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Unbounded Connection (MxM)

Candy Dust

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(mild warning for strong language)

Chapter 15 – air - mania

Tyler rapidly grabbed his seat in the airplane. 'First! I get the window seat!' He chuckled.

'That's okay.' Preston gave him a gentle smile as he sat down beside him.

'You're the greatest,' He lovingly put his arm around his shoulder. 'I just love to watch the take off.'

'Very charming.' Preston gazed at him timidly, 'Thank you for making this wonderful trip possible. I don't think I can ever repay you.' He almost appeared ashamed as he looked down.

'Shut up you doofus,' He planted a kiss at the tip of his nose, 'I don't want anything from you except your love.'

'God..!' Preston gave a high and sudden giggle.


'You're so amazing. You're gonna turn me into a poodle of love goo!'

'You're crazy, Preston.' He laughed as his arm found a tighter grip around him.

People around them were finding their seats when a middle aged couple were placed in front of them.

And a thick, spicy, almost unbearable scent started to linger between them.

'You smell that?' Tyler raised his eyebrow at Preston,

'Uh, yea.' He made a face. 'It's so acrid and coarse, isn't it?'

'Someone forgot to put on a lid of their granny's perfume this morning.' He chuckled in a lower voice.

'Yea...' Preston gave a faint giggle but then he abruptly stopped when a bothered frown found his face. He gave some intense sniffs as he lowered his head.

'Hey, you don't have to exaggerate it.' Tyler continued to chuckle.

'I'm not. It's-' He lost his voice as he rapidly brought his hands up to his face. 'Eh-kng!-eh... Hh...eh-Kngsch!-ho...' He stifled wetly into his hands.

'Bless you sweetie.' Tyler gave his shoulder a quick squeeze.

'Thank you. God, this perfu-kngnx!-oh..' He barely found the time to shield himself as the sneezes seemed to progress quickly.

'Bless you.' Tyler carefully withdrew his arm when the pilot turned on the speakers.

Ladies and gentlemen. We are ready to take off to Spain. Please remain seated and-

'Eh-eschiew! Escheew! Eh-eschh!' Preston kept his hands cupped in front of his face while the sneezes appeared to overwhelm him, one by one.

Tyler began to feel a little distressed about the whole sitation. He was absolutely used to Preston's allergies but he'd never encountered him being so intensely encaptured by a sneeze attack before.

'Sweetie, can I get you anything?'

Preston glanced at him and faintly shook his head as he once again squinted his eyes, 'Eh-etschioo! No, than-Eschoo! Thank you... Oh, gee... Ah-eschew!'

Finally the plane was up in the air and Tyler grabbed their handbag and started to go through their personal belongings.

'I got you some tissues.'

'Thank... eh, you.' Preston sniffled wetly into his hands, '...could you please... Eeschieew! Oh Jesus... Give me one?'

'Sure.' He ripped opened the package and handed him a piece of soft paper.

'Thank you.' He removed his hands from his face and put the tissue to his nose. He gave him a quick, embarrassed smile and Tyler realized he needed to blow his nose so he kindly turned away from him.

A very soft, damp sound found his ears as Preston blew his nose thoroughly.

'Thank you.' He repeated and he sniffled a couple of times as Tyler faced him, 'Very kind of you, you're such a gentleman.' He gently added as he softly rubbed the tissue at his quivering nostrils.

'We need to switch seats. It'll be impossible for you to sit here through the entire flight.'

'Are you...-?' He hesitated as he opened his mouth ajar, and he slowly lowered his eyelids as his nostrils flared widely. 'Eh-knsch! Ah-knischo! Eiitischoo!' He desperately tried to stifle into the used tissue.

'Yes. I'm sure.' Tyler said knowingly.

'I need to blow my nose again.' Preston said in a exhausted voice as he held the damp tissue under his nose.

'Here you go,' Tyler handed him a few more tissues but Preston rose from his seat.

'No I'll use the... the-knxsch! Oh... The bathroom.' He added in a congested voice.

'Okay sweetie. I'll fix this, don't worry.'

'Okay... Thank you. I'm so sorry about this.' He responded as he gazed back at Tyler. And he noticed that his eyes had found the same red color as the edge of his nostrils.

He watched as Preston made his way through the aisle and he awkwardly stifled two sneezes into his sleeve as he excused himself towards the bathroom.

The flight attendant had offered them two seats in the back of the plane and Preston had seemed very thankful for the kind gesture. His sneezed had eased down after a couple of hours and when they've reached their hotel room it had almost completely died off.


'God I'm so tired. I need to rest.' Preston sighed as he kicked off his shoes.

'My poor baby. I suppose the airplane ride was pretty hard on you.'

'Yea... Well, kind of. I haven't sneezed so much in quite some time.' He sat himself on the edge of the bed.

'Yea what kind of satanic perfume was that anyway? That shit should clearly be illegal.'

'Heh... You're sweet. I wouldn't go as far as that though. They didn't know I was allergic.'

Tyler looked at him lovingly; he always remained so sweet and compassionate, no matter what event he had to endure.

'Noo... But anyway, get some sleep now so we can hit the town later.'

'Yea. Some of us were fortunate enough to sleep on the plane.' Preston said as he crawled into bed.

'Well I'm sorry I'm not allergic to every little thing unlike some of us.'

Preston glanced back at him from the bed with a bothered look.

'And no, I didn't mean anything personal by it.'

'Okay... Wake me up in two hours. And please don't leave the room. I'd hate to wake up alone.'

'Of course babe.'


Tyler opened the balcony doors and let the atmosphere embrace him. He felt a transcendence feeling of fulfillment as he gazed at the ocean view. Just what he needed, he thought to himself as he found as seat in one of the deck chairs.

He slowly closed his eyes and he must have dozed off when he was suddenly startled by some loud voices coming from the balcony underneath. It was impossible for him to figure out what they were saying as they spoke in some foreign language, but he did, however, recognize the dusty old smell of burning cigars.

He let a small cough slip his through his lips as he felt a annoying tickle forming in his throat, bringing it right back up at the insides of his nose.

