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The next morning, I heard Cade moaning and lightly coughing in his sleep. I tilted my head to see clearer; it was 8:30 in the morning. I watched him struggle to get comfortable, tossing and turning all while moaning and sniffling. The floor was littered with used tissues and the white sea was brushing up against my mattress. 

“Cade? Are you alright?” I murmured, turning over on my side.
“Ugh, I can’d brea’d through by bnose,” he moaned, as he sat up. His voice was thick with congestion. I watched him try to sniff, nope, couldn’t even sniff. He had his mouth draped open so he could breathe. He tried to exhale but was caught off-guard by a chesty bronchial cough. He brought an elbow to his face to cover. 
“Did you sleep OK?” I asked concerned. 
“It dwas a blur.” He plucked a tissue from his dwindling stash and gave a big blow. 
“What do you mean?”
He dropped the tissue beside him, and it tumbled to the floor. “I dfeel like I slepd five mindutes,” Cade replied massaging his sinuses. His breath was hitching some, but I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or preparing for a sneeze. 

I couldn’t find anything to say. I sat up and stared at him. Cade sat cross-legged with his head down still rubbing his sinuses. I observed his rising chest. He was prepping for a sneeze. “Huh-huh-huh—huh—HUSSSSSSHOOO!!—HUSSSSSSSSHOOOOO!!” He sneezed right into his hands. It sounded like they sprayed a bunch, but his hands were covering his face, I couldn’t tell. With one hand still covering his nose and mouth, he reached over and grabbed a couple of tissues and blew hard, though it sounded like not a lot came out. 

“Ugh, id’s dnot evend condgestion, I’md jusd blockd upd,” he stated still breathing through his mouth. 

I felt so sorry for him. He couldn’t even breathe. I just wanted him to be really sneezy and have just the slightest bit of misery and crankiness that he’d complain all day. But this is beyond my fantasies and I really hoped he didn’t feel as bad as he looked. 
His dark hair was a mess, tuffs flipping up and his part all crooked, actually it was kind of cute. His eyes were a little bloodshot and cheeks were still rosy, and then his nose…His nose was a hot mess, running yet completely blocked, red and chafed around his nostrils and Cade could not stop touching it, wincing every time. He was gearing up for another fit. Breathing became short and I could tell he was trying to hold it back in order to build a giant sneeze. Sure enough: “HUUUUSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHOOO!! He—he-huh—huh-huh—HUUPTCHOO!! HUSHOO!!-HUSHOO! HETPCHOO!!” 
My heart sank, I felt so sorry for him. Our eyes met, both of his hands were over his nose and mouth. I got out of my bed and plucked a handful of tissues for him and pushed them in his face. He took them being careful not to touch his snotty fingers to mine. He blew hard, making disgusting gurgly sounds, but it sounded like the more he sneezed and blew, the more he was able to unblock his nose. He sniffed through his nose and it was definitely stuffed up, but he could get some air through. 
He dropped the used ones on the floor and picked up fresh ones, he wiped his watering eyes and then the poor thing sneezed 10 more times. 
I sat beside him on his bed handing him tissue after tissue so he could blow his nose and wipe his eyes. I rubbed his back and told him how sorry I was that he was sick. 

“Do you want me to get your mom?” I offered.
“Dno, I’m gonna get upd,” he sniffed. He put his hand out, “Cand I havd bmy glassesd bplease?” 
I reached for his glasses and dropped them in his palm. He pushed them on and rubbed his nose again. I hopped off the bed so he could throw his covers back. I admired his PJs--a black T-shirt and blue plaid pants. I walked him downstairs and we found his mom sitting at the dining room table sipping coffee and browsing the Internet. 
“Momd? I’md sick, and--” Cade declared before sneezing into his shirt. He raised his collar to his nose and probably sprayed all over his own chest. 
I finished Cade’s sentence, “He can’t stop sneezing. We’ve been up for 10 minutes and already he’s probably sneezed thirty times!” I exaggerated, only not really. His sneezing fits were mesmerizing to witness. 
“Oh, you sure are!” she cried. She felt Cade’s forehead, “and you’re burning up. Go lay down on the couch, I’ll bring you some medicine,” Mrs. Bassam ordered. 
I escorted Cade to the couch and he plopped himself down breathing heavy and through his mouth again. He shook out the blanket he was using last night and covered himself up. 
“Natd, cand you get by sweatshirt, bplease? Id’s handging ond dhe back ofb by door,” he asked teeth chattering a tad. 

