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Indulgences Star Trek TOS (M, Kirk/Spock)


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Back to TOS proper and look I found someone new to torture. This takes place after the episode ‘The Lights of Zetar.’


Scotty sighed as the Enterprise headed away from Memory Alpha. Everything was back to normal the captain had said. Yes they were alone again and that was normal. He shouldn’t really be complaining he still loved his job and wouldn’t want to do anything else, but it still got lonely in space sometimes. She had been there, attractive and smart, and it had been a nice couple of weeks.


He stifled the sneeze hard and winced as his head protested against such treatment. He could have asked for the day off. He probably should have, but he had been neglectful of his duty while Mira had been on board and he knew it. It was just a cold. He would tough it out.

He sniffled and reached for his cup of coffee. Thanks goodness for small miracles he thought letting the heat warm his hands and the warm liquid down his throat bringing him momentary relief. Strange though he was sure it had been colder the last time he drank from it. Scotty shrugged maybe Yeoman Barrows had refilled it when he wasn’t looking.

When the shift ended he waited until the others had left first before getting up. Then he took the lift down to engineering to perform the rest of his job. He felt his nose begin to tickle, but finally alone though he released them freely.

Ahh-HERshhh! ARShhhh!

He sniffled once again, rubbing a tissue over his sore, chapped, nose. Tucking the tissue away he got off and found the man in charge.

“Report, Matthews.”

“Everything is in order, sir.”

“Excuse me?”

“Everything in section 27 has been prepared and tested and checked.”

Scotty glanced through the PADD and took a quick look around to see that Matthews was right. Everything was as it should be; he could leave early.

“Well done, Matthews, carry on.”

With a quick nod to the lieutenant he went back to the turbolift.

“I don’t understand, sir, didn’t Lieutenant Uhura say he authorized all of it?”

The lift doors closed just as Matthews told Riley to shut up.

Scotty smiled and grabbed a handle of the lift, knowing exactly what he was going to do with his new found free time.

“Deck 4.”


He came into the mess hall and found her sitting at one of the corner tables.

“Scotty, what are you doing here?”

“I’ve just learned that a wonderful crew-member has taken pity on a lonely Scotsman. Now what do you think would be the best way to thank such a lady?”

Uhura smiled. “Well I think she would appreciate you taking care of yourself; and being healthy enough to join her at the Friday night film screening.”

“Aye, I think I can do that.”

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i really love tos scotty

i don't know why but i don't really like reboot!scotty as much? like i love the character and all but like


tos scotty is the best >W>

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This story takes place during the ‘Elaan of Troyius’ episode. In that episode Uhura gave up her quarters for Elaan which led me to wonder where exactly she was supposed to sleep while on this mission and this little fic was born.


Thank the heavens the mission was almost over. Just one more day and they would beam the dohlman down to Toryius and then she could have her quarters back. Actually it would probably be a day and a half. She wanted to give maintenance crew enough time to clean up the disaster Elaan had no doubt made of her quarters. Everyone one on this deck had heard the yelling and the sounds of multiple objects being thrown at walls. Hopefully her new roommate wouldn’t mind having her stick around for a couple of extra hours.


If her nose would cooperate that is.

Uhura sniffled and sunk lower into the bathtub; trying to fight against the growing congestion. The medication she had taken earlier was wearing off again and of course she was out. And she couldn’t go to sickbay to get more until at least the next alpha shift. They would be too busy dealing with injuries from the battle with the Klingons.

Uhura was shaken from her self-pity by a knock at the door.

“Nyota? Are you in there?”

“I’ll be out in a minute,” she said, standing up and grabbing a towel.

She came out in her off duty clothes to find Scotty waiting by the door.

“You look lovely, Nyota.”

“Don’t flatter me I look like a drowned rat. I haven’t even set my hair yet.”

Scotty’s eyes widened in surprise at her tone. “Well if you’re not done I could always-”

“No, no it’s fine I’m-I’m sorry...it’s just been a long day.”

“Aye, no doubt about that.”

He squeezed her shoulder in sympathy and then went into the bathroom himself.

Uhura went over to the dresser, pulling out the drawer Scotty had let her use, looking for tissues; and of course she was out of those too. Reluctantly she pulled opened another drawer and found a few among Scotty’s things. Scotty had been so kind to her and she hated to impose on his hospitality like this.

