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Sophie's Criminal Minds Drabble Thread - Updated 8/23/14


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Hey, I'm really sorry about the exceptionally long wait. Things have just been getting in the way of me posting. So today I have four for you. I hope you like them.

#19 "Control" (This one is pretty long)

SSA Aaron Hotchner was known for his self control. But this time no amount of control could keep things from going downhill. The team had gotten back from a case and were exhausted. Lately things were going badly. Hotch had just gotten stabbed by The Reaper and he was extremely stressed. Aaron was congratulating the team on their good work even though he thought things weren't good enough. He quickly finished and started walking towards his office. But halfway up the stairs he was stopped by a sudden sneeze. "Huh'PSSH'iew!!!" No one said anything which Hotch was grateful for but they did have looks of shock on their faces. He quickly walked into his office and closed the door. Aaron sat at his desk and forced himself to do work even though he wasn't in the mood to. About ten minutes later a nasty itch formed in his sinuses. He stood up and closed his blinds just before a harsh sneezing fit wracked his body.

"HUH'PSSH'iew!! HUH'PSH'iew!!! Huh'PSSH'iew!!" He managed to sit down and grab a couple tissues before the next sneezes struck. "HUH'PSSH'iew!! Huh'PSSH'iew!!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!!" The sneezes wore him out. Hotch placed his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. Only minutes later a knock echoed off his door. He straightened up and answered in a close to normal serious tone. "Come in."

To his surprise Garcia walked in. "Hello, sir."

Hotch nodded, "Yes, Garcia?"

"Are you alright, sir?" She asked.

"Yes, if I may ask, why?"

"Well... I heard you out there."

"Oh... Excuse me," Aaron said as he turned to the side and sneezed twice into his elbow. "HUH'PSSH'iew!! HUH'PSH'iew!!!"

The sneezes were strong enough to bend his at the waist.

"Bless you," Garcia said, concern on her face.

Hotch nodded his thanks but refused to sniffle or blow his nose.

"Are you alright?" Garcia asked again.


Garcia knew he was lying. She could tell he was stressed from the moment he yelled at her for the simplest reason. Plus him being sick wasn't helping anything. She wanted to tell him what she saw but knew he'd react in a negative way. But it was worth a try. "I think you've been too hard on yourself. It's not your fault that these killings happen without us knowing."

"Penelope, I know it's not my fault." Hotch said.

"No, Hotch, you don't. All you do is work yourself the the bone everyday."

#20 "Dinner"

"You want to come with us to dinner, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked while walking towards the BAU elevator.

Reid shook his head slightly and replied, "No, I have to do something."

"What, you got a girlfriend?" Morgan quipped.

Spencer blushed slightly but then shook his head again. "No, I just want to sleep."

Morgan noted that this was very unusual for his friend. Reid was always going somewhere like a convention or something but he never wanted to go home and sleep. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, just tired."

At the end of the elevator ride Reid walked out quickly but stopped abruptly when he stifled a sneeze in his hand. "Hgnxt!!"

#21 "Night"

Everyone was asleep on the jet except Emily. She couldn't seem to fall asleep no matter what she did. So she picked up the book she brought and began to read.

"Hgnxt!!" A stifled sneeze sounded suddenly.

Emily gazed around the jet to see who it came from but everyone was still asleep.

"Hgnxt!!!" Another stifled sneeze sounded. But this time she saw the jerk of the body of who it was. Emily stood up and walked over to Hotch and sat accross from him. "Hotch?" She called his name quietly.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at her. "Yes, Prentiss?" Hotch asked, his voice rough. Before Emily could get a word in Aaron's face got a very desperate look on it. He didn't even try to stifle these sneezes because they were too strong

"Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh"PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" The harsh sneezes tore through him and left him exhausted.

"Bless you, Hotch! Are you alright?" Prentiss asked shocked, nothing like this had ever happened.

"Thanks, umm... I don't really feel well." He confessed. They were going to be on the jet for eight more hours. He knew better then to lie.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, I'll be fine."

"Ok, just get some more sleep."

"Goodnight, Prentiss," Hotch said.

"Goodnight." Emily replied.