'Fuck it.' He said to himself as he rose from his seat. And he was just about to go inside when he figured that he'd probably start sneezing and wake up Preston. So instead he remained outside and allowed the smoke to continue itching at his throat and nose.

Bothered and irritated by the sudden occurrence, he cleared his throat. And he let his hands rub at his nose roughly as he coughed several times more. 'Fuck.' He voiced once more as he felt the tickle growing stronger.

'AASCHOooo!' He sneezed openly and it felt good at the tickle in his throat.

'Eh...' With a light inhalation he felt another sneeze beginning to build inside his nostrils. 'Ugh..' He groaned as he felt his nostrils getting damp and sniffed roughly.

The tickle wouldn't form into a sneeze and he cleared his throat again. He pursed his lips together and breathed through his moist nostrils, hoping that would help the itchy feeling and he was happy to feel the tickle progress.

'Eh..' he inhaled through his mouth as he felt tickle build, and he finally felt his nostrils starting to flare.

''Ah-AAaschooo!' The sneeze was ever so strong and he almost bent forward of the force. 'Eh...' He inhaled once again as his nostrils flared widely, 'EESscheeeeew!'

'Tyler...' He heard Preston's soft voice behind him, 'are you okay? Oh, what's that smell, smoke?'

'Yea.' He gave a loud sniff. 'lets go back inside.' He grabbed his arm, 'you're not allergic to smoke, are you?' He closed the glass door behind them.

'Uhm... No, not really. It can cause irritation to my eyes and nose but it's not like it makes me sneeze like on the plane. Why?'

Tyler grasped a tissue from the handbag and he blew his nose substantially.

'The guys underneath us are smoking cigares.' He wiped the tissue at his nose and then threw into the trashbin, 'I can't stand it.' He turned and coughed lightly into his fist.

'Oh.. that's terrible Tyler. Can't we do something about it?'

'We're in Europe. People are allowed to smoke partically everywhere.'

'Oh. Well we can... Hold on -' Preston suddenly frowned, 'Eh-kngstch! Excuse me.' He let out a small stifle into the palm of his hand.

'Don't tell me you're gonna start sneezing also?' He raised his eyebrow at him.

'I'm a sneezy person by nature Tyler.' He giggled lightly. 'I'm sorry. I'll do my best to hold them back.'

'Good.' Tyler chuckled. 'We can't have both of us running around sneezing everywhere.'

'No... that'd be silly, wouldn't it?'

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This fic makes me smile. Like each part is so wonderful, cute and well written. :) . I really liked this part. Oh the last lines... So cute. I can't even.

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Please god let them both run around sneezing everywhere!!! hahaha ;) I love this part and am so eager to read more!!

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" I ain't sensitive to anything" Ahahaha Tyler my dear. playing it though.

Wow this is so cute and amazing smile.png

I really love this ^-^

Awe they are going to Spain. I hope Tyler feels better (or worse ya know. wichever) and that Preston's pollen allergy's act up .

two sneezy boys

why not?

Thank you! I always love your reviews.

Two sneezy boys... hmmm... I guess you're right, why not? ;)

You nvr answered my ? In that im still wondering y Tyler was sneezing so much ( the torturing curiosity)

I am guessing its allergies but it's up to Candy Dust to decide!

Awesome chapter!

Mento123 - Thank you so much! x and I very much agree.

But if it is then what was causing it *must know*

Hm, you know, I was happy to do your request for an 'unknown allergy attack' but that doesn't mean Tyler'll discover the cause right away, okay? I have several ideas and you'll just have to find some patience, girl.

I know im really impatient and love this story

It's okay and thank you, I'm glad you do- :)

Can wait for an update

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has this amazing story been forgotten? I hope not still can't wait for an update

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, sorry for my absence. Hopefully I'll get around to update this story more frequently again. Anyhoooow, here's the new chapter:

Chapter 16 – The Café

The next day Tyler and Preston strolled down the streets and enjoyed the refreshing atmosphere of Barcelona. They visited several shops and boutiques and Tyler bought various selected attires, and some of the finest jewelries. Preston had settled for a shirt and a wristband made in fake leather. Strangely, he’d exclaimed the need to visit a flower shop as well but Tyler had forbidden him and giving him a friendly reminder of his pollen allergy; something he'd totally forgotten in the exotic air of Spain.

After their long walk they decided to slow down at a nearby café and they found a table, positioned by the ongoing passing-by.

'Damn is hot,’ Tyler complained as he unbuttoned the top of his white shirt.

'Yea but it’s nice. I love the warmth at my skin.'

'Yea yea...' He snickered as he removed his cap and gave a ruffle at his hair, before replacing back at his head.

They ordered a nice cup of coffee and had a nice chatty moment

when Tyler suddenly started coughing. The tickle in his throat wouldn't subside as he felt the irritation travel up the inside of his nose.

'You need some water?’ Preston asked worryingly as Tyler felt the itch dwell up in his throat.

'No... I'm f-fine,' He stuttered as he drank some of the hot coffee, hoping for it to burn and fight off the stimulus.

Preston continued to gaze at him in disbelief.

While he cleared his throat noisily he grasped some tissues out of a box at the table.

Slowly, he used the tissue to blow his nose, wishing the notion would backfire at the awkward itch.

'Do you need some help? I can get you anything you need.'

'Would you quit it Preston? I told you I’m-‘ He abruptly paused, ‘... AAschiooo!' He sneezed into the tissue harshly, 'Hatch-scheew!'

'Bless you.' Preston scooted next to him at the table as his eyes wander to a table a few feet away from them.

'Damnit.' He sniffed wetly as he rubbed the tissue at his nose.

'Someone's smoking a cigar at the other side of the cafe,' Preston almost whispered, 'maybe we should leave.' He gently added.

'Fuck it.' Tyler uttered as he used both of his hands, rubbing them roughly at his irritated nose.

'I think we should.'

'I can't even enjoy a coffee in peace,' Tyler sighed,

'There's a lady...'Preston started off softly, 'It looks like she's offering different bouquets at random tables.' Preston looked panicky to his left. 'Let's just leave Tyler.'

