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Ho Ho Ho I Hade You (Hetalia) Updated! Finished! Hurrah!


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GWEE~! <3 I love that this is continuing~

And it's absolutely adorabbllllleeee~~

Lovi QwQ~ <3 SO CUTE~ DOG CUDDLING <3 <3

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Oh my... this is so lovely...and adorable and fluffy and everything I love GREAT JOB MAGNIFIQUE!!!

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Ehehehe... um... ask Lovino? He would know. It's coming...

haha okay I believe you...for now...

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All of this is so amazing and well written! So cute and awesome!!!! :3 I'm gushing. Really gushing. XD yayyyy! Can't wait for the next part!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 7 months later...

Hey friends! Lovino is still alive, don't worry. I kind of had a psychiatric break, but I'm better now. I also lost my thumb drive, which had the first half of the next chapter on it. I'll get right on it though, and soon I'll be back to posting! Sorry I've been absent, but it's been a really tough year. Thank you all for waiting for me ^_^

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Ho Ho Ho I Hade You Part Last

As you probably know, in Europe, Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve!

This is the final installment, a year late. Enjoy!

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Feliciano asked quietly.

Lovino nodded, suppressing a shiver. “I went to Mass when the Germans were bombing Rome,” he said, fighting back a cough.

There was an awkward silence as Ludwig and Gilbert both avoided catching anyone’s gaze.

“Come on, guys!” Feliciano chirped, grabbing Ludwig’s hand and pulling him into the church. Gilbert and Lovino followed.

“Sorry. Again,” Gilbert murmured.

As they sat down, Lovino couldn’t help but feel proud. Gilbert and Ludwig were wearing specially-tailored Italian suits. They were in their element will all the other awkward Germans.

ehheh… hnt-shkg!” Lovino let out a barely audible sigh. He had enough drugs in him to satisfy a herd of hippies. “kkshhhou!” Though soft, it had snuck up on him, and he wasn’t able to even attempt to quiet it.

“Salute!” Feliciano said.

“Ugh, thadk you,” Lovino said, his voice quavering with exhaustion.

“Now this brings back memories,” Gilbert sighed as the choir started up. He reached forward and pulled out a hymnal, flipping to the correct page. He didn’t need to look at the bulletin because he recognized the song. As he hummed along, his face grew calm and his near-constant smirk fell away.

Ludwig looked around, his lips tight. He kept his hands folded in his lap. The air was thick with incense, and his throat was beginning to feel scratchy. His nose tickled. He rubbed it roughly, feeling it start to run. Embarrassing himself in front of this many people was not very high up on his “want to do” list.

Ludwig paused, and clamped a hand over his nose. “HR’KKMPH!” He jerked forward, his broad shoulders straining against his well-fitting suit.

“Bless you,” Feliciano breathed, giving his arm a squeeze.

Ludwig nodded. He held his breath, feeling his face flood with heat. “hr’KSHH!

Feliciano looked at him with pity, and Lovino scowled. Ludwig ducked his head and studied the hymnal intently, blushing from the roots of his hair to his collar.

“Do you want to step outside?” Feliciano murmured. Ludwig shook his head.

“I’m fine,” he managed around his tight throat.

Gilbert looked around for the source of the noise. His frown softened when he saw Ludwig’s flushed face. Shoulda taken your meds, Luddy, he telepathically projected in case Ludwig was tuned in to Gilbert’s awesome radar.

Lovino growled under his breath. Damn that loud Kraut. Loud, snotty, barbaric Kraut.

Lovino buried his nose in his hands, “Hh- hksheh! ksh! gxt’shh!” He held his still-twitching nose tightly, trying to ward off the rest. Gilbert, who had stuck himself in between Lovino and Ludwig, squeezed his shoulder.

“Gesundheit, bro-in-law,” he mouthed, “hang in there.”

Lovino snuffled quietly, blinking tears of frustration out of his eyes. Fuck colds. Fuck Mass. Fuck Christmas!