Why now of all times did she have to get sick?

hehigtt! hahishtt!

She stifled them into the tissue and hoped Scotty hadn’t heard.

Ten minutes later Scotty came out with his hair combed back and clean-shaven.

“Shall we go to dinner?” he asked.

“You go ahead, Scotty, I’m not hungry.”

“Not hungry? But we both missed lunch and I wouldn’t call an energy bar and a cup of coffee an adequate breakfast. Are you all right?”

She turned away from him, rubbing at her nose that twitched and flared despite her efforts to control it. “I’m fine-ehh...ehishh! hehISHuu! Ahh...hahASSHUu!

She kept sniffling miserably as Scotty wrapped his arms around her waist, gently pulling her back onto the bed.

“You were saying?” he teased softly, and began rearranging the covers around her.

Uhura sighed with relief and leaned closer to him, the extra heat making her feel better already. “Scotty, you don’t have to do this. You’ve already gone to so much trouble for me.”

“Now what kind of man would I be to let such a lovely lady suffer in my presence? And I’ll have you know it’s been no trouble at all.”

She sniffled again, rubbing her wrist under her nose. “Then would you mind getting me so more tissues? I think I used up all the ones in here.”

“Your wish in my command,” he said, turning around to punch several buttons of the wall until the panel opened and a box of the softest kind of tissues the machine would provide.

He picked up the box and handed it to her.

“Thank you, Scotty.”

“My pleasure, Lassie.”

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More episode based fic this time it’s ‘City on the Edge of Forever’.


Miss Keeler’s task for Jim and Spock had seemed harmless and simple enough, especially since she had been within her rights to have them arrested instead. So, they had set to work, but it didn’t take long for Jim to realize there was a problem: the basement was filthy. A thin layer of grey dust covered everything. They were leaving marks in the dust with their fingers and it danced in the fading light from the windows as they shifted items around the room. Jim sniffled and rubbed at his runny nose, as his body fought against the allergen that had been removed from his environment for so long.

Jim inhaled deeply as he lifted another crate up, and the dust on top suddenly shifted…and went straight up his nose.


He tightened his grip on the box and tried to get his body under control. But his nostrils continued to flare, as the dust swirled within them as he built up. It was too much, he couldn’t hold back.

“Spock, I-heh-heh…huhh!

Sensing his distress Spock quickly came over and took the crate from him. As he did Jim quickly brought his hands up to cover his nose.

Huh’esch! Ihh’eshhu! Hah’ASCHuu!

Spock put the crate down and went over to his convulsing captain.

“Are you all right, Jim?”

Jim nodded, even as his eyes watered, his nose tickled endlessly, and his breath still hitched constantly.

“Yes, I just-hah’asshh! On the Enterprise it’s not an issue, but I’m a-aller-ahh’eshu! Allergic to dust. It’s everywhere here and I oh…hehh…I c-can’t stop sn-sneezing heh-hehESHH! hehISHHu! Huh-ESSHH!

Jim turned his body away from Spock, totally embarrassed to be so helpless in front of him.

Spock, as usual, seemed to take it all in stride. Taking Jim gently by one arm he pulled him towards the door they had entered before. Propping it open he sat Jim down on the step and let him breathe in the fresh air.

“Is that better?”

“Yes, the-hectkchh! The tickle isn’t quite so bad now.” Jim sniffled and, feeling like a five year old, wiped his nose on his sleeve. “I wish we had managed to steal a handkerchief though.”

They remained on the step for a while longer, until Jim’s fit was reduced to the occasional sniffle and rub at his nose.

“Well we should get back to work.”

Jim made to stand up, only the have Spock his hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

“Jim, please continue to rest, I will finish up.”

Jim smiled at the Vulcan.

“As you wish, Mr. Spock.”

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THIS IS THE BEST FIC EVER I FINALLY GOT AN ACCOUNT AND CAN TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM ABOUT IT. I have read this at least a dozen times now and I love it. They're so adorable and it's well written and great and I love how you right the sneezes and describe the tickle. It's just so well done and with my favorite characters and ah. I will probably read this at least ten more times in the near future.

