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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How Often Do You Visit the Forum?


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I'm not on nearly as much as I used to be ... Every day. That's due to no internet of my own. I sure do miss this place!

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Every day because I'm rping with another member and we message on here! If I wasn't, I would probably not be on here so much. :D

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I used to forget about this place for a few months then rediscover it and go on a reading binge when I was a lurker. Now seams I never leave this place *blush* Doesn't help that I'm unemployed at the moment... too many good stories to read and thread to contribute to :)

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Normally, I visit every time I'm on my computer. Facebook, email, the Forum...I check them all regularly to see if anything new has happened.

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I check it every so often, but about once a month or maybe once every few weeks I'll actually check out the topics and respond to them (like I am now). I keep telling myself I'll do it more often, but so far that hasn't happened. I'd like to write more stories and make more art for the forum as well, but that also seems to be quite slow-going.

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usually i just come on once a night...which is the only time in on my laptop anyway. ill just look at whatevers new, leave to do whatever else is on the cesspool of the internet, and wait till the next night to come back

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I check it every so often, but about once a month or maybe once every few weeks I'll actually check out the topics and respond to them (like I am now). I keep telling myself I'll do it more often, but so far that hasn't happened. I'd like to write more stories and make more art for the forum as well, but that also seems to be quite slow-going.

Me too. I rarely turn my computer on anymore (I'm constantly on tumblr on my phone, though), and checking on my phone is a hassle for me, so I usually just check on the rare occasion my comp. is on. (which should be more often since I just started an online class)

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