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SPN Drabble Thread


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“I didd’t wadt you to get sigck. It was goidg to be onde of us, so...I’d rather it was bme.”

DEAN!!! You big hunk of a perfect brother you! *flails* Dean being a germaphobe? That's a new one to me, but oh so brilliant :D

And the orange juice....yes! Cas just can't say no to his Winchesters ;) You ma'am, are on a roll.

Woohoo, thank you very much, Pyrus! Actually, Dean being a germaphobe was inspired by a certain RP that I'm currently in. It's never really been a headcanon of mine, I just felt like playing with it!

Aww, poor guys. Of course Dean would rather it was him than Sammy, I like SAMs line about the winchesters way of self sacrifice lol and Cas, come off it... You know secretly you like being the angel delivery service.

Wahh, thank you!! Castiel totally does love running around after them. He just won't admit to it. :bleh:



I know you don't really like writing Dean so I feel incredibly lucky to read a Dean drabble by you! It was so adorable, the Winchester self-sacrifice is such a cute concept when it comes to sickness. Of course Dean would rather he get sick than Sam :yay:

And the second one! OMG :rofl: it's so perfect. Like, Cas totally would get an obnoxious amount of OJ, whether it was accidental or out of spite :lol:

I love your writing as always, can't wait for the next update :heart:

OMG PUDDIN!!! <3 You always give me the most lovely comments and I just?? *huggles*

So, I just started Supernatural and I'm so happy that I found these!! I'm only midway through season 4 buuuut I'm sure I'll be able to catch up. ANYWAY. These are SO GOOD.

I just love the allergic!Dean and vulnerable!Dean (even though I am a Sam girl). You just rarely see Dean vulnerable and I love it. I can't wait for the next update! :zippy:

Yay! Welcome to the fandom! Hmm, I don't often write Dean for reasons, but allergic!Dean isn't something I've written that much of, so...maybe I'll give it a go!

MaiMai! I'm so glad to see you writing SPN again! I love them all! You have their personalities down perfect. I love in the last one, Cas getting all huffy, I'm not your errand boy! Then they wake up and there's OJ, because, awww, he really does love them!

Aww, thank you so much! I am back in the SPN fandom and here to stay!

When he glanced back up through teary eyes, Castiel was giving them both an imperious glare, "I have been placed on Earth to do Heaven's work, not to perform chores for the two of you."

With an especially sulky-sounding rustle of wings he was gone, leaving both brothers staring at the now empty space by the beds. It was Sam that eventually broke the silence.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Only Cass can make wings sound sulky!

Raise you hand if you can TOTALLY see Cass saying this to the boys. *raises both hands*

These are so good!!!

Gah, thank you thank you! And that was one of my favourite lines, so it's nice that you picked it out, haha!

Mkay, so I was intending to update this thread earlier, but surgery has thrown my writing game off. >.< I'm not entirely happy with these two, as a consequence, but I hope at least someone enjoys them~! (Both Sam, sorry, Dean girls :P )

48 - Flying

He didn’t think he would ever quite get used to this. The sensation of being so abruptly transported from one place to another, the odd, faintly compressing feeling, the following disorientation as he regained his balance on landing.

Still, there was no doubt that it was convenient. It just..wasn’t quite how he had imagined flying to be, when Castiel had first mentioned it.

hh...hehshew! hh-hep’TSHEW!

Add to that the obvious protest that his body made post-flight, more than predictable, and yeah, you could say that Sam wasn’t especially keen on angel-navigation as a means of getting around. Something to do with the abrupt change in air pressure, he guessed.

Blinking, he glanced around himself at the (thankfully) quiet street, feeling a hand rest on his shoulder when his head dipped back down once again.


Castiel stood back a little from the two of them, observing the scene with a vague air of concern.


“Bless ya, buddy. Yeah, Cas?”

“I think I have broken Sam again.”

