihh... Hat-ChIEW! Huh-ISHH! Ish! Ish! Heh... HetCHIeww!”

He rummages around in his bag for his allergy meds, but they are nowhere to be found. His stomach drops when he realizes that they are still in the cabinet back at the bunker. He starts to panic.

'Dean will be so angry. I won't be able to help him with the ritual. I'm useless when I'm allergic. Oh no....' then he has another thought. '...but what Dean doesn't know won't hurt him.'

Just then, Dean comes back into the motel room and hands Cas a cup of coffee and a muffin.

“Did you take your pill today, Cas?”

“Hiihhh.... yeah Dean. It- HanXxt! It just hasn't kicked in yet.”

As always, feedback is welcome, and more coming soon! :)

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jewdsiujdusajdua Cute <3

I cant even.

So much beauty in this story <3

Castiel <3 oh gosh he's adorable

cant wait for more ! :)

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Hey hey hey! Guess who's back? Me! :P

This part is a little rough because I didn't even know what I wanted to do with it, but whatever. I'll post it for you anyway.



“Handy for us, we can ghost-proof a room in the house, and do the ritual real quick from there.”

Cas scrubs at his nose and nods.

“Hey, you ok Cas?”

“Ye-hiihh... yeah Dean.”


Cas pours a salt line in front of the door and the window while Dean readies the spell. He wishes he could open the window, to make it better for him when they start burning the incense, but who is he kidding. He's doomed. Dean is going to figure out that he forgot his pills eventually. The itch spikes again when Dean unwraps the scented sticks, and he presses a wrist under his nose to stave off any rogue sneezes. Finally, Dean finishes setting up, and the two men get to work.

“Cas, all I need you to do is hold the stick of incense and then drop it in the bowl when I finish the incantation.”

"Oh, ONLY that Dean? What else do you want? Me to fill my pillow with ragweed?" Of course he said none of this aloud. Instead he answers with a polite,

“Alright. I'm ready when you are.”

Dean lights the incense and hands it to Castiel. In what seems like a millisecond after grabbing it, Cas' nose is on fire, like a million red-hot ants crawling around in his sinuses. He just hopes Dean's incantation is quick. His breath catches, and he quickly pinches his nose shut with his free hand. It doesn't help with his breathing, but it stops the sneezes for now. Dean notices him and looks up, concerned.

“Meds not working? We can stop and come back another time if this is going to be bad for you.”

“Actually Dean, it's going to be terrible. I don't want to do it.”

“I..heh-hiiihh...I'mb find.” He gestures for Dean to continue.

The itch was moving now, teasing him. Pushing him to the edge and then backing off again. Castiel knew that if he sneezed once, it was all over and he wasn't going to be able to stop. He unclamped his hand from his nostrils for a second to rub at his nose in a frantic attempt to lessen the itch – huge mistake. If anything, he made it worse. He gasped, and grabbed his nose again, but it was too late. The damage was done. He was going to lose any semblance of control over his sinuses any second. Just in the nick of time, Dean finished the incantation. Cas dropped the incense in the bowl, and collapsed to the floor, caught up in the worst allergy attack yet.

“HA-CHIEW! ASH!ISH!ishishish! Hish-IEWW! AtCH!ATch!AtCh!”

Castiel barely had time to breathe in between sneezes.


Cas sucked in a huge, desparate breath before starting in again.


Dean was shocked. He didn't think it would be this bad, what with the prescription anti-histamines and all. He ran to Cas, scooped his friend up and walked out of the room. Cas grabbed at Dean's chest and held onto his shirt for dear life.

“Ha-SHIEW! D-ishh! Deand. I-hiihh... Hi-ShIeWW! I li-ATchH!.”

“What Cas?”


Cas rubs his nose against Dean's shirt to relieve some of the tickle.

“I lied. HaTCHH! TCHH!TCH!TshhHH!”

“'bout what Cas?” Dean smirked. By this time, Dean knew. He just wanted to hear Cas say it. Cas looked up at him with the

most ashamed puppy-dog eyes his allergic friend could muster.

“I didnd't...hiiih... HatCHIEWW! Ha-SHH! Hat-CHH! HashIEwW!”

“...didn't what?”

“HatchiEW! Take mby pill. I- ha-SHIEW! Forgot it.”


Any more prompts? Ideas?

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Sorry I didn't respond I was.. Busy ish. Yeh I'd like to see more of cute Castiel :)

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Uwaaaa~~~ It turned out so good! Wonderful job~ <3

Continue if you would like to, since I know inspiration can be tough, but this amazing story is good enough for me <3

*re-reads* :3

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  • 5 months later...

I am sooooo far late on this! The wonderfulness that is. :D

I so want this story to continue! But I have no inspiration to give. :(

Please continue if you can! This story is amazing!!!!! :bounce:

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