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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Have you ever met a fetishist in real life? Would you want to?


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I'd love to hear your stories or responses! I've got a pretty interesting story, myself. :P The whole thing was a blur, but I'll try to recall exactly what happened. This is about a friend I've known for a long time since, but back when this story took place I had known her for less than a year. I also didn't know yet that this whole sneezing thing was a fetish, and I hadn't yet discovered this site.

I was at her house, and she was showing me anime clips on her laptop as we lay on her bed. As she was scrolling through her folder of video files at one point, I just so happened to catch sight of the word "sneeze." Anything with "eez" kinda gets my attention when I'm reading... ;P "Hold up, scroll back up for a sec?" I asked. She did, and I saw the file again. "'Kakashi Sneeze'? What's that?" I tried to sound innocent. I really did.

"Um, yeah, he sneezes in one episode." She showed me the clip of Kakashi, from Naruto, sneezing. And then she showed me the sub version.

I nodded submissively, as if I really didn't care. The fact that my phone rang at that very moment was probably, now that I think about it, a big relief to her. I picked it up, and I think it had been my brother or something.

After I hung up, she proceeded to tell me something she clearly had thought about for a bit. "I kinda just like the sound of it..."

"Of what, people's cellphones ringing?"

"No, of sneezing!"

I was surprised, but I kept my cool. I told her I felt the same way, but I don't think she believed me at first. She began to open up more, though. She told me that, when she was little, she used to count how many sneezes she heard every day. We talked about it for the rest of the time I was at her house. :P

I began to draw her comics of our favorite anime characters sneezing. We had the same summer job that next year, too, and sometimes after work we'd go to her house and induce. She was so much better at it that I was.

I almost never see her anymore. I've gotta call her up! XD We're good friends but we're so busy. And she's not the type of person who would have an account on this site...

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Oh wow xD! thats quite a experience! I myself have never met a fetishist in real life and I probably wouldn't want to.. I would act too awkward.. But from your post it seemed to me u had a pretty calm reaction. That would not be me lol

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I've talked to one or two online, but I've never met one in person (as far as I know, that is). Honestly, I don't know if I'd want to meet a sneeze *fetishist,* per say. However, I do want to meet someone who enjoys sneezing...a sneezing enthusiast, if you will (which I think is more akin to my own personal description, anyway). In my experiences talking with sneeze fetishists, I feel like all we talked about was sneezing (which, of course, does not apply to all fetishists, of course, but...). So I'd like to be friends with someone who doesn't think about sneezing all that often, but wouldn't object to a sneezing session every once in a while just for fun (if that made any sense at all :P).

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it would be pretty neat i guess....but i think it would be way too akward for me. even though id know that they have the same turn ons as me, itd probably make me not want sneeze around them or anything :P

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I've met two. :) Both times were a lot of fun and it's definitely something I hope to do again. Both are members of the online community and we'd gotten to know each other pretty well online prior to arranging to meet in person. One I actually went and stayed with for about a week, which was awesome. The other lived not too far from me at the time and we met halfway between and spent the day hanging out and being stupid. :laugh:

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I've talked to one or two online, but I've never met one in person (as far as I know, that is). Honestly, I don't know if I'd want to meet a sneeze *fetishist,* per say. However, I do want to meet someone who enjoys sneezing...a sneezing enthusiast, if you will (which I think is more akin to my own personal description, anyway). In my experiences talking with sneeze fetishists, I feel like all we talked about was sneezing (which, of course, does not apply to all fetishists, of course, but...). So I'd like to be friends with someone who doesn't think about sneezing all that often, but wouldn't object to a sneezing session every once in a while just for fun (if that made any sense at all tonguesmiley.gif).

Yes, I know what you mean! And yeah, when I say "fetishist" I kinda mean "enthusiast." :P

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I've met two. smile.png Both times were a lot of fun and it's definitely something I hope to do again. Both are members of the online community and we'd gotten to know each other pretty well online prior to arranging to meet in person. One I actually went and stayed with for about a week, which was awesome. The other lived not too far from me at the time and we met halfway between and spent the day hanging out and being stupid. laughing.gif

Haha, that sounds like so much fun!

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I've met four fetishists over the years, on seven different occasions. The experiences have been fun, exciting, complicated and enlightening, and I'd love to meet more people in the future, especially fetishists from other countries. :yes:

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I'd be happy to meet one in person, but by accident, not like an arranged meetup with someone online. And I'd hope they'd be game for some cuddly, sneezy goodness!

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I'd like to meet several people from this community, but I think that is just because they are wonderful people, not because they're fetishists :P

If I met them on any other forum, then I would still be just as interested to meet them.

