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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How Did You Find This Site?


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This may seem kinda gross, but I was like eleven when I found this site. I was similar to many people in that I was searching for sneezy fanfics. This was before I knew how to delete the history, so god knows what my parents thought. But anyway I remember the exact search term I used. It was "sneezy superheroes" and it led to this.

Back then I didn't even know what the word "fetish" meant, so I had to look it up. Yeah... a bit of a mistake on my part. So then for awhile I was convinced I didn't really have a fetish, I just liked sneezing. A few years later I came to realize that yes, I did in fact have a sneezing fetish, and I still do to this day.

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I was searching stuff for sneezing and came across it somewhere along the way. haha but it's funny, my ultimate goal was to find Jonathan Davis sneezing. Found all this other cool sneezy stuff except Jonathan Davis sneezing. Still to this day can't find a single piece..

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Wow, it must have been when the SFF first came online round about 2002/3 - although I was only ever a guest back then, far too nervous to sign up as a member! I remember coming across it while googling (was it google back then - I can't even remember :lol: ) sneeze videos or something like that. Then I didn't visit for a number of years (lack of internet access) before finding my way back primarily to access the links to YouTube videos I was too lazy to find myself. And finally I plucked up the courage to join... never looked back :)

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I was looking for more House/Wilson sickfics ages ago. I was a member and then I sort of had real life get in the way and forgot about it. Recently I've been procrastinating real life and decided to write more and re-joined. :)

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I was actually looking for real-life sneezing experiences xD like, people's sort of diary entries where sneezing was involved, as I happened to find a few when I was like 13.

I came across this particular site in early 2012, and my first reaction was "EW! Fetish! I don't have one of those! " :sweatdrop:

After a long time of coming across the site on Google searches for other things, I decided to take a peek.

Oh. My. God.

My mind was blown. My flabber had never been so gasted at how many people there were like me. There are others like me!!

I actually joined pretty soon after I came in here and couldn't be happier ^_^

Edited by PuddinPop
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I also started to google words like "sneezing" at an early age (gosh, it was so exciting and a bit scary and... awesome!). At age 11 or 12, I was really into Fanfiction in general, then I found out about sneeze fics and was in heaven. Basically, after a while, I noticed that all the fics I was really into were posted on the same site (this one, duh) and started exploring it. I lurked for the longest time after that! I mean, I've been looking at this website from time to time ever since I was 11 or 12 and I only joined this summer, shortly before I turned 17! :D

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i was probably in like 5th or 6th grade and was googling sneezing in tv shows or actors i wanted to see sneeze and then just random stories and i ended up here!

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Very early, as soon as I was on the net I would look up sneezing and this would always come up and I was curious, Then I lurked a long time and now here I am and I love, Just waiting on validation and then I can enjoy it more (:

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This site specifically? Oh man, I don't remember. It's been so long! I've lurked here for ages; I probably came here through bondi's site. I first realized I HAD the fetish way back in 1998 at the tender age of 14. I was up late one night searching "sneeze" online and came up with tarotgal's site. I think it was brand new back then and my mind was BLOWN. It was like I had found hidden treasure. It was scary at first (what if my parents found me looking at it?) But I got over that fear rather quick and I think I spent the next three nights reading snezefics until 2am. Been lurking around ever since. ;)

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