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Spring Fever-second installment of Cade and Natalie. FINALLY COMPLETE


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PART 4: You’re in luck! This part is getting too long I have to split it up, so there will be a part 5!!! I want to thank MOONDUCK for giving me the idea of Cade and Natalie going on a hike.


I wake up to an empty bed. Natalie’s a natural early riser…not me. I stumble out of bed and notice my nose is still stuffed up. I stand up and immediately let out a quick double—“HUSHOO!-HUSHOO!” A few morning sneezes are expected, I just hope I don’t keep it up. The rain was supposed to wash away all the pollen…if it all came back over night, I’m going to personally punch God in the throat. I pad to the bathroom and wash my face. I grab a handful of tissues because I can feel more sneezes coming. I open the door and—“HUPSHOO!” Ugh, I moan, swaying to the kitchen sneezing every few steps. “HUSHOO!—…--HUPSHOO!--…ASHOO!” I slouch down on the bar stool and sneeze again. “HUSHOO!” I blow my nose and nod toward Natalie.


“Morning Cade,” I grin “Coffee?” I ask ready to pour it in the mug I placed in front of him.

“Sure,” he mumbles out. “Thanks,” he breathes, his voice huskier than usual.

“Allergies?” I nod.

“They’re pretty rough in the morning…but they shouldn’t be bad—AASHOO!—since it rained last night,” he sniffs.

“You want me to check the pollen count today?” I suggest.

“Yes please.”

I open my laptop and check. I see the pollen count is low/medium, but it’s rising as the day progresses. I really want to go on a hike with Cade, but I don’t know if he’ll want to if he knows the pollen count is going to get high. But on the other hand, if I can convince him to go out, maybe he’ll have another allergy attack and I can spend the rest of the night taking care of him. I choose the second option.

“Um, the pollen count is medium-low,” I quickly state.

“Alright. You still want to go on that hike you were talking about yesterday?” he asks, rubbing his nose.

“Yep,” I smile, trying not to look too suspicious.

I walk over to the oven and check on the cinnamon rolls when all of the sudden—“Ack-oo”—I turn my head and sneeze into my shoulder. If I’m sneezing then the pollen must be rising fast. Now I feel bad about lying to Cade—well technically I didn’t lie, I just didn’t tell him the whole story…but when we go out later, he won’t be able to go five minutes without sneezing. Lucky me! I pull the rolls out of the oven and put one on each plate. I bring them over to the breakfast bar and Cade looks at me funny, his eyes are slim.


“Bless you. Are you alright?” he asks stabbing his roll with a fork.

“Fine. It must be something in the air…” I shoo the particles with my hand.

“Like pollen? Maybe we shouldn’t go out if you’re sneezing too…” Cade hesitates.

“No, please? Come one, that’s one of me sneezes compared to your—what? 15 so far…” I contradict. “You even said yourself, allergies are rough in the morning, I’m sure it will clear in a few hours,” I beg.


Yes! He’s back on board. We finish our breakfast and each take our turns in the bathroom allowing our day to start. Though I hear him sneeze six consecutive times through the bathroom door. It sounds like they knocked the wind out of him. “HUUSSHOO!—HUPPSHOO!—HUSSHOO!—ESSHOO!!—HUUUUSHOOO!—HUSSSSHOOO!!” Then I hear the honking of his nose and that is all before he comes out.


As we walk down the trail, I glance at Cade. He’s struggling, but he’s not complaining. His nostrils are red and he’s not making them any better by rubbing them every other second. He’s managed to keep his sneezes to a minimum, but I know with all this holding back and stifling, he’ll be helpless any minute. I know the pollen count is higher than expected because my nose it itchy as well. I can feel it, though I haven’t touched it yet. I don’t want to make it worse. For now, just twitching my nose and sniffling every now and then will do.

We’re holding hands, just moseying down the trail. The big trees are shading the warm sun making it a tad chilly—good thing I brought a jacket. No one is saying much, but we don’t have to. We enjoy the silence—but I’m pretty sure Cade is just being quiet because he’s fighting off the urge to sneeze. I’m being quiet because I’m listening to him sniffle and hitch his breath preparing for a sneeze that never comes.

