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Unbounded Connection (MxM)

Candy Dust

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Mento123 - Thank you so much. <3 I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter. smile.png

ebay34 - Thanks a lot! It means a great deal. biggrin.png

And, on with the chapter...

Chapter 6 – The aftermaths

Several weeks went by and Tyler and Preston’s relationship flourished. It was as if Tyler had forgotten all about his wild nights as a single guy as it’d been replaced by cozy evenings at home, at either his or Preston’s place. He’d definitely introduced him to a more settling lifestyle and he had needed some time to absorb the indefinite changes. It was different – but he’d grown quite attached to like the calm evenings at home, with tea, cuddles and movies.

The weekend approached and Tyler had decided it was time to introduce Preston to his crew. It was Saturday evening and Preston had spent a decent amount of time occupying the bathroom.

‘You okay in there?’ Tyler gave the door a few knocks. ‘I need to use the toilet.’

‘Uh, yea! Just a second!’

Tyler waited outside.

‘Do I look okay?’ He asked, as he finally stepped out of the room.

Tyler eyed him up and down, admiring his slender features in the dark slacks and embellished t-shirt he was wearing. His hair been pulled back into a hairdo that resembled a guy who was going to attend an indie club in France.

‘You look beautiful.’

‘Thank you.’ Preston blushed. ‘You look handsome, as always. I love your shirt.’

‘Thanks. I got it yesterday. Feel the fabric, it’s so thin.’

Preston approached him as he let his fingers touch the end of his sleeve.

‘Mhm. Very soft and tender.’ He smiled.

‘Yea.’ Tyler chuckled. ‘Let me just use the bathroom and we’ll be on our way.’

‘Okay, great.’


‘Hey guys, the beast is back!’ Tyler shouted as soon as they came inside of the house that belonged to Adam, Tyler’s friend since high school.

‘Yo yo!’ A few friends shouted back as Tyler did his usual round of high fives.

‘So, let me introduce my lover, Preston.’ Tyler said with a hint of proudness in his voice. He’d been open about his sexuality for years and he knew his friends accepted him just as such.

He placed his hand at Preston’s back as he pushed him forward to meet the crowd.

‘Hi..’ Preston shyly smiled as he eyed them carefully.

‘What a sweet thang…’ Sylvia, his longtime friend approached them. She was a short girl, with dark brown hair.

Preston only smiled at her as he stepped back and found a close spot beside Tyler.

‘Nice to meet ya.’ She held out her hand towards him and Preston slowly grasped her small hand within his.

‘Woah, you got some big hands there, dude.’ Sylvia smirked.

‘I suppose.’ Preston gave a faint giggle as he retrieved his hand.

‘Come on, let’s hit the lounge.’ Sylvia hinted for them to come along with the drink in her hand.


Tyler sat himself down in couch as he embraced the atmosphere around him. He’d wholly been lacking these kind of surroundings – his friends, the buzzing music and the smell of smoke and liquor.

He glanced at Preston who’d found a space beside him.

‘Are you enjoying yourself?’

‘Yea, this is nice.’ Preston lightly nodded as he placed his hands at his lap.

‘I know this isn’t the kinda’ environment you’d normally prefer but just give it chance.’

‘I will.’ Preston gave him a adequate smile as Adam suddenly found a seat beside him in the huge couch.

‘Hey you!’

‘Hey dude, great party.’ Tyler gave him a pat at his back.

‘Glad you all enjoy.’ Adam took a small bow. ‘Who’s this? Preston, was it?’

‘Yea…’ Preston nodded as he glanced at Adam who looked back at Tyler.

‘So how you’ve been?’ Adam asked interested.

‘Just great. I’ve been looking for a new car.’

‘Really, what kind of car?’

‘Eh kngn! Eh thsh!’ The sound of Preston’s muffling his stifles behind his back surprised him. But he ignored it.

‘An Audi.’

‘Eh, eh-kngischo!’ Tyler turned his head at Preston who’d hidden his face within his hands.

‘You okay there?’

Preston only nodded as Tyler redirected his attention back at Adam.

‘Audi, very cool. Their newest design’s off the hook.’ Adam nodded comprehensively.

‘Yea, isn’t it. I need something fresh and original. My BMW just doesn’t cut it anymore.’

‘Eh… Hh…’ Tyler recognized Preston shuddering breaths. ‘Kngh! … eh knisch!’ He stifled again behind his back.

‘Agreed, man. Listen, I gotta go mingle. It was great seeing both of you and, bless you Preston.’ Adam gave him a quick glance before he rose to his feet and left.

‘Thanks...’ Preston eyed him as he made his way towards a group of people at the other side of the room.

‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

‘It’s just my allergies acting up, I’ll be fine.’ Preston waved his hand in front him reassuringly.

Sylvia popped up out of nowhere and found a seat beside Preston.

‘Hi again you guys,’ She smiled at the brightly, before she had a long sip at her drink.

‘Hello.’ Preston gave a quick rub at his nose as he crossed his legs.

‘Whatcha doin’?’

‘Sitting here, listening to the music.’

‘Nice.’ Sylvia nodded as she continued to eye Preston. ‘You seem like a really sweet guy.’

‘Thanks.’ Preston gave her a stiff smile as his breathing became jaded.

‘What’s wrong?’ Sylvia asked with a frown.

‘I…’ Preston’s small nostrils widened as he swiftly brought his hands up to his face, ‘Eh knqssh!-eh.’ He stifled harshly.

‘Bless you.’ Sylvia smiled.

‘Thank… Eh knghsch!-eh... Oh, ... Eh-schtchio!’ He didn’t have time to finish as he caught two more sneezes into his hands.

