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SPN Drabble Thread


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I am absolutely not abandoning this thread, I would love to write more drabbles right now, but I'm not writing for a while. Not until after I've finished all my exams and everything, which won't be until June, because I just don't have enough time!!

So I guess I'll see you guys in June!

Definitely! Good luck on your exams!

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  • 3 months later...
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  • MaiMai


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  • NorthernLady


*waves* So, uh, hey. I guess I'm back. I have a few drabbles, but I'm stupidly nervous about posting them, so... I'll just go with one for now? I'm kinda out of practice at writing this stuff, so please bear with me if it's not that great. Requests and things are welcome as usual, and... Yeah I'm just gonna go and hide now. :lol:

5 - Attack

He flat out refuses to buy allergy medication. That stuff is for wimps. He can take some sniffling and sneezing; no big deal.

The only problem, as it turns out, is that the attacks are entirely unpredictable, and take hold with hardly any warning at all. Like during a hunt. When he’s holding a gun.

Sure, they’re not actually facing anything at the time. But investigating an abandoned building that may or may not have a horde of vampires somewhere in its depths isn’t a time that you want to be loud; only it comes on so abruptly that it’s impossible not to be.

“hhrUSSHUH! hhhhTHSHHH! hheehESHHHH! hhh-sh-shit-HEHCHHH!

And it’s so damned difficult to stop. That turns out to be the least of his problems, however. He’s practically doubled over with the violence of the attack when he hears the shot, and his brother’s yelp. Oh God.

He opens his teary eyes. Sam’s unharmed as far as his bleary eyes can see, but he is definitely pissed.

“Oops.” Dean offers lamely. Sam’s jaw tightens.

“Dean. You almost shot me.” He says curtly, and Dean suddenly doesn’t like the fact that his brother also has a gun in his hand.

“Sabby, I diiih-didn’t-hhehETSCHHH!” Sam holds up a hand and shakes his head, though there’s really no need to. The sneeze is enough to stop him short.

“You are never hunting without meds again. Even if I have to force feed them to you. You almost shot me, Dean.”

Dean hangs his head and nods. He can’t argue with that.

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Awwww Sneezy Dean :D Good drabble! No need to be nervous, just...hehe.. shoot 'em ;-)

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Wooo you're back! :bounce:

I'm so glad to see you're doing more of these, you should definitely keep posting!

This is just adorable, I love it!

I hope to see more soon :heart:

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Ohhh... this is SO good! I don't even like allergies, but dayum!! MaiMai, you did it again! 10/10, girl! <3


That... was awesome! Naughty words during sneezing are just... <3

He opens his teary eyes. Sam’s unharmed as far as his bleary eyes can see, but he is definitely pissed.

Ahhh...!! I couldn't stop grinning after that line! Amazing!

“Oops.” Dean offers lamely. Sam’s jaw tightens.


Seriously, I don't know how you do it, but it seems you get to me no matter what you write. Even when it's allergies! ;)

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Ahhh! I'm slowly slowly catching up with Supernatural, and this whole thread is just golden joy.

Love you, MaiMai.

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NorthernLady - Thank you!! I think I'm just nervous about it because I got out of the habit of posting regularly, so... It just feels really daunting now...

Puddin - Aww thank you so much! :hug: Hopefully there will be lots more!

Sophie - Omg I'm so glad that you liked it, especially since you're not really into allergies! I'm not particularly either, but I feel like if I just wrote colds all the time it would get boring... xD

RiversD - Thank you so much!!! Love you too :hug:

Always-A-Ginger - Thank you! :heart:

Yeah, so, I have some Sam this time. I feel like I should write a Castiel-centred drabble, but I seem to have zero ideas for him at the moment... So for now there's this.

96 - Marionette

It’s not difficult for Dean to tell that Sam isn’t feeling his best. After all, they’re stuck in the Impala together for God knows how many hours a day; they share motel rooms. It’s pretty difficult not to notice every sniffle and cough from his brother.

“You just gonna sit there an’ do research for the rest of the night?” Dean asks, trying to keep his tone neutral. It still retains a shadow of accusation despite his best efforts, and Sam raises an eyebrow at him.


