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Photic Sam yes :) I love tht. And I really love when Castiel does not understand things ! :) . I definitely ship DeanxCastiel :) Cas is so cute in this fic :)

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“Dod’t feel good…” he mumbled pitifully, looking up at Dean with tired eyes.

“I know, Cas. You’ll be fine after some rest; I promise”.

Over in the opposite bed Sam smiled, listening to their whispered exchange.

*takes arrow through chest*


Every time I read a fic written by you surrounding him, it's like, all the feels >w<~

Lovely little drabble! I enjoy this thread a lot~

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“I thidk sombethi’g is wro’g with bmy vessel” Castiel said quietly, shivering and looking at him with wide, anxious eyes.

At the shiver Dean frowned and got up slightly unsteadily to place a hand against Castiel’s forehead. He sighed again and shook his head.

You know the way to my heart MaiMai *bow down*

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Again, thank you to everyone who is reading/commenting! You guys are the sweetest :cryhappy:

It's taken me a little while to update, but I hope you enjoy these~!

32 - Cry Out

Word count: 249

Dean had been searching that dust-infested bat cave for hours now, and he still hadn’t found his brother. The place was a fucking labyrinth, and honestly, he was beginning to doubt that he would ever find him.

Then he heard it. Muffled and suppressed, but definitely Sam.

“eehh’KSSHH! hp’nnTSHH!-kkcchhh!”

Dean frowned and listened intently, trying to gauge where it was coming from.

“hhHhh’iihCCHHH! hh’nn’SSHEEeew!”

He followed the noise and to his relief it eventually lead him to Sam, bound and looking rather worse for wear.

“Sammy? You alright?” Dean asked, kneeling down beside him and scanning him quickly for any obvious injuries. Sam opened his teary eyes and squinted at his brother.

“Dhhhh-Deadn-hEhh’nGCHHuh!-cchshhh!-hekh’thhICHHh! ihh’SSHHHh!” He directed the sneezes desperately into a shoulder, jerking painfully against the ropes with each one.

“Jeez, bless y’. Dust?” Dean said as he began to hack at the bindings. Sam snuffled and made an unhappy noise.

“How d-did-hehh-y-you fiiihhhh-fidd b-bme?” His voice was hoarse and cracking, as though he had been sneezing for hours. Which, Dean reminded himself as he grimaced in sympathy at the sound, he probably had.

“C-Couldd’t s-sh-heihh!-hh’TTSHHh! eHh’SHCHHh!”

Dean straightened up, having managed to cut through the ropes, and smirked as he watched his brother freeing his arms.

“You didn’t even need t’ cry out” he said, giving Sam an affectionate tap on the nose. Even that touch was enough to spark another small fit.

“ht’SSHHEEWw!-eeehh’hh’ttTSHEEWW! hep’KKSHEEeeEWW! ihh-hhih-hHh’ghTCHUU! hit’CCHEEWW!” Sam sniffled thickly and groaned.

“Whatever. Let’s j-just geeehh-get outta here”.

11 - It's Just Love, Right? (Set sometime after the episode 'Heart' in season 2)

Word count: 166


Dean hated it.


But then again, he hated the silence, too.

He grabbed a few tissues and blew his nose again, as quietly as he could. Sam still didn’t move; just lay curled up on his bed, facing away from him.

“hhuh’TSHHUhh! hehh-hhh’hpKKSHHUh!”

Dean snuffled and reached out to tear more tissues from the box, but found it empty. He cursed under his breath, eyes fluttering shut as another sneeze was beginning to sneak up on him.


Someone pressed a bundle of tissues into his hands just about in time.


Dean opened his eyes to see Sam standing before him, holding out a new box of tissues with a weak smile.

“Bless you. Here” he said quietly.

“Thadks” Dean mumbled. His brother turned away again and walked back to his bed in silence.



“It’s just love, right?”

As soon as he had said it Dean regretted it. But then Sam turned back and gave him another half hearted smile.


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I love the dust one SO MUCH. Oh man, there's something so hot about Sam being tied up for hours and having to sneeze and sneeze and not being able to do anything about it. Wow.