Sure enough, Cade finally surrenders. He draws his left hand to his nose and stifles a good amount of sneezes.

“Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst! Hexgst!” Goodness, 10 rapid stifles that leave him breathless, I’m surprised he didn’t pass out. He pulls out one of the tissues he packed away and blows his nose. He coughs and wipes his eyes.

“OK?” I ask moving my hand in circles on his back.

“I’m alright,” he sniffs. “Couldn’t hold back anymore.” Cade rubs his nose with the tissue and stuffs it away.

“Do you want to go back?” I disappointedly mumbled.

“No, I’m—” “HUSHOO!” “OK.” “ASHOO!!”

“OK, you want to go back, or OK, you’re OK?” I ask.

He blows his nose and replies, “OK, I’m OK. Let’s continue.”

We continue on our journey when Cade stops again to sneeze. This time he doesn’t stifle. He turns his head, explosively convulsing into his elbow “HUUSSSSHOO!!-HUUUSHHOOO!!—EESHHHOOO!!-ASSSSHOO!!—HEEESSSHOOOO!!” His eyes streaming and his nose running but completely stuffed at the same time, poor thing never looked cuter.

I sit ourselves down on a bench and allow Cade to catch his breath. I’m so busy caring for Cade that I don’t realize my own nose is itching. I take one swipe at it and let out an unexpected triple into my hands. “ATPSHOO!-ATCHOO!-HATCHOO!” They spray a little and my nose runs a tad. I glance over at Cade with my hands still over my face. He’s clearly suffering from an allergy attack, but he still smiles at me and hands me one of his tissues. I blow my nose, making a wet sound as I blow and dab at my eyes.

Meanwhile, Cade has his head tilted back and I observe his rising chest and he explodes again. He snaps forward on his first sneeze, then props his arms up on his thighs for the remaining fit. “HE-ASSHOO!—HEPTCHOO!-ASSHOO!—HE-HE-HEESHOO!—USHHOO!—HUHSSHOO!!—HEPTCHOO!-ETCHOO!-ETCHOO!!-HEPTCHOO!” I watch stunned but quickly turned away when I felt another sneeze building in my nose.

“Are you alright Cade?” I squeeze in before sneezing into my elbow. “HEPSHOO!-ATPSHOO!-HETCHOO!”

“I’b-I’b fide, w-what aboud you?” he replies muffling his words into his tissue. He hands me another one and I wipe my nose.

“I guess the pollen is getting to me too. Let’s go back before we start sneezing our heads off,” I suggest clearing my throat.

I help Cade up and hobble back to the house. I misjudged the pollen count, my eyes, nose, and my throat were itchy and I couldn’t stop rubbing my eyes and clearing my throat. I don’t know how Cade is not constantly sneezing. Although he is sniffling a bunch, but no sneezing fits since we left the bench.

“Don’t touch your eyes, you’ll only make it worse,” Cade warns me.

“I know, I know, but they itch so much…” I complain moving from rubbing my eyes to rubbing m nose.

“I didn’t know you had allergies.”

“They’re certainly not as bad as yours, but once in a while—yeah the pollen does get to me,” I respond rubbing my nose with my index finger.

“Well bless you. You have a cute sneeze,” Cade smiles.

“Um…thanks,” I sheepishly grim trying not to make it awkward.

Cade sneezes into his shoulder, but pauses after, probably another fit is coming. “HEPSHOO!” He sniffs, tilts his head up and his mouth drops open.

“Sorry, I can feel-ah-ah-ah-another-fit coming-” “HESSHOO!-HEPSHOO!” He squeezed his last words in before flying off into an uncontrollable fit. “AAASHOO!ESSHOO!ESSSHOO!!ETCHOO!!--…--HEPTSHOO!!—ATPSHOO!-ASHOOO!-HESSSHOO!—ASSHOO!”