I power walked back upstairs and snatched his sweatshirt off his door. I didn’t want to miss any sneezing. I also hopped over to his nightstand and grabbed the box of tissues. It was about half empty. And I opened it last night! Cade had sneezed and sniffled through half a jumbo box of tissues by himself. Poor thing! I hopped downstairs just to find Cade right where I left him: drowsy and miserable. 

“Here,” I breathed. 
“Thangs,” he threw on his sweatshirt and his teeth slowly stopped chattering. 
His mom came back with Motrin, what looked like a prescription bottle, and a red Gatorade, Cade’s favorite sick drink. Whenever I saw him carrying a bottle of red Gatorade around at school, I knew he didn’t feel well and his mom declared he wasn’t sick enough to stay home so she sent him off with a bottle of Gatorade and a bag of cough drops and tissues.  
“Here Cade, I have Motrin and a couple of your allergy pills since you can’t stop sneezing. Open up, let me take your temperature,” Mrs. Bassam insisted. Cade actually complied. “Oh, honey, 102. That’s no good.” 
Cade interrupted his mom, explosively sneezing four delicious times. “HEPTCHOO!-HETCHOO!-ETCHOO!-HURSHOOO!!” He snapped forward covering his face with both hands, as he sneezed his head just about touched his knees (he was still sitting with his legs pulled to his chest). 
“Good Lord, bless you! Let’s get those pills in you so you can relax, I bet you’re all stuffed up,” Mrs. Bassam implied.
“You have bno idea,” Cade replied taking the open bottle of Gatorade and swallowing the pills whole. 
“Prescription? For allergies?” I questioned to myself, but of course Mrs. Bassam has supersonic hearing and answered my curiosity. 
“His allergies just keep getting worse as he gets older, I finally suggested we go to an Allergist and get a prescription. I’m sure you’ve noticed over the years, you two have been best friends ever since your parents moved next to us; your mom was very pregnant with you,” Mrs. Bassam smiled handing a cup of Motrin to Cade.

In fact, I had noticed. When we were little we used to spend most of our summer days outside playing and I used to have a cat (Clover) and a dog (Emma). As we got older, Cade began sneezing around my cat and he’d want to go inside early because his eyes itched and his nose was all stuffy. Eventually, Cade’s nose got so sensitive to my cat, he couldn’t be around Clover longer than a minute before he’d start sneezing uncontrollably. I ended up putting Clover up for adoption just for him. Thank goodness, he’s not allergic to dogs. Emma died, but I got a new dog named Sadie and he’s not affected by her. I felt kinda bad for him, if we’d go outside in the spring and summertime, we couldn’t be out for more than an hour before his eyes got watery and itchy and his nose got really stuffy and he’d be sneezing all over the place. We used to have so much fun outside. 

“There, now go on back to sleep. I’ll check on you later.” His mom kissed his cheek and as soon as she left Cade turned on the TV and got Netflix going. 
“Scrubs?” he asked.
“Sure,” I answered. 

I sat on the other end of the couch with my own blanket and Cade, on his side, was huddled up in his, with the tissue box pressed to his chest. He’d pluck one every few minutes to wipe or blow and his sneezing died down quickly. That must be some powerful prescription. He sneezed maybe once or twice every half-hour to an hour. But still, they were messy and loud, and still entertaining to watch and listen to. I must have fallen back asleep because I woke up to a high-pitched girly sneeze that sounded like “Hiittchoo!!!”

Edited by flowerpower67
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i absolutely love this! have you considered after you finished this story, that you could write about them again but have Cade suffering from his allergies then a cold? just a thought because i don't want this to be the end of Natalie and Cade ;)

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Cade is soo adorable! I love his cold :) hehe. I loved the obs that inspired you and this is amazing too. I hope you continue soon and we get to see more of Cade's cold!

And I agree with akalei I don't want this story to be the end of these two. It would be amazing if you wrote more with them :)

thanks again and I hope you feel better :)

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Yeah, you could write another story, but with the same characters and allergies being the cause of the sneezes. Cade is so cute :D Can't wait for more!

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i absolutely love this! have you considered after you finished this story, that you could write about them again but have Cade suffering from his allergies then a cold? just a thought because i don't want this to be the end of Natalie and Cade wink.png

Cade is soo adorable! I love his cold smile.png hehe. I loved the obs that inspired you and this is amazing too. I hope you continue soon and we get to see more of Cade's cold!

And I agree with akalei I don't want this story to be the end of these two. It would be amazing if you wrote more with them smile.png

thanks again and I hope you feel better smile.png

Also I agree with Akalei there should be more of these guys!!

Yeah, you could write another story, but with the same characters and allergies being the cause of the sneezes. Cade is so cute biggrin.png Can't wait for more!

