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BBC Sherlock Series 3


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I could do with a little less Mycroft, though (sorry, spoo! ><). He was freaking everywhere in this third series. I don't like seeing him constantly guiding Sherlock, I feel like it takes away something from Sherlock's genius. In general I felt like Sherlock didn't get to be the smartest person in the room often enough this series. I'm not saying the character shouldn't be allowed to make mistakes, but I felt like he was being out-smarted left and right this time around. If I'm not overly impressed with the plot or cases, at least I want to be impressed by Sherlock.

I really like Mycroft and I love seeing him, but I didn't like the way that he was involved this series. I completely agree about the guiding Sherlock thing. I like Mycroft's presence in reality, not in Sherlock's mind palace.

My croft is-hands down- my FAVORITE character. Well, John is cool too, but... Okay, my SECOND favorite character. He's smart, funny, and has his own club!! Plus I like his goldfish quote because that's how I feel sometimes :/

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Both of them cram a large amount of superfluous soppy filler in to everything

You know, I really don't mind this. I'm guessing that what you see as 'soppy filler,' I'd probably call character scenes or emotional scenes (correct me if I'm wrong!). smile.png

I expect that there'll be some overlap of scenes! But it's not an anti development thing; I like development of character. I just think these guys aren't very good at it and over half of what they give us is mushy. That's fine if you want to see Sherlock and John almost bed each other once an episode or Doctor Who defeat the Master with the power of prayer but I'd like something else in my supposedly clever and witty drama every once in a while.

Disclaimer: I hate everything

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Doctor Who defeat the Master with the power of prayer

laughing.gif I'm laughing way harder at this than I should.

Edited by Ouroboros
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Doctor Who defeat the Master with the power of prayer

laughing.gif I'm laughing way harder at this than I should.

I'm laughing harder at this part:

Disclaimer: I hate everything


Edited by myownprivatesfc
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That's fine if you want to see Sherlock and John almost bed each other once an episode

I have no idea what you're talking about.


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That's fine if you want to see Sherlock and John almost bed each other once an episode

I have no idea what you're talking about.


This picture is my religion.

I, for one, was really, really happy with all 3 episodes. Granted, I was going through a really bad time at that time, and it was the only thing that was keeping me relatively sane.

I laughed, I cried, and I just want to take them all home with me and hug them.

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