As if it wasn’t mortifying enough, despite their explanations, Castiel stubbornly retained his belief that he had in some way damaged Sam after each trip.

Dean sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder before his hand returned to resting in his pocket as he said, with forced patience, “We’ve been over this a hundred times, Cas. You haven’t broken Sam.”

“Then why-”

Sam straightened up, sniffling, and shook his head, “Don’t question it, Cas. Let’s just say I’m not one of life’s natural fliers…”

52 - Harmony

"This has gotta be the weirdest curse we've ever been zapped with," Dean says, his expression somewhere between awe and amusement.

Sam, in contrast, isn't quite so wowed at the whole thing. He sniffles miserably and retorts, "Let's just find a counter-curse. Please."

"Right. Right, yeah," comes the distracted reply. Sam doesn't like that tone of voice, but he ignores Dean as he continues researching frantically.

It's only a few seconds later that Sam's focus is gone, any attention span he possessed for the books before him now taken up by the cloying, insistent itch in his sinuses. Irritated, he looks up.


"Sorry, Sammy." Dean drops his hands back into his lap, Sam's irritation abating as he does so, and chuckles, "But you gotta admit, this is wild. I can control you..."



He raises his hands a little, prompting a small gasp and a whine from Sam.


When his hands jump to waist-height, Sam shifts uncomfortably and takes a shuddering breath.


"hh-ehhSHEW! ht'CHSHEW! hh'ihsh'heew!"

For a moment he keeps his hands raised, before he takes mercy on Sam and lowers them once again. His brother glares at him with watery eyes.

"Are you done?" he asks with a grouchy sniff.

Undeterred by Sam's bitchfacing, Dean laughs, "C'mon, we see the same damn witches' curses day in, day out, blood 'n guts 'n gore. You gotta admit, it's creative. It's like I'm conducting your sneezes, like a harmony or somethin'."



"Pretty sure you mean like a symphony, Dean."

Dean waves a hand to signify his lack of concern, "Yeah, yeah, that thing-"

"hep'shiew! hhh...hh-hehh'CHSHH! Deadn..." The pronunciation of his name is whiny and stuffy, a little pitiful sounding, and Dean smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry. That time was an accident, I swear. Now let's find this counter hex an' get ya all fixed up, huh, buddy?"

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“I think I have broken Sam again.”


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Ohhhhhh my god. and update can only lead to one thing...


“Bless ya, buddy. Yeah, Cas?”

“I think I have broken Sam again.”
Cas, you adorable innocent angel! :lmfao:

"But you gotta admit, this is wild. I can control you..."



He raises his hands a little, prompting a small gasp and a whine from Sam.


When his hands jump to waist-height, Sam shifts uncomfortably and takes a shuddering breath.


"hh-ehhSHEW! ht'CHSHEW! hh'ihsh'heew!"
Oh my holy lord! :rofl: This image is pure genius! I' laughing so hard i'm literally crying! This will have great image in my sleep tonight ;)
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“I think I have broken Sam again.”


Ohhhhhh my god. and update can only lead to one thing...


“Bless ya, buddy. Yeah, Cas?”

“I think I have broken Sam again.”

Cas, you adorable innocent angel! :lmfao:

"But you gotta admit, this is wild. I can control you..."



He raises his hands a little, prompting a small gasp and a whine from Sam.


When his hands jump to waist-height, Sam shifts uncomfortably and takes a shuddering breath.


"hh-ehhSHEW! ht'CHSHEW! hh'ihsh'heew!"

Oh my holy lord! :rofl: This image is pure genius! I' laughing so hard i'm literally crying! This will have great image in my sleep tonight ;)

Thank you both so much! I know I've said it before, but it honestly makes me so happy when people actually find my writing amusing. :lol: So thank you!

Love harmony :)

Thank you very much, HarryPotterGeek! ^_^ (love your username btw)

This one was sort of beta'd by Puddin (by which I mean I sent it to her and she flailed at me :P ) so thanks to Puds! :heart: It's pretty long, also borderline Destiel, which I don't even ship. :lol: It's pretty ambiguous, though, so read it any way you wish!