#22 "Caught"

Reid was standing in the BAU bathroom, staring in the mirror. He looked at how pale he was. A sheet of paper had more color than he did at this moment. Spencer felt terrible but he knew there was going to be work to be done. Suddenly, the door opened and Hotch walked in. He walked over and stood in front of Reid.

"I knew I'd find you here." Hotch stated, crossing his arms.

"What do you mean?" Reid asked.

"Well, this is your fourth time in here in the last four hours. Plus you are extremely pale. Is there something you need to tell me?" Aaron profiled.

"Hotch, I'm- HUH'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSSH'iew!!!" The harsh sneezes bent him at the waist.

"Bless you, Reid. You could have told me you were sick."

"I didn't want to be a bother." His voice cracked which launched him into a coughing fit.

Once he finished Hotch answered. "Spencer, you're not a bother. You do realize that I care about you and your health?"

Reid looked down at his feet and went to answer but sneezed instead. "Huh'PSH'iew!!"

"Bless you, you know I care, right?"

Reid nodded and leaned against the sinks.

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Mmm, those Hotch ones were delicious, I especially liked the plane setting of "Night". I love Reid, but Hotch is so emotionally stressed yet stoic and focused, he makes such a wonderful target character.

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Aww, I love these heart.gif I have a total soft spot for the Hotch and Penelope interactions. I think she can get away with saying things the others can't and he always seems vaguely unsure how to deal with her kindness and honesty.

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These responses about the different characters are so meaningful....I mean, Reid is lovely but to see how everyone appreciates the aspects of all the others really opens my eyes too...

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Hey everyone, thank you for all the nice comments. They really encourage me to keep writing these. I have 5 of these for you today (I decided to be overly generous.) I hope you like them!

#23 "Watch"

Emily sat outside the victim's house on the back steps.

"Prentiss? Has anyone seen Prentiss?" Hotch's low voice projected from inside the house.

"I think she went outside for something." JJ told him.

Hotch nodded and walked toward the back door, he saw her sitting on the steps. Aaron went out and sat next to her. "Prentiss, are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, sometimes this stuff just gets to me." Emily said, though Hotch could see that their eye contact slowly adverted toward the ground on her part. This meant that she was hiding something. But Hotch didn't want to make her uncomfortable by making her aware that he was watching her closely.

"Ok, just come back in when you're ready." He stood up and walked back inside but watched her from the window for a moment. Aaron was surprised when she sneezed twice into her cupped hands.

"Huh'PSH'iew! Huh'PSH'iew!!" He wanted to go back out but decided to give her some space.

#24 "Pictures" (Vomit warning)

Spencer stared at the pictures on the board. A sick feeling brewed in his stomach from what he thought was the brutal murder pictures. Soon he realized that was not the case. The closest thing to him was a garbage can that he began to throw up into. Blake saw this and started to rub his back soothingly.

"Are you alright, Spencer?" She asked.

Reid wiped his mouth with a tissue from the desk next to him. "I'm fine, the pictures are making me sick to my stomach."

"Do you want me to tell Hotch. Maybe you can go back-"

"No." Reid snapped then cleared his throat. "I mean, no, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Blake asked.

"Yes- Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!!" Spencer sneezed suddenly.

"That's it, I'm telling Hotch. You're obviously sick."

#25 "Interview"

Hotch sat with Morgan as they questioned the victim's mother.

"Did your daughter have any enemies?" Hotch asked.

"No, she was a great girl. Amelia was nice to everyone she met." The mother replied.

"Was there anyone who had bullied her or caused her significant damage?" Morgan asked.

"Not as far as I know."

"What do you mean by that?" Hotch questioned, his voice faltered slightly.

"Well, she was kind of reserved. Pretty much you're typical teenager. She wanted some aspects of her life to herself.

Aaron was about to ask another question when a sudden tickle overwhelmed him and he sneezed three times into his elbow. "Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!"

"Bless you," Morgan and Mrs. Daniels {the mother} said.

"Thank you, excuse me." Hotch cleared his throat and tried to continue but ended up having a sneezing fit instead. "HUH'PSSH'iew!!! HUH'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" When he was able to get a few breaths Morgan spoke up.

"Excuse us for a moment." Then he shoved Hotch out of the room as gently as he could. "You okay, man?"

"I-I think she's wearing something I might be allergic to." He finished quickly and sneezed another two times. "HUH'PSSH'iew!! HUH'PSH'iew!!!"