‘Bless you again. Hey Tyler, you’re lover’s seems to be gettin’ sick or sumthin’.

‘He’s not, he’s got allergies.’ He replied shortly.

‘Oh. Poor guy.’

Preston only blinked as his eyes had started to water.

‘So what are ya allergic to?’

‘Ehm…’ He cleared his throat as he glanced at Tyler. ‘Well… lots of different stuff. Pollen, for instance.’

‘Yea, but it can’t be that gettin’ to ya now.’

‘Noh...’ Preston had several quivering breaths as his nostrils started to flare once more. He automatically turned from Sylvia and hid behind Tyler’s back. He placed his hand above his shoulder as he froze in position.

‘Eh... hhh...' He seemed startled as he kept a firm grip onto his skin,' Eh... Ah-tischoo! Ah… eiiischOooo!’ He sneezed wetly and openly at his back and Tyler could feel the force from his eruptions at the touch of his skin.

‘Gosh! Bless ya there sweetpea.’

‘Thank you. I’m sorry.’ Preston blushed and sniffed several times as he regained his position.

‘That’s alright. Listen, any of ya want a drink?’


‘Yes, thank you.’ Preston shyly smiled.

‘I’ll go get it for ya.’ She winked as she left them.

‘God I’m so sorry about this.’ Preston excused himself as he scooted closer to Tyler.

‘It’s okay, don’t worry about it.’ Tyler placed his hand above his thigh, giving it a light squeeze.

Preston rested his head against his upper arm as he sniffled wetly a couple of times.

It's late in the evening

She's wondering what clothes to wear

She puts on her make up

And brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me

Do I look alright

And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

‘God, I love this song.’ Preston sat himself up properly. ‘Dance with me Tyler.’ He gazed at him dreamingly as he softly rubbed at his nose with his right knuckle.

‘Nooo... I don’t do slow dances.’

‘Please?’ Preston looked at him pleadingly.

‘Okay, fine.’ He groaned as he rose from his seat.

‘Aw thank you.’

They hit the dance floor and Tyler pulled Preston close against him, putting his arms firmly around his waist. Preston rested his head against his neck and gave it a light peck.

‘Mm… you smell heavenly…’ Preston hummed as he nuzzled his nose against his skin.

‘Thank you.’ Tyler held him closer and Preston started caressing his back with gentle movements.

Suddenly his breathing turned more intense and Tyler firstly throught it came from excitement.

‘I... I-‘ Preston turned his head down at his chest, ‘Eh-knsch!’ He siftled wetly and he abruptly stopped moving as he brought his hand up swiftly, ‘Eh kitcho!’ He cupped it just in time to catch the second sneeze. ‘Oh gee, please forgive me.’

Tyler only shook his head as he brought him back close against him.

‘Mm…’ Preston repeated as he seemed to savor the moment. They slowly started their slow dance once again as Preston gave several wet sniffles at his ear.

‘I’m sorry.’ Preston suddenly stopped once more. ‘I need to use to bathroom.’

‘Come on, I’ll show you.’ Tyler grabbed his hand as he lead the way.

‘I’m so sorry for the spectacle I was making out there.’ Preston said as he closed the door behind them. ‘I don’t know what’s making me sneeze so much. I do apologize.’

‘What have I told you about that? Stop making excuses. I know you can’t help it.'

‘Yea, but… anyway.’ Preston said as he fetched some paper from the toilet roll. ‘Uhm.. okay.’ He seemed embarrassed.


‘I just… hate to blow my nose in public.’

‘I’m not ‘public’, Preston. I’m your boyfriend.’ Tyler raised his eyebrow.

‘I know… God, I’m being silly.’ Preston turned from him as he softly put the paper to his nose. He stood with his back turned to him for several seconds.

‘Okay?’ Tyler folded his arms.

‘Aw I can’t do it. I’m so embarrassed.’ Preston turned to him again as he wiped the tissues at his nose.

‘Just blow your nose, sweetie.’ Tyler chuckled.

‘Errrr… okay.’ Preston shyly eyed him as he turned his back to him once more. He breathed deeply a couple of times as he used both of his hands to cover his nose with the harsh paper.

Tyler waited , eager to get back to the party.

Finally Preston blew his nose, revealing a very soft, gurgling sound. It wasn’t so bad. Tyler had definitely heard far more worse.

‘Eh..’ Preston’s breath started hitching again and Tyler watched his shoulders softly move up and down in a pacing manner. ‘Ah, waschiiooo!’ His head snapped forward as he sneezed forcefully with the papers still clasped over his small nose.

‘Bless you.’ Tyler cleared his throat.

‘Ah-tischioO!’ The last sneeze made him bent forward and he lightly sighed as he slowly regain his composure. Gently, he blew his nose once more, this time more roughly.

‘Done?’ Tyler asked as Preston turned to face him.

‘Yea.’ He sounded a bit congested and sniffled wetly as he threw the paper into the trash bin. ‘I think so.’

Edited by Candy Dust
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Awwe Preston is just so adorable ;o

really though it's so well described ;o

I love their cute relashinship :)

Please do put up another chapter ! :)

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I am just smiling like a doofus the whole time I read this. I did enjoy this chapter... A lot.

Thank you soooooo much. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed... immensely. smile.png

Awwe Preston is just so adorable ;o

really though it's so well described ;o

I love their cute relashinship smile.png

Please do put up another chapter ! smile.png

Thanks a lot! I'm happy to hear you're lovin' them, biggrin.png Another chapter's coming right up.

Aww that was sweet was Preston making him sneeze?

Thank you. smile.png It'll all be explained in the next chapter.