Uh, yeah, Dean thinks, but doesn’t voice it. “Course not, Sammy. ‘S exactly what I’d expect from my nerdy little brother.” Sam smiles a little and scrubs absently at his nose as he turns back to the laptop. Dean respects his decision and occupies himself with the television, only when his brother’s symptoms start making themselves known again, he finds it more difficult than ever to ignore it. “hhuh-hhihiih-“

Sam manages to fight it off for now, but predictably, not for long. “hhh-hihhh-iihTSSYEW! heehYISHEEHH!

“Bless y’.” Dean offers offhandedly. Sam’s gaze flickers to him uncertainly, but he nods.

“Thadks… We got ady-hhuuh-t-ti-iiiihhCHHSHH!

“Hey, bless y’ again,” He gets up to dig out a box of tissues and hand them to Sam, “Here.” He leaves out the part about picking them up because he had a feeling this was going to happen.

Gratefully his brother takes a handful and blows his nose with a wince. “So, uh… You gonna be up all night?” Dean asks, deciding it’s best to broach the subject tentatively.

“Bost of it, pr-probably-KHISHEWW!-oh God…”

“Bless. That’s alright. I mean, you’re an adult, right? You know what’s best.” Sam nods as he gives his nose another harsh blow.

After that Dean leaves him be, but it’s less than half an hour before his brother flips his laptop shut. “Godda head to bed.” He says with a yawn and a cough. Dean just nods.

“Sure. Night.” He has to suppress a smile; Sam’s just too suggestible.


“Dean, that is not how it happened!” Sam bursts out incredulously. Dean raises his eyebrows and drums his hand against the steering wheel.

“Dude, I had you wrapped around my finger.”

“You did not! I went to bed because I’m a responsible adult and not stupid enough to stay up all damn night if I’m sick.” Sam’s expression darkens at his brother’s snort of derision.

“Adult maybe, but responsible my ass.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just started SPN and found this thread and read them all and love them so much they're amazinggg! Really in character, too.

Did I miss something? Why does this thread seem kind of dead....

Edited by MoonDuck
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  • 4 weeks later...

Did I miss something? Why does this thread seem kind of dead....

Gah sorry!! It shouldn't be, really. I took a break for exams but I'm back now... I'm just not being as active as I really should be at the moment. :lol: There will be more drabbles some time soon, I promise!

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I missed so many of these which in one way is bad, but in another way it's good because it just allowed me almost 20min of reading Supernatural drabbles!

I loved the past ( I don't know 25-30? Drabbles! :D)

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  • 1 year later...


Yeah, it's been a whole year since I updated this (I'm sorry I'm a terrible human being ;-; ) because I actually fell out of love with the Supernatural fandom for a while there. However, I've now been dragged back into it head-first, so I thought I might start up the drabbles again! This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place. :bleh:

So, yeah! I hope you enjoy and as usual I'll be taking requests, suggestions, etc!

Lots more to come soon! ^_^

43 - Clockwork

The first time they had experienced Castiel and a thunderstorm simultaneously had been interesting, to say the least.

By now, however, both brothers were familiar with the performance. It occurred without fail every time there was a thunderstorm, just like clockwork.

First, there would be the low, guttural grumble of thunder.

Next, the glare of lightning.

Thirdly, the breaths, small and shallow, halting and urgent.


Then, finally-

"hihh'tschuu! hh-huuh'ihTSHyuu!"

Sometimes Castiel would steeple both hands to his face; sometimes not. The concept of human etiquette was still one they were working on instructing him in.

"Bless you, Cas," Sam looked up only briefly from his research.

Sighing, Dean leant against the doorframe, "I still don' understand that, y'know."

A small crease formed between Castiel's eyebrows as he frowned, "Understand what, Dean?"

"You...and the lightning. D'you have some sorta hypersensitive angel senses when it comes to static electricity, or what?"

Castiel considered this, "I do not know, Dean. The lightning provokes a reaction from my vessel, but I am not aware of why."

"But that's the thing. Sneezin' because of lightning isn't exactly normal for humans. Gotta be an angel thing, right?"

He looked to Sam, apparently expecting answers, but his brother merely shrugged and responded, "Don't ask me, Dean. You're just using this as a distraction from research; get back over here."

Dean scowled and traipsed back across the cramped motel room, just as there was yet another boom of thunder, closely followed by a sudden glare of light.