"Bless you, go sit down. I'll finish on my own."

"No, I'll be fine."

"Go sit down. Or I'll tell Rossi about this, and I know he'll send you back to the hotel in two seconds." Morgan threatened.

#26 "Eyes"

Reid sat at his desk and rubbed his temples. Things were becoming too stressful. All he wanted to do was tell someone what was going on. But Spencer knew someone would tell Hotch immediately. He didn't want his boss to think he was incapable of working properly. Speaking of Hotch, he walked to Reid and pulled a chair over by him and sat down.

"Reid?" Aaron called quietly.

Reid looked up and tried to seem focused, but failed.

"For the past couple days I've seen you struggling." Spencer wanted to stand up and walk away, but knew better than that.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I can see the pain in your eyes." Reid was going to object but sneezed instead. "HUH'PSSH'iew!! HUH'PSH'iew!!!"

"Bless you, Spencer. I understand you're not ready to talk about it yet. When you're ready to just come to me." Hotch said and patted Reid's shoulder then started to walk away but turned around half way. "Oh, and feel better, Reid."

#27 "Offer"

Reid clamped two tissues to his nose and stifled three sneezes. "Hgnxt! Hgnxt! Hgnxt!!!"

Garcia was walking past when she heard him. She stopped abruptly and turned around. "Bless you, my beautiful genius."

Reid blushed at her choice of words and replied. "Thank you,"

"So I assume you're not over that nasty cold yet?" Garcia said with a questioning tone.

"No, not yet." Spencer sighed.

"Well, if you need any help you can come to me. I always have something up my sleeve. I helped my sweet man when he was whining like a complete baby. Even though I know you're not like that you can still come to me." She offered.

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These are lovely. I sound like I'm an old lady haha. I love the way you make the characters interact with one another...it is so believable and so so sweet! You were very generous today! So appreciated!!!

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Thanks for all of the nice comments. I only have two for you right now because it's late here and I'm really tired. I hope you like them.

#28 "Sleep"

A knock echoed off the door but there was no answer... strange.

"Oh, what is he doing now?" Rossi muttered under his breath.

He pushed open the door and found his friend asleep with his head on his desk snoring softly. Dave also noticed that there was a couple tissues scattered on the floor. He shook him lightly and called his name. "Aaron?"

Hotch jerked awake and saw Rossi in front of him. "What time is it?" He asked sleepily.

"Five- thirty a.m. , did you even go home?" Rossi asked.

"Yes, though Jack's been having nightmares lately. So I've been up with him."

"Aaron, go home and get some sleep."

"No, I'll be fine, Dave." Just after Hotch objected he sneezed twice into his cupped hands."Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!"

Then brought one hand back up as he yawned quietly.

"Go home, we'll be able to handle without you." This time Rossi ordered him to.

"I said I'll be fine." Hotch matched and maybe overpowered the stern look Rossi was giving him.

#29 "Tired" (Spoilers for beginning of season 5)

Garcia watched him from afar. Watching the fatigue in his step. When he finally sat down at his desk she approached him.

"What's wrong, my sweetness?" Garcia asked.

"Baby- Garcia," Morgan corrected himself quickly. "nothing's wrong."

"You look tired." Garcia stated, rubbing his shoulders in a comforting manner.

"Yeah," Morgan agreed and placed his head down on his desk. "I don't know how Hotch can do this everyday." Derek was hinting towards being unit chief.

"I don't know."

A silence encased the room for a few moments before a sneeze broke the silence. "Huh'PSH'iew!!" Penelope felt the sudden jerk of Morgan's body as he sneezed.

"Are you getting sick on top of it too?" Garcia asked.

"I hope not."

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Hey everyone! I only have three for you today. I hope you like them! I'm also going to put these in different colors because I'm in a fun mood. Also I could keep doing different colors if you'd like that.

#30 "Days off"

Reid sat on the jet wide awake. The case they had just completed took a lot out of him. He was exhausted but couldn't seem to fall asleep. A yawn escaped his lips suddenly.

"You can't sleep?" Hotch asked. He was sitting across from Spencer and knew he never went to sleep. Aaron didn't either, though he was attempting to relax. But he knew something was bothering his youngest agent.

"Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I-I- Hgnxt!! Hgnxt!!! Hgnxt!!!" Reid stifled three sneezes for the sake of the rest of the team sleeping.

"Bless you, you're getting sick. Aren't you?" Aaron asked.

Spencer nodded slightly, "Maybe,"

"We have the next three days off. I want you to rest, and if you still need more time off, I'll let you." Hotch told the younger man.

#31 "Early"

Harsh coughing was coming from the conference room. Garcia had a questioning look on her face as she walked into the room, only to find her boss sitting at the table with his back to her.

"Sir?" Garcia said.

"Yes?" Hotch asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

"What are you... doing here this early? JJ hasn't even picked a case yet." She chose her words carefully, not wanting to assess her boss the wrong way.

"There was a couple files I had to get and I decided to stay here." Aaron explained, even though the statement wasn't entirely true. He hadn't been feeling well the past couple days, and when they got a couple requests for a case he knew there would be a hard time trying to hide his symptoms. Hotch decided that if he stayed in the conference room he'd have a couple hours to hide out instead of being in his office where everyone knew where he was.

"Oh, ok. I just came here to start everything up. To get ready for the pictures."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Hotch inhaled a sharp breath and sneezed a harsh triple. "Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSSH'iew!!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!"

"Bless you!" Garcia said and started to walk out of the room by JJ. "Feel better."

Hotch gave a questioning look but then decided not to reply.

#32 "Care"

"What you did today was out of line." Hotch spoke firmly, obviously annoyed.

"I only wanted to show that I'm capable of doing things besides sitting in front of a board." Reid explained quietly.

"So by going in front of an armed Unsub without your vest and weapon is supposed to prove something?" Aaron's voice progressively got louder.

"I wanted to show you that I'm capable of making an Unsub back down."

"What you've shown me today is a reason why I should fire you." Hotch stated coldly, disappointed in his agent.

Reid bit his lip nervously. "I-I-Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" The sneezes tore through Reid's throat, leaving him coughing harshly.

The look in Aaron's eyes turned from anger to worry. "Bless you, Spencer."

Reid cleared his throat and whispered, "Thanks,"

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm sorry," Spencer whispered quietly, not answering Hotch's question.


"I shouldn't have done that. You are right, you should fire me." Reid spoke quietly.

Hotch sighed, "Spencer-"

"I knew it was wrong. But I just thought that I would be able stop him because I knew what he was going through." Reid cut his boss off.


"But I wasn't able to stop him. I guess that shows that I don't have what it takes for this job. I-"

"Reid. Stop." Aaron ordered. "you thought that you'd be able to help him, you cared. We never know what an Unsub will do. If we lose it doesn't mean that we did something wrong. It meant that we didn't know how they would react. I'm not going to fire you. I may get annoyed about things that you do, or what anyone on this team does for that matter. But it doesn't mean that I care about you any less."

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Yay! Yay! Yay! *cheers and spins around in happy circles*

Pleeeeeeeeeease continue?

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! You are amazing! Wonderful writing! thank you so much! I love how you did a scene with Reid and Hotch where Reid is being brave, even if he is being reckless.... :P

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Hey everyone! I've decided to keep doing the color changes because I think it's cool. I hope you like these!

#33 "Phone"

Hotch layed in his bed, waking from a restless sleep. A sudden knock on his door forced him to get up. He opened the door and found Prentiss.

"Hey, Hotch, did you forget about your job?" Prentiss asked jokingly.

"What do you mean, what time is it?" Aaron asked, his voice rough.

Emily pulled out her phone,"It's nine forty-five."


"Don't you have your phone with you?" Prentiss asked.

Hotch ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. "I left it in my office last night."

Emily was shocked. She'd never seen her boss so disorganized, ever. "We all have our moments sometimes." She tried to assure him.

"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready." When Hotch was getting ready Prentiss was walking around thinking of possible reasons for him to be acting strange. Suddenly she heard a set of harsh sneezes from the other room. "Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!"

Emily walked over by the bedroom door and found Aaron breathing erratically, holding tissues centimeters away from his face. {He was still wearing what he was when Emily came.} "Huh-Huh"PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" The last sneeze bent him at the waist. He then blew his nose quietly, well as quietly as he could with the gurgling noise that was produced.

"Bless you!" Emily now knew why he was acting strange, he was sick.