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Jim stumbling through a sneezing fit? Take me now ... Oh I mean beam me up ;)

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More stuff from ‘City on the Edge of Forever’, or at least directly following it. Also I just wanted to say that I'm glad so many of you guys are enjoying these stories. *hugs*


The Enterprise finally left the Time Planet, as it had been dubbed. And between getting McCoy to sickbay to be thoroughly checked over after the cordrazine overdose, finding Captain Kirk after he left sickbay abruptly; only to be told sharply that he wanted to be alone, and making sure all things were in order for the gamma shift Spock found himself alone in his quarters with five hours before alpha shift. Five hours, it would not be enough for a full recovery.

They had spent over a week in old New York. Ten hours of work each day at the Mission followed by working, most nights, until dawn on the stone knives and bearskins computer. If he had gotten fourteen hours of sleep in that entire time he considered himself lucky. It was true that Vulcans needed less sleep than humans, but that was severely pushing his limits. Also while the physical labour had not been hard, doing it day after day was not something his body was used to, and over time it had been draining. The computer was a new lesson in frustration of course, because of the lack of technology, and his fingers seemed to cramp up just thinking about connecting circuits and screwing in bulbs. The weather had also proven to be trying. It had been getting close to winter while they were they there, and that had left him with his hands firmly in his pockets and shivering every morning when they arrived at work. Of course the lack of sleep had only increased his feeling of being chilled. On top of all of that the food that they had had while there had been low in several nutrients, no doubt due to the poor weather and soil that that time in Earth’s history was known for.

All told Spock was physically...and emotionally exhausted. Jim had put all his attention on Edith and Spock, though he blamed it on his half-asleep state, knew he had been jealous of their interactions. He had never seen Jim act that way before; it seemed that the closer he got to Edith the further away he moved from Spock. They had always been professional of course, but there had been a hint of something else. It had been hard for him to watch and realize that that something apparently meant far more to him than it did to Jim.

With all that weighing on him it was no surprise, though no less unwanted, when Spock woke up those few hours later for his shift utterly congested.


He reached out blindly for the tissues, barely managing to find one and cover his nose in time.


Keeping the tissue pressed up to his nose he struggled out of bed and into the bathroom. It took him half an hour, and several more tissues, to get himself presentable. Ten minutes before the start of his shift he stared at his reflection in the mirror. There were green smudges on his cheeks, but his nose was still keeping its pale colour for the time being. Spock only hoped it would stay that way. Tugging his shirt down to make sure the thick black shirt he was wearing underneath it was fully covered he made for the bridge.

As he stepped into the turbolift he saw a crewmember that he didn’t immediately recognize. He was about to ask what his business was on the bridge, before Spock remembered that he was a new transfer to command, and that he would be joining them on the bridge today. He had to set a good example then, despite his less than optimal health.

As if sensing an opportunity to contradict him his nose suddenly twitched and Spock barely managed to get his arm up in time to stifle into his elbow.


The boy next to him stiffened and glanced around wide eyed, totally at a loss of what to do before a quiet “bless you, sir,” was mumbled to the floor.

“Thank you, Ensign Chekov.”

They arrived on the bridge and the day’s work began. The shift proved uneventful, for which Spock was grateful. He found it difficult enough to control a headache that kept him away from his proper scanner for much of the day, and his congestion increased steadily over the course of the day as well so several sniffles slipped passed his Vulcan control; though if Lieutenant Uhura, with her station so close to his, noticed either symptom she thankfully didn’t mention it. Meanwhile Jim spent the shift staring listlessly at the viewscreen and Spock’s heart clenched in his side at the sight.

At break Spock asked Jim if he wished to join him for lunch, but Jim declined saying he wanted to check on repairs with Scotty. Not having Jim to watch over then Spock detoured from the mess hall to sickbay to check on Doctor McCoy.

“Christine, don’t make me beg to get off this bed!”

“I told you, Leonard, you can get back to work when the last test comes back from the lab.”

“The way those boys work I could be here till next Tuesday!”

“Good,” Nurse Chapel muttered, and nodded to Spock as she brushed past him and out of the room.

McCoy caught sight of the Vulcan.

“What do you want, Spock?”

“I wished to check on your recovery.”

“It’s peachy,” McCoy answered tersely, not ready to forgive either Spock or Jim for the mess in New York.

“Is there anything you require?”

“Not unless you can get those boys in the lab to hurry up with my results,” McCoy said offhandedly, turning his body away from Spock.

“Of course, Doctor.”