So... on with the show. smile.png (with a slight, tiny warning of some messy-ness..)

Chapter 7 - The aftermaths - Part 2

Preston’s allergies seemed to cool off as they were seated outside at the patio.

'Mm, finally I can breathe better.' Preston lightly smiled as he found Tyler’s hand.

'Good. You have any idea what caused it?’

'Not really. Could be anything, I guess.' He faintly giggled as he squeezed his hand.

'My poor sweetie', he kissed his forehead, 'ready to go back inside?'


As they were heading back he heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

'Tyler..? Tyler, is that you? He suddenly felt someone embrace him. 'Oh wow, I can't believe it’s you!' A warm scent of strawberries and cotton candy found his nostrils. He suddenly knew who'd clung her arms around him. It was Emily, his ex.

'It's soooo good to see you.' She smiled as she finally let go of him. 'You look just as handsome as the last time I saw you. How's everything? ' She tossed with her long, blonde hair.

'Everything’s great, good to see you too.' Tyler glanced at Preston who had a stern look on his face. 'Uh, this is Preston by the way.’

'Oh, okay. Hey.' She gave him a quick look.

'Hello...' Preston replied as he folded his arms.

'Gosh, it’s so weird.' She turned attention back to Tyler, ' I mean like, how long has it been? Four years? Right?'

'More or less.' Tyler chuckled.

'Yea it’s so weird.' She repeated as she scrunched up her nose in a cute manner. 'But you look great, really. Older, more mature. And you know I've always had a thing for guys with a perfect jaw line like yours ' She flirted with him immodesty.

'Thanks, I guess.' Tyler replied as he felt Preston's hand at his back.

'I'm getting a bit sleepy.' He softly said to his ear.

'Already?' He glanced at him and Preston responded with a light nod.

'Then maybe you should head home.' Emily said meaningly. 'Tyler, I just have to show you some pictures of my recent trip to New York, it was craaaazy. We met so many famous people, you just gotta see it.'

'Alright, well...' He faced Preston who'd turned his gaze down . 'I'll just have a quick look at her photos and then we'll head back, okay..?'

Preston looked up at him with a concerned look on his face.

'Fine.' He softly replied. 'I guess I'll just.. wait here in the meantime, then.'

'No, come on. Don't be ridiculous. Have a drink or somethin’. It'll only be awhile.’

'Fine, then.'

They were seated at the table in the kitchen and Emily showed him picture after picture on her iPad.

'This is me and Amanda, you remember Amanda, right?' She flicked with her hair as she gave him a intense look.

'Uh… yea. '

'Great. And this is..' she continued to talk as Preston entered the kitchen with Sylvia tagging along with him. He seemed to have been making a new friend as he lightly giggled at some joke she was making. So far Tyler had only met one of Preston’s friends and he'd silently been wondering if he was lonely.

They positioned themselves by the sink, as they continued to talk.

'... And you know who this is, right? Yea, Leonardo di Caprio. He’s the sweetest guy you'd ever meet.'

'Cool.' Tyler glanced down at the image, before diverting his attention back at Preston.

He watched him glance back at him shyly, before looking back at Sylvia who kept gesticulating about something quite wildly.

Moments later two girls entered the kitchen. Tyler didn't know them but they made sure everybody in the room noticed them as they were laughing out loud, all the while speaking with loud, obnoxious voices.

'And I was like, duh! I'm not paying for that!' One of the girls expressed.

'I know right!’ Her friend concurred.

'It was freaking ridiculous.' She picked up a small perfume from her bag that she started spraying everywhere around her voluptuous body.

'Come on girl, I need to pee!' The other girl squealed as she fled out of the kitchen, while the other quickly followed.

Finally... Tyler thought as he’d almost developed an headache.

'And anyway, this is the Empire state building..' Emily kept blabbling, she hadn't even noticed the girls. Tyler was getting tired of the conversation and he quenched a small yawn at his fist as he looked back at Preston.

He'd hidden his face within his face and he seemed to be sneezing again. It was hard to tell. The heavy base of the music, Emily and other peoples voices were blocking out any evident sound. Slowly Preston brought his hands back down with a embarrassed look on his face. He seemed to be staring into an empty space as his facial expressions were motionless. Hesitantly, he frowned as his nostrils widened and quivered, and his lips parted in slow motion.

He swiftly brought his hands up and this time the sound did not escape anyone.

'Eischoo! Avoschoo!'

'Bless you.' Several people voiced and Tyler noticed he was blushing forcefully.

'Are you listening?' He felt a touch at his hand and he looked back at Emily.


'Good.' She fluttered her eyelashes at him as she leaned towards him uninhibited. Her huge cleavage touching the skin at his arm.

'Hey.' Preston appeared out of nowhere. 'I need to leave.' He continued with a light sniffle.

'So?' Emily giggled.

'Are you sure?' Tyler gazed at him.

'Yes. I'm sure.' Preston responded sternly. His eyes were glazed and his nostrils had found a light hue of pink.

'Are you crying? Emily asked, narrowing her eyes.

'Not that it’s any of your business, but no.' He gave a light sigh as he cleared his throat. 'Are you coming or not?'

He really did seem upset.

'Sure.' Tyler rose from hi seat.

'Wait.' Emily touched his arm. 'Give me your phone so I can give you a call sometime.' Tyler retrieved the phone from his trousers and handed it to her.

Preston only shook his head then he suddenly turned away from him.

'Eh knixsh! Ah kitschh!' He stifled wetly into his hands.

'Bless you.' Tyler slowly replied as Preston kept his back to him, still keeping his hands clasped over his nose and mouth.

'Okay darling.' She handed the phone back to him. Give me a call sometime.'