Hotch turned around quickly, startled that she was just a couple feet away from him. "Excuse me," he mumbled quietly.

Prentiss walked up to Aaron and placed her hand on his forehead. She noticed that it was warm but not boiling. "Hotch, I think you should stay here today."

Before he could answer another set of sneezes overwhelmed him. "Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" He sniffled wetly and nodded in reply. Emily felt a surge of sympathy as she saw her strong and stoic boss look like a lost puppy. He climed back into bed and pulled the covers up to his chest. Prentiss ran her hand through his hair a couple times.

"I'll stay here to keep an eye on you. Right now all you need to do is rest, ok?"

Hotch nodded in response and closed his eyes.

#34 "Lost"

Spencer stared down at his feet, a lonely feeling overcoming him. JJ walked up to him, noticing his mind was wandering.

"Are you alright, Spence?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah, just have a lot on my mind right now. You know, with the case and all." he replied.

"It gets tough but this is what we do. We try to help people with the darkness of the world."

"I know, but sometimes it gets to you... Hgnxt!!" Reid stifled a sneeze.

JJ knew that he wasn't feeling well. He always strayed away for the team when he was. There was always something more then what he was telling them.

#35 "Rough"

"Huh'chiew!! HUH'chiew!!"

"Are you okay, JJ?" Emily Prentiss asked her friend.

"Yeah, it's been a long day. I can't wait to go home and get some sleep." JJ sighed.

"I know, it's been rough lately. Do you need any help with something?" Emily knew something was wrong but didn't want to make it obvoius.

"No, Huh'chiew!!- not right now."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! I'm back! I have two of these for you today because I need to start writing more again. I hope you like these!

#36 "Darkness"

Reid slept soundly on the jet. But he was woken up by a loud noise. Spencer gazed around the jet, finding that everyone was asleep. Well, almost everyone. The one person he couldn't find was his boss.

"Huh'PSH'iew!!" Reid realized that the noise was a sneeze. A few moments later he heard the bathroom door open and saw Hotch walk out. Spencer stayed still and closed his eyes to make it seem like he was sleeping. When he heard Aaron sit down he opened his eyes again. The jet was a bit too dark for Hotch to be able to see Reid looking at him.

Reid noticed that Hotch rubbed his nose harshly, looking annoyed. He then took a tissue out of his coat pocket and held it around his nose and mouth. Aaron jerked foward with two stifled sneezes. "Hgnxt!! Hgnxt!!!" A small groan of frustration slipped from his lips as he rubbed his temples.

#37 "Learn"

Reid coughed harshly into his fist. The coughs tore through his throat, leaving him in tons of pain. Minutes later another itch bothered him, but this time it was in his sinuses. "Hgnxt!! Hgnxt!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" He couldn't stifle the last sneeze because it was too strong.

"Spencer?" Hotch called his name.

Reid tried to look interested in the pictures on the desk in front of him.

"Spencer?" Aaron called again but louder this time.

"Yes?" Reid asked.

"Have you reviewed the files for the victim's boyfriends?" Hotch noticed that Reid was acting strange.

"Huh'PSH'iew!! Excuse me. No, not yet."

"Bless you. Just make sure that you look at them within the next hour." Aaron knew to go easy on his youngest agent. He knew Reid was sick now.

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This is very, very good. Please continue? ? the winky face is for added cajoling.

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Hey everyone! I'm back again. I have a two of these for you today. I hope you like them!

#38 "Emotions"

"Leave me alone." Spencer muttered bitterly.

"Well then, it must be someone's time of the month." Morgan joked.

"I'm not kidding."

"Alright, I'll go." Derek put his hands up.

A few minutes later Reid heard footsteps behind him.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Spencer?" This time it was Hotch.

Reid turned around quickly, aware that he assessed his boss the wrong way.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," Reid answered simply.

Aaron reached forward and placed a hand on his agent's forehead. "You're sick. That's why you're irritable."

"I'm not si-i- Huh'PSH'iew!!" Spencer sneezed suddenly.

Hotch raised an eyebrow.

#39 "Profile"

"Hotch," Prentiss called, "Hotch, where are you going?" she asked as her boss pushed past her, not even looking back. "What was that about?" Emily asked Reid.

Spencer only shrugged and kept looking at the crime scene.