He went to the labs as Doctor McCoy requested and got his results forwarded to sickbay with expedience. He then checked on his own staff and experiments. Afterwards he saw no reason to return to sickbay. Obviously McCoy’s needs were being monitored by Nurse Chapel, he could not say the same for Jim.

Spock went to the galley to obtain food, after ducking into an auxiliary communications juncture to muffle several coughs into his sleeve, and with tray in hand he went to Jim’s cabin.

“Come in.”

“You did not eat lunch,” Spock said as he put the tray down in front of Jim, ignoring the growling of his own stomach.

Spock stood and watched as Jim listless ate half the bowl of soup before pushing the tray away.

“You should not endanger your health at this time, Jim.”

Jim clenched his fists. How could Spock talk like that? What did he know about loss and suffering? “We aren’t like you, Spock, able to just have things roll off us. It takes us a little longer.”

Spock nodded; he knew Vulcans did not grieve the way humans did. “I understand. Still if there is something else I could do...Jim, let me help.”

That had been the wrong thing to say.

Jim shot up from his desk, his eyes blazing. “Don’t you dare say that to me, Spock! You don’t understand! You don’t feel love or heartache so you can’t possibly help me!”

Anger spent for the moment Jim turned to face the wall.

“Please leave, Spock.”

Spock let his head droop, even though Jim could not see his actions. “As you wish.”

Forgoing proper procedure he left via their shared bathroom. If his presence was disruptive he would leave Jim…and besides his nose was tickling.

As the door slid shut Spock leaned against it. His nostrils flared and his head tilted back and Spock reached into his pocket for a tissue, and realized he was out.


He pressed a finger under his nose as watery eyes searched the bathroom for a substitute. He grabbed a handful of toilet paper and winced as it scrapped against skin that was starting to chap.

Hih-ISSshh! HehERSchh!

The sneezes were half-stifled into the rough paper, and that just made his headache worse. Spock leaned against the sink to keep his balance. Over the pounding of his head he heard movement in Jim’s quarters. He should have known that the moment he left to care for himself McCoy would make his move. As Spock blew his nose into the toilet paper he heard voices coming through the door.

“Bones, I don’t want to talk about it!”

“Well I’m not just going to pretend nothing happened!”

Still wishing to help them Spock came back into the room.

“Captain, Doctor, surly all of this can be dealt with in a less emotional conversation.”

“You stay out of this!” they shouted.

“Gentlemen, this is n-not-huh-URSHhh!

The sneeze was loud and caused both Jim and McCoy to finally turn their attention to him. Still, Spock might have been able to pass it off as some reaction to scents in the room, or an errant bit of dust, if not for the three more that followed it.

Heh'ISShh! Ehh’ESSuh! ASHHuu!

“Spock?” Jim asked in concern.

McCoy had his scanner out by the second sneeze and Spock didn’t object to it. Not that he really could with both his hands covering most of his face. He sniffled thickly and realized he needed a tissue again.

Jim seemed to sense his request and handed him one.

“Thank you, Captain.”

Spock blew his nose as McCoy finished scanning him.

“My god, man, you’re a mess! Jim, get him on the bed!”

Jim followed that order without comment. Taking Spock gently by the shoulders and was surprised at how easily he went to the bed.

“Bones, what is it?”

McCoy frowned at his scanner. “Congestion in both lungs, possible sinus infection, and I’ve never seen his temperature so high.”

Bright blue eyes glared at Spock as McCoy realized that Spock had spent his lunch hour bothering him instead of getting treatment.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!” he barked.

“You both had other concerns,” Spock answered.

“Your health is my concern! Especially when you ignore it like this!”

“My symptoms have not varied from the one’s associated with this virus, aside from being more severe than average therefore it is highly unlike-unlikely...huh'ushhu! Isshuu!

The sneezes dissolved into a harsh coughing fit and Jim sat beside Spock, rubbing his back in comfort.

“Try to keep him warm, Jim, I’ll be right back.”

McCoy left and Jim pulled back the sheets and got Spock under the covers.

Again Spock went without protest. As Jim looked him, suddenly seeming so small and fragile, he started remembering all he had put Spock through during their time in New York: little food, working hard every day to pay for supplies and the drafty roof over their heads, no sleep, because he had pushed him to keep going with the computer, a highly stressful situation by any definition. A totally perfect scenario for getting sick by anyone’s standards, and when he had Spock had then taken it upon himself to ignore his own needs to help his friends. And what he had gotten in return for his efforts was anger and condescension. Jim wanted to fall through the floor and die of shame.