'Thanks. Have a nice night.' He grabbed the phone and nudged Preston by the arm.

'We're leaving.'

Preston hurried behind him on their way back to the car. Tyler couldn't help but feel a tad feeling of disappointment. He’d finally been given the chance at partying with his friends and all Preston wanted to do was to leave.

'Ah katschioo!' He heard him sneeze behind his back as he fished up the keys to his car.

'Eh... Eschiiooo!' Preston seemed to capture the moment of being outside as he sneezed openly to the opposite side.

Tyler only scoffed as he open the door and jumped in the car.

'Ah, eeh..' He saw Preston build up for another sneeze outside the window.


'Hey!’ He nudged on the window, trying to fetch Preston’s attention, 'Let's go!'

Preston wiped at his nose with his hands as he reluctantly opened the door and sat himself down in the passenger seat.

They drove in silence for a couple of minutes, except for the noise of Preston’s wet sniffles.

'Are you angry with me..?' Preston slowly asked after a couple of more minutes.

'I'm okay.’ Tyler replied shortly.

'Mhm...' Preston pinched his nose shut with his left thumb and index finger.

'So... what did you and that, girl,' He emphasized with a hint of disgust, 'talk about? You seemed pretty into each other.'

'Nothing special.'

'But it looked like-'

'Like what, Preston?' Tyler interrupted him as he glanced at him fervently.

'I don't know...' He silently replied as he looked down at his lap.

Another quiet moment embraced the enclosed area.

Tyler continue to glance at him as he watched him slowly close his eyes.

'You okay?' He asked, irritatingly.

'My nose's so itchy.' Preston gave a wet sniff as he rubbed at his nose several times. '… there were a couple of girls in the kitchen who sprayed some kind of perfume that completely set me off.'

'Oh.' Tyler replied as he kept his focus on the road and his hands on the steering wheel.

'God, it’s so annoying.' Preston gave a quick sigh as he wiped his fingers at his nose. 'I need a tissue.' He softly said as used his other hand, frantically searching through his pockets.

'I don't think I have any.’

Preston continued to sniffle forcefully as a wet drop found it’s way down underneath his nose.

'I think I got a scarf in the glove department, you may use it.’

'But no, Tyler, I couldn't..' Preston blushed as he brought his hand up, covering his wet nose.

'It’s fine. He grabbed the light blue fabric and tossed it to him. 'Here.'

'But.. are you sure..?’

'Yea. It was ready for the trash anyway.' He smoothly closed the gap.

'Oh.. okay.' Preston brought the fabric to his nose, wiping it slowly. 'Oh, it’s truly soft..' He gave him a light smile.

'Yea, it’s cashmere.’

Preston’s eyes widened but he didn't respond.

'You want me to stop and get out of the car so you can blow your nose?’ Tyler winked at him. His temper was slowly liquefying. He couldn't stay mad at him for long.

'Heh.. no. That won't be necessary, I think.’

Tyler gave him a kind smile.

Preston slowly pressed the light fabric over his nose and he gave Tyler several embarrassed glances before he squinted his eyes shut and gave the cloth various wet blows.

He was just about to put the scarf into his pocket when he swiftly brought it back up to his face.

'Eh.. hh, Eh kitschoo! ' he snapped his head forward and buried his face into the blue fabric.

'You okay?' Tyler gave a faint chuckle.

'Yee-ah..' Preston s voice trembled as he glanced at him with a bothered look on his face. 'I always.. Eh.. ' His breathing quivered, his small nostrils flared forestalling as he gave a swift gasp, 'Ah, atschioo! Awischioo! Eh-EscheEew!' The last sneezed seemed to make him out of breath and he sighed deeply.

'Damn, sweetie..' Tyler expressed astoundingly.

'I'm so sorry.' He used both of his hands as he wipe his nose with the scarf, 'I always sneeze after I blow my nose, so..' He inhaled as he gave a congested sniffle, '..so it’s pretty much useless.' He looked at him uneasily.

'It's okay babe.' He grasped his hand and kissed the top of it.

Edited by Candy Dust
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Ouh yay I love this part too ! :) . Really cute and I love how embaressed Preston is cx

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That explains it but I thought it was Tyler maybe cause u kept saying that Preston thought Tyler smelled nice

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Ouh yay I love this part too ! smile.png . Really cute and I love how embaressed Preston is cx

Thank you so much! x

Ya for Leonardo Dicaprio and fast updates!

Heehee, he's awesome. :D

That explains it but I thought it was Tyler maybe cause u kept saying that Preston thought Tyler smelled nice

Yea but I figured that wouldn't have worked since Preston first reacted once they were inside of the ongoing party.

Next chapter's a bit short (to my standard :P) but I hope you enjoy anyway...

Chapter 8 – Antique things

It was Wednesday and Preston had his day off from work and he wanted it to spend it doing one of his favorite activities: visiting the antique store. The only problem was that Tyler hated thrift shops. He found them boring, dirty and he thought it was a thing an elderly couple would choose to occupy their free day with.

But when Preston had practically begged him to come along, he had reluctantly decided to given in.

'God I love this place so much.' Preston expressed as they entered the building. He lightly inhaled as he seemed to soak up the entire atmosphere.

'That's great. Now, let's go find something for you to buy.' Tyler ruined his sweet moment by hurrying him.

‘Uhm, well... let's see.' Preston let his long fingers slide over some of items as he skimmed through the different objects.

'Can I help you?’ A clerk approached them.

'Uhm. No, no thank you.' Preston smiled at the sale clerk gently.

'Okay. Just let me know if I can be of any assistance.'

'Thank you.'