He sneezes into his hands, he’s still standing too. I’m afraid the sneezes are so forceful that he’ll pass out. I place my hand on his back and try and get him to sit on the ground. He refuses, locking his knees, as he keeps sneezing his head off. Now, Cade is breathless, hunched over, hands propped up on his knees; his breath is raspy and he gives a few deep coughs before slowly raising up, finding a tissue and blowing his nose.

“Let’s hurry up—I can feel more coming,” Cade moans through his raspy stuffed up voice.

We reach the house just in time, Cade starts sneezing as we walk up the stairs and enter the house. He plops down on the couch breathless and building another fit. God, the pollen must be really high—we were out for an hour and a half (new record). Poor Cade, he sucked up his allergies just for me. I sit next to him with the tissue box in between us. His hazel eyes are red and streaming, as well as his nose. He’s sitting forward a few tissues in his palm, he’s waiting for the explosion.

“I—HESHOO!HESSHOO!HESHOO!—can’t—HEPTCHOO!ESSSHOO!—stop—Hegxst!Hegxst!Hegxst!Hept-choo! Asshoo! ASHOO! ASHOO! AASSHOO!—He-he-huh-huh-[sniff]-hupshoo! Huptshoo! Huptchoo! Etchoo!—ETSHOO!ESSHOO!—ESSHOO!ETCHOO!ATPSHOO!—Hupshoo!-Hupshoo!—[coughs]—heh-hepchoo! Heptchoo!-Asshoo!--Hegxst!Hegxst!Hegxst!-HESHOO!----Heshoo!!----HUSHOOO!—”

They finally start to taper off, but he’s speechless. He can barely breath, I hear short stuffed up breaths from his mouth, alternating between coughing and sniffling. After the first few stifles he stopped using tissues and just sprayed into his hands or just not at all. Let me tell you, that’s an amazing thing to watch. His eyes were closed the whole time, I doubt he could have even opened them, so I just epically watched. I am now handing him tissue after tissue, listening to him blow. It’s wet sounding at first then moves to stuffed up honking and he tells me he’s exhausted. His nose is sore to the touch and his eyes burn and his throat is itchy as well. He has reclined his head and is just trying to gain some strength.

He needs to shower, well both of us, we need to wash all the pollen off our bodies.

I stay with him until he gains consciousness. I comb his hair, though I guess I brought up some pollen because I sneezed four times in a row. “Ashoo!Ashoo!Heptchoo!Etchoo!”

“Excuse me.” I blush.

“Bless you,” Cade replied his eyes cracking open. “I need to shower.” He sits up and rubs his nose again.

“Me too.”

“OK, why don’t you go ahead and go first,” he offers.

“Absolutely not. You go in the guest bathroom and I can use the master upstairs. Both of need to be pollen free ASAP.”

Edited by flowerpower67
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I love this <3

two sneezy people. a male and a female, a package to please everyone ! :)

definitly worth the read ! :)

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poor Cade, although I love to read him suffering *evil grin*

cool, I got a thanks. You're welcome :) Can't wait for more!

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I love this <3 two sneezy people. a male and a female, a package to please everyone ! :) definitly worth the read ! :)

Yeah, MoonDuck gave me the hike idea and both the male and female have allergies.

poor Cade, although I love to read him suffering *evil grin* cool, I got a thanks. You're welcome :) Can't wait for more!

Thanks again for the idea. It made for a good segment. I can't wait to start the last part. Cade and Natalie's suffering aftermath

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I love this <3 two sneezy people. a male and a female, a package to please everyone ! smile.png definitly worth the read ! smile.png

Yeah, MoonDuck gave me the hike idea and both the male and female have allergies.

poor Cade, although I love to read him suffering *evil grin* cool, I got a thanks. You're welcome smile.png Can't wait for more!

Thanks again for the idea. It made for a good segment. I can't wait to start the last part. Cade and Natalie's suffering aftermath

Thumbs up to MoonDuck for that idea than :)

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I will and I am. I'm currently writing the last part, but I'm sooo busy with school and a tragedy happened at my university this week and it's literally been a mess. I haven't had time to write.