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Omfg... "Mission Accomplished" was awesome!! That last sentence... :inlove: And "Midnight Whispers" left me glaring into empty space, smiling at my computer screen like an idiot hahaha...! When Dean felt Castiel's forehead and reassured him that he'd get better soon... that pretty much melted my heart!! <3

Okay, the dust one pretty much blew up my brain. Um... sorry, I'm not usually into allergies at all, but that was SO FRICKIN' HOT! It's just like SexualOddity said... all tied up, sneezing for hours and hours, voice gone hoarse from it... Gaahh! :wub:

MaiMai, your ability to get me into this state of euphoria with just a few lines is simply incredible! Thank you!

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I have to admit that I quite like the dust one too. :blush::P

I'm sorry it took me a while to update this!! But I hope you enjoy the new drabbles! ^_^

I'd also like to say a massive thank you to Puddin, who managed to somehow get me focused and writing again! :hug:

And if anyone has any requests, then I'm always open to those! :D

119 - Mediator

Word count: 188

It always happened like this. Sam and Dean would get into some petty feud and then Castiel would be forced to step between them. It never really resolved the problem, though; he may be able to prevent them from actually killing each other, but Castiel couldn’t stop them bitching for the next however many interminable hours.

So when they started going at each other’s throats this time, he was fully intending to give them his usual no nonsense, I’m-sick-of-all-your-crap speech. Only it didn’t go quite as planned.

“hHih’ttshYUUuu! iHh’kksSHIyyuu!’”

Castiel had barely felt them creep up on him before it happened. He frowned and snuffled musingly; that was odd.

What was even more strange was when Sam and Dean ceased their bickering immediately, turning to him in utter astonishment.

“Cas, what was-”

“Were those sneezes?”

Just as quickly as the argument had started, it had been forgotten.

Castiel rubbed at his nose pensively. Out of everything he had tried to get the two to shut up, something so involuntary and human had been the most effective.

Perhaps he could work out a way to do it on command?

28 - Communication Breakdown

Word count: 269

“Dean? Are you alright?”

Dean groaned inwardly. As much as Castiel’s presence was welcome, there were a few problems. For one, all he wanted to do was sleep, and with Castiel around that was virtually impossible. And for another, the last thing he wanted to be doing right now was embarking on a creative explanation of how he had next to totally lost his voice thanks to this stupid cold that was currently kicking his ass.


“Dean? Dean, what’s wrong?”

Castiel’s usually monotone voice had almost an edge of hurt to it now. Dean sighed and emerged from beneath the blankets reluctantly, sniffling.


He shook his head despairingly, trying to communicate something, anything, that would ease the anxiety in Castiel’s eyes. Of course, it didn’t work. Sam had been hovering and fussing all day; trust him to make a supply run at the exact moment that Dean actually needed him.

“What is wrong, Dean? Talk to me”.

Dean wanted to tell Castiel to stop worrying; that he was fine. But all he could manage was a small, hoarse whimper and a weak “uhh’sshhuuhh!” into a sleeve.

“I think I understand” Castiel said slowly. Dean glanced up quickly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes which soon faded when he continued. “You are the victim of a witches curse to prevent you from speaking. I am sorry. It will be okay, Dean” Castiel said with something approaching sympathy in his voice, pulling him into an awkward hug.

It wasn’t the best explanation, but Dean supposed it would have to do for now.

Besides, the hug was rather nice.

13 - Making History

Word count: 90

Sam swung round instinctively as the last vampire came up behind him. Adjusted his grip, focused his aim, raised his blade, and then-


The unanticipated force drove his knife down suddenly, sweeping in a jagged arc and…

…beheading the vampire almost perfectly.

Dean chuckled and shook his head in bemused disbelief, watching as the body crumpled heavily to the ground.

“Sammy Winchester: first hunter in history to take out a vampire with a sneeze”.

Sam rolled his eyes and sniffled.

“Shut up and help me with the body, jerk”.

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Castiel rubbed at his nose pensively. Out of everything he had tried to get the two to shut up, something so involuntary and human had been the most effective.

Perhaps he could work out a way to do it on command?


When I think I just read the perfect-est fic, you go and write another more perfect... you lovely Maimai you wubsmiley.gif

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OMG! Theses are truly great. The first was perfect in every way. Loved Cas hugging Dean in the second - so cute. Loved Dean liking it even more. And the third was cute AND funny. Brava! :)

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The Castiel one doe <3 "If only I could do that on command" hum.. What if uhm Castiel fakes getting sick ( fake sneezes and coughs) because Dean&Sam are in a long feud between eachother and he wants them to stop arguing , agreeing on one thing wich would be to take care of Cas?. Yes ?. Destiel also maybe?. Uhm allergies or cold work. :) . Great okay uhm if that made any sense consider it cx.

