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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you cover your sneeze even if you're alone?


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Whenever I can, I sneeze into a hanky or tissue. I hate the thought of spreading germs around even if there's no-one to see me do it. The only time I don't cover is when I sneeze in the shower or something like that.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't, but my beloved housemate Sharon has been known to stifle into a tissue in an empty room (seriously), the soft "choo" followed by "pardon me".

No one but me in another room can hear her and she doesn't know of my interest.

She's a very hygenic type, so that may explain it.

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When I'm in public, I always cover. I've forced myself to develop that habit so I don't appear gross and unhygienic. But when I'm alone... ;) I just let everything fly free. I LOVE uncovered sneezes, spray, and contagion, so that probably influenced it.

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I stifle against my wrist regardless. I think it's just habit to do that. When in public, I tend to pull the sleeve of my hoodie down over my palm because I never remember to carry tissues but I always wear long sleeves.

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If I'm in public I will always cover, even though it's just a random sneeze or allergies. But when I'm at home I never cover my sneezes. And my SO never covers his sneeze, in public or at home blushsmiley.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Whether I'm in public or alone, I always sneeze into the back of my hand or wrist. But if I have a cold and my sneezes are all messy I usually sneeze into my elbow.

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I always do if I'm in public, mostly out of courtesy for others. But if I'm alone then I usually just let them come out uncovered, unless I know they're going to be really messy. In which case, I'll us a tissue or my sleeve.

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I used to sneeze uncovered when I was alone (which I would never do around anyone else, I'm usually too scared to sneeze at all in front of people) but once there was an unfortunate incident where I sneezed uncovered when I thought I was alone but it turns out my friend had been behind me the whole time. He didn't really think anything of it but it was like my worst nightmare so now if I need to sneeze I turn around to see if anyone is watching me....

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I was raised to always cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough. I usually use my elbow or my hands, if I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt or something to cover my hands with. I rarely sneeze into a tissue because I don't have that kind of timing.

But recently, I've found it more satisfying to not cover up, rather just pull the collar of my shirt over my mouth and nose and sneeze (spray) over myself. To me, that's more pleasuring.

Just sneezing out in the open feels rude. Even if I AM alone. If I do happen to sneeze without coverage, I'll always aim toward the floor, never have I ever, just flat out sneezed in the open. I always try and cover my sneeze somehow.

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Depends on the situation if I am cooking or or in the kitchen ya because that is kind of gross, however if I am in my bedroom on my computer I will most likely just turn my head away from the screen and keyboard and sneeze uncovered.

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Yes, I always cover my mouth :D I'm a germophobe. That's weird becouse of fetish, but I hate germs.

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usually uncovered when i'm alone, but in public I always cover, no way in hell that i'll sneeze uncovered in public

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At home, by myself, the only time I'd cover is if I have something in front of me that I can't sneeze on. :lol: I wouldn't sneeze on my food. I wouldn't sneeze on my poor pets. :lol: But yeah, I sneeze uncovered at home.

Never in public. I never sneeze in public. Just... nope.

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I cover when I'm alone probably about 85% of the time… Probably about 75% of the time I say "excuse me" too, I guess just not to fall out of the habit

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I usually don't cover when Im home alone, only if i have been sick or am not in my own home.

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Yeah if I'm alone I'll always sneeze uncovered. In public... well I do my damnedest not to sneeze in public (unless I'm around someone I want to be blessed by, which I never am :( lol) or if I'm within earshot of someone at home I'll stifle so no one hears lol.

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No I do not and now that I know my girlfriend has this fetish I do not cover them if she is home with me either.

I only cover them out in public now.

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No. When I am truly alone, I let them fly uninhibited. I will clean up if I make a mess though.

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