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So amazing! Please continue with many allergies!!! This is awesome!

So amazing! Please continue with many allergies!!! This is awesome!

I will and I am. I'm currently writing the last part, but I'm sooo busy with school and a tragedy happened at my university this week and it's literally been a mess. I haven't had time to write.

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This is soo amazing I have a small request for further parts one section I would like to see Natalie's allergies get a lot worse than Cade's one time and he like freaks out over her

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This is soo amazing I have a small request for further parts one section I would like to see Natalie's allergies get a lot worse than Cade's one time and he like freaks out over her

hm.. maybe....maybe not.... You'll have to wait and see ;)

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This is soo amazing I have a small request for further parts one section I would like to see Natalie's allergies get a lot worse than Cade's one time and he like freaks out over her

hm.. maybe....maybe not.... You'll have to wait and see ;)

i love this and loved snowed in ur such a great writer my story is pretty bad I think and currently im having writers block do uk how to get out of it
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This is soo amazing I have a small request for further parts one section I would like to see Natalie's allergies get a lot worse than Cade's one time and he like freaks out over her

hm.. maybe....maybe not.... You'll have to wait and see wink.png

i love this and loved snowed in ur such a great writer my story is pretty bad I think and currently im having writers block do uk how to get out of it

Sometimes I start from the beginning and read it out loud.

Sometimes I simply shut it down and take a break. Won't come back to it until the next day. Or in this case a week, (since I've been so busy)

I daydream a lot, thinking about the characters, thinking of the (possible or already formed) scenarios, put myself in their shoes and go about my day as if I were the character.

By daydreaming, I seem to come up with different story lines, then I get excited and want to start another one. That's how I have 90% unfinished stories and 10% satisfactory finished stories.

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This is soo amazing I have a small request for further parts one section I would like to see Natalie's allergies get a lot worse than Cade's one time and he like freaks out over her

hm.. maybe....maybe not.... You'll have to wait and see wink.png

i love this and loved snowed in ur such a great writer my story is pretty bad I think and currently im having writers block do uk how to get out of it

Sometimes I start from the beginning and read it out loud.

Sometimes I simply shut it down and take a break. Won't come back to it until the next day. Or in this case a week, (since I've been so busy)

I daydream a lot, thinking about the characters, thinking of the (possible or already formed) scenarios, put myself in their shoes and go about my day as if I were the character.

By daydreaming, I seem to come up with different story lines, then I get excited and want to start another one. That's how I have 90% unfinished stories and 10% satisfactory finished stories.

thank u and I love ur stories ur such a good writer especially in comparison to me
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  • 2 weeks later...

I DIDN’T FORGET!! I’ve just been super busy with college classes!!! But I finally finished!!

This is the final part 5. We left off with Natalie and Cade having to rush back to the house both of them were having an allergy attack. See what happens in the end. And I know the end is a little cheesy…sorry I’m not the best at portraying romanticism.


PART 5: I want to thank AKALEI for shaping the ending.

I take a quick shower, the warm water tickling my skin helping me relax a little. I scrub my body hard with a handful of soap. I hope the aftermath reaction won’t be too bad. But it usually is, so I better prepare myself. After a steamy shower, my sinuses are still pretty much blocked and my eyes are still bloodshot. I reapply eye drops and nasal spray and drop my clothes and towel into the washing machine.

I finish before Natalie so I go rest on the couch, but I can already tell it’s not going to be restful. My throat, eyes, and nose are still itchy and I can’t seem to stop rubbing under my nose and the inside of my eyes. I guess the pollen is still potent because I can feel more sneezes coming. I just hope it’s not a fit; I don’t think I can handle another fit. I’m too drained.

As I sit down, I cup my hands over my nose. “HEGXST!-huh” I sniffle and rub my nose. God, it’s so itchy and stuffed up, it’s a struggle to breath out of my nose. “HEGIXST! HEGIT!” I pinch my nose to stifle and I normally don’t stifle, but I’m afraid if I let them go then I’ll get a huge fit and this is the only way I know how to control them. I am terrible at holding back, I never last more than 5 seconds. “HAT-Hmm! HETCH! Ugh…” My head is starting to pound, stifling always gives me a headache.