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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MaiMai... you're like a magical fountain of fetishy awesomeness! <3 Seriously though, HOW do you keep coming up with new wonderful ideas like that? Needless to say, I loved the new drabbles. You're a genius.

Um... now might I request another drabble? You actually enjoy writing requests for other people, right? I know that I do, especially when I need a little push. But if it's too much or you feel pressured or anything like that, please let me know! It's really no problem! Always consider whether you want to do it and if you decide that you like the idea, take your time, okay? ;)

Now... my idea. Sam and Dean are on a hunt (because...you know, that's what they always do) and Sammy is really sick. Dean notices (sneezing and such) and wants to take care of his brother, but Sam acts extremely childish and won't let Dean help him. For example, Dean wants to take his temp, but Sam refuses to open his mouth and things like that. I don't know why I'm requesting this, but some part of me apparently thinks that a sick guy acting all childish is hot. Weird me, huh?

Alright, thanks so much for considering it. MaiMai, you're the best and all I've read from you so far was perfectly adorable! <3

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I sorta ended up with mostly colds in this one, I'm not sorry! bleh.gif

This first one is kinda a continuation or sequel or whatever you want to call it to 'Mediator', for DNO and NorthernLady:

46 - Secret Ambitions

Word count: 310

There they went again. Arguing and bickering and going at each other’s throats. Only this time, Castiel thought he might know how to stop them.

It just so happened that a few weeks ago during a hunt involving witches that he was – what was the word they had used? – allergic to a particular herb. Castiel got the feeling that both Winchesters had forgotten the incident, but he hadn’t. His first experience of an allergy attack wasn’t something the angel was likely to forget in a hurry.

It was almost too easy. Just slip a little of the stuff into a pocket, and that was all the persuasion his vessel needed.

“-you couldn’t just trust me on this for once, could you?”

“For the last time, Sam-”

“No, Dean, just hear me out-”


Once again, it was instantaneous; everything ceased immediately.

“Bless you, Cas. You okay?” Sam asked with a frown. Castiel shook his head slowly, snuffling and forcing out a few coughs.

“Doh…dod’t f-feel-hihh-good-hiHhh’ytSHHUUUu!-ihh’shiIYUUuu!”

It was Dean’s turn to frown now, walking over and placing a hand against Castiel’s forehead. “No fever…” he said quietly, then sighed, “Alright, into bed. You need to get some rest”.

“I’ll see if we’ve got any cold meds in either of the bags” Sam added. Castiel nodded and sniffled miserably, allowing himself to be ushered into one of the beds.

“You just take it easy, Cas”.

“Okay D-hhh-Deadn-huuhh’ttsshhIUUuu!”

“Bless y’ again”.

No more fighting. It was all working out just the way Castiel had planned…

“D’you think cold meds will help?”

“I would assume so, since it’s Cas’ vessel-”

“But will they work?”

“I don’t know, Dean!”

“Alright, alright. I was just askin’-”

“So you don’t even trust me on this?”

“Sam, that wasn’t what I-Stop jumping to conclusions all the time!”

“Then stop questioning me all the time!”

…or perhaps it wasn’t.

Annnd this one is for Sophie's request:

56 - Adolescence

Word count: 473

Dean had tried his utmost not to fuss. They had both hunted with much worse, anyway. Though as Sam’s sniffling had become more and more obvious, he hadn’t been able to prevent the big brother instincts from kicking in. At first he had been reasonable about it, and God knows that hadn’t worked.

“What do y’ say we crash at the motel for a while and gank the son of a bitch later?”

“Doh way, Deadn. We’re already here; let's just do it”.

Much as it pissed him off, Dean had attempted to respect his brother’s decision. But dragging Sam around on a hunt when he knew he was sick; it went against practically every instinct he possessed.

“Alright, Sammy. If you so much as sniffle once more then we’re goin’ back to the motel”.



“hiehh’itsshCHEWWw! HheEh’CCHSSHHh! yhih-SSHEEWW!”

“Right, that’s it. No more hunting for you”.

“But Dean-”

“No buts”.

Now Dean was looking after his brother back at the motel. Or at least, he was attempting to.

