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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Don't Hide (One Direction)


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Hi! I'm back with part 5! Hope you guys like it. Also... please comment! You guys' comments make me sooo happy biggrinsmiley.gif

Anyway. I might continue this story for a while, because I really like how it's going! This might be my favorite part to write so far. (I just love torturing Louis! evilsmiley03.png ) Okay, here we go:


"My hands, your hands. Tied up like two ships. Drifting, weightless. Waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it. Why is it so hard to save it?"

Harry smiled, thinking of how Louis had spent days writing this song. He glanced over at Louis, and was surprised to see his band mate squinting. His mouth was slightly open, and his eyebrows were furrowed. It was an odd expression on him, but somehow Harry liked to see him so desperate.

Suddenly, Louis snapped to the side with a silent sneeze, trying to disguise it as a light cough when the others looked his way. Ridiculously enough, Harry felt somewhat proud to think that Louis let out his sneezes in front of him. This pride was replaced by concern when Louis stifled another double.

Liam was singing his part. "My heart, your heart. Sit tight like book ends. Pages, between us. Written with no end…"

Harry smiled at Louis as the chorus began. For some reason, he felt it perfectly defined them. "I'm sorry if I say, 'I need you.' But I don't care, I'm not scared of love."

Louis smiled back weakly. He stopped singing as the others continued, trying to coax another sneeze out. Finally, he stepped back from the group and stifled a sneeze into his fist. Then he turned around and stifled another. He winced when the last sneeze could not be held back. "Hut'chiew!" He snapped forward.

"…Bless you." Zayn sounded surprised.

"Thanks." Louis sniffed, embarrassed. This made the tickle in his nose worsen, and he frowned in frustration. "I'm sorry g-guyshhheh… huh'schiew!"

"Bless you," the guys chorused.

"Lou. Are you sure you're well enough to perform in the concert?" Harry asked. "I mean, if you keep sneezing, you-"

"I'll be fine," Louis interrupted, rubbing his nose. "This is only rehearsal. I'll be better by tomorrow."

"Huh'eshoo! Huh'issshuh!" All eyes turned to Harry, who was looking up sheepishly from his elbow. "I may have caught Louis' cold."

Liam groaned. "Ugh. By tomorrow we'll all be sick."

Niall grinned. "Not me! I don't get sick."

Louis glared at him. "You seem to find this very amusing. Heht'shoo!"

Niall shrugged. "Maybe a little."

Zayn sighed. "Okay, guys. We should just practice this song once or twice, then let Louis and Harry rest. They need to be able to perform their best for tomorrow's concert."

Everyone agreed, and Louis resumed with his part. He grimaced when he heard how congested his voice sounded. "People always try to escape it. Move on to stop their heart breaking. But there's nothing I'm running from." He looked at Harry. "You make me strong."

The rehearsal had finished half an hour ago. Louis and Harry were in bed, and the rest of the band hurried to get them soup, water, pillows, and donuts (from Niall, who ate them himself when they were refused.)

Niall entered the room with a glass of water and an array of desserts. Louis brightened considerably, before turning away to sneeze. "Huh-shoo! Het-schiew!"

Niall laughed. "Where's the third one?" he asked, after a pause.

"There won't be," Louis turned red, from both annoyance and embarrassment.

"Are you sure? There always is."

"What would you know?" Louis managed to mutter, before his breath hitched. "Heh… Hut-chiew!… ugh."

This, of course, only made Niall laugh harder.

"There is nothing funny about this," Louis said, pressing a tissue to his nose.

"Yes. There is," Niall said, still chuckling. He held out the water to Louis. "I have to go offer Harry some junk food."

"Wait." As annoying as he was, Niall was company. "Uh… he doesn't want anything. And he's sleeping."

"Oh. Okay! I'll stay here." Niall opened a bag of chips and plopped down on the side of Louis' bed. "So," he said, munching. "What makes you so embarrassed to sneeze in front of people?"

Wait. Did I hear that right? "What?" Louis asked.