“HEXGCHOO!—HEGITCHOO!—HEGITT-Huh…”I keep sniffling and rubbing my nose which is probably why I’m sneezing. If I would stop rubbing my nose then I’d stop sneezing, but my nose itches so much. It’s so difficult not to touch it. I’m trying to minimize the tissue use because, one, it makes my nose sore to the touch, and two, I feel like blowing out all the pollen invites more to re-enter, so I’m just going to stick to sniffling for now.

Natalie comes down the stairs carrying her wad of clothes. She drops them in the washing machine and starts the load. She toddles toward me and plops down beside me. She sneezes into her elbow, “Hettchoo!”

I sneeze right after her, “HAT-CHH!—HAT-Hmm”

“Bless you,” I say afterward, sniffling and rubbing my nose.

“Thanks. How are you doing?” she asks itching her pink nose.

“HEGTSSSH!” “I think—” “HET-Hmm” “They’re tapering off,” I mumble sniffling loudly. “Hepshoo!-Ushooo!-Etshoo!”

“It doesn’t sound like it,” Natalie coos rubbing my thigh. She brings the tissue box closer and I take a few to blow my nose.

“I’b finde. Don’d worry aboud bme. What aboud you? I’ve never seen you sneeze this much.”

“I guess there’s something up here that doesn’t grow back home that’s making me sneeze.” “Hepshoo!—Hetchoo!” “Would you like some tea? I’m going to make some tea.” “Hepshoo!-Atchoo!-Etchoo!” “Good Lord!” Natalie grabs a tissue as she steps into the kitchen.

I take this time to blow my nose, it’s rather stuffed up, but I eventually am able to breathe little better. I slouch back into the couch and close my eyes. “Hitgxst! Hat-hmm!” God, I hate the springtime. “Heptchoo!Hitstst!Itstchoo!” I run my palm over my nose.

Natalie returns with two mugs of herbal tea, she slouches next to me but suddenly snaps forward with a few sneezes. “Hetpchoo!Aptshoo!Heegxshoo!”Her auburn hair flips forward with every sneeze and her hands are over her mouth shielding her spray. I pluck a tissue for her and he mumbles a ‘thank you’ through her pinched nose. She blows quietly, a soft wet sound, probably too embarrassed to blow any harder while I’m sitting next to her. She sniffs afterward, but continues to sit on the edge of the couch.

Sure enough, Natalie releases three triples, not rapidly, but a continuous pace and she aims all downward just barely covering then with her wrist. “Hepshoo!Hexshoo!Heptchoo!—Hah-Heptchoo!Agshoo!Agshhoo!—he-HA-Shoo!Etchoo!Igsxhoo!” She immediately reaches for the tissues and turns around so I can’t see her blow her nose.

I feel like crap, but I’m sure she feels worse, I’ve never seen her like this. I’m used to feeling like this all spring and summer, I’m not sure she’s ever had an attack like this. As much as I feel sorry for Natalie, I did enjoy watching her sneeze. I’ve never actually watched her sneeze, it’s usually the other way around—that’s right, I know she stares at me when I have an allergy attack. I think she’s just as intrigued with sneezes as I am…I wonder if she—

Natalie turns back around, coughing wetly into her fist with tears trickling down her cheeks.

“Natalie, my God, are you alright? You’re eyes are blood red,” I ask wiping her cheeks with my thumb.

Her eyes flutter and she stifles a sneeze into her elbow. “Hegsst!” Only there’s more after that—she sits forward and holds a finger under her nose while her breath hitches. “Eh-eh-eh-ESSHOO!ESSHHOO!ITCHOO!HEPTCHOO!” I only sit in silence, concerned for my poor Natalie, usually the roles are reversed. I wonder how she feels when she’s watching me suffer from an allergy attack. I feel helpless and I wish there was something I could do. I hand her a handful of tissues and she nods to thank me. Natalie releases a string of chesty coughs and then blows her nose and allows a few straggling breaths come out. She dabs her eyes and then slouches back on the couch.