'I'm gonna drink up this fucking coffee first, I fucking paid for it.' He coughed into his fist,

'Please don't curse so much.'

Preston reluctantly sat back in his chair as he watched the lady approaching their table, her arms soused of pollen filled flowers in various spectacular colors.

Tyler was too occupied fighting off another sneeze and he didn't notice the woman showing up at their table.

'Flowers? Ten euro each?' She smiled widely.

Tyler looked up at her with a bothered look at his face as he shook his head as he reply. He felt his efforts had been useless as he allowed the tickle to form into realization, 'AAscheeeew! Asschiaaa!' He sneezed wetly into his hands, trying not to spray the lady, or Preston.

'Oh, bless you,’ She gave him a significant look as she turned away and faced Preston, 'Flowers for a young cute man? They smell wonderful?' She held them towards him as she appeared to tempt him into get a whiff of the bloom.

'No, heh...' Preston responded awkwardly as he waved his hand in front of him, 'thank you.'

'Oh fine then. Have a nice day.’ She walked off.

But the damage had already been done as Preston’s eyes began to water.

'Sweetie, you should have told her to just let us be.’

'But that's...’ His nostrils quivered as he grasped a tissue, 'Rude.' He breathed.

'Well no one can claim you're not a gentleman,’ Tyler winked as Preston brought the napkin to his nose.

'Heh-kng!-oh, Ah-knisch!-oh.. Eh... Eschii-nkng!' Preston’s head snapped forward at every delicate stifle.

'Bless you.'

'Thank you.’

Tyler had a look around and he started to notice some people whispering and looking at them. Some were even bold enough to point. And he squirmed in his seat when Preston let out two more sneezes, this time in a more roughly fashion.

'Try to tone it down.' Tyler said with his teeth clenched as he eyed him.

'Excuse me?’ Preston looked up at him from the tissue.

'People are directing their attention towards you. And it’s not in a positive manner.’

'At me?'

'Yea, or the both us, I don’t know.' Tyler casually shrugged his shoulders as he coughed slightly.

'I'm not the one who wanted to stay and finish this coffee! ' Preston seemed furious.

'Calm down.‘

'You can't blame me for this Tyler, it’s not fair..!’

'I ain't blaming shit.’ He looked to his left and was met by a dark hair girl with a flowery dress. She seemed to be smiling at him.

'Tyler!’ Preston tried to get his attention.

'Yea, what?’ He glanced at him while the girl looked down shyly, as her female friend spoke something to her in Spanish and they both giggled girlishly.

'I'm leaving.' Preston rose from the table in such a hurry that the table hobbled and brought his cup down and it hit the ground with a loud clink.

'Preston, fuck!'

'Excuse me.' Preston spoke in a soft voice as he made his way through the aisle of tables.

'What a hell…’ Tyler mumbled a as he rose from the seat and left a 20 euro at the table, before fetching their shopping bags.

'Preston wait up!’ He hurried up behind him and got a hold of his arm, just as they past an alley. 'What's the fuck’s wrong with you? And where do you think you’re going?’

'Away from that stupid cafe. And you.’ Preston looked down.

'Me? What have I done?’

'You're obviously ashamed of me.' He gave his nose a quick rub, before folding his arms.

'Ashamed?’ Tyler raised his eyebrow as he narrowed his light green eyes. 'I haven't got a damn clue of what you’re talking about.'

'No? You told me to tone it down, remember? That people were scrutinizing me. What was I supposed to believe?’

'Come on. Don't act so sensitive.’

'And on top of that you were flirting with that girl.’

'What girl?’

'I don't-I can't even…' Preston loudly sighed as he turned away from him.

'I wasn't flirting.’

'Yea. You were.’

'No. Believe me, you would know.' He slightly snickered but stopped as Preston turned and faced him. He actually looked hurt.

'Why are you so upset?’

Preston gave another sigh and it suddenly looked like he was about to cry as he rapidly brought his hands up to his face.

'Eh... Etsch-shioo!'

Tyler felt almost relieved when he sneezed instead.

'God, I'm so tired of sneezing...’ He lightly mumbled as he wiped off his hands at his thighs.

'Let's go back to the hotel.’ He tried to grasp his hand but Preston pulled away.

'I just sneezed into these…’

'So what,’ He fetched his hand in a firmer manner. ‘Let’s go.’

Edited by Candy Dust
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Awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhh <3


more please.

He tried to grasp his hand but Preston pulled away.

'I just sneezed into these…’

'So what,’ He fetched his hand in a firmer manner. ‘Let’s go.’

Mmm I can imagine the spray going on Tyler's hands too<3


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More PLZ and Tyler should listen to Preston and curse less its just not fit or the sweetness of the couple

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Awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhh <3


more please.

He tried to grasp his hand but Preston pulled away.

'I just sneezed into these…’

'So what,’ He fetched his hand in a firmer manner. ‘Let’s go.’

Mmm I can imagine the spray going on Tyler's hands too<3


Thank you. :) Yea they're pretty sweet together, aren't they?

More PLZ and Tyler should listen to Preston and curse less its just not fit or the sweetness of the couple

I agree!

This couple is ridiculous they're complete opposites and I love it! More please.

Thank you so much. And yea, lol they really are. even though they get on each others nerves (or eh, mostly Tyler's nerves, lol)

The last 2 lines made me smile. It just shows how much Tyler loves Preston, all of him.

Exactly. He might keep a cool front but that doesn't mean he loves him any less, at all. :)

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Chapter 17 – The Beach

Their argumentation continued after they’ve closed the door to their hotel room.

'I just don't understand why you would put me in such a position, Tyler.' Preston said in agitated tone as he sat down at the edge of the bed.

'Just forget it. I was only trying to explain who we were dealing with.’

'Like?’ Preston gazed at him.

'Just the perception of some very invidious, unashamed people, that's all.’

Preston looked down and started to fiddle on his index finger.


'Yea?’ Preston glanced up at him, 'I guess.’ He lightly exhaled as he looked down again.

'Hey, don't be mad.' Tyler sat down beside him.