'Wow look at this golden chandelier, it’s amazingly beautiful.’ Preston expressed as he had a look at the price-tag, 'but far too expensive.' He added.

'How much?'


'Take it. I'll buy it for you. '

'No Tyler, I cant.'

Tyler grabbed the chandelier as Preston continued to protest.

'Go on...' he demonstratively put his hand on his back as he pushed him forward.

They were walking carelessly around the isles when Tyler suddenly felt an instant tickle inside of his nostril. He didn't have time to fight it as he quickly allowed it to take over him.

'Ha-Aaschoooo!' He sneezed forcefully at his right arm.

'Gosh, you startled me!' Preston replied with a hint of shock. 'bless you so much.'

'Thanks.’ Tyler gave him a mischievous grin as he rubbed at his straight nose. He felt his nostrils quivering at the touch of his fingertips and he knew he would sneeze again. He abruptly stopped in his tracks as he let the tickle build inside of him. 'Hh..' his breathing shuddered and he felt his nostrils widening as he gasped for another intake of air. 'Oh-Waschiiooo!' He bent forward and almost stumbled into Preston.

'God, Tyler. Are you okay?' Preston turned to face him as looked at him with consideration.

'Yea. That last one actually felt kinda’ good.'

'Good.' He giggled faintly as he grasped his free hand and they resumed their walk.

'Look at this medieval painting, the colors, the expressions.. so phenomenal. ' Preston said dreamingly as he pointed to a huge art piece that hung onto the wall.

'Yea, it's cool.' Tyler nodded lightly. What time was it anyway? Lunch time? He pondered as Preston started to share his artistic views on the painting before them. Tyler lightly sighed. He knew this would take forever.

'How much?' He interrupted as Preston looked back at him at with a weird look on his face.

'Expensive.' He replied shortly.

'How much?' Tyler asked once more.

Preston exhaled lightly. 'It makes me a bit upset that you're not even trying to enjoy this moment.'

'You already know how I feel about these kinds of places. What do you want me to do, lie?’

'Nooooo..' Preston replied slowly.

'Well, there you go then.' He grasped his hand as he practically dragged him away from the artwork.

It was then Tyler was hit by another tickle at his nose. It was lingering back inside of both his nostrils and he gave a light sniff, hoping it would subside.

When that didn't work so he gave a stronger sniff, making Preston glance up at him.

'Hold up.' Tyler said as he stopped in his tracks. He felt his eyes starting to water as the urge to get rid of the tickle was getting unbearable.

'What is it?’ Preston gently asked as he held a stronger grip at his hand.

Tyler shook his head his gently, unable to respond as he gave several light inhales.

'Eh-ehh-Weschooo!' He snapped his head to the side, sprinkling both his upper arm and Preston’s left side with his wet saliva.

'Jeez...' He let go of his hand and wiped off his shoulder with his fingers, ‘I’m sorry, that was gross.’

'It’s okay, I don't care.' Preston smiled at him tenderly as he fetched back his hand within his.

'Wait. I have to sneeze again.' He quickly placed the chandelier onto the floor. 'Hh..' he gasped as he squinted his eyes. He tried to shield his face with both of his hands but Preston withheld his hand tightly

'Aschooo! Uh-Ruschooo!' The sneezed were forceful and stopping them had been impossible.

'Bless you. I know it’s pretty dusty in these kinda’ places. You want to leave? We can do that, if you want, you know. I don't mind.' Preston lovingly put his arm around his waist.

Tyler gave a wet sniffle as he rubbed at his irritated nose.

'Nah, it'll wear off... we can...' His voice trailed off as he felt his nose tickle again. Suddenly he panicked. He'd no problem with a little sneezing here and there but what he did mind was a full blown allergy attack.

He swiftly turned from Preston and hid his face within his hands.

'Eh.. WAaschoo! Eischooo! Aaaschoooo!' Hs sneezes came fast and he barely found time to breathe in between.

'Oh my godness, are you sure you're okay?’ He felt Preston’s hand at his back as he sniffled wetly.

'I'm not sure.' He rubbed at his nose vigorously. 'I think I need to get out of here.'

'Oh, certainly, let's go.' Preston tenderly grasped his hand.

'Wait... what about-' Tyler hesitated as he felt his nose tickle again. '....' He felt his lower lip quivering as he closed his eyes. He stood like frozen for a couple of seconds as he felt the tickle subside, 'Damnit...' he sighed as he touched at his nose, 'what about the chandelier?'

'We can buy it another time. I don't mind.' Preston gave him gentle smile.

'But... no, wait.' He put his hands within his pocket and picked up his wallet, 'you go and buy the chandelier. I'll wait outside.' He handed him a five hundred dollar bill.

'This isn't necessary.'

'Take it before I..' He felt his nostrils flare within an instant, 'Ah... AaaschOooo!' He turned and sneezed openly to his side.

'Bless you. Okay, I'll go buy it. I'm sorry. Wait for me outside, okay?'

Tyler let his hand slide under his nose. 'Okay...'

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Awwe so nice of Tyler to buy him that expensive thing.

but awe Tyler is so tortured by dust

so cute.

*goes to read all parts again because its that good*


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Awwe so nice of Tyler to buy him that expensive thing.

but awe Tyler is so tortured by dust

so cute.

*goes to read all parts again because its that good*


Aww again? Thank you so much, you're too sweet. I'm already working on an update. x

Have u thought about having an unknown allergy attack cause? That would be interesting

Hmmmm it does sound interesting. I'll definitely consider it :)

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I love this so much!

