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Sophie's Criminal Minds Drabble Thread - Updated 8/23/14


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I love these. You should definitely write more. I particularly like sneeze sick Reid who just soldiers on refusing to give in

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Oh my god, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I took a break from drabbles because I hit a long mental block for a while. But today I'm back. I have two for you today. I hope you like them!

#44 "Theory"

"Huh'psh'iew!" Emily sneezed into her elbow.

"Number four," Spencer murmured.


"That's the fourth time you've sneezed today." Reid clarified.

"You're counting?" Prentiss asked.

"Yes." He said simply.


"To have proof that my theory is correct."

"And that is...?"

"You're sick."

#45 "Lying"

Spencer rubbed his nose, the tickle inside of his sinuses growing stronger. He sniffled quietly and focused on taking slow deep breaths. This time he wasn't as lucky. His boss was sitting across from him, reading a file. Unlike the other times, Reid wasn't able to escape into the bathroom to sneeze. The next sniffle caught the attention of his boss. Hotch eyed the younger man, watching his eyes flutter closed as his nostrils flared. Soon enough though, Reid lost the battle. He turned to the right and sneezed twice. "Huh'psh'iew! Huh'PSH'iew!!" The second sneeze was harsher than the first.

"Bless you," Aaron said.

"Thank you," Reid mumbled, rubbing his nose.

"Are you coming down with something?"


"Tell me the truth." Hotch ordered.

"Maybe," Spencer murmured.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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OH AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I love them both!!!! I like how cute the banter between Emily and Spencer was. And as you know I ALWAYS love the Spencer ones you write!

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Decided to get some more writing done tonight. Oh what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it and not sit around like a lazy ass all day. I have two more for you. I hope you like these.

#46 "Warmth"

"What has been wrong with you lately?" Hotch asked.

"Nothing," Reid mumbled.

"Reid, you're unfocused and have been acting strange. Something is wrong."

"Aren't we all entitled to off days sometimes?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, we all are. But this just isn't you. You're distant, unable to hold a conversation for a few minutes." Hotch took a long pause, sighed, then asked, "Have you been using again?"

"Hotch, you can't just assume that I'm using again!" Reid snapped standing up quickly and swaying dangerously.

Aaron placed his hand on Spencer's forearm to steady him. He felt the warmth radiating off of Reid's body. Placing his hand on Reid's forehead, he said, "Spencer, you have a fever."

"I'm fine." Reid insisted.

"No you're not."

#47 "Dying" (Don't worry. It's not what it sounds like.)

"What's wrong?" Morgan asked, sitting down.

"I feel like I'm dying." Reid answered, sniffling wetly.

"Oh come on, Pretty Boy. A little cold isn't going to stop you. Can't you just do one of your genius things and make this cold go away in less than a day?"

"You can't possibly do that. E-E- Huh'PSH'iew! Even the most skilled can't."

"Bless you," Derek said.

"Thank you," Spencer blew his nose, though he still felt completely congested.

"Still feel like you're dying?"


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I LOVE this.

"still feel like you're dying?"


You are a genius in writing about this genius.

Amazing as always. :)

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Aww these were cute, glad you are back! Hoping a certain unit chief will be under the weather soon ;) ;) (no pressure, I love all the Reid ones too)

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Aww these were cute, glad you are back! Hoping a certain unit chief will be under the weather soon wink.pngwink.png (no pressure, I love all the Reid ones too)

Don't worry, you may be seeing a story pop up soon......
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Who knew I could do this much if i put my mind to it. Man, I really have these ideas flowing. I shouldn't be surprised... my mind works best at night, not in the day, lol. Anyway, I have two for you today, I hope you like them!

#48 "Sick Day"

"You do know there is such a thing called a sick day." Morgan quipped.

"Yes." Spencer replied.

"Well, then take one, kid."

"Why would I do that?" Reid asked dumbly.

"Oh Reid," Derek sighed, "Because you're sick..." He trailed off.

"I'm n-n- Huh'psh'iew!! not sick." Spencer finished.

"Sure you're not. So when you end up sneezing your head off, don't come to me."

#49 "Caffeine"

"Reid, do you always live on this much coffee?" Prentiss asked.

"Yeah," Reid replied.

"It seems like you're drinking more than usual." Emily observed.

"It's been a long day."