'I’m not. I just don't...' He hesitated as he swiftly rubbed his left knuckle at his nostril, before bringing his hand down. 'I just don't want to feel like an outsider, like I'm some sort of weirdo. I had enough of that in high school.’

'You know I'm sorry that you had to experience such a shitty ordeal but, whatever, fine... I’m sorry. I guess I should have handled the situation in a more sensible fashion.’ He gently placed his hand at his thigh.

'Yea.' Preston gave him another quick glance, 'I just found the entire scenario quite unnecessary, to be honest.’ He continued like he was not prepared to let the matter go. ‘Besides, I told you several times that I...' He paused yet another time as he gently closed his eyes. 'Eh-kesch!-oh..' He rapidly turned away from him. '... Pardon. I definitely expressed that I wanted to leave.’ He gave a light sniff.

'I know but can we please just drop this already. I've said my excuses. It's getting tiring.'

'Tiring?’ Preston gave him an odd look.

'Uh, not tiring but, you know what I mean.’

Preston appeared upset.

'Oh. Well don't let my thoughts or values bother you. I'm not gon-Uh-Aschioo!' The sneeze erupted fast and surprisingly he barely had time to cover.

'Bless you.’

Preston sighed as he rose from the bed. 'I need to take a shower. I think there's still some pollen left on me.’


The next day Preston appeared to be in a much higher spirit and they decided to enjoy their day at the beach.

Tyler was laying on the blanket, fully savouring the pleasant sound of the waves, the noise of the seagulls and the faint vibrant of pages being turned as Preston read a book.

Are you asleep?’

He heard him ask in almost a whisper.

Mmm… no. Just feelin’ extremely relaxed.’ He breathed lightly.

He felt a hand at his upper arm as he kept his eyes closed.

I love you.’

Tyler gave him a quick glance and he noticed Preston eyeing him lovingly. ‘I love you too.’

This is so wonderful.’ Preston faced the beach and squint his eyes as his gaze met the sea.

Yea.’ Tyler closed his eyes stretched out his back.

Have you put on sun lotion? I don’t want you to get sunburned.’

I forgot.’ He smiled.

Gee Tyler, you’re impossible.’ Preston slightly giggled as he fetched the lotion from the bag.

Just a little on my back will be fine.’ Tyler easily turned and laid flat on his stomach.

Really.’ Preston gave him a clever look but Tyler didn’t notice.

Carefully, he squirted some of the sticky cream into his hands, before rubbing them together. Then he gently placed his hands on his back and he softly and gently rubbed it into his skin, firstly at his shoulders, then lower down at his tailbone.

How does it feel?’

Very nice… Please continue.’ Tyler exhaled contentedly.

He felt his hands at his neck, gently caressing him and he was just about to get into it when the motion came to a halt.

Hey I didn’t tell you to stop.’

Heh-kngsch!’ He felt a light jolt at his skin. ‘Sorry. I couldn’t hold it back.’ Preston said apologetic.

That’s okay.’ Tyler chuckled.

Preston continued to use his hands at his neck when he suddenly paused once more.

Heh-kngsch!-sho… Eh etischoo!’

Tyler glanced at him and noticed he’d turned away from him, with one hand still on his back and the other shielding his face.

Bless you.’

Thank you. I’m sorry.’ He was just about to resume when he brought his other hand up to his face. ‘Eh-sngx-ishoo! Ah-atischio!’ He head snapped forward, making his dark hair sway lightly.

Bless you once again.’ Tyler continued to eye him from the blanket.

'Jesus, what’s wrong with me.’ Preston gave several sniffs as he rubbed his nose.

I don’t know but I do know what’ll happen if you don’t continue with your sexy self on my back.’ Tyler said cheekily.

Yea?’ Preston gave a small smile as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand, ‘what?’

You’ll see.’

He gave a faint giggle. ‘Yes sir.’ He regained his position as Tyler closed his eyes. ‘I need some more lotion.’

And within seconds his moist hands were all over his back once again.

Mm.’ Tyler lightly exhaled.

His hands were roaming all over his lower back when he abruptly stopped once more.

Please conti-’

Ah-Aschioo! Oh God, I’m so-Eh-Eeschioo!’ He suddenly felt a fine mist at his back.

Usually he would have found the incident quite gross but this time he felt it didn’t matter. At all, actually? He found himself contemplating. He lightly groaned as he sat up, and he watched Preston hiding his face at the crook of his arm, his hands still sticky with the creamy lotion.

Bless you.’ Tyler looked at him fondly. He didn’t want him to make him feel gawky or inappropriate.

I’m so sorry.’ Preston blushed as he lowered his arm.

Stop excusing yourself, it’s fine.’ Tyler faintly chuckled.

I think it’s the lotion, that'sI mean, God.Preston's face found a deeper hue of pink.

'I told you, it's okay.' He grasped his hand. 'Let’s have a swim and get that stuff off. Come on.’


The sea felt warm against his body and he had a few strokes in the exhilarating water.

Tyler!’ He heard Preston giggle behind him and he turned and faced him.

He was met by a large splash and most of the water landed right at his face.

What a hell!’

Preston started to laugh but stopped when Tyler roughly coughed as he started to rub his eyes.

I’m sorry.’ He swam up to him. ‘…are you okay?’

What do you think?! I got saltwater in my mouth and up my nose!’ He wildly complained as he glanced at him.

I’m really sorry.’ He felt his hands caress his short wet hair. ‘It was just for fun.’

Well, I didn’t find it amusing!’ He swam up the shore and walked with fast steps back towards their spot.

Tyler, please forgive me. I didn’t mean for it to come in your face.’ He heard Preston’s voice behind his back.

Whatever.’ The saltwater burned at the inside of nose and he groaned when he realized they hadn’t brought any tissues with them.

Please.’ He felt a hand at his shoulder.

I said fine.’ He slightly shrugged when a sharp tickle found his right nostril.

I can go and get some bottled water for you.’

No.’ He uttered as he gave a quick sniff.

Tyler, please. Don’t be so angry.’ He felt how Preston put his arms around him.

I’m not.’ He gave another wet sniff and a deep sigh as he fought the urge to sneeze.

I was only playin’ around.’

I heard you, damnit!