So cuteeee smile.png

Thanks a lot! x :D

Okay so I got some time to finish another chapter, :)

Chapter 9 – Romantic moments – Part 1

Tyler waited in the car outside of Preston’s apartment. He was about five minutes late and he honked the horn for a second time out of frustration. Truthfully, he didn’t have a problem with tardy people – but patience just wasn’t one of his favorable traits.

Preston finally strolled out of his condo, gently locking the door behind him, before tripping down the stairs. He had this smooth way of moving around and if Tyler hadn't known, he'd definitely mistaken him for a professional dancer.

‘Hi. I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I had to uh… fix some things.’

‘Like your hair?’ Tyler raised his eyebrow as he greeted Preston with a light peck at his cheek.

‘Maybe.’ Preston blushed as he buckled up his seatbelt.

‘I figured.’ Tyler started up the engine.

‘Where are we going?’ He asked, exposing a bright smile at his lips. Tyler glanced at him while keeping his hands on the steering wheel. He truly withheld a honest conception whenever he was smiling – it was pure, blissful and his eyes would always give this light sparkle. Tyler continued to gaze at him as he started to admire his handsome yet feminine features in the light of the afternoon sun.

‘You look so beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous.’ He said as he backed out the parking space.

‘Hm?’ Preston looked at him surprisingly as a soft hue of pink found his cheekbones. ‘Heh, I do not.’ He expressed embarrassed as he looked down at his hands.

‘Yea. It’s a shame you don’t even know it.’ He fetched his hand and gave him another quick kiss at his clean shaved cheek. ‘Look behind you.’

‘What?’ Preston turned and when his eyes met the backseat he gave a faint gasp, ‘…oooooh! A picnic basket! I’ve practically asked you to take me out on a field trip for days.’ He looked back at him with that special smile formed at his lips.

‘I know.’ Tyler winked again. He loved moments like this – the happiness Preston would so easily and thankfully explicit – even at the smallest of gestures.

‘Thank you so much!’

They found a place underneath diverse of birch trees. The picnic spot was semi empty as the sun was slowly setting and it was fairly balanced with various of estranged people.

The warmth of the sun, the chirping birds and the mild breeze seemed to captivate them as they lay comfortably on the soft quilt. Tyler rested, easily propped on his elbows while Preston had found a more sleep-like position and he relaxed his head at Tyler’s lap.

Tyler was just beginning to drift off when he was met by a unsettling sound.

'Eh, hh-kng!-eh..'

'Bless you.' He calmly said as he kept his eyes closed.

He suddenly felt a hand gripping at his thigh, making him flick his eyes open,

'Eh.. knisch!-oh... Excuse me.'

He gazed down at Preston who rubbed one hand at his delicate nose.

He decided to ignore him and was just about to shut his eyes when he was met by another touch at his thigh,

‘Eh… ewschioo!’ Preston swiftly pressed his other hand at his nose and mouth as he’d turned his face against his jeans clothed legs.

‘Bless you, sweetie.’

‘Sorry.’ He softly replied as he glanced at him, still shielding his mouth with his long fingers. ‘Eh…’, his face found a bothered frown as he gently squinted his eyes, ‘eh...’ his breath shuddered once more.

‘ Need to sneeze?’ Tyler softly smiled as Preston lightly nodded. He sat himself up, still holding a firm position with his hands at his face.

‘Hh…’ He gave a deep intake of air as he pressed his eyes shut, ‘…Eischhoooo!’ The sneeze seemed rather forceful as his head gently snapped forward.

‘Bless you.’

‘Thank you.’ He sniffed wetly a couple of times, before he lowered his hands. ‘I guess I must have misread the pollen forecast.’ He giggled uneasily as he carefully moved some of his hair that’d fallen in front of his eyes.

‘You wanna leave?’ Tyler asked as he found a place beside him.

‘No, no… of course not. This is lovely.’ He glanced at him shyly, before tenderly kissing his lips. ‘I’ll be fine.’

'Okay, then. You want somethin' to eat, drink? The basket's stuffed with goodies.' He said as he gazed at Preston who had a quick rub at his nose. 'Have yourself a look.'

Preston gave him a shy glance, before he started to rummage through the picnic basket. 'Oh wow.’ He softly expressed, 'when did you have time to make all of this?’

'I didn't.’ He confessed as he picked a grape from a small box of fruits. ‘It’s magic.’ He winked as he tossed it into his mouth.

'Oh.' Preston grasped a can of soda and drank several sips from it.

'Nah, I ordered it online.’ He smirked.

'Oh why am I not surprised.'

Tyler chuckled. 'Glad you enjoy though.'

'This is truly wonderful Tyler. I couldn't have asked for more. It's perfect.’

Tyler gazed at Preston lovingly when he noticed his nose started twitching. He tried to brush it off by wiggling it lightly but the tickle seemed to be persistent.

'I have to sneeze again...’ He softly groaned as he put the can down onto the blanket.


Preston gave him a gracious look, before he swiftly turned away from him,

'Eh-knxsch! Uh-krsch!-oh...' He stifled wetly into his sleeve.

'Bless you...’ Tyler responded as he watched Preston maintaining the same position,

'Ah-kschnsh! Eh-snxischioo!' He continued to stifle rapidly into the sleeve of his arm.

Tyler unscrewed the cap at his beer bottle and gulped down some of the bubbly liquid, meanwhile Preston slowly lowered his elbow.


'Eh, heh...' Preston blushed as he fished up a tissue from the basket and wiped it gently at his nose.

'I guess that means no. ' Tyler lightly chuckled as he let his hand slide through his dark brown hair.

'Excuse me,' His breath hitched as he gently brought the tissue up to his face, 'Eh kischoo! Ah aschoo! Eh, hh.. eschieww! Oh my God.'

