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When was your last cold?


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Last: Late August (my first summer cold ever)

Headcold? Yes

Sneezy? For about a day and a half

Stuffy? Yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? For the first few days, I probably sneezed a single or double every hour or so. After that, zilch. That's how it goes for me!

Were you able to blow your nose? Ready, willing and able

Did it feel good to sneeze? Is that even a question? wink.png

Did someone take care of you? Nope

How long did it last? Basically 3.5-4 days, but the sore throat lasted a good *bad* week as usual.

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has this happened to anyone else or am i just really unlucky....my nose literally hurts inside from sneezing/blowing it so much..and it sucks

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has this happened to anyone else or am i just really unlucky....my nose literally hurts inside from sneezing/blowing it so much..and it sucks

Yessss me too right now. I'm having crazy allergies in the mornings, and nose is so sore xP

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Well, this was a timely thread...

Last: Currently. In spite of my best efforts to avoid it this time...

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? Off and on. I'm sneezing in doubles, which *never* happens.

Stuffy? God yes.

How often did you sneeze (average)? Maybe 4-6 an hour? For me that's a LOT.

We're you able to blow your nose? Not currently and it's driving me insane.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Hehehe... ;)

Did someone take care of you? The bf made me homemade chicken noodle soup last night. He's a keeper!!

How long did it last? Sunday til now... we'll see.

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Thanks... I'm not feeling too adorable at the moment lol. But I figured this was the place to share my misery. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last: Right now, on day 3 of symptoms.

Headcold? Oh yeah.

Sneezy? Yep. Big, productive singles at this point.

Stuffy? Yes, but only to the point of being unable to smell. My nose has not stopped running since yesterday.

How often did you sneeze (average)? About 2-3 times per hour, but it wasn't always like that. On the first day of the cold my sneezes were stuck, do I wound up inducing a bit.

Were you able to blow your nose? All the time. It's almost like my nose is full of water that is constantly on the verge of leaking. I just blew my nose for approximately the 39th time today, and I've nearly depleted my second box of tissues.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Absolutely. That's what drove me to inducing early on.

Did someone take care of you? No, but I rather prefer it that way.

How long did it last? Time will tell. It's showing no signs of letting up anytime soon!

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Last: About 5 month ago

Headcold? YES

Sneezy? YES

Stuffy? YES

How often did you sneeze (average)? Several times per hour.

We're you able to blow your nose? I was using nasal drops.

Did it feel good to sneeze? NO. Every time I have a cold, I feel pain, when I sneeze. But when I don't have a cold, I just LOVE sneezing!

Did someone take care of you? Yes :>

How long did it last? About 5 days. I was just daying... thumbdown.gif

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Last: Right now

Headcold? YES

Sneezy? Just starting to get sneezy. In fact, just sneezed as I was getting ready to answer this. Third sneeze in about five minutes.

Stuffy? Not yet...left nostril feeling a bit clogged.

How often did you sneeze (average)? Varies right now.

We're you able to blow your nose? For now.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Makes my throat a bit.

Did someone take care of you? Nope!

How long did it last? Still going on.

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Last Cold: right now (that's what I get for going on vacation to a warmer climate and returning to real winter)

Headcold: yes

Sneezy: it didn't start off that way, first it was the sore throat, feeling tired but today, sneeze-city

Stuffy: it comes and goes

How often did you sneeze (average): today I"m doing fits of 3-4 at least every hour

Were you able to blow your nose? its a necessity, gone through at least one box of tissues

Did it feel good to sneeze? yes, my nose has been so tickly and a good sneeze gets rid of that, at least for a little while

Did someone take care of you? Sort of, my hubby let me nap and lie around today while he took care of the kids

How long did it last? Day 3 now

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Last: Right now

Headcold? Kinda. Mostly a chest cold which is my least favorite…

Sneezy? A little

Stuffy? A little

How often did you sneeze (average)? Maybe a couple times a day

We're you able to blow your nose? Some, mostly after coughing fits.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yes! (but sneezing pretty much always feels good to me!)

Did someone take care of you? No

How long did it last? Day 7 and counting

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Last: Right now

Headcold? I have no idea yet. I just started with a sore throat this morning. It feels like it will be in my nose though so yes.

Sneezy? I am beginning to get the feeling

Stuffy? I feel some congestion maybe tomorrow

How often did you sneeze (average)? I will have to update tomorrow. Nothing thus far

We're you able to blow your nose? No need yet

Did it feel good to sneeze? I have not yet

Did someone take care of you? I am going to say no

How long did it last? This is day one

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Last: No

Headcold? Nope

Sneezy? Nope

Stuffy? Nope

How often did you sneeze (average)? Normal, a couple times every few days.

Were you able to blow your nose? n/a

Did it feel good to sneeze? n/a

Did someone take care of you? No.

How long did it last? 11 days so far.

Everyone's sick... freaking me out :P Just a sore throat and sort of ish not really coughing starting yesterday?

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