“Spock, what I said earlier, I’m so sorry, you do know how to help and I’ve been too…selfish to notice. You’re important too you know and your well-being is crucial to me.”

“I will endeavour to remember that,” Spock muttered, his eyes closed, his body surrendering to much needed sleep.

He had answered as an officer to his commander, but that wasn’t how Jim meant it at all.

“Spock, I-”

“You should not stay, Jim, I wouldn’t wish you to catch this from me.”

Jim fell silent and tucked the blankets more securely around Spock and let him fall asleep.

Spock didn’t stir when McCoy returned some minutes later and pressed several hyposprays into his shoulder.

As McCoy put his supplies away Jim looked at him and he nodded in understanding. Their own argument was forgotten, their friend needed them.

“Bones, will he be all right?”

“Don’t worry, Jim, between the two of us we’ll get him well again.”

Jim vowed that he would, Spock deserved nothing less.

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Spock bent over in the shower, letting the hot water run down his back as watched the blue capsule McCoy had given him to help ease the congestion slowly dissolve on the floor. Complain as Spock did about McCoy’s potions this one worked without turning his stomach.

It just seemed to do its job a little too well for Spock’s liking.

The capsule opened fully and the steam and scent of the medication filled the tiny space. Spock sniffled thickly as the medicine began to take effect. He breathed in deeply as his sinuses opened up and rubbed one hand under his nose as it began to twitch irritation.


Spock pressed his hand harder under his nose, trying vainly to keep the sneezes back.


It was no use, the tickle was simply too strong to contain. He dropped his hand in defeat as his eyes fluttered closed and his chest heaved.

Ehh-hihhh…h’ISSHUUu! HuhASSHHh! Ahh…ASHu! hahARSHH! Huh…huhh-huhURSCHUuu!

The fit finally finished. Spock sniffled again and blushed over his lack of control, even though there was no one around to see it.

The rest of the capsule washed down the drain, and Spock turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He blew his nose thickly into the tissues on the counter, before drying off with surprising speed and pulling his clothes back on quickly; trying to keep the warmth from the shower against his skin. He stepped out of the bathroom and back into his own quarters. He could not make the environmental controls match those in the bathroom though and his body started to shiver at the perceived chill of the room. And despite the medicine Spock could feel his nose becoming stuffy once again.

Spock decided that his illness was nothing, but an exercise in frustration and annoyance.

He made his way across his quarters to find a blanket folded up on his bed with a note on top of it. Spock picked up the note and read it.

Spock I got you one of the thermal blankets from supply. I thought it would keep you warmer than those thin standard issue ones we have. Feel better and I’ll be back at lunch to check on you.


Spock put the note down carefully and got into bed, wrapping the warm blanket around himself tightly and his body stopped shivering.

Perhaps his cold wasn’t all bad after all.

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Just a small story to spread Spock's miserable cold around to other characters.


The cold had past. Spock was back at his post, dutifully gathering information as though nothing had ever happened. None of that stopped Jim from looking over at him, and using any excuse to go over and talk to him. Unfortunately he was so focused on Spock that he failed to notice his new navigator’s odd behaviour.


Chekov snapped forward with the force of the sneeze, his hands over his face to keep from spraying his console.

“Gesundheit,” he heard softly from his left.

“Thank you,” he said, blushing and rubbing a finger under his nose.

The shift continued in that manner, with Chekov desperately trying to be professional and only Sulu noticing that he wasn’t.

When they were off-duty Sulu followed Chekov into the turbolift.



Chekov jumped and spun around.

“I’m sorry I thought I was alone.”

“It’s all right. Did you need a tissue?”

Chekov went beet red, but nodded.

Sulu reached into his pocket and handed him one. Chekov took it and blew loudly.

“You know you can ask for time off you know,” Sulu said.

“That regulation is to be used when an officer’s illness negatively affects their work. This does not qualify.”

Sulu rolled his eyes; they really needed to get this kid to relax. He was cute, but a total stick in the mud.

“You know I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Hikaru.”

Sulu held out his hand and Chekov took it gently; sniffling.


“Nice to meet you, Paval. Now since there aren’t regulations for off-duty time I’d like to invite you to my quarters so we can get to know each other better. I have soup and Russian history books you can have.”