67 - Uncertainty

This sort of thing had never exactly been his forté. The whole concept of caretaking - even the word sounded far too fluffy - was just too damn chickflick-y for his liking.

He hovered uncertainly in the doorway, drumming his fingers just about where the hilt of his knife would usually rest, a nervous habit of his when he was uncomfortable. Beyond the doorway the figure in the bed barely moved, though whether Cas was sleeping, Dean couldn’t be sure. Heck, he didn’t even know if the guy could sleep.

That was his pretense for dawdling by the door, neither in the room or out. It had absolutely nothing to do with a sudden shyness that had set in, a kind of uncertainty at seeing Cas so vulnerable when he was usually so stoic.

Nope. Nothing at all.


He started, glancing up to find Sam by his side.

“Oh. Hey,” Dean acknowledged him dejectedly, prompting a look that somehow managed to combine sympathy and total exasperation from the younger Winchester.

“Are you still obsessing over this?”

“No,” came the immediate, firm answer, but Dean’s shoulders slumped. “Yes. I dunno, man. How d’you take care of an angel?” At the small huff that escaped Sam, he narrowed his eyes, “Are you laughing at me?”

“I just think it’s adorable how hard you’re thinking about this.”

“Either help me out or shove off,” Dean answered gruffly, and Sam’s grin fell.

“Look, I don’t know what it is you’re so worried about. You’ve taken care of me enough times.”

The figure in the bed shifted slightly, and Dean’s next response was hushed.

“Yeah, well, that’s you. Lookin’ after you is my job, Sammy.”

“Well, maybe this time looking after Cas is your job, instead.”


“Dean. You’re good at this. You’ve spent twenty plus years smothering me-” Dean began furiously to interrupt, but Sam held up a hand to silence him, “Don’t argue. And even if you have no idea what you’re doing, Cas won’t have a clue. It’s not like he’s an expert in human illness, or something.” Quite the opposite, in fact.

Dean mumbled something vaguely protesting, yet nodded grudgingly. Without warning Sam administered a push to the small of his back, sending him stumbling through the doorway of the dimly lit room.

“Just get in there, jerk.”

“Bitch,” Dean grumbled. He proceeded to the bed, throwing a hesitant look back at Sam, who nodded encouragingly.

“Hey, um, Cas?”

A few rays of light that peeked from between the curtains illuminated the otherwise dingy room, making his blue eyes glimmer softly when they blinked open.

“Deadn?” The muffled inflections sounded out of place in the angel’s typically articulate voice.

Dean exhaled steadily and pressed the back of a hand to Cas’ forehead, trying to imagine the hair he brushed away long and dark; anything other than the raven it in fact was.

“How’re you feelin’?”

Castiel blinked again, lips parting by millimetres with a quick intake of breath that swallowed any reply he might have made.


“Bless you.” All this was met with was a frown.

“I ab ad adgel of the Lord, Deadn. You do dnot have to-”

“Yeah, yeah, forget it, sorry,” Dean waved a hand hastily in dismissal.

“I feel-” Castiel continued the thread of the conversation suddenly. “-stradge?”

“I’ll make you something to, uh, make you feel better. That okay?”

“Yes.” The assent was barely a whisper, hoarse and pitiful sounding.

Sam was sat at the table when Dean got to the bunker's kitchen. He paused in tapping away at his laptop when his brother appeared.

“That was fast.”

Dean rolled his eyes, “I’m makin’ tea, okay?”

“Fine, fine,” Sam answered with a sniff. Dean’s brows drew together in suspicion.

“You ‘kay?”

“Oh-oh yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Sam smiled, but his expression crumpled with the anticipatory movement of a single hand to his face. “hehtsh-shyew!

Dean set down the mug he was holding in favour of repeating the same gesture as earlier, back of hand to forehead.