Preston loosened his grip around him and went over to the blanket to sit down.

That’s when Tyler couldn’t hold it back any longer and he let himself breathe through his nose as he felt the tickle to take over him. And with one sharp of inhale he allowed the itch to activate.

Ascheeww! Ah-AASchhioo! Uh-Ruschoo!’ He sneezed wetly, sharply and openly.

Gee, Tyler…’ He noticed Preston fixating his eyes on him as he felt the need to sneeze again.

Aschoo!-AASCHSchiooo!-ASCHEEW!!’ One sneeze after another exploded out of him and he suddenly felt helpless. He gave a huge sigh of relief as he suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. ‘Excuse me.’ He slowly worded.

Bless you.’ Preston rapidly rose to his feet and went up to him. Carefully, he let his fingertips to his cheek, ‘Is it allergies?

It’s the saltwater.’ He sniffled harshly, as he felt his nose starting to run.

This is all my fault.’ Preston looked down as a sad expression found his facial features.

'Just stop. Really, it’s okay. I’ll be okay.’

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Sneezy Preston, Sassy Tyler and Sneezy Tyler<3

Yes yes

awh this was all so cute c:

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Sneezy Preston, Sassy Tyler and Sneezy Tyler<3

Yes yes

awh this was all so cute c:

Thank you, thank yoooou! I find them very sweet too. :)

Adorableness *girly squeal* PLZ continue this masterpiece

Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed the chapter. :)

Loving this!!!!! smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Thank you so much! x

And an update's coming right up..!

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Next part, (I actually believe this is the longest chapter to date, yey)

Chapter 18 – Home at last

About a week later they were finally back in The States. Tyler had enjoyed the trip but he was certainly glad to be back home were everything felt warm and familiar.

'Home sweet home.’ Tyler exposed a sigh of relief as he finally dropped their bags to the floor. He felt an immense sense of belonging as he let his eyes travel around the messy hallway. They'd certainly left everything in a haste, he thought as he let his fingers rub at the stubble at his chin. He was going to have to call the maid tomorrow or he would undoubtedly be fenceless to a dusty allergy attack.

‘Yea.’ Preston agreed as he let out a deep sigh.

He’d appeared a bit tired ever since they'd boarded the plane. That's when his nose had begun to run, which had later on developed into a stuffy nose. And he hadn't stopped complaining about it ever since. Evidently, it bothered Tyler beyond comprehension, but he never uttered a word, knowing how sensitive Preston would be if he’d ever mentioned it.

Tyler watched him let his hands slide through his hair. And it actually appeared to have grown longer.

'You look hot,' He said with a smile as he continued to gaze at him.

'Hm?' Preston eyed him with a hint of surprise, 'Am not.' He looked down. 'I'm exhausted, I can hardly breathe properly and I bet my eyes are all puffy.'

'...I have a thing for puffy eyes.' Tyler chuckled.

'Oh, drop it...' He slightly giggled as he glanced up at him.

'You wanna get some rest or..?’

'I'm thinking about it.’ He gave thick sniff as he seemed to ponder. 'Yea… I'll go rest on the couch.' He softly added.

'Good. You sound a little jaded.’

'Gee, thanks.' Preston gave him coy look, before making his towards the living room.

Steadily. Tyler propped the notebook at his lap, while Preston sat on the sofa, seemingly quite captured by the action going on at the screen.

Tyler gave him a quick glance, before he logged in to his facebook account.

On and off, Preston would rub quite delicate at his nose, as he continue to sniff congested.

'Maybe you should use some saline spray. It’ll clear your nasal passages.' Tyler said after some time as he was getting bothered of the repetitive sound.

'Hm?’ Preston kept eyeing the screen.

'You sound pretty stuffed up?’

'Yea. I know.’ He gave him a quick glance. 'I think it’s the air conditioning. You know, from the airfare?’

'Yea. Whatever.’ He replied indifferently as he browsed through his live feed.

There was a brief moment of silence between them.

Tyler glanced at Preston once more when he noticed him bringing his palm up to his face as his breath appeared shallow.

Softly, he closed his eyes and Tyler noticed his nostrils flaring. He watched him as his chest heaved and his breathing increased and he kept his hand in front of him, in a frozen manner.

'God.' He quietly uttered as he lowered his hand.

'You okay there sweetie?’

'I thought I was going to sneeze but it went away.' He turned off the television as he sniffled thickly.

'Oh. Come over here and watch this hilarious video I just found on YouTube.'

Preston positioned himself behind him at the chair.

'Look at him go.' Tyler chuckled as he pressed play. The video was of a guy skateboarding down some stairs and falling down the floor.

'Oh my, poor fellow.’ Preston giggled slightly behind him.

'Come, sit in my lap,' He isolently hinted for him to sit down.

'Are you sure?’

'Course. Come on, sit. You can keep the laptop at your knee.’

'Okay then.’ He flashed him a tender smile as he gently sat down with him.

'Now watch this other cool video I found.' Tyler said as Preston's weight found his thighs.

Suddenly he froze in position and Tyler watched Preston being subjected to another buildup.

His breathing started to quiver at the touch of Tyler's skin, while he slowly closed his eyes. He held both of his hands in front of him, like a pausing scene while his breathing continued to shudder. Tyler found himself finding the event rather intimate, in a weird sort of matter.

When no sneeze occured Preston sniffled intensively, then sighed out of pure annoyance.

'I can't get it out.' He sounded even more congested.

'You're not getting sick, are you?'

'Sick?' Preston narrowed his eyes as he glanced back at him. 'I'm sure it’s just my allergies.’

'But you've taken your meds right?’

'Yea but...' He gave another congested sniff as he rose to his feet. '…sometimes the effect isn't all that promising.’


'Yea!' He put his hands to his hips, before bringing them up to his face. 'God my nose itches so much.' He rubbed at his nose carefully.

'Sorry babe. Maybe you should try to blow your nose. I'm sure it'll coax something out.' Tyler turned his attention back at the computer screen.

'That's true. But I'm too stuffed up. I'll go have a shower, maybe that'll help.’

'Yea…' He slowly replied as he found another entertaining video to watch.