“Sammy, just open your mouth”. Sam shot him a glare, still keeping his mouth tightly shut. Dean huffed in frustration and pinched the bridge of his nose irritably.

“C’mon, Sam. Just let me take your temperature”. Sam shook his head.

Dean sighed exasperatedly, “Fine. No thermometers. At least take some meds” he practically pleaded.

“hhkiHSHEEWW! ihh’ttsshUUuu! Doh”.

“I swear, dude. You’re like a stroppy toddler when you’re sick”. Sam glared daggers at him and rubbed his nose.

“Yeah, ligke you’re ady be-mmph!”

He was cut off mid-protest when Dean seized the opportunity to jam the thermometer quickly into his mouth.

“Now, are you gonna behave or do I have to hold your jaw shut?” Sam gave him a withering look but obeyed. Dean kept a close eye on him anyway whilst he waited for the reading, not trusting him not to spit the thermometer out the second his back was turned. “Yep, fever” he confirmed when he retrieved it.

Sam huffed and muffled a spate of rough coughing into a sleeve. “Fugk you. Add I ab dot acti’g ligke a ‘stroppy toddler’”. Dean rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, right now you’re more like a stroppy teenager. Blow your nose; I can barely understand you”. He nudged the tissue box towards Sam, who only folded his arms and scowled. Dean rolled his eyes again and resisted the urge to slam his head against the wall out of sheer frustration.

Instead he took a deep breath and continued calmly. “Seriously, Sam. Just let me take care of you. Just this once”.

“Fhhh-Fide-hEhh’ihhSHIEEWw! Doesd’t bead I have to be happy about it, though”. Dean nodded, knowing that was the best he was going to get. Then he picked up the medicine bottle and contemplated the label, wondering how many doses it would take to knock Sam out.

And these are just some random ones! tonguesmiley.gif

74 - Peace

Word count: 100


Finally, Dean had succeeded in getting his brother to fall asleep. Not that Sam hadn’t fought valiantly against him; it had taken the better part of the morning to persuade him to even lie down, and most of the afternoon to convince him to close his eyes and rest.

It was mercifully quiet in the motel room, Sam’s snuffly snores the only sound. Dean sighed contentedly and lounged back against his pillows, contemplating the possibility of a blissfully serene evening.

Peace at last.


Dean sniffled bemusedly and then groaned in realisation.

“Well that’s just perfect” he muttered bitterly.

65 - Truth

Word count: 100

“It’s just allergies, Sab”.

“Really, Dean? We’re in the Impala”.

“Baybe I’b allergic to sobethi’g id the Ibpala th-thed-hhrSHHUH!”

“Bless you. If that was the case, then don’t you think we would have noticed it before now?”

“Baybe I’b allergic to you. Add your dnaggi’g”.

“Maybe you’re a stubborn idiot”.

Dean scowled and stared straight ahead at the road, pointedly ignoring his brother.




“I thigk I’b siiiihh-hhh’KKTSHHhh! hp’GGTCHUHhh!-sigk”.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time, jerk. Wanna stop for tissues and meds?” Dean pouted.

“Add pie”.

“And pie” Sam agreed, rolling his eyes.

Edited by MaiMai
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MAI MAI... THOSE CAS SNEEZES... *weeps happily*

You are amazing QwQ... so amazing... I love them~

Every drabble you put here finds its way into my heart <3

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When I read my name up there, I might have let out a happy scream. Or two. Seriously, you have no idea how excited I get when I see that you've written a drabble for me. It gets my heart racing and all the rest of it...!

And omg, it's Number 56! That's been my favorite number ever since I was a kid! This is perfect, oh so perfect!! <3

The first paragraph, I read three times in a row. The feeling of anticipation was so wonderful, I couldn't move on for a bit.

“hiehh’itsshCHEWWw! HheEh’CCHSSHHh! yhih-SSHEEWW!”

“Right, that’s it. No more hunting for you”.

Then came... this!! Awwww... I might have squealed again at that part! I can just see it and hear it and awwww....!! :wub:

“I swear, dude. You’re like a stroppy toddler when you’re sick”. Sam glared daggers at him and rubbed his nose.

Soooo soo cute!! Exactly what I had in mind! :inlove:

“Yep, fever” he confirmed when he retrieved it.