“Yeah, you sound great.”

“I’bm fidne, Deand.”

“Don’t give me that. Tea? Cough drops? Tissues? What do you need?” he placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder protectively, expression morphing into bemusement when Sam grinned.

“Great!” he exclaimed, any trace of congestion gone. “Now just go back in there and do exactly what you just did.”

Dean closed his eyes, giving a frustrated sigh. “You bastard. You lying, faking, deceiving-”

“Shut up and make Cas’ tea.” Sam smiled to himself as Dean did exactly that, rummaging around in the cupboards for honey and tea bags, not without the occasional grumble at being bossed about.

For all his supposed uncertainty, he knew exactly what to do.

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OH MY GOD!!! Sam is a little evil evil Devil :lmfao: This was too priceless!

And Dean being hesitant in caretaking..... ~swoon~

Where do I begin quoting? Ah, screw it, I loved the whole thing! :D

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Omg, you wrote sick Cas. I love you, and omg sam. Saaaaaam, I'm keeping you, you clever little shit. I have so much love for this fic. You make me want to write some more sick!cas. Or in any case, scour the Internet for more to read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Sam! You sly devil! Love it!

Ahaha, I can totally imagine Sam doing stuff like that though, having to be sneaky 'cause Cas and Dean are so awkward together! :laugh:

OH MY GOD!!! Sam is a little evil evil Devil :lmfao: This was too priceless!

And Dean being hesitant in caretaking..... ~swoon~

Where do I begin quoting? Ah, screw it, I loved the whole thing! :D

Aaahhh, thank you so much, Pyrus!! :heart:

Omg, you wrote sick Cas. I love you, and omg sam. Saaaaaam, I'm keeping you, you clever little shit. I have so much love for this fic. You make me want to write some more sick!cas. Or in any case, scour the Internet for more to read.

Yes!!! There can never be enough sick!Cas in this world! :D I'm glad I made you want to write/read more!

Sammmmmm. That faked sneeze ahhh.

Sam is sneaky af xD Thanks for reading!!!

Mkay, so this first is just a random little bit of Cas fluff because why the hell not, and the other is because I'm trying to settle in at uni and feeling some Stanford Sam. Hope you enjoy? ^w^

57 – Swimming

“What in the heck were you doin’ in there? Swimmin’?”

Castiel gave Dean a blank look, a few drops of water detaching themselves from his hair and dropping onto his towel-shrouded shoulders.

“You told me to wash until I was clean.”

“Yeah, but gettin’ clean shouldn’t take three hours,” Dean responded, exasperated. The situation wasn’t helped by how ridiculous Cas looked, wrapped in what looked at three layers of towels at the very least (no, Dean wasn’t going to remove any to correct him.)

“I just wanted to be thorough.”

The angel appeared suddenly crestfallen. Another couple of water droplets trickled into his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered for a moment as he blinked them away, yet he repeated the motion a mere second later, this time culminating in both eyes squeezing shut.


Dean caught himself before the ‘bless you’ left his lips. It felt sort of…inappropriate to be saying that to an angel.

“What’d you do, stick your face in the water and inhale?”

In response, Cas simply scrunched up his nose, expression faintly inquisitive.

“I do not believe so?”

Dean rolled his eyes, “Whatever. Sit still an’ I’ll dry your hair, alright, Ariel?”

17 – Dawn

“Sam, it’s barely 6 am! Come on, won’t you stay for a little longer? It is Fresher’s Week, after all!”

“Dno, really, I thidk I’d better-“

He – Sam can’t remember his name, has absolutely no hope; he’s already met so many people in this one night alone – drags him away from the door by an arm. Whoever he is, he’s in an identical state to everyone else in the somewhat cramped lounge, clothing in disarray, voice slurring and far too loud for this time in the morning.

The irony is almost painful, Sam muses, as a cup of something suspiciously brightly coloured is shoved into his hands. He had been so enamoured with the idea of student life, the whole university experience – only now, all he wants is to go back to his dorm room and sleep.