Chekov nodded, and gave him a small smile.

“I would like that.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

More mini stories of misery.


Charlene Masters bolted out of engineering as fast as her tired legs would carry her when her shift ended. Arriving at her quarters she took one look at her bed and collapsed on it, not even bothering to remove her boots or uniform.

She was exhausted. It had been another one of those days where the captain had called down for more power and Mr. Scott had given it, and then they got to spend the rest of the time trying to put the engines back together. She curled herself around a pillow and closed her eyes, and didn’t even open them when she heard the door swish open again.

She did finally manage a response when soft hands began slowly drawing small, but firm circles on her back.

“Yeah, dig in.” She arched up as the hands hit a particular tight spot. “Mmm, right there keep going.”

When her muscles had unknotted themselves she sat up and looked at the smiling face of Tonia Barrows, and kissed her in thanks.

“How did you get so good at that?”

“I trained in the art for three months.”

“Why did you ever give it up? You’re amazing.”

“Thanks, but it’s kind of hard to be a massage therapist when you’re allergic to half the oils they use,” she answered, rubbing at her nose at the memory. “Long day?”

“You have no idea. I swear the captain thinks the engines just fix themselves with pixie dust and unbreakable golden thread. If I never see another wrench it’ll be too soon. How was your day?”

Tonia sighed. “Long too. I was stuck doing about five different jobs since it seems everyone wants time off and heh.-excuse me-heh’ischew! Isshchiew! Hah…ahh-ASHIuu!

Charlene frowned. “And it sounds like you’re the next person who is going to get time off.” She grabbed a tissue from the box by her bed and offered it.

“Thanks,” Tonia said, as she took it and blew her nose. “I think there’s something going around. Seems like half the bridge crew was sniffling and coughing with this last week.”

“And you got to be the lucky new victim,” Charlene said, getting off the bed and gesturing for Tonia to lie down. “Here you relax I’ll bring us food.”

“Thought you were through with fixing things for today?”

Charlene smiled and pulled the covers up around her girlfriend.

“I like fixing you, my fair maiden” she said and kissed Tonia’s forehead.

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  • 1 month later...

Kirk and Spock goodness taking place after The Motion Picture


Jim and Spock barely heard the alarm clock over the rumble of the thunderstorm outside. Turning the alarm off they sat up and watched the rain pound against the bedroom window.

“Well it had to happen sometime.”

“Indeed, such weather was forecasted recently, and is appropriate for the city at this time of the year.”

“And we get to go out in it, lucky us.”

Jim cuddled closer to Spock.

“I think this calls for a warm breakfast.”

Spock smiled into Jim’s hair.

“I shall make the waffle batter.”

Jim tilted his head up and kissed Spock.

“What did I ever do to deserve you?”

Spock sniffled softly as he pulled back.

“You are you, Jim.”

The rain never let up as they made breakfast (and Spock put blueberries in the waffles to have some attempt at nutrition) and then ate their fill, while reading the morning news.

Jim glared outside as he buttoned his coat.

“Be sure to send my regards to Bones if I don’t make it through that.”

Spock reached out and took Jim’s hand.

“I will see you tonight, Jim.”

Jim smiled at him and left the house.

Having another hour before he had to be at work as well Spock remained at the table, pouring another cup of coffee. Sipping the warm drink he became aware that the stuffy feeling in his nose that he had noted upon awakening was lingering. Still, it had been a long time since he had been in Earth’s climate and the change in weather patterns was the likely cause. Putting his physical state to the back of his mind he finished his coffee and went to get ready for work.


Spock came home that evening soaked and chilled. He put his coat away and went over to the fireplace to turn it on. He stopped short in the middle of the room as the tickle that had been teasing him the whole way home finally came out


Not wishing to pull out the tissues from his pocket, as they were all well used now, he pulled out several new ones from a box near the living room. He blew his nose but found that his sinuses were still rather clogged.

Obviously this had nothing to do with the weather.

Well there was nothing he could do, but wait it out now. He threw the tissues into the wastebasket and shivered hard. Still, he could at least make the experience as comfortable as possible. He turned on the fireplace as planned, before going into the kitchen. He picked out a flavour of tea and put it into the machine. He sat down at the table and waited for it to be ready. As he sat there he found he was nervous about being ill. Not because the ailment was serious it certainly was not, but that it had come about in a new situation.