Later that evening, Lovino was back on the couch, curled into a little ball. “hshh’kpfft!” The sneeze spluttered into his hand. He didn’t have enough time to be grossed out before another followed. “hrrt’pschhh!” He sniffled, and buried his tear-stained face in his elbow. “heckk’pschhh! Ngxx’kschht!” He slowly caught his breath, reaching blindly for a tissue.

“Salute, salute!” Feliciano said, peering down at him. “Oh fratello…” he sighed, plopping down on the couch.

“Sday away,” Lovino grunted, rubbing away his tears.

“Is there anything I can do?” Feliciano asked, patting his knee. It was the only part of Lovino he could get to.

“Kill be.”

Ludwig and Gilbert hung back. They sat at the kitchen table, listening to the exchange in the living room.

“Poor Lovi,” Gilbert muttered.

Ludwig let out a tired sigh. He still had a headache, and his sinuses were burning. He could only imagine how Lovino felt.

“What are we gonna do?” Gilbert asked, glancing up at his little brother across the table.

“Well, we’ll still have Christmas. Maybe with less German punk rock than usual.” He gave Gilbert a pointed look.

Gilbert shrugged. Nena* definitely beat “Stille Nacht” in his book.

“I’ve already got the cookies made, and we can heat up some wine. Warm wine is good for colds, and it’s Christmasy, I suppose,” Ludwig continued.

Gilbert grinned. “Seriously Lud, do you read homemaker magazines at the gym?”


Both Germans jumped at the sudden noise. “Gesundheit,” they replied in worried unison.

Lovino stood in the doorway, holding a blanket around himself like a cape. “Are we godda do Chrisdbas, or cad I go do bed?” He croaked. Feliciano hovered anxiously behind him, hands stretched out like he was ready to catch his brother if he fell.

Gilbert and Ludwig shared a quick glance.

“If you feel up to it—“ Ludwig began.

“Hell yeah!” Gilbert cried, and jumped to his feet.

“For fucg’s sake…” Lovino murmured, shuffling back into the living room.

Feliciano paused in the doorway. “Ludwig?” He asked in a loud whisper.

“Hm?” Ludwig twisted the cork out of a bottle of wine.

“Do you have any more tissues? Lovi’s gone through the box in the living room…”

“Yes, actually. In the closet down the—“ Ludwig began, but Gilbert cut him off.

“Don’t worry about it Feli-fairy! Big bro Gil will take care of it!” He pushed Feliciano into the living room, giving Ludwig a threatening look over his shoulder.

Twenty minutes later, Gilbert was perched in the armchair, Ludwig was getting the fire going, Feliciano was curled up under another blanket on the smaller couch, blinking slowly and trying to keep himself awake, and Lovino was trying to clear his sinuses into a wad of toilet paper. The promised tissues had not appeared, so he had to grudgingly make do.

Ludwig blew into the embers of the fire, making them glow red and spark. He took a deep breath, inhaling ash. He hurriedly sat back on his heals, and coughed hard into his elbow.

“Ve~ Luddy, be careful…” Feliciano said softly, his words mulling together.

“Dod’t sticg your face id it,” Lovino said, hurriedly tacking on a “shithead” when the sentence came out too nicely for his comfort.

When his lungs were clear and the fire was roaring, Ludwig dropped down next to Feliciano, pulling him into his lap. Feliciano took a gulp of his warm wine and sighed happily. With all the scurrying around in the cold air and worrying about his brother, he was beat.

Gilbert quivered with excitement. “Everyone ready for presents?” He asked, grinning like a five year old.

“Sure,” Lovino croaked, only a touch sarcastically.

“Why don’t you go first, Gil,” Feliciano said, smothering a yawn into Ludwig’s shirt. Gilbert lunged for the tree, and pulled out three eye-watering yellow packages. He got to his feet, and brought Ludwig’s and Feliciano’s to them.