"I know, I wish serial killers would just take a break." Prentiss confessed. When Spencer didn't reply, Emily glanced up at him, noticing him pinching his nose shut, jerking forward with two silent sneezes. "Bless you,"

"Thank you," Reid murmured.

"Ok, so you need more caffeine to keep yourself going because you're sick." Prentiss profiled.

"How did you..." Spencer trailed off.

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Don't worry, you may be seeing a story pop up soon......

You have no idea how happy that made me :D

In other news, those new ones were, per usual, spot on and adorable!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, I have one drabble for you today. I’m really sorry that it’s only one, but I hope it’s good and that you like it!

#50 “Mad”

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” Spencer sneezed harshly into his elbow.

“How many times have you sneezed today?” Hotch asked, gazing at the younger man.

“Not that many,” Reid murmured.

“What, you don’t have an exact number for me?”



Spencer knew what his boss was trying to do. He was trying to make Spencer admit that he wasn’t feeling well. “Because I don’t,” He answered simply, attempting to make Hotch drop the subject.

“Reid, it’s okay if you’re not feeling well.” Aaron said.

“I’m feeling fine…” Reid trailed off before hitching breaths consumed his lungs. After a few seconds, he snapped forward with a quick sneeze. “Huh’psh’iew!!” He rubbed his nose and cupped his hands around his nose and mouth, sneezing again. “Huh’pshh’iew!!”

“Bless you, Spencer,” Aaron said.

“Thank you,” Reid whispered.

“I’m not mad at you.” Hotch said after a short awkward silence.


“I’m not mad that you’re not feeling well.” Hotch informed.

“I know,” Spencer mumbled.

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I love daddy Hotch and I cannot deny Reid's adorableness!

So how 'bout that story? ;) No pressure, I'm just waaaay more excited than I should be...

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So how 'bout that story? No pressure, I'm just waaaay more excited than I should be...

Well.... that might happen some time later. You see, I happen to right now have like 85,000 pieces of fanfiction going on at the same time and if I put another one in there, I'll lose my mind. It will be coming fairly soon though (I hope).
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Hey, everyone! I actually got to work and wrote a quick drabble. I don’t know about you, but I felt a cuteness overload when I was writing this.

#51 “Tissues”

Spencer coughed quietly into his fist, then cleared his throat. He rubbed his nose gently then gazed back down at the file in his hands, sniffling quietly. Reid squirmed slightly, feeling his boss’ gaze on him. He wasn’t very fond of the idea of Hotch seeing him in a bad state.

Unfortunately he knew that something would happen when he felt a nagging itch grow in his sinuses. Spencer took slow even breaths, attempting to keep a sneeze at bay. Though his breath started to hitch, quietly, but it still hitched. “Heh…” He rubbed his nose again, willing the urge to go away.

The urge in fact had not gone away, it only got stronger. Reid pinched his nose shut, jerking forward with two stifled sneezes. “Heh… heh… Hgnxt!!... heh… Hgnxt!!” Though the itch did not subside. He pinched his nose once again, stifling another two sneezes. “Hgnxt!!...heh…heh…Hgnxt!!!”

Spencer sniffled wetly, his breathing still shallow. “Heh…heh…Huh’psh’iew!!!” He sneezed quickly, barely having enough time to bring his hands to his face.

Aaron pulled a few tissues out of the box on the desk across from the one he was sitting at and handed them to his sniffling subordinate. “Bless you. It sounds like you could use these.” He said.

Spencer blushed a bright red, “Thanks,” He whispered, bringing the tissues to his nose, blowing lightly.

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OH GAWD. This was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just made me so happy! You are incredible! I love all your writing! This one was my very favorite! Thank you! Can't wait for more! No pressure though... :)

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Hey, everyone! I'm back! I have two for you today... and I hope you like them!

#52 “Neglect”

“Go home and get some rest.” Hotch ordered.

“Hotch, I’m fine. I can work.” Reid insisted, though his body betrayed his words. “Hgnxt!! Huh’PSHH!!!”

“Reid, if you can’t go at least ten minutes without sneezing, then you’re not fine. You’re sick, please go home.”

“I’m not dying. It’s only a cold.” Reid objected.

“Spencer, you can’t neglect your health like this.” Aaron said.

“Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do.”