I scoot closer to her and push her hair out of her face and take a tissue and wipe her perspiring forehead and teary cheeks.

We sit in silence for a moment, we listen to each other’s congested breaths, her left hand and my right hand tangled together between our laps.

“Natalie? Are you alright?” I ask wearily, my head still resting atop hers and my left hand wrapped around her body lightly stroking her arm.

“Hm-mm. Yourself?” she replies.

“I’m just fine,” I say twiddling my fingers. “Maybe you should lay down.”

“No, I’m comfortable next to you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“A little better. I’ve never had an allergy attack like that before. Now I know how you feel Cade, God, for those minutes, I thought I was going to die. The sneezes would not stop.”

“I know, I know, it sucks. But the worst is over.”

“Thanks for taking care of me,” Natalie nods patting my thigh.

“You remember the last time we were in this position?”

“Yes, but the roles were reversed.”

“Did I ever tell you how much I appreciated you taking care of me?”

“No.” I felt Natalie tense up. She stopped playing with my fingers.

I sigh. “Alright. Confession time. Do you know I had the biggest crush on you since high school? Like, freshman year? But I didn’t realize it until you moved away after we graduated. Natalie,” I sit up and she follows me, “you were my first and only best friend. I know we drifted back and forth throughout high school, but found each other and here we are. I know it’s meant to be because nothing was forced.” I take her hands and look into her swollen green eyes. “I love you like a best friend, I love you like a sister, I love you and I loved how you cared for me way back when we were snowed in at my house.”

“Well what can I say? Cade, I love you too. And when I took care of you, I wanted to, you are my friend, you were my sick friend, I had to make you feel better,” Natalie explains.

She lied, I caught on as the years passed, but I know she likes watching me sneeze. But I’ll let it go, she’ll tell me when she’s ready.

“I woke up that day feeling ill, but my naïve self, took every opportunity I had to spend with you. I was sneezing all morning.”

“Cade stop. I know what you’re trying to do,” she speaks abruptly, letting go of my hands.

I am silent, I pushed it too far with my last comment. I feel kind of guilty for having Natalie interrupt me like that. But I know I was making her uncomfortable, I could feel it in her hands—I pushed her, but it’s nothing to be ashamed about.

Natalie inhales and relaxes her hands on top of mine.

“Cade, it’s my most deepest darkest secret. Absolutely no one knows. And now you’ve caught on…I feel embarrassed. I didn’t want to have to tell you like this. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember and I’ve always had to hide it because it’s so unnatural.” Natalie is on the brink of tears. I have not said a word yet, I’m afraid she’ll burst if I don’t interject something quick.

“Natalie, don’t cry. It’s not something to be ashamed of. I just confessed something huge to you and I, maybe, kind of, purposefully, pushed the envelope to try to get you to tell me,” I say, “here’s something else. I like sneezes too. I don’t think I have a fetish, but I do enjoy sneezing and sniffling.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’ve noticed me rambling on and on about my allergies and sneezing and that stuff.”

“Don’t think it didn’t go unnoticed. I’m the one who changed the subject every time it came up,” she half-chuckles.

“Hey, a laugh, see it’s not so bad. Your own boyfriend thinks it’s cool and not weird at all. It makes you a great caretaker and I know that you know exactly what you and I need when we have allergy attacks or get sick…did that make sense?”

Natalie smiles, “Yes.”

“Good.” I nudge back.

“Cade, I truly love you. Now more than ever,” Natalie states, staring into my eyes.

“I love you too,” I reply and we seal it with a kiss.

Edited by flowerpower67
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  • 2 months later...

This was such a sweet and perfect ending this story. I am glad they were able to be truthful to each other. Cade's fits and build-ups are to die for; they were so fantastic. Thank you for this wonderful story!

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