He sighs, which makes him cough, and moves to the window, watching the pale light of dawn begin to creep tentatively over the horizon. This hadn’t been his best idea, going out clubbing with a fever, then following his dorm mates to a flat party that’s turning out to be some sort of shivery, sweaty, deephouse saturated purgatory that he can’t seem to escape, no matter how hard he tries.

A hand lands on his arm at the precise time there’s a sharp prickle somewhere along the bridge of his nose, a slight tightening behind his eyes that’s mirrored accordingly by the swell of his chest.


He half expects a cry of disgust, a derogatory comment – or a chastisement along the lines of man up, Sammy! – but instead, he hears only soft laughter.

“Bless you!”

Blinking the damp film from his eyes, Sam lifts his head from the crook of his elbow and finds himself looking back into the eyes of a girl with a kind smile.

“Thadk you.”

He sounds awful, barely managing to project his voice the half a metre or less that there is between them. Her expression changes from one of amiable curiousity to sympathy in a heartbeat.

“I guess Fresher’s flu isn’t a myth, huh?”

“I guess dnot,” Sam snuffles, self-conscious. Unfortunately, it’s the only thing about college so far that has turned out to be just how he had expected.

“Should you really still be up?”

In spite of how exhausted he is, sniffling and swinging between hot and cold, Sam grins. Her tone is playfully challenging.

“Actually, I’ve beend tryidg to leave for…ohjeezsorry-hh’ETSCHEW!” He doesn’t know why he’s apologising, but it slips out before he can stop it, between the hitching and the pressing a sleeve to his face and the sneezing itself that hurts his aching chest. “…for hours.”

“Bless you…” The girl’s face lights up. “You know what? I know a way we can get out without anyone seeing us. Come with me.”

She grabs Sam’s hand before he can answer. He’s not sure what to say, anyway, aside from – wait, we?

This is more how he imagined college – stumbling hand-in-hand through hedgerows in the hazy early morning light, drunk on a combination of lingering alcohol and fever.

He’s still shivering, still sniffling, and it’s still rapidly approaching dawn. But for the first time, Sam’s glad, really glad, of his decision to leave hunting behind.

And it’s mostly because of-


“I’mb Samb.”

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Oh man... I have Freshers flu right now, and I'm totally feeling that second one. (I work at a Student's Union so I don't even get to have the fun part of Freshers, just the illness.)

Sam apologising rapidly before sneezing was so hot. Ugh... I can just imagine his voice, all thick and urgent and sneezy... mmm...

I hope you're settling in okay x

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH. MY. GOD. ? These are all so beautiful...I can't.... Love the idea of Sam and Jess meeting like this. Great writing, please keep up the fantastic work!

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Awwww! Stanford!Sammy is adorable! I can just see him totally lost and out of his depth at a party like this, especially ill.

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  • 1 month later...

UGH. I love your drabbles! You write Castiel so well. I can't wait for more! :heart:

Wahh, thank you so so much, Boston! :heart: I think Cas is quite challenging to write (at least for me!) so it's super nice of you to say that!

:twitch: HOLY FALLEN ANGELS!!!! I haven't read something Jess related in like forever! Well done :D

Thanks Pyrus!! I haven't written anything with Jess in forever! I haven't written much Stanford era stuff, but...feeling the uni vibes, I guess?

So... Lovely. :wub: I'm not a sam girl, I came for Castiel, but the sam fic was so cute.

Ahh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, especially if you're not a Sam girl! (It's my secret mission to convert every non-Sam SPN fan here ehehehehe :shifty: )

Oh man... I have Freshers flu right now, and I'm totally feeling that second one. (I work at a Student's Union so I don't even get to have the fun part of Freshers, just the illness.)

Sam apologising rapidly before sneezing was so hot. Ugh... I can just imagine his voice, all thick and urgent and sneezy... mmm...

