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Cold survey!


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Still perfecting your cold education I see ;)

When was the last time you had a cold? About 2 weeks ago

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? I worked a few days in a very crowded environment so I must have breathed in a lot of virus.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? I don't think so, been pretty rundown so I've stayed put mostly.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)? Living around with poor sneezing etiquette and/or don't wash their hands enougn when sick.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? You already know the answer :)

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? About twice.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? I would really like it but then again, I have to admit being sick in the first place. That's the hard thing to do.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? Stalk a friend who had one and arrange to be close when he or she sneezes. Or steal some of his/her used tissue. It's gonna sound really poetic but a cold is like a good wine. You wanna know it's provenance and take a sip before ordering a full bottle ;)

Did you get sick often as a child? Not more than usual. 1 or 2 colds a year plus the usual child illnesses.

How long do your colds usually last? Between 3 and 7 days.

What time of year do you usually get a cold? Usually one at the start of fall and one when the snow starts to melt.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? Never

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)? Someone who has poor hand washing hygiene. And on the other side of the spectrum, people who cough and sneeze in their hands in public places and then touch everything. Subways are bringing forth the germaphobe in me. Brrrr...

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? I haven't noticed

Are you germaphobic? It really depends on the time and the germ. Some got stomach flu, I'm out the door before I even entered :P For the cold and flu, it always fluctuate. Sometime I really don't want to get sick and I'm pretty obsessive about hand washing and stop breathing when I walk in a space I know people sneezed or cough just moment before. Sometime I just breathe in.

Is your family germaphobic? Not at all.

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If I have a play, no illness for me. If I want enjoyment/a break from school I work my best.

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  • 1 month later...

When was the last time you had a cold? March

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? ​I don't know

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? I think my boyfriend caught it

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc) Germs

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? Urm, not to my knowledge

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? Maybe 6-7 times a year.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? I love my boyfriend taking care of me

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? Urm, breathing in sneezes?

Did you get sick often as a child? I used to have problems with my tonsils, I had them removed at 6. I used to catch colds a lot

How long do your colds usually last? 3-7 days

What time of year do you usually get a cold? Summer and Winter

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? I don't think I did.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc) I'd say lack of hygiene could be a factor.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? Yeah, I do.

Are you germaphobic? Yes.

Is your family germaphobic? No *shudders*

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When was the last time you had a cold? 2 weeks ago; the time before that would have been in November

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? Not a clue. I hadn't gone very many places recently and my flatmate wasn't ill.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? No

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc) Germs, duh. I used to teach science. I think that all of the other things factor in, but you need the germs first.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? No

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? Once or twice.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? I think I like the idea of it more than anything, but I've never really had anyone take care of me, so idk.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? Work in a school in winter.

Did you get sick often as a child? No. I was a rather healthy child. I had a few colds, but nothing ever major. I never had antibiotics until I was 18 and in college. I used to get sore throats from chlorine when I had swimming lessons, and would worry I would be getting sick and would take great pains to hide it.

How long do your colds usually last? 3-7 days

What time of year do you usually get a cold? Fall/Winter

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? No

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc) Exposure to that particular species of germ(s) + a weakened immune system + stress

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? No

Are you germaphobic? Yes.

Is your family germaphobic? No

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