Hotch sighed, “I’m saying this because I care about your health and wellbeing. I don’t want to any more sick than you already are.”

There was a frown on Reid’s face. He knew that Hotch cared, but he didn’t want to be babied, especially by his boss.

“Huh’psh’iew!! Hgnxt!!” He sneezed once again.

Concern was etched on Hotch’s face, “Bless you. Please go home, Spencer.”

Reid nodded, “Alright,” He whispered.

#53 “Bullying”

Spencer sat, reading a file that was in his hands. He pulled a crumpled tissue out of his pocket, clamping it over his nose and mouth, jerking forward with two quiet sneezes. “Huh’psh’iew! Huh’psh’iew!!” Reid placed the file down on the table in front of him and blew his nose. He cleared his throat, picking the file up once again.

The next words in the file caught his attention. They mentioned that the Unsub had been bullied severely as a child. It was almost like a spark went off inside of Spencer, sending flashbacks through his mind like lightning striking. He didn’t feel well in the first place, then this. Reid felt tears well up in his eyes, reading the details of the bullying. This was child abuse inflicted by peers.

Spencer knew he could control the tears. He was trained by this job to control his emotions. This was simply the sad part about working with profilers. Reid hadn’t even heard the footsteps behind him. “Reid.” Hotch called.

Spencer turned around quickly, “Yes?” He asked, his voice cracking. He cursed inwardly, that might have given it away.

Hotch opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he saw the slight redness in Reid’s eyes. “Are you okay?”

Spencer cleared his throat, “Yes,” Blinking once to get rid of the tears that had come to the surface. Though one tear slipped down his cheek, catching the attention of Hotch.

“Were you crying?” Aaron asked.

“No-no, I’m fine.” Spencer said quickly, brushing the tear away.

Hotch walked over towards his agent, gently taking the file out of the younger man’s hands. His eyes were almost immediately brought to the words “Severely bullied”, and the description. Hotch sighed deeply, “I knew I should’ve let him stay back.” He thought to himself. He knew it would be a mistake. Aaron had known it was a case that involved bullying, and that Spencer was sick. But he didn’t know how Spencer would react.

“I’m sorry,” Reid whispered.

“Why?” Hotch asked.

“Because I’m sick and that I can’t perform to my best ability.” Reid clarified.

“Spencer, I’m the one that should be sorry.” Hotch said,” I knew that this case involved bullying. Since you’re sick it makes it worse. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He apologized.

“It’s not your fault.” Reid said quietly.

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  • 1 month later...

*Sighs* Finally, I'm back. I've have wicked writer's block. Then I had computer issues that I had to fix. For some reason last night, my internet connection wouldn't work, but I was able to go into Microsoft Word. So I finally got new prompts that I had laying around and worked with this one. This was written at 2 a.m., so I don't know what you'll find. Also, this was supposed to be drabble length... but it was like a force came over me and I couldn't stop writing. So, this will be longer than most of my normal drabbles.

#54 “Humiliated”

When Spencer woke up that morning, there was a subtle itch in his throat. He had ignored it, thinking it was nothing. Hours later, he had developed a slight headache, nothing too concerning until it had turned into a full-blown headache. Then, the sneezing had come next in line. The team had been on a case for a few days, meaning that there was an unbelievable amount of socializing required for the young genius. Reid had managed (for the most part) to hide his symptoms of what he believed was a treacherous cold, almost being caught when Morgan had noticed something wrong with him. Reid responded to Morgan’s concern-laced question by answering with the usual, “I’m fine, just tired.”

It wasn’t until the team had come up with a solid profile that things slowly started to go downhill. For starters, having a desperate urge to cough in front of the best profilers in the country wasn’t a good thing. Spencer had turned his head, coughing slightly into his fist, following up with a quiet clearing of his throat. He had felt the gaze of the team fall on him, an unnerving feeling. Once they had moved into the bullpen of the police office, things got even worse. Halfway through the profile, it had dawned on him that he was next in line to speak. He started with a clear of his throat, “We believe that this Unsub has lost a relative very close to them. He seems to be attempting to recreate…” Reid could feel his sinuses begin to burn, an itch threatening to blossom into a sneeze. He sniffed once, attempting to rid the itch.