I hope you're settling in okay x

Gah no, that sucks! Hope you're better by now! ^_^ I was kinda dying of freshers flu when I wrote it. :lol: Settled in now though, thank you! And I'm so happy you enjoyed it! ^w^

OH. MY. GOD. These are all so beautiful...I can't.... Love the idea of Sam and Jess meeting like this. Great writing, please keep up the fantastic work!

Woah, thank you! :blush: I thought it was a cute scenario for them to meet in!

Awwww! Stanford!Sammy is adorable! I can just see him totally lost and out of his depth at a party like this, especially ill.

Gosh, me too though! The world needs more Stanford!Sam tbh. Thank you so much! :heart:

I actually can't believe people are still reading this after nearly two years, I love you all so much. <3

Okay, I swear I meant to update this ages ago. (I can't believe it's taken me so long, I'm drowning in textbooks...) But I hope what I have isn't too disappointing? ^_^ Just some fluffy Cas and some equally fluffy Dean (WHO I HARDLY EVER WRITE LE GASP). So yeah, um...enjoy?

33 – New Hope (could be considered s9 spoilers??)

Throughout his time on Earth, he had witnessed a whole rainbow of emotions, an entire painful spectrum. He had always been somehow detached, though. Not by choice: by nature. There was an inherent remoteness that went hand in hand with being an angel; an epistemic distance between celestial and human that couldn’t be breached.

One quandary that had always bothered him, as an angel, was the link that human beings felt compelled to construct between the seasons and various emotional frames of mind. He had presumed it was a tenuous attempt to make sense of the world around them, a dizzying miasma of experiences and sensations they tried to categorise and explain.

Now, Castiel found that he had been incorrect.

The cold, industrial floor of the Gas n’ Sip was neither a comfortable nor a pleasant place to wake up. The sleeping bag he had got hold of was thin, yet synthetic, leaving him at times shivering and at others sweltering.

Only, today, as with the past few weeks, nothing could drag Castiel’s good mood down. The reason was simple, trivial even: Spring.

The dank, grey winter had finally dissipated, leaving in its wake a brilliantly bright spring of blue skies, green leaves and fresh pink blossoms.

Castiel stretched. Just as he did each morning, he moved to the door, unlocking it and then placing a hand flat against the lukewarm glass as he pushed it open. It was still too early for any customers. The sun had only just appeared over the horizon, leaving him free to enjoy the early morning in peaceful silence.

Even the air felt different at this time of year. Fresh, balmy, lightly scented with something unfamiliar yet charming. To Castiel, it all felt disarmingly perfect.


There was a slight catch. There was always a catch, he thought with a sigh, not bothering to fight against the inevitable welling up of his eyes. A quick swipe at them proved to be ill-judged, just the proximity aggravating the faint, cloying buzzing that had taken up residence at the very back of his sinuses.


Castiel screwed up his eyes and kept his hands stubbornly at his sides, trial and error having taught him that rubbing would only exacerbate things.

Unable to quell the itch by sheer willpower alone (it was worth a try), he retreated to the interior of the shop, stumbling ungracefully through the doorway as he succumbed to another set of expulsions.


Castiel blinked, glanced over his shoulder at the sunrise, and smiled to himself almost imperceptibly.

Spring might not exactly agree with him. But with its lightness, renewal and purity reminiscent of Heaven, it was difficult not to be infected by it.

The hope.

100 - Requiem

Dean's eyes fluttered open. He hadn't been sleeping, not really; more wallowing in the relative misery of his current ailment.

Besides, for once, the interruption to his drowsing state was pleasant. Not gunshots, nor screaming; not even nightmares.

Piano music.

From the quality, it didn't sound recorded. Rather, it seemed fluid and firmly real, and he got the impression that whoever was playing had had years of practice.

That didn't answer the next question that rose to Dean's sleep-fogged mind, however.

Who was it that was playing?