"hh-hhih-hii'uhTSHHu! hh'ihtshyuu! hhih'kshYUU!"

"Bless you, Cas," Sam repeated.

"I still wanna know what it is that makes him do that. Not that I'm complaining, it's like havin' our own angelic weather metre. Always know how close the storm is by how often Cas sneezes," Dean mused aloud, earning a glare.

"Focus on researching the case, Dean, not on what makes angels sneeze."

Dean huffed, "Killjoy."

Edited by MaiMai
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This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.


You know I already adore this because I flailed about it on Skype and by PM (you cannot escape me hyukhyukhyuk).


I know you wrote this to help me get over some terrible trauma ( :lol: ) and you did not disappoint!

I love every single word of this fluffy goodness >w<~

Cas pre-empting thunder with his sneezes is just precious and your spellings :drool: my entire soul approves.

Amazing job, I am in love with this and with you <33

Lots more to come soon!

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This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.


What she says ;)

Nice little fluffy thing :D

Edited by Northern Angel
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This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.



Cas pre-empting thunder with his sneezes is just precious and your spellings :drool: my entire soul approves.

Lots more to come soon!


Thank you PuddinPop for getting MaiMai back because this drabble is totally PERFECT!

I'm new to the board and still kinda new to the fandom but I know it well enough that I can totally see this conversation happening word for word and sneeze by sneeze and it makes me so happy!

*whispers* I'm so excited I may even suggest a prompt.

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Ooh, MaiMai's SPN thread has been resurrected! *happy celebration dance*

D'aww, Cas fluff, I'm always down for that! The spellings were beautiful, as usually! :wub2: And I loved Dean and Sam bickering and Dean obviously trying to get out of research! :lol:

And how the heck did I miss Marionette? That one was amazing! Just the whole set-up of Dean wanting Sam to go to bed, but not wanting to say it out loud? And Sam actually listening to him but denying it?

“Dean, that is not how it happened!” Sam bursts out incredulously. Dean raises his eyebrows and drums his hand against the steering wheel.
“Dude, I had you wrapped around my finger.”
“You did not! I went to bed because I’m a responsible adult and not stupid enough to stay up all damn night if I’m sick.” Sam’s expression darkens at his brother’s snort of derision.
“Adult maybe, but responsible my ass.”

And this whole dialogue! :lmfao: Plus that last sentence! I can just hear it in Dean's voice! :D

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How in the holy heavens have I not seen this before now!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Did my SPN radar run out of batteries? <_<

There were AMAZING! Every single one was perfect and unique! I honestly feel ashamed of myself that I've just now found this thread. Honestly, well done! :D

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This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.


You know I already adore this because I flailed about it on Skype and by PM (you cannot escape me hyukhyukhyuk).


I know you wrote this to help me get over some terrible trauma ( :lol: ) and you did not disappoint!

I love every single word of this fluffy goodness >w<~

Cas pre-empting thunder with his sneezes is just precious and your spellings :drool: my entire soul approves.

Amazing job, I am in love with this and with you <33

Lots more to come soon!


OMG PUDDIN THANK YOU FOR FLAILING AGAIN~ I'm very glad it helped you get over your terrible trauma. :bleh:


This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.


What she says ;)

Nice little fluffy thing :D

Ahahaha! Well, thank you guys very much for dragging me back into SPN! xD And thank you!! Fluffiness is always my goal!

Castiel :heart:

That is so cute, what a unique idea.

Thank you very much, Zuki! There's so much SPN stuff around here that I sometimes think it's difficult to make anything I write stand out, so I'm very flattered that you think it's unique!

This first one is just a quick bit of Castiel fluff I wrote for Puddin, who is responsible for me being back in this fandom in the first place.



Cas pre-empting thunder with his sneezes is just precious and your spellings :drool: my entire soul approves.

Lots more to come soon!


Thank you PuddinPop for getting MaiMai back because this drabble is totally PERFECT!

I'm new to the board and still kinda new to the fandom but I know it well enough that I can totally see this conversation happening word for word and sneeze by sneeze and it makes me so happy!

*whispers* I'm so excited I may even suggest a prompt.

Wow, thank you so much! And welcome to the fandom! ;)

Feel free to throw a prompt at me! I love prompts!