'Maybe we should head back...'

'No.' Preston replied as he let the tissue graze at his nose, 'please..?' He put the tissue onto the blanket and grasped his hand, 'I'm fine.'

'It’s quite obvious your allergies starting to affect you.’ Tyler raised his eyebrow at him.

'It's nothing.' He gave a wet sniffle, 'please, let's stay. Just for awhile?'

'Fine...' Tyler groaned as he caved in.

'Good.' Preston gave him another one of his precious smiles.

'You know I can't say no when you're looking at me like that.’

'Heh, sorry.' Preston giggled shyly.

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Tyler was just beginning to drift off when he was met by a unsettling sound.

'Eh, hh-kng!-eh..'

'Bless you.' He calmly said as he kept his eyes closed.

He suddenly felt a hand gripping at his thigh, making him flick his eyes open,

'Eh.. knisch!-oh... Excuse me.'

He gazed down at Preston who rubbed one hand at his delicate nose.

Awwe awwe.

He decided to ignore him and was just about to shut his eyes when he was met by another touch at his thigh,

‘Eh… ewschioo!’ Preston swiftly pressed his other hand at his nose and mouth as he’d turned his face against his jeans clothed legs.

‘Bless you, sweetie.’

‘Sorry.’ He softly replied as he glanced at him, still shielding his mouth with his long fingers. ‘Eh…’, his face found a bothered frown as he gently squinted his eyes, ‘eh...’ his breath shuddered once more.

‘ Need to sneeze?’ Tyler softly smiled as Preston lightly nodded. He sat himself up, still holding a firm position with his hands at his face.

‘Hh…’ He gave a deep intake of air as he pressed his eyes shut, ‘…Eischhoooo!’ The sneeze seemed rather forceful as his head gently snapped forward.

‘Bless you.’

‘Thank you.’ He sniffed wetly a couple of times, before he lowered his hands. ‘I guess I must have misread the pollen forecast.’ He giggled uneasily as he carefully moved some of his hair that’d fallen in front of his eyes.

‘You wanna leave?’ Tyler asked as he found a place beside him.

Gosh that's so adorable ;o . the before last line about pollen forcast with giggles :)

'I didn't.’ He confessed as he picked a grape from a small box of fruits. ‘It’s magic.’ He winked as he tossed it into his mouth.

Favorite line xD Oh Tyler youuu.

Tyler gazed at Preston lovingly when he noticed his nose started twitching. He tried to brush it off by wiggling it lightly but the tickle seemed to be persistent.

'I have to sneeze again...’ He softly groaned as he put the can down onto the blanket.


Preston gave him a gracious look, before he swiftly turned away from him,

'Eh-knxsch! Uh-krsch!-oh...' He stifled wetly into his sleeve.

'Bless you...’ Tyler responded as he watched Preston maintaining the same position,

'Ah-kschnsh! Eh-snxischioo!' He continued to stifle rapidly into the sleeve of his arm.

Tyler unscrewed the cap at his beer bottle and gulped down some of the bubbly liquid, meanwhile Preston slowly lowered his elbow.


'Eh, heh...' Preston blushed as he fished up a tissue from the basket and wiped it gently at his nose.

'I guess that means no. ' Tyler lightly chuckled as he let his hand slide through his dark brown hair.

'Excuse me,' His breath hitched as he gently brought the tissue up to his face, 'Eh kischoo! Ah aschoo! Eh, hh.. eschieww! Oh my God.'

'Maybe we should head back...'

'No.' Preston replied as he let the tissue graze at his nose, 'please..?' He put the tissue onto the blanket and grasped his hand, 'I'm fine.'

'It’s quite obvious your allergies starting to affect you.’ Tyler raised his eyebrow at him.

'It's nothing.' He gave a wet sniffle, 'please, let's stay. Just for awhile?'

'Fine...' Tyler groaned as he caved in.

'Good.' Preston gave him another one of his precious smiles.

'You know I can't say no when you're looking at me like that.’

'Heh, sorry.' Preston giggled shyly.

This part is just FULL OF CUTE. oh my gosh ;o

sdasjduiasdd <3 great once again.

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I really like this series!!! I am amazed that I never read it before now! I am really getting into this and I look forward to seeing where you take this :)

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I can't believe I just now found this! It is so adorable! I love how the two characters play off each other, and in my opinion no story is complete without sneezing!

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He gazed down at Preston who rubbed one hand at his delicate nose.

Awwe awwe.

Gosh that's so adorable ;o . the before last line about pollen forcast with giggles smile.png

'I didn't.’ He confessed as he picked a grape from a small box of fruits. ‘It’s magic.’ He winked as he tossed it into his mouth.

Favorite line xD Oh Tyler youuu.

This part is just FULL OF CUTE. oh my gosh ;o

sdasjduiasdd <3 great once again.

Oh Deathnoteowner, you're so awesome! thank you soooo much! x

Great as always

Thank you :D x

I really like this series!!! I am amazed that I never read it before now! I am really getting into this and I look forward to seeing where you take this smile.png

Thanks a lot for your review Sneeze999 :) So glad to hear you're into it!

I can't believe I just now found this! It is so adorable! I love how the two characters play off each other, and in my opinion no story is complete without sneezing!

Thank you xx And I most definitely agree! :D

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Chapter 10 – Romantic moments – Part 2

He gently kissed his lips as he held a tender touch at his fingers. Preston glanced up at him, exposing his long eyelashes.

'I’ve been meaning to tell you something…' Tyler began as he continued to eye him. Suddenly his throat dried up and he felt like coughing.

'Yes..?' Preston asked with a delicate tone. He appeared to be nervous.