"I mean, why do you turn red after sneezing? And I'm glad you stopped holding them back. It looked like you were about to burst."

"Um." Louis looked away. This was way too awkward for his liking. "I don't know. It's just… I don't know."

"Okay, thank you for that enlightening reply." Niall picked up a cookie and offered one to Louis, who refused.

Louis wasn't sure how to respond, so he laughed instead.

"So what's going on with your life?" Niall bit into the cookie.

They sat and talked for a while. After an hour, Louis eyelids began to droop. "Huh-shoo! Het-schiew!…" He tried looking towards the light. "Heh… hht'chiew!"

"Bless you," Niall said tiredly. He looked at the chip bags in front of him. "I'm getting too tired to even eat junk food."

"There must really be a problem, then," Louis joked. He turned to lie on his side. Need rest… need to… sing in concert.

He was startled awake when Niall suddenly turned and sneezed wetly into his elbow. "Hh-tsch!" Once. He took a deep breath, then: "Het-kshhh!" Twice. He glanced at Louis. "Sorry, did I get you?"

"No. Bless you," Louis said absentmindedly. "Wait. Niall, are you getting sick?"

"Told you. I don't get sick." Niall yawned. "Mind if I stay here? I think I'm too tired to move."

"Too lazy, more like it," Louis replied. Niall didn't respond, and Louis realized that the blonde had fallen asleep. Oh well, Louis thought. He'd just have to tease him about the sneezing tomorrow.


I loved writing this chapter! I just can't torture them enough. evilsmiley03.png Anyway, hope you liked it! Tell me what you think. I'll try to update soon with what happens in the concert! (and how the rest of them get sick. MWAHAHA!)

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this is so adorable. :3 Im glad you want to continue this for a while! :D hehe. I shall be awaiting Part 6! :)

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Omg this is one of the best stories ever :o I'm dead!!! The way you're writing it is so perfect and fluffy! I can't wait for the contagion, please update as soon as you can :D

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So, I just wanted to say how excited I was when I clicked on Fanfiction and saw how many comments this story has! I honestly never would have thought my silly little One Direction fic would get so much attention.

Also, sorry this part is a bit shorter! I'm going to try to update more regularly. I just have a paper to write... and some tests... and other work I'm avoiding at the moment.

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you guys so much for reading and commenting. And now here's some more fluff:


Louis woke to find Niall sitting on the couch nearby. He was eating from a massive plate of food and watching Louis.

"Niall. Don't be weird. Stop watching me," Louis said, slowly pushing himself out of bed.

"I was worried about you," Niall said around a mouthful of food.

Louis couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, but I'm fine. I think I'll be good as new by the concert time." He quickly pinched his nose in an effort to get rid of the tickle. It didn't work.

Niall smiled. "Lou, just sneeze. We all know you're sick."

Louis blushed before turning away. He tried to leave the room but only made it to the doorway before… "Hut'schoo! Het'schiew!" He rubbed his nose and doubled over with another sneeze. "Huh-chiew!" He glared at Niall, who grinned. "I'm going to get food," Louis grumbled, heading towards the kitchen.

Once he had left, Niall felt a sudden tickle in his nose. What…? "Hh'tsch! Het'kshhh! Ugh."

"Bless you."

Niall looked up to see Harry standing in the doorway. His hair was a mess, and he looked exhausted.

"Hey, look who's up!" Niall forced a smile, then grimaced at how scratchy his voice sounded.

"Hey," Harry replied groggily. "What time is it?" He stumbled into the room.

"It's about-" Niall cut himself off and his breath hitched. He twisted away and sneezed into his palms. "Hut'ktchh! Hh'tsch! It's about eleven."

"Bless you. Again." Harry looked suspicious. "Are you getting sick?… You're getting sick." He collapsed on the couch next to Niall. "What are we going to do for the concert? We can't have Zayn and Liam sing the whole song!"

Louis suddenly appeared in the doorway. "I have food!" He handed a plate of eggs, bacon, and fruit to Harry. And a donut to Niall. Harry smiled and took the plate. Niall sneezed.

"He's sick," Harry confirmed.