He cleared his throat once again, continuing, “He seems to be attempting to recreate that relative to…” Spencer trailed off once again, the itch surging again. Only this time, he wasn’t going to escape unscathed. He mumbled a quick, “Excuse me,” before turning around and sneezing twice into his elbow. “Huh’psh’iew! Huh’pshh’iew!!” He took a large shuddering breath before sneezing once again, “Huh’psh’iew! Huh’PSH’iew!” The last sneeze bent him at the waist with the force. Reid slowly turned back around, noticing all eyes on him. How humiliating.

He could feel the heat rushing to his face. Tears brimmed his eyes, threatening to escape. Spencer mumbled, “I’m sorry,” before quickly making his way out of the bullpen and into the nearest man’s room he could find. Walking into a random stall, he locked the door, leaning his back against it. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, which quickly morphed into a coughing fit that subsided in a few moments. Reid wondered if the others could see the humiliation in his eyes. Nothing on that level of humiliation had ever happened to him before.

After a few minutes of silence in the room, Reid heard the bathroom door being opened. Whoever it was made their way over by the stall he was hiding in, and stopped walking. “Reid, I know you’re in there.” Hotch’s low voice cut through the silence. Spencer knew not to ignore his boss, so he unlocked the stall door and slowly made his way out. “Reid,”

“Yes?” Reid’s voice was timid, as he expected to get a lecture for walking out during the giving of the profile. He couldn’t make himself look at Hotch in the eye, afraid of what he’d find.

“Are you alright?” The unit chief asked.

“Yeah,” Reid answered quietly, still not making eye contact.

“Reid, look at me,”

Spencer slowly glanced up at Hotch. Instead of finding disappointment, he found concern filled eyes staring back at him. Reid nodded slightly.

“Answer me honestly. Are you alright?” Hotch asked once again.

Spencer opened his mouth to answer, but sneezed suddenly, barely able to bring his hands to his face in time. “Huh’PSH’iew!” He sniffled a few times, a blush settling over his face.

Aaron frowned, “Bless you,” He didn’t hesitate to reach forward and place his hand on Reid’s forehead. “You’re sick.” He stated, feeling the warmth of the younger man’s body.

“I’m fine,” Spencer spoke quickly.

“Reid, you have a fever.”

“I feel fine,” He lied.

“Reid,” All it took was the stern look to make the young genius give in.

“It’s just a cold.”

“You didn’t fully answer my question.” Hotch said.

Reid gazed down at the floor, sighing. “I feel so embarrassed.” Spencer admitted.

“Reid, these things happen, even though we may not want them to. They make us human.”

“It’s just…” Reid trailed off.

“I know. But you should have told me you were sick. I would’ve let you stay back at the hotel.” Aaron said.

“Why?” Reid asked quietly.

“Because I care about the health and well-being of my team,” Hotch answered. Spencer only nodded. “Why don’t we go back to the team?”

“Alright,” Spencer whispered.

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Oh good golly goshness!!!!! This one was sooooooooooooooooooooooo precious! You are so talented and i just wanna hug poor reid! i love this one! Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, finally back. Finally. I'm sorry for the wait, I hope you haven't given up on me. Writer's block has been hell on me for the past couple of months. But... beyond that, this drabble is very long. Longer than the last one actually. I know, I know. The difference is that this drabble has two prompts in it, so I shall cross off two prompts from my list.

#55 "Tears"/ #56 "Defeat"

Things had been quite stressful for SSA Aaron Hotchner’s elite profiling team for a short period of time after a supposed “raid” had gone terribly wrong. One of his agents, and the youngest by far, Dr. Spencer Reid, had plummeted into a deep depression after he watched the one he loved die before his very own eyes. This rare occurrence had put a strain on the team of profiler’s since one of their very own was deeply hurt. Serial killers, rapists, and even serial kidnappers, still had to be defeated no matter what the team was going through. They all had to be on the top of their game, even though their hearts were by Reid’s side.

When Spencer finally came back to the BAU, it was obvious that he was still in deep pain, but putting on a mask for his friend’s sake. It was also painfully obvious that everyone was being especially gentle around Reid in fear of upsetting him. Everyone wanted Reid to open up about what he was feeling instead of retreating into his shell where more damage would be done than not. But Reid was a genius on top of a profiler. He knew to tread the ice lightly to prevent falling in. In the back of his mind, Spencer knew that after some time, he would cave in, releasing his inner sorrows to the outside world. But that day came sooner than he had ever expected.