'Aschioo!' The alerting sound made him pause the film at Netflix. The shower-thing had obviously made wonders.

'Bless you. And congratulations!’ Tyler lightly chuckled as heard the bathroom door opened.

'Thank you.’ Preston sniffled in a stuffed up voice.

'You okay sweetie?’

'Yea, I guess.' He sounded tired and looked exhausted as he entered the living room. He'd dressed in a simple t-shirt and baggy sweatpants and despite his tired approach Tyler found him to be just as sweet and adorable as ever.

'You look cute.' Tyler winked.

'Stop...' He gave him a shy smile.

'Let's get you to bed.’

Preston was lying under the covers, with Tyler right next to him.

He'd fallen asleep almost instantly, and he was now snoring lightly.

Tyler kept a tentative look towards the tv. Jerry Springer was on going on and on about some unfaithful couple and it made him sleepy. He was just about to close his eyes when a deep tickle found both of his nostrils. Kind of annoyed, he gave a light sniff when he realized he needed to sneeze. With an sudden movement he sat himself up and he rapidly and brought the edge of his t-shirt and muffled a wet sneeze into it.

He gave a light sigh of relief as he noticed Preston still remained asleep. But his encouragement didn't last for long as his nose tickled once more. Quickly, he removed his t-shirt and he held it, amticipated, in front of his face.

'Just get it over with...' He said to himself as he felt his nostrils starting to flare and he inhaled deeply, 'Ah-Aaschoo!' He glanced up from the fabric to have a look at Preston who still remained asleep when he felt the intense need to sneeze once more, 'Uh-Ruschh!!' he muffled his sneeze harshly against the soft t-shirt in his hands.

'Mm...' Preston moved lightly, but he was still asleep.

'Damn it,' Tyler cursed silently as he sniffed several times, before laying himself back in bed.

The next morning...

'Eschiooo! Ah-teschew!'

'Bless you...' Tyler mumbled sleepily.

'Thank you.' Preston replied in a congested, rather hoarse voice as he sat at the edge of the bed.

'How do you feel? He turned in bed to have a look at him.

'My noses all clogged up,' He sniffled, 'And I can hardly... Eh...' He squinted his eyes and brought his hands up swiftly, 'Aschiooo! Gee... Excuse me.'

'Bless you.'

'My sneezed are so forceful, I'm entirely unable to stifle. I'm very sorry,' He excused himself in a tired voice as he rose from the bed.

'Stifled sneezes are bad for you anyway. I read it somewhere in a magazine...' Tyler let out a small yawn.

'Really?' Preston looked at him.

'Yea. Anyway... Where are you going?'

'Work, of course.'

'Nah-aw, you're not going to work in your condition.' Tyler sat up demonstratively.

'What are you talking about? He glanced at him, 'I'm fine.'

'You've obviously caught a cold.'

'Heh, no. Don't be silly. It's just allergies.' He went out of the room towards the kitchen.

'You are sick Preston. Just admit it. ' Tyler said as he rapidly followed close behind.

'I'm not sick. Besides, I can't afford to stay here. I've already missed too many working hours.' He sniffled several times as he started to boil some water.

'I'm not sure... I don't think I like this.' Tyler pondered as he gazed at him.

'It's okay.' He gave a light giggle. 'I'm okay, really. Now I have to go change clothes, watch my tea for me, please?'


Tyler thought Preston was behaving irresponsible. Sure, he'd missed a lot of work cause of their recent trip but that didnt justify the stupid conduct of attending his job sick.

'Aw-Eachioo!' A harsh, wet sneeze interrupted his thoughts.

'Bless you sweetie.' He called out.

'Thank you.' He heard his soft tone reply, followed by a heavy sigh.

'Do I look okay in this?' He came back into the kitchen, wearing a black sweater and dark jeans. He'd pulled all of his hair back into a messy tassel and he'd used some mascara at the upper part of his eyeslashes. And despite his hard efforts, he still looked fatigued.

'You look great.' Tyler gave him a reassuring smile.

Preston was just about to responds when he suddenly turned away from him in a rapid motion.

'Aaschoo! Eschioo! ... I'm... eh, hh... s-Sgneaxschoo! God, so sorry.' He sneezed openly, except for the third sneeze which he caught in sleeve.

'Bless you. Are you sure you need to go to work?'

Preston still kept his back to him as sniffled intensively.

'Yea..' He gently turned and Tyler noticed his nose was turning a bit red around the edges.

'Okay. But at least let me give you a ride. It looks cold outside.'

'That's so sweet of you.' He cleared his throat, 'thank you.'

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Thank you Deathnoteowner :) :)

Chapter 19 – Tyler's purificatory

After Tyler'd dropped off a tired Preston at work, he found himself kind of afflictied as he put the key into the door of his apartment. He didn't feel like cleaning - at all. But he'd completely forgotten to call the house keeper and he couldn't stand the mess and muddle around him. He'd grown up, accustomed to a clean, prestine home and 'A refined home meant successful living', according to his strict mother.

He heavily sighed as he pondered what to do first. Slowly he went to the closet and pulled out the vaccuum cleaner and a package of dust wipes. Tiredsome, he gave another sigh as he foresaw the amount of work he had in front of him.

Determined to get it done fast and easy, he started off in the livingroom. And he pulled out some wipes out of the box as he started to dust off shelves, tables and windowsills. It didn't come as a surprise as he felt his nose starting to tickle – as he would always sneeze whilst cleaning. And to his utter recognition, the session would be no exception.

'Ascheeoo!' He sneezed openly, while wiping off the dark wooden TV desk. 'Hatscheeew!' Another sudden sneeze erupted and he lightly sighed as he fetched another fresh wipe. He continously swiped the cloth at different surfaces and the amount of dust was becoming quite appearant as the small particals flew across the room.

His straight nose continued to tickle intensively and he sniffed, before dropping the wipe onto the floor.

'Heh-Atschoo!' He caught the sneeze into his open hand, 'Ah-AASCHoo!' The sneezes were becoming more violent and he sniffled repeatedly, before rubbing his hands at his irritated nose.