"Whatever happened to 'never getting sick?'" Louis teased.

"Ugh." Niall glanced up, and Louis noticed for the first time how horrible he looked. His eyes and nose were red, he was pale… and he hadn't eaten all his junk food.

Yep. Definitely sick.

Niall finally looked away, trying to muffle a cough into his sleeve. This just made him cough more, and Louis pounded his back and winced at how painful they sounded.

"How long have you been feeling sick, Niall?" Harry questioned.

"Um… since yesterday, maybe," Niall mumbled.

"Yesterday? Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want you to worry about me. Because… I never get sick. Hh'tsch!" He snapped forward and covered his face.

"That's very convincing, Niall," Louis said, rubbing his band mate's back. He turned to Harry. "How are we ever going to pull off this concert?"

Harry shook his head. "Let's see if we can get through a rehearsal."

Downstairs, the five boys had gathered for a rehearsal.

"Okay, everybody ready?" Liam asked.

"Hh'tsch! Het'kshhh!"

"Niall's sick," Louis explained.

Liam nodded. Zayn looked worried. "Guys, our concert's in six hours. We'll never do well with the three of you sick!"

"Liam, we're fine. At least, Harry and I are getting better," Louis said reassuringly.

"Okay," Zayn said, looking doubtful.

"Lou. Here's some advice," Harry said. "Next time you're sick, just tell us. Maybe we can cure you before everyone else gets sick too."

Six hours later, the boys were backstage getting ready.

"We're on in thirty seconds," Harry said.


Everyone turned. The sneeze had come from Zayn. He looked down quickly as the other boys groaned.

"You guys, we don't have time to worry about this now! Get ready," Liam prompted. "Let's just hope this goes well."

The curtain fell. Lights danced across the stage. Deafening screams and cheers echoed throughout the room.

Louis smiled, sharing a glance with his band mates. They were ready for this performance. He stepped forward as the music began to play.

And then Niall sneezed.

Luckily, he had the sense to move his mic. He sneezed again. Louis sighed. It was going to be a long night.

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  • 1 month later...


First of all, thank you guys SOOO much for commenting!! It makes me feel all nice and happy inside :) So anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum much in a while. I had a bunch of tests and stuff to procrastinate studying for. Then I had the good sense to temporarily forget my password and lock myself out of my account, so then there was that too...

I'm on my iPod right now, so I can't post the next part for a little while. There will be more, though, I promise! (as if I could resist writing more about Louis being all vulnerable and sneezy!) (by the way, have you guys seen that video of Louis' first sneeze for us?) (I just about died when I saw it!!) (it's in the sneezing in the media section near the top, sorry I can't add a link.)

So that's all I have to say for now! I'll respond to all your lovely comments and post the next part as soon as possible. If there is anything useful you can take out of this post, it's: don't worry, I haven't disappeared and I will be providing more tortured Louis for us all soon!! (evil grin)

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Yay! so glad you are still carrying on with this story please add some allergies in there so Louis can be even more sneezy ahaha :3

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  • 2 months later...

Why do I always find the best stories so laaate!? This is too adorable! I hope you will continue soon! :D :D :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


First of all, thank you guys SOOO much for commenting!! It makes me feel all nice and happy inside :) So anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum much in a while. I had a bunch of tests and stuff to procrastinate studying for. Then I had the good sense to temporarily forget my password and lock myself out of my account, so then there was that too...

I'm on my iPod right now, so I can't post the next part for a little while. There will be more, though, I promise! (as if I could resist writing more about Louis being all vulnerable and sneezy!) (by the way, have you guys seen that video of Louis' first sneeze for us?) (I just about died when I saw it!!) (it's in the sneezing in the media section near the top, sorry I can't add a link.)

So that's all I have to say for now! I'll respond to all your lovely comments and post the next part as soon as possible. If there is anything useful you can take out of this post, it's: don't worry, I haven't disappeared and I will be providing more tortured Louis for us all soon!! (evil grin)

Haii, can you or someone else link this to me? I can't find it and I can't wait to see it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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