Thanks for all the positive feedback. You bet your bottoms there is still more to come...

And I've never written an allergy fic before simply because I don't know what should go in a allergy fic. Sick fics kind of write themselves, you know, being sick, you progressively get worse. What could I write about to make an allergy fic interesting? Please, I'd love some plot ideas.

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Maybe you could go inside Cade's head vs Natalie's if you were to do an allergy fic.... Just a thought :)

I love this story btw!!

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Maybe you could go inside Cade's head vs Natalie's if you were to do an allergy fic.... Just a thought :)

I love this story btw!!

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Maybe you could go inside Cade's head vs Natalie's if you were to do an allergy fic.... Just a thought smile.png

I love this story btw!!

Interesting. Good idea, I'll think about it.

If you remember from Natalie's inner thoughts, Cade likes talking about his allergies... maybe a secret fetishist himself..

Edited by flowerpower67
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ok ik its not easy to write an amazing story like this but can you plz try to update this asap I can't wait to find out what happens next

P.S. I am a fan of cade and "nat" plz could you write another story with them but cade is suffering from allergies not a cold

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ok ik its not easy to write an amazing story like this but can you plz try to update this asap I can't wait to find out what happens next

P.S. I am a fan of cade and "nat" plz could you write another story with them but cade is suffering from allergies not a cold

Yes, lots of people are requesting that I write about Cade's allergies next.

I was going to update today, but I'm actually sick too, my head's been pounding all day and all I want to do is lay down.

I haven't gotten a change to write anything new. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow.

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This fic is amazing!! I feel so bad for Cade but adore him all the same :D I hope you feel better!

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I lifted my head, confused about my whereabouts. Our heads were on opposite ends of the couch making our feet meet in the middle of the couch. I accidentally kicked Cade, who had fallen asleep too, and he moaned raising his head to see what was up. 

“Sorry, Cade, go back to sleep,” I apologized laying my head back down as if I was going back to sleep too. 

Cade laid his head back down and pulled his blanket up close to his chin. Scrubs was still playing, but I wanted to see where that sneeze came from or had I dreamt it? I turned down the volume and heard someone walk into the kitchen coughing and then: “HITCHOO!” That girly sneeze, it WAS real. I gingerly sat up to see who it was. It was Rose. 
Her long brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, she was wearing glasses (which I didn’t know she had), and she was ambling around the kitchen like a lost kitten. 
I watched her walk over to her mom. I could hear the conversation pretty well, though I couldn’t see very well, a lazy boy recliner was in my line of vision.

“Mommy, I don’t feel well,” her voice was raspy and hinted of congestion. 
“You too?” Mrs. Bassam asked. 
“Hitchoo!” She pulled a tissue from the box she was holding. “What do you mean? Oh, Cade?” she asked coughing into her tissue. It was weak and wet. 
“Yeah, he’s pretty sick. He and Natalie are vegged out on the couch,” Mrs. Bassam nodded towards the living room. “Why don’t you go on back to bed and I’ll bring you some tea?” she suggested. 
“OK…” Rose mumbled. 

I heard her sneeze two more times before she disappeared upstairs. “Hitchoo!!—Itchooo!!”
I settled back down, there was no point in pretending to be asleep, so I turned the TV up and watched
Scrubs. Mrs. Bassam strolled in and felt Cade’s forehead and he immediately woke up. 

“Mmm…Mom…” he moaned, catching a sneeze in his hands. “HURRSHOO!” He frowned and licked his lips as his mom handed him a tissue.
“Bless you. Rose just came down and told me she’s sick too.”
“Great…Go nurture your favorite while you leave me here to die! I bet she’s faking it,” he mumbled into his pillow; he really mumbled the last part of his thought. 
“Caiden Harris! I love you both equally and I will try my best you take care of both of you,” Mrs. Bassam scolded. 
Cade turned his head and coughed toward the couch. 
“I’ll take care of Cade, you go deal with Rose,” I insisted.

Mrs. Bassam patted me on the shoulder, thanking me. 
YES! My dream has come true, I get to take care of Cade and watch him sneeze; I don’t have to sit idly and sneak a look every now and then. 
I watched Cade blow his nose again and then he painfully rubbed his head.

“Everything alright Cade?” I asked.
“By head really hurds,” he moaned shutting his eyes and rubbing his face with his palms. 
“Maybe some food would help. What would you like?” 
“Um…Dere should be somb frodzen waffles ind dhe freedzer. I wand dwo ob dose. You cand make somb too if you’re hundgry.”