It was…strange really. Before, with a few exceptions, illness or injury was either dealt with off-hours in the privacy of their individual cabins or if necessary in sickbay under the watchful, and cranky, eye of McCoy. Now it would be dealt with in close quarters. What was the appropriate way of dealing with a minor illness between lovers? He asked himself as he got up, poured out the tea, and added honey to it. He was not sure if he would be receptive to any type of care, or if Jim would even be willing to give it. Spock shook his head, baseless speculation was not getting him anywhere he needed more information. So, it would be best to talk to Jim; and to be honest and open about his condition.

The front door opened at that moment and Jim was home.

“I hate Admiral Cartwright, I hate my job, and I hate being around sick people!”

Then again, perhaps it would not be best to speak about his cold.

“Jim,” Spock called.

“Oh, Spock, I didn’t think you’d be home yet.”

Spock got his tea and went out into the living room.

“You wish to air your displeasures to an empty room?”

“Talking to yourself is either a sign of madness or brilliance and right now I think it’s the former,” Jim said, throwing his dripping coat over one chair; before collapsing into the other one.

“Do you wish to discuss it?” Spock asked, coming to sit down beside him.

“It’s nothing really, just the same old stuff. Cartwright roped me into a meeting with some visiting dignitary and one of her aides had the worst cold in the universe I swear.”

Putting down his mug, Spock began running his fingers along Jim’s back in light circles.

“She shouldn’t have even been there and…it was uncomfortable to say the least.”

Spock nodded and shivered despite his efforts to keep his own illness contained.

Jim noticed. “Sorry, Spock, I’m ranting on like this and you’re sitting next to me when I must feel like ice.”

“It is a mild discomfort, Jim.”

“Well no reason we can’t move this to a more comfortable setting then.”

“I find that acceptable.”

Jim smiled. “I thought you might.”

One of the perks of a desk job, the few there were for Jim, was that it was well paid. Their home included a large bathroom with a Jacuzzi style tub. They filled the tub and then quickly settled themselves in the water.

Spock went on with the backrub and enjoyed the feeling as the warm water took away the chill of his cold, but it did not relieve all of his symptoms. His body wished to sneeze, but he did not wish to disturb Jim further and rubbed his nose hard against his shoulder trying to suppress it.

He finished the backrub and managed not to sneeze. Jim turned his body to wrap his arms around Spock’s back and let Spock’s legs drape over his own. Spock took a moment to press his face against Jim’s shoulder, trying to keep the tickles at bay.

“Thanks, Spock.”

“You are welcome, Jim.”

Spock’s nostrils flared and he brought one hand up, bending a finger underneath his nose and sniffled. That turned out to be a terrible idea as the combination of scent and water filling his nose sent him over the edge.

HehISHh! Isshh! Ahh’asshh!

Jim’s hands tightened against Spock’s shoulders.

“Bless you.”

Jim moved them closer to the one of the heating elements. Letting Spock have more of the hot water and made no further mention of it.

Afterwards they migrated to the bedroom. Clothed only in pants they stretched out on the bed. Spock let his body sink comfortably against the mattress and pillows as Jim kissed him and gently nipped at his neck.

It was then that Spock realized his attempt at subterfuge was going to be more difficult than he had anticipated. He needed to sneeze again and Jim had him in such a position that suppressing it or even stifling it was going to be impossible. Still he did his best, pushing Jim away slightly and turning his head away as much as he could.



The moment he opened his eyes Spock could see that he had gotten Jim’s arm.

“I’m sorry, Jim.”

“It’s all right,” Jim said, sitting back. Spock noticed that the tone of his voice was quite strange. “It’s certainly not like it happened on purpose...but you know you’ve been doing that a lot tonight. You’re not coming down with something are you?”

Spock refrained from answering that he could not be ‘coming down’ with anything if he was already sick.

“It is a mild cold, nothing more,” he said, sitting up and putting one hand under his nose, as the sneeze had loosened his growing congestion. “Would you mind handing me a tissue?”

Jim grabbed the box they kept near the bed and handed him one. As Spock wrapped it around his nose Jim frowned. Both in concern for Spock, along with slight guilt that he might get to see more sneezes from him.

“You should have told me earlier,” Jim said.

Spock couldn’t help but blush. Jim was already being caring, and in light of that it seemed silly to have tried to keep a simple cold from him. “I admit I was unsure how to act.”