I wouldn't like to meet another fetishist that I didn't get to know really well before hand. I think having that friendship there first is vital for me.

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I'd like to meet several people from this community, but I think that is just because they are wonderful people, not because they're fetishists :P

If I met them on any other forum, then I would still be just as interested to meet them.

I wouldn't like to meet another fetishist that I didn't get to know really well before hand. I think having that friendship there first is vital for me.


I've met about 7 over the years and not to do anything "fetish-y". We just met up and hung out- because... we are *friends*. All of the people that I've met have been as wonderful in person as online. I'm hoping to meet up with more friends in the future. I'm not really into the idea of meeting a random fetish person just to do fetish stuff, but that is me.

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I haven't met anyone else with the fetish before. I would love to though, even if it were, as other people have mentioned above, not a "fetishy" meet-up. Although it doesn't seem there are too many Aussies on here!

I think meeting someone with the fetish by accident would be the most amazing experience ever. I'm totally jealous of your story haha. It's something that you would never think would ever happen!

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I've met four fetishists over the years, on seven different occasions. The experiences have been fun, exciting, complicated and enlightening, and I'd love to meet more people in the future, especially fetishists from other countries. yes.gif

If I'm ever in Sweden I'll stalk let you know. :P

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I've met 3 and the weird thing is the subject never came up. It was like the gorilla in the room and we all went out of our way to avoid it lol. Probably had to do with some rubbish about how we all were trying to prove how "normal" we really were. I now realize that was total BS. If you can't be your unadulterated self to the only people in the world who know your deepest darkest secret, what kind of poor excuse for a human being are you? If I had it to do all over again I would bring it up anyway and let the chips fall where they may.

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I've only met one person I'd chatted with many times here and felt comfortable enough with to chat face-to-face! :) I was very nervous but it was a lot of fun. I'd do it again, but only with someone else I'd had the chance to chat with on here ahead of time or with a larger group.

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I've met a few people from here. I have to restate the obvious that I would not meet anyone that I had not been chatting with for a long time, and always meet in a public place. (Public service anouncement over) I'm sure everyone knows this, but i'm actually dating Lynne, who I met here many years ago. Who knows, maybe we will be the second couple to meet here and get married? There are quite a few more people here that I would like to meet.

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Aside from my sister, I've heard a friend of a friend's little sister is a fetishist (my sister explained this to me, so I'm not even sure who she is on the forum). I've also met up with someone on here before. When I was like nine years old, my sister told a friend she liked sneezing and my friend said "Yeah, I know what you mean, I do too!" only I know her still, and I get the feeling she isn't on this site. Your story sounds like it would be the ideal way to meet somebody that shared your interest - it must be nice to be able to talk about things like that with your friend so openly. Pretty cool!

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So far, I haven't met another fetishist in real life but I would really like to. I'm surprised I haven't met one yet because I know there are a few members here who live pretty close to me.

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Wow, I'm surprised how many people have met other fetishists!

In almost 10 years of knowing that the way I felt about sneezing was a fetish, I've never met anyone. sweatdrop.gif I tend to lurk a lot (especially here it seems) and not make online friends so much as I used to when I was a younger teen, so it makes sense that I wouldn't have met anyone from here. That and... I haven't lived in a town with a remarkable population since I was in kindergarten. Doubt there are any members within reasonable meet distance.

In just straight without any online interact first I haven't met anyone either. I'm not open about it so that probably reduces chances too. I'd possibly be up for meeting though. IF:

I wouldn't like to meet another fetishist that I didn't get to know really well before hand. I think having that friendship there first is vital for me.


Edited by cherry
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I would also like to meet someone from the community in real life preferably female, although I don't get out much so no chaining through friends because I only have work friends *awkward*

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I'd really like to meet someone from the forum, but I definitely would like to have an established friendship with the person first. Also fantasize regularly about finding out someone from my day-to-day life is on the forum. Gosh, that would be so great.

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One time I ever thought I might know another fetishist was when guy friend of mine sneezed who had NEVER sneezed ever before and every one commented on it and he went beet red, mumbled something about the bathroom then ran out. I have not heard him sneeze since.

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Yeah to me these are all surprising, especially coincidental encounters. That must be very unlikely. I think it would be great to meet someone with the same, mostly because I'm really curious about it. I would find it difficult to make a friend just online (I've only done that once and I didn't really get to know the person), but it would be really interesting to see what we have in common.

Maybe this should be its own post, but since there are a bunch of people on this post already who have met others in real life, did you find anything surprising that you had in common with these people?

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