I sauntered into the kitchen and dug through the freezer to find a box of unopened frozen waffles. I put four in the toaster and pranced back to the living room only to find Cade sneezing his head off. “ATPCHOO! ETCHOO! HEPTCHOO!” I stayed back in the kitchen to watch. Each sneeze left him breathless and snuffly. There was a pause in between each sneeze, Cade laid his head back on the couch and I could tell his head was killing him. He moaned and pressed his hand to his forehead and inhaled for another batch of sneezes. “He-Ashoo!! ASSHoooo!! ETCHOO!!” He took a few hefty blows and groaned loudly. 

“Hey, do you want any butter or syrup?” I quietly interrupted. 
“No, just plain, please,” he requested. 

I brought our breakfast to the living room as we continued our Scrubs marathon. Cade and I just bummed it all day. I wondered if my dad would ever call, though I did glance outside. It was mighty bright even though the sun wasn’t shining. I estimated about a foot of snow fell last night and the city people had not plowed Cade’s subdivision yet. Cade had scarfed down his waffles and was back to huddling under his blanket, half-awake and breathing heavily through his mouth. And then, as I predicted, my phone buzzed—my dad calling. I excused myself to take it in private. I scuffed into the foyer and answered my phone. 
“Hi, Dad.”
“Hey, sweetie, how are you?” he spoke softly. I kind of missed him. 
“I’m fine,” I responded doodling smiley faces on the fogged-up windows.
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“I’m taking care of Cade, he’s sick.”
“Oh,” my dad stuttered. 
“Oh, nothing…just be mindful of, you know, getting sick yourself…Anyway, I’d come and get you, but the roads still haven’t been plowed. Looks like you might be stuck over there until dinner time,” he informed.  
“OK…” I nagged. 
“Alright, see you then.”
I hung up and traveled back to the living room. 

“Hey, how ya feeling?” I asked sitting down.
“I havd a horridble sindus headache. Do you thindk you could turnd down the TV so I cand take a dnap?” 
“Of course.”

I gave Cade the blanket I was using and tucked him in; he was snoring within five minutes. 
A few hours had gone by, and I was still sprawled out on the other half of the couch watching Scrubs. Cade was deep in his sleep, though he sounded uncomfortably congested, he was breathing through his mouth again and I could tell he was rather uncomfortable, I bet he’d rather be back in his bed. 
His mom came in to check on us and brought us some lunch. 

“Would you like some lunch? I made Rose some soup and thought maybe you two would like some too,” Mrs. Bassam offered. 
“Thanks.” I took the chicken soup and gratefully sipped at its warm goodness. 
“Cade? Honey, I made some soup. Are you hungry?” his mom asked petting his hair. 
Cade groaned stuffily and coughed into his elbow before answering. “Sure.” He sat up and took the soup.

Well, actually he sneezed a wet triple then took the soup. “ETSSSHOO!!—ESSSSHOOO!!!—HEPTCHOO!” 

“How you feeling?” his mother asked sitting down in the recliner next to the couch. 
“I havd a headache and I’b so stuffed up I can’d breathd,” Cade complained, his voice cracking a little. 
“I’m sorry you don’t feel well. Is it just your head? Does your stomach hurt?” 
“Dno, just by head,” Cade stated, coughing afterward. 
“OK, that’s good. Rose is upstairs; she might have the flu. High fever and she vomited once,” Mrs. Bassam stressed. “Natalie, when is your dad coming to get you, or do you need a ride home?” 
“No, my dad should be here in a few hours. They still haven’t plowed the neighborhood and roads,” I replied. 
“Alright. Cade, you finish your soup and then I want to take your temperature,” Mrs. Bassam ordered.
“Awe, Mom…” Cade protested. 
“Now what is so wrong about a mom taking care of her sick child?” Mrs. Bassam questioned.
“I don’t know, it just feels weird under my tongue…” Cade reasoned.
“Well, then I’ll get an ear thermometer next time I’m out. So how am I supposed to know to give you medicine? Feeling you forehead isn’t enough…” she explained. “Now, open. There…99.9 Almost gone, that ibuprofen worked fast,” she smiled. 
“But my head still hurts,” Cade whined.
“I can give you more. Would you like another Gatorade too?”
“Yes please,” he hinted.

“HESSSHOO!!-----HETCHOO!!-----ISSSHOOO!!------HE-E-E-EPTCHOO!!” Cade’s allergy medicine must be wearing down (or his illness is more serious than I thought), because he kept this sneezing up for a good five minutes—just sneezing about every 10-30 seconds. I was getting concerned and asked him if he was OK.

“Allergy pills wearing out?” I nonchalantly asked. 
“Nah, they’re really strong and last for 12 hours. I guess it’s just because I’m sick…” he shrugged before sneezing into his elbow. “And I’m kinda getting annoyed, it’s hurting my head even more,” Cade divulged wiping his nose. 