It was a Tuesday night, around nine p.m. when the team had come back from a difficult case in Arlington, Texas. A serial killer was kidnapping women from diverse racial groups, murdering them each thirty times, then as a finale, raping them. At the very end of the bumpy road, there were two possible addresses as to where the Unsub was. The team had split up into two groups, covering both addresses. Unfortunately, Reid had been at the winning address, forcing himself to confront the Unsub on his own. The Unsub had reacted badly, murdering the victim quickly without a second thought.

Everything that Spencer had tried so hard to push away had come crumbling down on him in an instant. The pain had become too much for him to handle anymore. There was no possibility for him to cope without ridding himself of his sorrows. Reid had to reach out to someone before things got out of hand, if things got too bad, he could possibly lose his job. He couldn’t risk his job, he had to take control.

On the plane ride home, everything had seemed to catch up to the young genius. Spencer had pushed himself far enough down the well to give himself a throbbing headache. Stress and worry could deteriorate a human’s body faster than anything else could. A headache was the least of his worries. The first stage had already taken root; inability to find happiness. Second and third, too; an overall down mood and urges for self-harm. The quite possibly next and inevitable stage, sickness, was further down the list, yet closer than expected.

When the team got back to the BAU, everyone was winded from quite possibly one of their most difficult cases. Half the team had left by the time of nine-thirty p.m., while the other half had stayed longer to finish case reports. After another half-an-hour, there were only two left, Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner.

A genuine look of surprise crossed Hotch’s face as he became aware of Reid still in the bullpen. Spencer was typically one of the first to go home after a case, but even more so after Maeve was murdered. He seemed to be disconnected from the world for a few weeks, which was typical for someone going through a traumatic event. After the first few weeks, Spencer had begun to interchange between staying at the BAU later, and going home earlier. The outcome varied depending on the nature of the case.

Aaron had assumed Reid was going to leave early to deal with his issues on his own, but was mistaken. The only probable cause for such behavior was nightmares. But Hotch knew how bad the nightmares could get. It came to the point where the seemingly only option was to deprive of sleep. If you weren’t sleeping, you wouldn’t dream (though that didn’t prevent the horrifying images even while awake).

Hotch observed Reid as he rubbed his temples, attempting to rid a headache. Spencer was unaware of his boss surveying him. After a moment or two, he dropped his hands back down his lap, though quickly bringing one back up to cup loosely around his nose, sneezing quietly. “Heh… Huh’psh’iew! … Huh’psh’iew!” The next step had already begun its process…

“Reid,” Hotch called, making his way down the stairs towards his agent.

Spencer’s head shot upwards, his expression resembling a young child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “I’m fine,” He mumbled quickly.

Getting a closer look, Aaron could see the pink tinge around the edges of the younger man’s nostrils. There was also a significant paleness to the tone of his skin, one lighter than usual. There were obvious signs that Spencer was getting sick, and Hotch didn’t need to be a profiler to notice it. “It’s alright if you’re not feeling well.” He attempted to approach the situation gently.

“I’m fine,” He repeated while attempting, but failing at making direct eye contact.

“I’m not going to think any less of you.”

Reid tried to object once again, though didn’t get too far before succumbing to the sneezing once again. “Huh’psh’iew! Huh’pshh’iew!” His breath short gasps.

“Bless you,” Aaron said.

Spencer took one last gasping breath before snapping forward with a final forceful sneeze that nearly bent him in half. “Huh’PSH’iew!” He sniffed stuffily afterward.

Hotch frowned, “Bless you, again,”

“Thank you,” He whispered.

“I know you’re having a difficult time, Spencer.”

“I’ll be fine,” Reid murmured, averting his attention to the floor.

“Losing someone you love is exceptionally hard for anyone. You’re not alone, remember that. I know that our situations may be different in certain ways, but a loss is a loss. I’m here if you want to talk.” Aaron said gently.

Spencer looked up at his boss, eyes filled with defeat. Tears beginning to trickle down his face, “I’m so tired,” He whispered before a restrained sob wracked his body.

Hotch knew that Reid was not only tired physically, but emotionally, too. “I know,” He replied softly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice job! I'm so glad you're back with CM Drabbles! :)

I've never left :)

Although for school, which will take most of my time up. :/

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