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Sneeze Fetish Forum

*SecretSanta For Natto c: ( DeathNote.L cold c: )*


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Natto just saying you are like one of my favorite writters of all time, so I really hope this fic pleases you. You inspire me a lot <3. Merry Christmas c: So here's your secret Santa Natto :D Thank you Artygirl22 for being a wonderful beta and making this story better :). ----------------------- ------------------- Light wasn't a great detective like L.


it didn't take much to notice that all of

what Light was seeing going on with L

pointed to a cold... A very bad cold. L's

nose was red, chapped and looked

abused by the usage tissues, his face is

pale with bags under his eyesfrom usual

lack of sleep and he had

glassy eyes. Light shook his head as he

stared towards the slimmer man.

"Ryuzakai you are sick"

" Hchnx't "

L sneezed uncovered almost on Light as


to agree with Light that he is sick.

"Bless you, dear cover you mouth."

L gave muffled coughs into his white shirt

and curled up on Light's lap making

pained noises. Light stroked Ryazukai's

hair and planted a kiss on his forehead, it

was like kissing the sun. Light saidwith

much concern.

"L hun, you have a fever.. Would you take

some NyQuil?."

L made a painful noise then looked up at Light with glassy eyes. L couldn't remember a time that he felt so sick. Maybe as a child but that was so long ago. He hated feeling so weak because of a cold. He hated feeling so vunerable. Light should be enjoying his life. But instead was caring for L. Wiping his nose when it was runny and sore. Making sure he slept properly as well as eat better.

"L-Light...you dont..have-"

Light chuckled as he carried L bridal style towards a nearby room that had a bed, nightstand and a bathroom. He ignored L's protest to put him down...didn't mind him sneezing and coughing on his chest. But he was concerned that L gets sick this easily. Light gently placed the sick man on the bed and placed the covers over the silm body and tucked him in. Light kissed L's forehead and shoke his head as it felt hot.

"I'll be right back love. Im going to the bathroom to get a thermoniter ok?."

As Light walked away, he felt a clammy hand grab his hand. He turned to see L holding on to him as if he didnt want him to leave. Light smiled as he rubbed him thumb over L's hand. L sighed in content but started coughing...Light rubbed the man's back soothingly as the fit stopped and left the poor man trying to catch his breath as the tears spilled.

Ryu....its ok...I'll take good care of you. I need to see how high your fever is ok love?"

Light kissed L's hand and left to go the bathroom. L smiled a bit but couldn't help but moan in pain. He was about to fall asleep when he felt the bed sink beside him. L turn around slowly to see his Light placing nyquil tissues, and water on the nearby table. Light had a thermoniter in his hands and before he could do anything else, his nose started running and he knew what that meant.

Light did too...and thats why he was prepared with a bunch of tissues placing them on L's flaring red nose.

"H-heh'tchoo...hx'xt...ugh...hetchoo hetchoo...heh-heh'chxt!!"

The sneezes sounded wet and painful. L wanted to die... Everything hurted even his feet. He was glad that Light was here but he felt bad that Light was stuck with him...stupid immune system... Light spoke gently as he held his sick friend noting how he was shivering.

"Blow love... i know it hurts but I got you."

L did blow, and it did hurt. Light wiped the tears away with his thumb and told L to open so he could place the thermoniter inside. He held the shivering, crying man in his arms rubbing his shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. He's never seen L like this. But he suppose that no one was like themselves when ill not even him. The thermoniter beeped and Light gently took it out and frown at the number.


Light helped L to take some medicine and to drink smalls sips of water before he weakly coughed and laid back down under the covers. Light sighed in sadness as his sick friend moan in discomfort. The younger man grabbed a cloth and dipped in the water. Ringing the ascess water, Light placed it on L's head. He hoped he would feel better.... ----------------------------------------------- Enjoy Natto :) more to come ! Again thank you so much Artygirl22 (my best friend) for beta-ing this fic :)

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Hehehe! Ur very wery welcome. Hehe :blush: i do apologize for the weird formating that happened in some spots. Thats my fault.o.O

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry it took me so long to comment on this! I've been doing holiday stuff with my family and couldn't really be on the forum much. And...I'm one of your favorite authors? Wow, I'm honored, thank you! I did not expect to be anybody's favorite author, but that makes me really happy.

Your story was adorable. L/Light has never been one of my favorite pairings, but it's kind of growing on me as time goes on, and anyway you made it work really nicely. The interaction was so sweet--Light is kind of a jerk a lot of the time, but I can see him being nice to L under these circumstances...and I like the idea of L acting like a miserable baby because he didn't feel well. He's so particular about his self-presentation, even if it's incredibly bizarre, that if he couldn't control it I can see him getting really upset. Also, I love this line "L did blow, and it did hurt." I don't know why, I just thought it was good structurally. Like the repetition of "did" made it more interesting. I know it's kind of a minor thing, but that sentence just really stood out to me.

Thank you so much for writing this for me, it was so sweet of you. I hope you had a great holiday season!

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I'm sorry it took me so long to comment on this! I've been doing holiday stuff with my family and couldn't really be on the forum much. And...I'm one of your favorite authors? Wow, I'm honored, thank you! I did not expect to be anybody's favorite author, but that makes me really happy.

Your story was adorable. L/Light has never been one of my favorite pairings, but it's kind of growing on me as time goes on, and anyway you made it work really nicely. The interaction was so sweet--Light is kind of a jerk a lot of the time, but I can see him being nice to L under these circumstances...and I like the idea of L acting like a miserable baby because he didn't feel well. He's so particular about his self-presentation, even if it's incredibly bizarre, that if he couldn't control it I can see him getting really upset. Also, I love this line "L did blow, and it did hurt." I don't know why, I just thought it was good structurally. Like the repetition of "did" made it more interesting. I know it's kind of a minor thing, but that sentence just really stood out to me.

Thank you so much for writing this for me, it was so sweet of you. I hope you had a great holiday season!

. Awwwwwwwe ( I can't think of a better response to that) as well erm no problem at all for writing this and Hope you had a great holiday season too , my pleasure for writing this and yeh you are one of my favorite authors :)
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