I can't get over this part. So incredibly hot. The way he just states it all matter-of-factly in his typical Dean-matter...! The feels!<3

“Fugk you. Add I ab dot acti’g ligke a ‘stroppy toddler’”.

I didn't realize until this very moment that a sick, swearing Sammy is about the hottest thing on the planet! I love how you threw that in there...! Thanks so much for always getting it 100% right! Honestly, you write stuff in a way that I didn't even realize I wanted to read and then I read it and it's perfection...!

Then he picked up the medicine bottle and contemplated the label, wondering how many doses it would take to knock Sam out.

Hahaha... that's just great. (: (It's probably what Sammy needs, right?)

Here are my emotions concerning this drabble in graphic form: :inlove::wub::inlove::wub::inlove::wub:

Actually, that doesn't even come close. I'm pretty much freaking out! xD I hope you don't think I'm exaggerating, because I'm just being honest right now. Don't know how to thank you, MaiMai! Just know that you've made me very happy! The minute I spent reading your drabble made up for all the hours I spent doing stupid math problems over the last few days!

((The other drabbles were also awesome, of course! Number 56 just takes the cake, though!<3))

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“Bless you, Cas. You okay?” Sam asked with a frown. Castiel shook his head slowly, snuffling and forcing out a few coughs.

“Doh…dod’t f-feel-hihh-good-hiHhh’ytSHHUUUu!-ihh’shiIYUUuu!”

Awwwwe Castiel <3

“Alright, Sammy. If you so much as sniffle once more then we’re goin’ back to the motel”.



“hiehh’itsshCHEWWw! HheEh’CCHSSHHh! yhih-SSHEEWW!”

“Right, that’s it. No more hunting for you”.

Right. Well put . Well written :) Awe.

“Baybe I’b allergic to you. Add your dnaggi’g”.

That line though. I swear it's the best thing i've ever read.


“Add pie”.

“And pie” Sam agreed, rolling his eyes.

Deany and his pie . huehue cx

You've really wrote a good second part. the Castiel one is so good ! :)

Thank you for writting all these MaiMai :)

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MAI MAI... THOSE CAS SNEEZES... *weeps happily*

You are amazing QwQ... so amazing... I love them~

Every drabble you put here finds its way into my heart <3

Ohmygosh thank you!! That's so sweet, I'm really really glad that you enjoy them!! happy.png


When I read my name up there, I might have let out a happy scream. Or two. Seriously, you have no idea how excited I get when I see that you've written a drabble for me. It gets my heart racing and all the rest of it...!

And omg, it's Number 56! That's been my favorite number ever since I was a kid! This is perfect, oh so perfect!! <3

The first paragraph, I read three times in a row. The feeling of anticipation was so wonderful, I couldn't move on for a bit.

“hiehh’itsshCHEWWw! HheEh’CCHSSHHh! yhih-SSHEEWW!”

“Right, that’s it. No more hunting for you”.

Then came... this!! Awwww... I might have squealed again at that part! I can just see it and hear it and awwww....!! wub.png

“I swear, dude. You’re like a stroppy toddler when you’re sick”. Sam glared daggers at him and rubbed his nose.

Soooo soo cute!! Exactly what I had in mind! in_love.gif

“Yep, fever” he confirmed when he retrieved it.

I can't get over this part. So incredibly hot. The way he just states it all matter-of-factly in his typical Dean-matter...! The feels!<3

“Fugk you. Add I ab dot acti’g ligke a ‘stroppy toddler’”.

I didn't realize until this very moment that a sick, swearing Sammy is about the hottest thing on the planet! I love how you threw that in there...! Thanks so much for always getting it 100% right! Honestly, you write stuff in a way that I didn't even realize I wanted to read and then I read it and it's perfection...!

Then he picked up the medicine bottle and contemplated the label, wondering how many doses it would take to knock Sam out.

Hahaha... that's just great. (: (It's probably what Sammy needs, right?)

Here are my emotions concerning this drabble in graphic form: in_love.gifwub.pngin_love.gifwub.pngin_love.gifwub.png

Actually, that doesn't even come close. I'm pretty much freaking out! xD I hope you don't think I'm exaggerating, because I'm just being honest right now. Don't know how to thank you, MaiMai! Just know that you've made me very happy! The minute I spent reading your drabble made up for all the hours I spent doing stupid math problems over the last few days!