“I was not certain if there was any protocol to this between two people who are intimate and you did express displeasure at being around one who was ill.”

“Right, look about that it...wasn’t that she was sick that was the issue. It…it was just that we were...I mean with you here it’s different. Are you all right?”

Spock nodded as his nostrils flared.

“Forgive me. This cold has a persistent tickle, leaving me with a rather constant urge to…to sneeze…” He raised his hand in front of his nose.

“It’s all right if you have to.”


Spock sighed and dropped his hand.

“Lost it? I hate when that happens.”

“It is indeed quite frustrating.”

Jim reached up one hand to Spock’s nose.

“May I?”

Spock nodded, and Jim gently ran on finger up the bridge of his nose and then down again. He let his fingernail trace over nostrils that were turning a soft green, and flaring in and out.


Jim quickly covered Spock’s mouth and nose with his hand.

Huh...huheESHH! Huh’ARSHUu!

“My sneezy little Vulcan.”

Spock sniffled as Jim removed his hand. “That statement is full of illogic, Jim. For one I am taller than you, and am thus not little, and secondly this cannot be appealing.”

“On the contrary, Spock, it’s very appealing.”

Spock titled his head to the side with a look of curiosity.

Jim dropped his eyes and twisted an edge of the blanket in his fingers. “I’ve never told anyone this before, but I like it...I like it when people sneeze. Well-well not everyone! I mean...I mean yours certainly are-and the lady from today, but...but that shouldn’t be happening in a professional setting.”

Jim kept his head down as Spock remained silent.

“Please say something.”


Jim’s head snapped up and he glared at him.

“Is that all you have to say?”

“Is there something more to say? I’ve never encountered any kind of fetish before.”

“Well it’s not something people are usually open about. Even in this day and age there are still people that feel certain that things like that are...something that needs to be fixed.”

Spock wrapped his arms around his lover. “Jim, please do not labour under the illusion that I find it repulsive I don’t. I would like to understand it better though, is there something you wish me to do?”

Jim didn’t respond immediately. He had never told any of his partners before, as he’d said, and now to have Spock want to please him, he wasn’t sure what he wanted.

“I don’t know,” he finally answered honestly.

Then Spock would not push him. Still, he was pleased that they had come so far that Jim could tell him such things. He sniffled and felt his sinuses start to itch once more.

“Jim, I can f-feel them coming on.”

“Good, don’t hold them back.”

He pulled him close, letting Spock rub his nose against his shoulder.


Jim shivered, letting Spock know that Jim had indeed enjoyed it. Still, his shoulder was rather damp.

“I’m sorry, Jim.”

“Why? I just told you I liked it.”

“Still, due to my increased lung capacity my sneezes are quite powerful.”

“That’s why I like them.”

“Would you care to elaborate?”

“It’s...I guess it’s just how it takes over. Something most people think of as totally insignificant body function and it leads to a total loss of control.” Jim blushed and looked away. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t…I know how important control is for you.”

Spock put a hand under Jim’s chin gently turning him back towards him.

“You are the exception, Jim. I thought you knew that by now.”

Jim leaned forward and kissed him.

“Remind me.”

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Oh my *fangirls* :D This is so good! I can't een express to you in words how happy this update made me feel. That was great! Can you write a sneezy Jim next also?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jim couldn’t help but feel hurt as Spock suddenly pulled away. Then he felt confused as he watched him put two fingers under his twitching nostrils while his other hand grabbed for the tissues.

“Jim, please excuse me I must-ehh…huhEEShh! Hah’ischh!

Spock lowered the tissues from his nose for a moment, his mouth still parted in anticipation, before squeezing his eyes shut and snapping forward.


“Spock, are you all right?”

“Although I am unwell it is not enough to incapacitate me should an emergency arise. It is merely a minor upper respiratory infection,” he said, pulling out more tissues and blowing thickly into them.

“That sounds terrible no wonder you were in bed.”

Jim grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around Spock’s shoulders.

“Thank you,” he said, giving his nose a final wipe. “Perhaps it is best if you did not remain here. I do not wish to infect you.”

“I’ll risk it.”

I absolutely loved this part! I must have reread if a dozen times. I can't get enough sick!spock/caring!kirk and you write it brilliantly! So in character too- that's something that's really important to me, and you do a fantastic job with their voices:)

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  • 1 year later...

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