Ooh, MaiMai's SPN thread has been resurrected! *happy celebration dance*

D'aww, Cas fluff, I'm always down for that! The spellings were beautiful, as usually! :wub2: And I loved Dean and Sam bickering and Dean obviously trying to get out of research! :lol:

And how the heck did I miss Marionette? That one was amazing! Just the whole set-up of Dean wanting Sam to go to bed, but not wanting to say it out loud? And Sam actually listening to him but denying it?

“Dean, that is not how it happened!” Sam bursts out incredulously. Dean raises his eyebrows and drums his hand against the steering wheel.

“Dude, I had you wrapped around my finger.”

“You did not! I went to bed because I’m a responsible adult and not stupid enough to stay up all damn night if I’m sick.” Sam’s expression darkens at his brother’s snort of derision.

“Adult maybe, but responsible my ass.”

And this whole dialogue! :lmfao: Plus that last sentence! I can just hear it in Dean's voice! :D

Sophie~! Thank you so much!!! I love how you're still into my SPN drabbles, when this thread is pretty much how we met and became friends...so thank you times a million for sticking around! <333

How in the holy heavens have I not seen this before now!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Did my SPN radar run out of batteries? <_<

There were AMAZING! Every single one was perfect and unique! I honestly feel ashamed of myself that I've just now found this thread. Honestly, well done! :D

Haha, Pyrus, thank you~! <3 Well, now is a good time to have found it, since lots of new drabbles are soon to be here!

M'kay, two new ones here! The second was written according to prompt by Puddin and North, so you have them to thank for the idea behind that one! I just stole it from them. :bleh:

10 - Sacrifice

Dean scowled at his brother, although curled up in one corner of the Impala with a thick hoodie pulled down over his hands, it came off more like a petulant pout.

“I told ya to stop questionding bme, Sammby.”

“But Dean, I just don’t understand it,” Sam didn’t take his eyes from the road, but he was frowning. “You hate germs. I’ve seen you practically shoot someone for coughing near you.”

“Add your poidt...hehh...is?”

“My point-”

heh’ggshuhh!” Dean groaned afterwards, pulling out yet another tissue to wipe roughly at his flushed nose. This damn cold was getting old fast.

“Bless you. My point is, why did you volunteer to talk to that witness instead of me? You knew he was sick.”

“Sammby, shut up, you’re gividg bme a headache.” Rather than giving a reason, Dean simply coughed and curled up a little tighter, shivering. He was an idiot to have thought he could get away with this without Sam questioning it. Without a doubt, he must have been one of the biggest germaphobes on the planet; so it wasn’t exactly in character for him to willingly interview an obviously sick witness, especially when Sam could just as well have done it.

Thankfully, the line about the headache seemed to have shut Sam up, at least for now. He pursed his lips but continued driving in silence.

It was only when they were pulling up to the motel, and Sam still hadn’t said anything more, that Dean decided he might as well admit to it.

“You really wadt to dknow why I indterviewed that guy?” He suppressed a mild shudder at the memory; he hadn’t exactly been the most sanitary of sick people.

“Yeah, I kinda do,” Sam replied, removing the keys from the ignition and turning to face Dean. When no continuation was forthcoming from his brother, he started hesitantly, “Uh, Dean? Is it that bad?”

“Doh, doh-” With one hand Dean waved off Sam’s concern, before cupping the same hand to his face only moments later, “hhg’tsshh! hhehp’ggshh! Damnb.”

“Bless you. So? What is it?”

Dean steeled himself, almost positive he was about to be laughed at.

“I didd’t wadt you to get sigck. It was goidg to be onde of us, so...I’d rather it was bme.”

For a second, Sam simply blinked at him; clearly, that wasn’t the answer he had been expecting. He held back a chuckle as he replied, “That’s terribly sweet of you, Dean,” he reached across to pat his brother’s leg. “But I don’t think the Winchester tradition of self-sacrifice generally extends to headcolds.”

23 - Sympathy

"-I really dod't thidk that would be a good idea, Deadn," Sam, curled up atop the bed with his laptop, pointed out. It amazed Dean, how he could maintain such a tone of prissy authority when he was so miserably stuffy and hoarse.