((The other drabbles were also awesome, of course! Number 56 just takes the cake, though!<3))

It must have been fate!! 7.giftonguesmiley.gif You're welcome Sophie, I'm always happy to write requests for you!! hug.gif

“Bless you, Cas. You okay?” Sam asked with a frown. Castiel shook his head slowly, snuffling and forcing out a few coughs.

“Doh…dod’t f-feel-hihh-good-hiHhh’ytSHHUUUu!-ihh’shiIYUUuu!”

Awwwwe Castiel <3

“Alright, Sammy. If you so much as sniffle once more then we’re goin’ back to the motel”.



“hiehh’itsshCHEWWw! HheEh’CCHSSHHh! yhih-SSHEEWW!”

“Right, that’s it. No more hunting for you”.

Right. Well put . Well written smile.png Awe.

“Baybe I’b allergic to you. Add your dnaggi’g”.

That line though. I swear it's the best thing i've ever read.


“Add pie”.

“And pie” Sam agreed, rolling his eyes.

Deany and his pie . huehue cx

You've really wrote a good second part. the Castiel one is so good ! smile.png

Thank you for writting all these MaiMai smile.png

Aww, thank you! I was kinda worried that the second part wouldn't lead on naturally from the first and stuff, so that's great!! happy.png

You're so good!! I love the way you write their relationship.

Omg thank you so, so much! That's such a compliment, thank you!!!

I have a few more drabbles, and they're really random ideas, so I hope they're alright!!

20 - First Impressions

Word count: 100

Castiel gazes apprehensively into the honey toned liquid; casts Dean an almost anxious glance. Dean gives him a nod of encouragement.

Slowly Castiel brings the glass to his lips and takes a small sip. It burns the back of his throat, eliciting a slight gasp. The taste is strong, overwhelmingly so, and abruptly his senses are being flooded by a teasing, tingling sensation.

“hip’iihhSHUUuu! ihhh’ksshuUUu!”

Dean chuckles, watching Castiel sniffle and wrinkle his nose bemusedly.

“So, Cas. First impressions of drinking?”

He frowns and contemplates for a moment.


Dean suspects it’s the alcohol, but he just can’t stop laughing.

12 - Shooting Star

Word count: 186

They always used to do it when they were kids.

Old habits died hard, he supposed.

I wish he would slow down. Stop and think for once. Not rush off furiously and almost get himself killed yet again. I wish he would just stop.

Dean sighed and shook his head as he watched the brilliant flash of light recede into the darkness. Then he turned back to the Impala. He knew he would be returning to an empty motel room.

Sure enough, there was the neatly packed back set by the door.

But Sam himself didn’t look as though he would be going anywhere anytime soon.

“heHh’CHHSSHh! ihhh’TSSHUuu! hheh-hEh’ihhSSHEEW! khhiiSHEWw!”

“Sam? What in the hell-?”

Sam merely shook his head helplessly, hunched over and keeping both hands clamped to his face.

“D-dod’t-hheh-ehh’ttsSHIEEWW!-dknow. Just-ihh’ySSHHHh! hh’nnTCHEEWW!-stahhhh-star-hihh-ted-hhEh’ihh’KSSHHhheh! heeh’ssSHUUuu!”

“Just hang in there an’ I’ll see if we got any tissues in the bathroom, alright?”

Dean didn’t wait for an answer.

I wish he would just stop.

I wish he would slow down.

He frowned and dismissed the thought. Absurd. It couldn’t have anything to do with that.

Could it?

Edited by MaiMai
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Happy note : Jensen Ackles birthday is today :) (march 1st) unless im mistaken so happy birthday to him ! :)

This drabble is just pure awesome :)

Wow you write REALLY good ! :)

awe Sammy phoeticness(I think) in the second <3

Ahaha awe Cas is so cute in the first one :)

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Oh. My. God.

These are incredible. Just... OMG. Everything is just so wonderful. They're so easy to read and the humour is just spot on and so... right.

Thank you for these!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for all the lovely comments, peoples! ^_^

I am absolutely not abandoning this thread, I would love to write more drabbles right now, but I'm not writing for a while. Not until after I've finished all my exams and everything, which won't be until June, because I just don't have enough time!! :(

So I guess I'll see you guys in June! :hug:

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That's too bad, but I'm in the same boat. Stupid exams....! Oh well, in June when everything's over I'll be rewarded with more awesome MaiMai drabbles! There's light at the end of the tunnel! :)

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