"I'll be back." Prentiss informed and went outside to find her boss. She found him sitting in the black SUV. Aaron was pinching the bridge of his nose, looking frustrated. Suddenly, he jerked forward twice.

Emily opened the passenger's door and slid in beside him. "What happened in there?" she asked.

But there was no response.


"Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" he sneezed harshly.

"Bless you," Prentiss said.

"Excuse me," Aaron said quietly.

"So, you left because you were trying to hide the fact that you're sick." Emily concluded.

"We're not supposed to profile each other." Hotch grumbled.

"So you are sick then."

"Oh, shut up." he snapped, but not meaning to be hurtful.

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Aaron reached forward and placed a hand on his agent's forehead. "You're sick. That's why you're irritable."

"I'm not si-i- Huh'PSH'iew!!" Spencer sneezed suddenly.

Hotch raised an eyebrow.

Poor Reid! I love these :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! I have two of these for you today. I hope you like them!

#40 "Apology"

Spencer Reid coughed slightly into his fist and cleared his throat. Hotch glanced at his agent, then focused back on the file in front of him. Spencer rubbed his nose and sniffled quietly. "Huh-huh" His breath hitched.

Aaron looked at the young genius, noticing Reid's desperate pre-sneeze face. He saw a tissue box on the desk next to him and grabbed two tissues, handing them to the younger man. Spencer rubbed his nose harshly with the tissue. He took deep breaths to stop the oncoming sneeze.

"You're allowed to sneeze, Reid." Hotch said.

After a few moments, Reid clamped the tissues over his nose and mouth. Turning to his right, he sneezed twice harshly. "Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!!" He wiped his nose, sniffling wetly.

"Bless you, Reid." Hotch said.

"Thanks," Spencer whispered, "Hgnxt!! Hgnxt!! Hgnnxt!!!" He stifled three sneezes.

"Bless you again,"

"Sorry," Reid apologized quietly.

#41 "Different"

Garcia walked past Reid's desk. She noticed that Spencer looked flushed. Walking over to him, Garcia shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you okay, my pet?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Reid answered, his voice cracking.

"You look like you're warm."

"I'll be f-f- Huh'PSH'iew!! Fine." Reid sneezed into his elbow.

"Bless you, honey! Please tell me if you don't feel well." Garcia said sweetly.

"Fine, I don't feel well." Reid murmured a confession.

"You should go home, Spencer."

"Hotch wouldn't let me if I asked."

"Oh, I'll make sure he does." Penelope assured.

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Aaron looked at the young genius, noticing Reid's desperate pre-sneeze face. He saw a tissue box on the desk next to him and grabbed two tissues, handing them to the younger man. Spencer rubbed his nose harshly with the tissue. He took deep breaths to stop the oncoming sneeze.

"You're allowed to sneeze, Reid." Hotch said.

Aww! Poor Reid :)

These are super cute!

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for the sweet replies, they really make my day. I have two of these for you today. I hope you like them!

#42 "Sickness"

Spencer brought his hand up to his mouth, covering a yawn. Hotch walked over to Reid. "When was the last time you got some sleep?"

Reid jumped slightly, startled by Hotch's voice. "Uh... I've been sleeping fine lately."

"But you're tired?"

"No, I'm fine." Spencer quickly insisted.

"You look like you haven't slept."

"I h-h- Huh'PSH'iew!! Huh'PSH'iew!! HUH'PSSH'iew!!!" Reid sneezed harshly into his elbow.

"Bless you," Hotch said.

"Thanks," Spencer sniffled wetly.

"Go home, Reid." Aaron ordered.

"No, why?"

"You're tired, plus I can tell you're getting sick."

#43 "Storm"

"Hey, baby girl, can you tell me where the closest pharmacy is?" Morgan asked.

"Why? Do you need to ask the pharmacist if they saw our Unsub?" Garcia replied.

"No, not for that. Reid has a nasty cold and has been sneezing up a storm. So, we need some medication to calm his nose."

"Why doesn't he go back to the hotel to rest?" Garcia questioned.

"He refuses." Derek said simply.

"Oh Reid, he'll never learn. Anyway, there's a pharmacy at eighty-six Graver street. Also, tell my sweet genius to feel better."

"Thanks, mama. I'll sure tell him that."

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