"All I'mb sayi'g is that it would be pretty awesobe. I aid't sayi'g I'mb actually godda...go-ahhshit-hhr’TSHHh!" He snuffled, both hands clamped to the lower half of his face, "Umb, Sabby...tissues?"

Sam rolled his eyes as he chucked the tissues from his bed to his brother's. "Bless you. Add good, you'd better dnot. I doubt Cas would be all that ibpre-"

"Impressed by what, Sam?"

Castiel appeared out of nowhere at the bottom of the beds, the faint echoing of the flap of wings the only indication that he hadn't been there the whole time. The sudden apparition startled Sam, and he doubled over in a fit of coughing that made Dean frown.

"You sou'd great over there. Dnot at all ligke you're choki'g to death."

"Ugh, bite bme," Sam grumbled, taking a slightly cautious breath and turning his gaze to Castiel, "What are you doi'g here, Cas?"

"I overheard myself being spoken of," the angel responded stoically. Sam and Dean shared a glance; you never could be sure what Castiel heard, what he knew and what he didn't. Seconds later, however, Dean broke into a grin.

"Well, since you're here an' all, I bmight as well ask ya-"

"Deand, you cad't-"

"-do you reckod you could use sombe of your freaky adgel bmojo to zap us sombe glasses of OJ?"

Castiel's eyebrows drew together in confusion, "OJ?"

"Oradge juice, Cas..." Sam clarified with a withering look directed as his brother. "He bmeads...hehh-o-oradge juice-heh'ehsSHEW! yh'ihshew!"

When he glanced back up through teary eyes, Castiel was giving them both an imperious glare, "I have been placed on Earth to do Heaven's work, not to perform chores for the two of you."

With an especially sulky-sounding rustle of wings he was gone, leaving both brothers staring at the now empty space by the beds. It was Sam that eventually broke the silence.

"I told you it was a stupid idea."

"What cad I say? I told you all the adgels are dicks."


"Hey, Sabby?"


"Did'ya go out whed I was asleep?"

Sam raised his head up off of the pillows sleepily, "Dno...why?"

Dean stared at the table. In the centre was set, not just a glass of orange juice, but an entire litre of the stuff.

"Huh. I guess he does have sombe kidda heart after all," he shrugged. "Ogkay, seco'd questiod: how are we godda dridk ad edtire litre of oradge juice?"

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“I didd’t wadt you to get sigck. It was goidg to be onde of us, so...I’d rather it was bme.”
DEAN!!! You big hunk of a perfect brother you! *flails* Dean being a germaphobe? That's a new one to me, but oh so brilliant :D

And the orange juice....yes! Cas just can't say no to his Winchesters ;) You ma'am, are on a roll.

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Aww, poor guys. Of course Dean would rather it was him than Sammy, I like SAMs line about the winchesters way of self sacrifice lol and Cas, come off it... You know secretly you like being the angel delivery service.

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I know you don't really like writing Dean so I feel incredibly lucky to read a Dean drabble by you! It was so adorable, the Winchester self-sacrifice is such a cute concept when it comes to sickness. Of course Dean would rather he get sick than Sam :yay:

And the second one! OMG :rofl: it's so perfect. Like, Cas totally would get an obnoxious amount of OJ, whether it was accidental or out of spite :lol:

I love your writing as always, can't wait for the next update :heart:

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So, I just started Supernatural and I'm so happy that I found these!! I'm only midway through season 4 buuuut I'm sure I'll be able to catch up. ANYWAY. These are SO GOOD.

I just love the allergic!Dean and vulnerable!Dean (even though I am a Sam girl). You just rarely see Dean vulnerable and I love it. I can't wait for the next update! :zippy:

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MaiMai! I'm so glad to see you writing SPN again! I love them all! You have their personalities down perfect. I love in the last one, Cas getting all huffy, I'm not your errand boy! Then they wake up and there's OJ, because, awww, he really does love them!

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When he glanced back up through teary eyes, Castiel was giving them both an imperious glare, "I have been placed on Earth to do Heaven's work, not to perform chores for the two of you."

With an especially sulky-sounding rustle of wings he was gone, leaving both brothers staring at the now empty space by the beds. It was Sam that eventually broke the silence.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Only Cass can make wings sound sulky!

Raise you hand if you can TOTALLY see Cass saying this to the boys. *raises both hands*

These are so good!!!

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