His little “fit” died down after, I’d say, the twentieth sneeze in five minutes. He gave some more hefty blows, though he complained of it not doing much to help clear his nose. He laid back down and eventually fell back asleep. I got up and roamed around the house for a while. I got tired of sitting and watching Scrubs
Snow started falling again, but it wasn’t as heavy as the blizzard that came through. I stared out the window in the sitting room and saw the plows had finally come through. That means my dad would be here soon. I was glad, as much as I was enjoying Cade suffer (tisk, tisk—I felt bad for enjoying it…), I wanted to go home. Mainly because I was getting bored, all Cade wanted to do was sleep, but since I was here, he slouched on the couch and watched TV with me. And second, I wanted to shower—I felt dirty and I was still in Rose’s clothes she let me borrow. My fantasies had definitely been fulfilled. I got to witness Cade sneeze and sneeze and be a ball of misery and I got to take care of him. 
At last, I saw my dad pull into Cade’s snow-blown driveway. And I even saw Sadie in the passenger seat, eagerly wagging her butt (not just her tail, her whole butt) waiting for me. 

“Hi!” I exclaimed hugging my dad. 
“Hey, sweetie. Are you ready?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I just have to tell Mrs. Bassam that I’m going.” I pumped up the stairs and knocked on her door. 
“Come in.”
“It’s Natalie.”
“It’s OK, sweetie, come in.”
“I just wanted to tell you that my dad’s here and thank you for your hospitality,” I graciously smiled. 
“Oh, you’re welcome, any time Natalie. I’m sure Cade was glad you were here to keep him company; thank you for taking care of him,” Mrs. Bassam mentioned as she patted me on the back. 
She walked me down and said hi to my dad, while I said bye to Cade. He was laying half-awake sprawled out on the couch. He must have heard the door open. 
“I’m leaving. Hope you feel better tomorrow,” I smiled standing next to him running my finger over his hand. 
He reached out to grab it, “Thanks for taking care of me. I appreciate it,” Cade slowly looked up and met my eyes. 
“No problem. Go back to sleep, Cade, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I smiled. 

Cade let go of my hand and curled back up closing his eyes again. I padded back to the foyer and started putting on my coat and boots. I told Mrs. Bassam that Cade was asleep and then me and Dad parted ways. I held Sadie in my lap on the way home.


Edited by flowerpower67
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Aww... this is it? :) I think you should write an allergy fic rather than continue with Natalie being sick. Although I'm probably just saying that because I prefer guy sneezing to girls....

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ok heres an idea for your allergy fic if this is the ending to your sick one, i say have it be like a year later ( or that summer) but have Nat and Cade on a vacation ( whole family or just them) and have Cade run out of allergy meds and have Nat take care of sneezy Cade while he is upset he is ruining their vacation with his "stupid" allergies while Nat is loving his sneezyness and then maybe have them at the end say that he fell in love with Nat the day she took care of him when he was sick ( which ties it back to this current story) just an idea, hope i helped getting those writing ideas flowing wink.png

Edited by akalei
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ok heres an idea for your allergy fic if this is the ending to your sick one, i say have it be like a year later ( or that summer) but have Nat and Cade on a vacation ( whole family or just them) and have Cade run out of allergy meds and have Nat take care of sneezy Cade while he is upset he is ruining their vacation while Nat is loving his sneezyness and then maybe have them at the end say that he fell in love with Nat the day she took care of him when he was sick ( which ties it back to this current story) just an idea, hope i helped getting those writing ideas flowing wink.png

I like it. I might make it take place at school...but I like the idea of them going out... of course it's totally cliche--best friends since the diaper days and now they are sweet hearts. I'll think about it. School or summer vacation. :)

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Glad i could help let me know if you want any more ideas! ( i can come up with ideas for stories but i can never write them, haha) :)

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I think you should make him get better then move on to the allergy story

Alright I'll do just that... only a little different. ;)

Aww... this is it? smile.png I think you should write an allergy fic rather than continue with Natalie being sick. Although I'm probably just saying that because I prefer guy sneezing to girls....

Well, that is a good stopping part, but I did have one last idea for an epilogue. Yes, I prefer guys sneezing rather than girls. But oddly, I'd rather listen to a girl sneeze than read it. Reading--I like guys, listening--I like girls. :)

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Glad i could help let me know if you want any more ideas! ( i can come up with ideas for stories but i can never write them, haha) smile.png

Thanks, and BTW I love your profile pic. That quote is beautiful!

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