The passionate moment transpiring between them was intense and both of them could feel the immense excitement in the air.

'I...' Tyler began again as let his fingers rub at his chin.

The faint signals of a distant phone suddenly interrupted between them.

'It's Adam.' Tyler slowly said as he gazed down at the caller id.

'Ohh.' Preston diverted his attention to the empty can at the red blanket.

'Is it okay if I take this?'

'Sure.' He gently put his hands into his lap.

'It'll just be a second.' Tyler said as he put the phone to his ear.

Adam kept talking about the party he'd recently attended and how drunk and obnoxious he'd been. In the beginning of the conversation Tyler found the chat quite amusing. But he somewhat lost his focus when he heard Preston being subjected to yet another stifling fit.

'Eh snkgsch! Ah-kschh! Oh Jesus...' He softly complained as he grasped another tissue from the basket and Tyler watched as him as he brought it up to his small nose. Suddenly Preston glanced back at him and seemed utmost embarrassed as he turned and faced the birch trees. He blew his nose gently, exposing a light moistening sound.

Adam kept babbling into the receiver as Tyler continued to eye Preston, and he noticed his shoulders starting to heave.

Slowly, he lowered his hands and seemed to be staring into space as he faintly shivered.

'Preston?’ Tyler asked as he shielded with his hand onto the receiver.

Preston seemed far too focused to respond and held up his fingers towards him as a reply. As if he wanted him to hold on for a second.

'Eh...' His breathing quivered. '…Eieescheew!' His head snapped forward and he barely had time to cover with the tissue in his hand. 'God, I'm sorry... You were saying..?' He glanced back at Tyler with watery eyes.

'Listen Adam, I gotta go, we'll talk later, okay?' Tyler clicked off the phone and reposition himself next to him. 'I think it’s time for us to leave, okay babe?’

He gently tucked some of his dark hair behind his ear as Preston wiped the now damp tissue at his nose.

'Okay...' His reply faintly hitched as his small reddish nostrils were flaring slightly.

'Okay? Come on then.' Tyler rose from the blanket and started to gather their things when he heard Preston give into another attack behind his back.

'Ah-kischoo! Eh-etschoo! Ktschhh!-oh...' He gave several congested sniffles as he started to fold up the blanket.

'Hey, give it to me, I'll do it.'

'I can do it.'

'I'm sure you can but-'

'Eh-knischoo!-oh.. Hh.. haschiooo!' Preston sneezed freely to the side as his hands kept a firm grip at the blanket.

'Let go.' Tyler gave him a stern look.

'No I want to-' Preston looked back at him as he sniffled wetly.

'Do it.'

'Fine.' Preston let the fabric slide down onto the soft grass.

'You’d think I could get you to do the easiest thing as to let go.’ Tyler said with a hint of irritation as he picked up the cloth and tossed it over his shoulder.

'I'm sorry. I didn't want to be a burden.' Preston seemed a bit inhibited as he softly rubbed at his nose.

‘What?' Tyler crooked his eyebrow. 'Stop talking such bullcrap. ‘

'I just wanted to help.’

'I get it, please stop excusing yourself. Let’s go.’ He grasped his hand and walked with him back to the parking spot.


'God, I'm such a mess.' Preston sighed as they got in the car.

'A hot mess.' Tyler winked as he put the keys into the ignition.

Preston giggled faintly as he as pulled down the visor to get a better view of himself.

‘My eyes are all red and puffy, I look awful…' He expressed tiresome as he let his fingers touch at his pale skin.

‘You look beautiful, don’t worry.’ Tyler replied as he let his hand brush against his shoulder and a thankful smile found Preston’s lips as he looked back at him.


‘So…’ Tyler said as he stopped the car outside of his apartment.

‘Heh, so.’ Preston let his index finger graze at his bottom lip as he gazed at him shyly.

‘Uhm, you wanna follow me back inside?’


Tyler gazed back at him. He maintained such strong emotions towards him and he knew this was the first relationship he’d ever taken seriously. It felt endearing, lustful, trustworthy and above all – real.

‘Uhm… are we going, or..?’

'I love you.' The three words slipped out of his mouth as easy as a slippery soap. He didn’t even have time to reflect.

Preston seemed startled as he faced him in a slow-like motion and his previously glazed eyes were now starting to water.

'What did you say...?' He whispered as his dark eyes locked with his.

'I... I love you?' He lightly hesitated as he started to question himself. Maybe he’d made a mistake?

'Oh Tyler,' The soft words from Preston’s lips made him withdraw his insecurity instantly as tears streamed down Preston’s cheekbones.

'I love you too, I do.' He replied as he hugged him tight, 'Oh God, you are so amazing. I, I can't almost believe it.' He seemed utterly overwhelmed.

‘Believe it.’ Tyler chuckled as he felt his wet cheek against his.

Preston slowly let go and he wiped at his eyes with his fingertips.

Tyler chuckled awkwardly, evidently a bit touched by their intimate moment.

'You have no idea how happy you've made... You make me feel.' Preston sniffled repeatedly as he continued to cry happy tears.

'Hey...' Tyler softly said as he grasped his hand, 'don't cry.' He kissed the top of it.

'I can't help it.’ He sniffed, ‘I’m so overjoyed.' He went in for yet another embrace and Tyler lovingly put his arms around him as he held him close.

[ So I’m going to add an adult scene to this story. I’ll post it in the Adult section if someone finds the interest. shutup2.gif ]

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Have u thought about having an allergy attack with an unknown cause because I think that would make a great section and ur writing is amazing

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I love it ! :) <3 do add another part in this thread :) uhm what about Tyler's dust allergies?. He hasn't been tortured in a while :)

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