Feliciano ripped his open. “Oooh! A German cookbook in Italian! It’s perfect! Thank you!” He glowed with joy while Ludwig chuckled softly. He carefully lifted the paper off of his, folding it and setting it on the coffee table. His mouth dropped open when he saw the box.

“A model plane?”

“An X-15 rocket-powered model plane. Fastest ever. Mach 6.72, which is 6.72 times the speed of sound!” Gilbert said, bouncing with excitement.

Ludwig smiled, and he flipped the box over to read the back. Feliciano cuddled in closer to read it with him.

“Now for yours, Lovi~” Gilbert trilled, bringing it over to him. Lovino pushed himself to a sitting position. He swiped at his nose with the toilet paper wad, sniffling hard. He took the present into his lap, and unwrapped it cautiously.

“What the fucg.”

Gilbert laughed, and Ludwig and Feliciano looked up. Lovino’s face turned bright red and he threw the box of tissues, with a shred of gaudy yellow wrapping paper still attached, at Gilbert’s head.

“Oh my goodness!” Feliciano said, giggling. Ludwig glared at Gilbert.

“Heh, merry Christmas Lovino!” Gilbert said, faltering slightly.

“You’re ad asshole,” Lovino said, tears welling in his eyes. Gilbert froze.

“S-sorry,” he said quickly. He glanced behind him. Ludwig was still mentally beating him up. The smile had fallen off of Feliciano’s face, replaced by a frown as he scooted to the edge of his seat, poised to defend his brother.

Lovino sniffled, and pitched into his elbow. “Ekk’shhg! Hutschhh! Et’schhhh!” He took a hitching breath. “Hehh— h’aschhhyuh! Nrg’kshhht!



“That’s not your real—“

“Dod’t fuggi’g say adythi’g!” Lovino seethed. He coughed stuffily and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

Feliciano looked torn between comforting him and staying within the protective fortress of Ludwig’s arms.

Aster trotted out from behind the couch, dragging another yellow present. He sat in front of Lovino, setting the package in his lap. Lovino scowled at it until Aster whined in impatience. With a congested sigh, he ripped the paper off.

“Dog treats?” He murmured, looking from Aster to Gilbert. Aster thumped his tail.

Gilbert blushed, eyes on the ground. “Ja,” he said, then cleared his throat. “I knew you were uneasy around dogs… so I thought you might want to make friends… kinda stupid… I know…” He rubbed the back of his neck.

Berlitz and Blackie ran out of the kitchen, and jumped onto the couch next to Lovino. Aster joined them, snuggling up under Lovino’s chin. Lovino looked scared, but then, slowly, put a hand on each of them in turn, scratching behind their ears. A tiny smile of satisfaction crept onto his face.

Ludwig scooted Feliciano off of his lap, getting to his feet. He picked the box of tissues up off the floor and set them on the table next to Lovino’s couch. He stretched, then paused. “Hh… HEP’TCHHAU!” He caught it in the crook of his arm. A sniffle, then a wetter “HESCHHHOU!

“Salutehhhh… ik’shhhiew! Nn… hehh… hept’chii! K’shhi!

“Oh shihh hihh…. HWAPTSCHOOOOEY! Hehh… hepshhou!

Lovino and his three new friends looked up, startled.

Gilbert gave a shaky laugh, wiping his nose on the hem of his shirt. “Looks like Lovido’s presedt to us is a cold,” he said with a sniffly grin. “Berry Christbas to you too.”

*Nena is the artist who sang "99 Luftballons"

Edited by lillian
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:jawdrop: This is.......*runs around* Merry Christmas! :D

This was too cute! Welcome back! And welcome back these lovely writings of yours! :hug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lillian, this was brilliant! The characterization was spot on, and the story was realistic and well developed! Also- your writing is simply amazing! I'm glad you're back and hopefully feeling better! <3 Recouperate fast, and feel awesome soon! *hugs* :D you're great, and I love your stories.

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  • 1 year later...





*happily screeches*

I know it's old but I can't resist hetalia aaaa

Edited by GeniusArtStuff
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