'Haschooo! Hetscheew!-Aschee-HUTSCHOo! Fuck.' He loudly sighed and

dusted off his hands as he gazed into open space. Another tickle seemed to form in the back of nose and it lingered like a feather. He felt his breath starting to hitch as he allowed the tickle to build and grow stronger. Gently, he closed his eyes as his lower lip quivered and his chest heaved. Almost automatically, he brought up his hand as a shield at his nose his fought for a much needed release.

'Heh..' His nostrils widened as he gasped, 'Heh, hh... Hetscheeew! Aschooo-Schooo! Huh-Ruschooo!' Botheredly, he let his fingers slide under his nose and he felt a bit icky as he noticed his nose started to run. Still keeping his hand at his nose, he went into the bathroom to get rid of the distateful matter.

'Four rooms to go...' He said to himself as he grabbed the box wipes and went into the bedroom.

And he continued to sneeze desperately he cleansed the area, though changing the sheets is what set him off the most. Each sneeze exploded out of him and he would experience the same type of of triples which would leave him breathless. And since he was alone, covering up was the on the bottom of his list and he allowed each sneeze to form a light mist in the rays of the afternoon sun.

Finally, the bedroom was finished and he must have sneezed over twenty times just getting it done. A record, to his knowledge. He'd decided to take a break and leave the rest to the house keeper when the doorbell rang.

First he figured it was Preston, but then he realized he would have called first.

'Hatscheeew!' He doubled over before he had time to open the door. Slowly he pulled down the door handle, and he felt quite surprised to see Adam as he welcomed him inside.

'Hey you.' He gave him a cunning look before he walked inside. 'what's up? I haven't heard from you in awhile, nor have I seen you at any parties.'

'Sorry dude.' Tyler sniffled wetly as he felt he was going to sneeze yet again. 'I've been bu-u-uh-RUuschooo!' He swiftly turned from him.

'Are you sick? I swear, if you got that nasty cold that's been going around I'm leaving.'

'Nah,' He sniffled. 'Just allergies. I just gotta go blow my nose. I'll be right-' he paused as he felt his nostrils starting to flare, '...ba-Brutschooo! … uh, back.'

'Sure, man.' Adam slightly chuckled.

Tyler went into the kitchen and he rapidly ripped off some paper and put it to his nose.

'So where's Preston?' Adam asked behind his back, 'I thought you guys were together like peas and carrots. Kinda' like, glued together.' He grinned.

'He's at work.' Tyler kept his back to him as he blew his nose thoroughly.

'I see.'

'I think he's sick though, with that cold you mentioned.' He tossed the used tissues into the trash, 'He sounded rather rough this morning.'

'Is that so...' Adam responded quite nonchalantly.

'Yea anyway. How are things with you?'

Tyler allergies seemed to be subside during their conversation and he felt a relieved feeling when his nose finally stopped tickling.

They were sitting at the table, discussing selective matters when his phone rang.

He glanced down at the called id, before putting the phone to his ear.

'Sup' gorgeous?' He smiled as he glanced back at Adam at the table.

'Not so good actually.'

He sensed an immense strain in Preston's stuffed up voice.

'What's wrong sweetie?' Tyler rose from his seat.

'I think I'm ill. I've been sneezing all day and my head feels heavy. I think I..' Preston suddenly paused.


'Hetschiooo! God, excuse me. I think I need to take a leave of abscene from work. Can you please come and pick me up?'

'Uh... yea. Adam's here but it's okay, I'll ask him to go home.'

'No, that won't be necessary.' Preston snuffled, 'I can call a cab.'

'Don't be stupid. I'll come pick you up. I'll be right there.'

'Okay... thank you. You're so sweet. Bye.'

Tyler drove up outside the grocery store and he almost didn't recognize Preston as he waited outside. He had pulled up his hoody and it hid most of his elegant face as he got in the car.

'Hey.' Tyler softly greeted him as he went stepped in the car, 'My poor's sweetie's sick.' He lovingly kissed his cheek as Preston went in for a quick hug.

'Yea, heh. Thanks for picking me up though.' He glanced at him from the hoody which shadowed half of his face.

'Don't mention it.' He turned on the engine and they drove off.

'So, my place, right?'

'Uhm... no.' Preston cleared his throat. 'You better take me home.'

'Hm? I thought you'd wanna spend your time at my place?'

'No, I'm not well. I don't want you to catch whatever it is I'm enduring.' He let his fingers brush lightly at his nose.

'I never get sick. Besides, I want to take care of you.'

'That's okay...' Preston slightly giggled.

'Are you sure though?'

'Yes... I'm sure. Just drop me off. I'll be fine.'

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Awh Preston, are you stopping contagion?. Hushhush let Tyler take care of you<3 Awh allergic Tyler and sick Preston c3

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Awh Preston, are you stopping contagion?. Hushhush let Tyler take care of you<3 Awh allergic Tyler and sick Preston c3

I agree. :) Thanks a lot. x

Loving it! Loving it! LOVING IT!!!!

:D So glad to hear that, thank you so much!

So I'm not really content with this next chapter but I hope you'll enjoy.

Chapter 20 – Taking care

Tyler woke up in an empty, yet clean bed. He gave a sleepy sigh as he stared up the ceiling. It was the first time, in a very long time, he'd slept without his lover and it left him feeling weird and comfortless. A soft yawn escaped his lips while he allowed the feeling to absorb and contemplate.

He glanced at the digital clock to his left and noticed it was almost noon. Tiredly, he got out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, before making his way into the kitchen for a much needed cup of coffee.

A couple of hours later he still felt that emptiness eating at him and still, not a single word from Preston. He had to admit to himself that it slightly worried him. Preston would always call, day or night, whenever they were not in each other's presences. So, instictively, he picked up his phone dialed his number.

Several tones passed by, before he heard a rustling sound.

'...Hello?' Preston answered. Or at least a resemblance of him. His voice expressed incredible hoarness and congestion.

'Hey, it's me. Damn, are you okay?'

'Heh... no. You were right, I shouldn't have left for work yesterday.' He paused as he gave a light cough, 'Excuse me... I'm so happy that you called, even though you woke me up.'