It couldn't have been Sam. At least, he didn't think it could be, but you never knew with Sammy. Dean would be rich if he had a dollar for every time Sam had totally defied his and everyone else's expectations.

Whoever the pianist, the soothing, slightly melancholy chords were strangely comforting to Dean. Risky as it might have been in a place that held so many secrets (that were sure to include piano-playing ghosts), he wanted to be closer to the sound. As it was, it was muffled, distant, originating from somewhere deeper within the bunker.

His head spun as he left the warm concave of his bed, the shift in altitude ripping a few coughs from him. Dean hated this. He focused on the music and squeezed his eyes shut, waited for the dizziness to pass, and then set off in pursuit.

The ancient music room was his first target, being the only room in the maze of a place he was certain contained a piano. He and Sam had discovered it by accident several weeks ago, after accidentally crashing through a boarded up door - long story - and finding themselves in a pretty little room filled with instruments and strewn with sheet music. They hadn't touched it since, assuming that anything the Men of Letters decided to board up was well worth staying away from.

Still, he ventured there now, stopping just short of the doorway as the notes ebbed and swelled, suddenly all around him. It was beautiful, reassuring, and melancholy.

All thoughts of seeking out the pianist dissipated from Dean's mind as he stood, listening and leaning against the rough plaster of the wall.

Only when he rubbed his knuckles hard at his nose, an automatic response to the prickling that had been set off in his sinuses did he consider the player once again. It would look rather awkward if they were to find him outside the door, essentially eavesdropping, especially in this state, disgruntled and rumpled from an entire morning spent in bed.


The playing paused, "Who is there?"

Wait, what the hell? No one should have been able to hear him that clearly, especially not from within the room itself. That left only one conclusion: the player must be...must be...


Fuck. Even somewhat squashed against the palm of his hand, Dean hadn't succeeded in doing much to disguise the noise.


"Uh, yeah. Sorry for idterruptidg ya, Cas."

It had been several hours since he had last spoken, and now Dean was reminded forcefully of why. He hung his head as he shuffled into the room, feeling as if he was intruding.

"Heard y' playidg...I was curious..." He shrugged. Castiel had him fixed with a levelled stare, unblinking, and it was starting to make him question how far the angel's morals extended with regards to smiting his own friends.

There was a heavy silence, once that was only broken by another expulsion, awkward and muffled into a sleeve. "hh'MPTShh!"

"Would you like me to continue?"

Dean hadn't been expecting the offer, and neither had he been anticipating it quite so abruptly. There was a tinge of sympathy in Cas' expression, a marginal softening around his eyes and the tight line of his lips that suggested the proposition was genuine.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

He flopped down onto one of the threadbare sofas, keeping the sleeve to his nose with the slightly odd result of it partially obscuring his face. The angel returned his attention to the piano, picking up a new, different tune. Different, but no less pleasant. Unsure of whether he was interrupting, Dean hazarded a question, satisfying his own curiousity.

"Where did you leard to play ligke that?"

"I do not know. I believe Jimmy could play; I find these contraptions...appealing."

"Piado." Dean corrected through a yawn, but Castiel appeared not to have heard him. Either that, or he was ignoring him. "What sodg is this?"

"Jimmy, he...I wrote it."

Wow. Cas was just full of surprises at every turn today. Not that Dean was complaining: he was nicely sleepy, lulled back into drowsiness by the music.

"Does it have a dnabe?"


"Dnice dnabe."

Cas ignored Dean's - admittedly rather lame - comment and continued playing in silence, seemingly losing himself to the melody. Dean left himself drift. Even if the ratty sofa wasn't the most comfortable, he would much prefer to be here as opposed to back in his quiet room. Silence was too loud sometimes.

His final thought, as he slipped into sleep, was about whether this was some sort of freaky angel-mojo sleeping spell. Even if it was, he didn't think he would have objected.

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I absolutely adore the second one! Cas playing ~swoon~

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