'I did? Aw so sorry babe.'

'It's okay.' He sniffled thickly.

'Can I get you anything? You got everything you need?'

'I guess... I've been... eh, hold on.'


There was another rustling sound, then, 'Heh-Aasschio! ...eh-hh-Aaschoo!' A light, soft sigh was expressed before he was back at the receiver. 'Pardon.'

'You were saying?'

'Uhm, yea. I've been drinking tea, for my throat. It's not helping much though.'

'Tea? You need vitamins, hunny and some lozengens for the swelling.'

'Oh, well... I ain't got any of that.' Wet sniffles found his ear, then a sound which reminded him of folded tissues.

'Are you kidding me? Why didn't you call me?'

'I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I'll be fine. It's just a cold.'

'Stop being such a moron. I'm coming right over with some stuff, okay?'

'No Tyler I'm-'

He hung up on him.

Tyler rang the doorbell and Preston welcomed him inside. He looked utterly miserable; clothed in a white rob, blue slippers and his hair was just long enough for a messy bun, tied up at the back of his soft neck. It was such a contrast to Tyler's self righteous style, with his dark Acne jeans, black Armani sweater and his slick hair combed back smoothly. He'd skipped his cologne out of courtesy or he would probably have bathed in it.

'Hey you,' He gave him a warm hug.

'I told you not to come.' Preston lightly responded as he embraced him.

'So?' Tyler chuckled as he release his grasp around him, 'Since when do I listen to anyone?' He gazed at him, expressing a content look on his face. Miserable, but still as cute. Tyler thought as he grasped his hand. 'Now, let's get you back to bed.'

'Okay...' Preston gave in, evidently realizing an argument with Tyler would end up useless.

Tyler felt slightly uncomfortable as he noticed the mess around him. The bag from their trip still hadn't been unpacked, the floor revealed dirt from filthy shoes and it was obvious the place hadn't been vaccumed in weeks. The bed was scattered with several used tissues, which Preston timidly gathered and placed into a drawer. The disarrangment bothered him inevitably, but he couldn't blame him. After all, Preston hadn't been spending too much time at home.

'So sorry for the disorganisation. I was going to clean this stuff up yesterday but then I wound up sick, so...' Preston spoke as if he'd read his mind as he got into bed.

'It's okay.' He replied, but he couldn't help but feeling a bit panicky as the remembrance of his difficult cleaning session snuck up on him. He was definitely not in the mood for yet another allergy attack. 'I'll go and prepare what I call 'Tyler's remedy'. It'll make you feel better in no time.'

'Okay? Sounds healing. Thank you.'

It was in the kitchen he first felt the tickly recognizable, itching sensation. And he knew within that instant that he'd definitely encountered too much dust than his body could handle.

'Aaaschooo!' He sneezed openly to his left, trying not to spray a glass of juice that he'd placed at the counter in front of him.

'Bless you!' Preston shouted in a raspy voice from the other room.

He didn't find the time to answer as another tickle snuck up on him, seemingly as the first sneeze had only triggered his nose worse.

'Aaasch-cheeew!' That sneezed almost made him double over as he, again, allowed himself to sneeze freely to the side,

'Bless you again!' He heard Preston repeat himself, though this time followed by a cough.

Tyler gently sniffed as he fetched all sorts of medical items from the bag he'd brought a long with him.

'Are you okay in there?' He heard him shout, then cough in a rougher fashion.

'Stop shouting or your throat will get worse!' He called out, while setting the kit in order. 'Damn,' he groaned as he dropped minty pastills onto the floor.

He hunched down and started picking up the tablets when a sharp irritation found both his nostrils. Annoyingly, he sniffed but it was of no use and he lightly gasped as he barely found time to inhale, 'Aasschioo! Uh-Raschoo! Uh-RUSCHoo!' He sneezed harshly onto the floor, leaving a fine wet mist.

'Bless you!'

'Shut up, Preston...' Tyler uttered to himself as he felt his nose starting to run. He got up on his feet and rolled off some paper and gently put it to his nose, blowing it warily.

Preston remained in bed while Tyler came in with the tray, containing all the important neccessities for his cold ridden lover.

'God, this isn't necessary...' Preston said shyly as Tyler sat down beside him.

'Be quiet and drink this.' He handed a glass of juice, mixed with a bunch of extra vitamins.

Preston reluctantly grasped the glass from his fingers and gave it a few sips.

'Nice, eh?' Tyler raised his eyebrow as he looked at him. In spite of his sickness, he still found him beyond gorgeous.

'Uhm, it's okay. I guess.' Preston slightly giggled, as he placed the glass at nearby table.

'So you've slept all day or..?'

Tyler looked at Preston as his breath slightly hitched and his nostrils twitched.

'Just, ah...' His eyes squeezed shut as he raised his arm, '...eh, hh-Eiischoo!' He sneezed forcefully into his sleeve. The sneeze was harsh and rather rough, and such a huge contrast to his usually soft, feminine sneezes.

'Bless you.'

'Thank you. Wait, there's hh... another...' He inhaled deeply as he brought his hands up to his face in a rapid manner, 'Eiiischooo! Eah-Aaschew!' As his head snapped forward, some ringlets of hair quickly escaped the tassle he'd so neatly fixed.

'Bless you sweetie.' He gazed at him gently while tucking some of his dark hair behind his ear. And he found himself feeling sorry for him as he fetched a tissue from a box at the table and handed it to him.

'Thank you.' Preston wetly sniffed as he swiped the tissue at his nose. 'I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed.'


'Cause I never wanted you to see me like this, you know, all sick and germy and disgusting...' His voice trailed off as he turned his head and gazed towards the window.

'You could never be disgusting.' Tyler smiled at him with warmth as his hand reached out to his wrist.

'You really mean that?' He gazed back at him.

'Of course. You're hot as hell. Never mind sickness.'

Preston started to blush as he looked down.

'Now get some more sleep,' He kissed his cheek lovingly.

'Will you stay in bed with me?'

'Of course.'

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwh allergic Tyler (more of that please) c:

and awh sickie Preston :D

so cute how Tyler insist to take care of him

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