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You Can't Deny Reality (T.V.)


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I love this. <3 Such a perfect idea, and well-written, too!

I can't wait to read more... :D

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Thanks for all the comments. Here's the rest of part 3:

"Hi Tishoo, AIsh, Ei Tshoo"! That's how Christina wakes up the next morning. Her cold clearly didn't get any better during the night, in fact- it only got worse. After trying in vain to clear her stuffy nose by blowing it into tissue after tissue, she goes to the kitchen to make herself some tea. "Ha Eshoo, Ha Eh Tchoo"! The loud sneezes comes from Anabel's room, and moments later she shows up in the kitchen herself, her red nose buried in a tissue. After several gurgling blows, she starts talking to Christina. "Did you see Belody this Bordig?" "Do" Answers Christina "I thidk she's still sleepig". They sit in the living room, drinking tea and blowing their noses, when Melody comes out of her room. "Bordig girls" she says, clearing her throat when she notices her voice sounds hoarse and slightly stuffed up. "Are you feelig O.K. Belody? Your voice soudds a little weird" asks Anabel. "* sniff* I'b feelig fide" replies Melody, failing to hide the congestion in her voice. "Really? Because it soudds like you He Yish, Tishoo, He Itchoo! caught our cold" says Christina as she sneezes loudly and wetly. "Dod't be silly. It's just a little bordig stuffidess, that's all. Baybe it's because of the dust. We should clead the apartbedt sood" says Melody. "Did't we Eshoo, Tshoo, He Atshoo! clead it last week?" asks Anabel after sneezing wetly. "Thed we should clead it agaid. Dow, if you'll excuse be, I'b goig back to by roob to study" says Melody before going to her room. After she does, the other girls go to the kitchen to talk. "I Thidk our plad is fidally workig" says Christina. "Yes, but we got to get her to adbit she's sick, or else it doesd't coudt, Ahhhhh hold od Ha Eshoo, Aaaaash, He Tshoo! sneezes Anabel. Her sneezes causes Christina's nose to tickle and "Hi Tishoo, Ish, Hi Shoo! she also sneezes. "Ugh! This cold is killig be!" Says Christina. "Be two" says Anabel.

As the day goes by, the screen is split between the sick girls sneezing, coughing and blowing their red noses in the living room, and Melody studying in her room. First, Melody's sniffles are becoming more frequent, and increasingly wetter. She starts wiping her nose with the back of her hand, and her nostrils are starting to get a deep shade of pink. When she realizes her hands can't handle all the snot in her nose, she starts to use tissues. Her nose blows are soft at first, but as time goes by they become more wet and gurgling. By the time the three girls get together in the living room again, it's noon and Melody's nose is red. "Wow Belody, you really dod't look well" Anabel tells her. "I told you Adabel, I'b fide. It's just really dusty id here" says Melody. "He Tish IYshoo! sneeze Christina. "Bless you Christida. Say, cad I borrow sobe of your tissues? By dose is a little ruddy frob all the dust add bide are ruddig out" says Melody. "I kidda deed theb right dow, sorry" says Christina and then blows her nose loudly to for emphasis. "What about you Adabel?" asks Melody. "I cad see if I have sobe extra boxes left, but I'b dot buyig the whole 'dust' thidg. You've dever had ady dust allergies He Teshoo, Ha Esh, Ha Shoo! before. I wod't go searchig for bore tissues udtil you adbit you're sick" says Anabel before blowing her own stuffy nose. "Why is this such a big deal to you?" asks Melody. "That's just the thidg! It's dot supposed to be a big deal to catch a cold every odce id a while, so why dod't you just adbit it?" asks Anabel. "*sniff* By dose starts to rud agaid. Christida, cad you please hadd be a tissue?" asks Melody as she starts to sniffle madly. "I'b with Adabel od this. You should adbit you're sick add joid us sickies od the couch" says Christina. "P... please! *sniff* By dose is ruddig add I thidk I'b about to Ha HA sdeeze" says Melody as her breath starts to hitch. "Are you ready to adbit you're sick?" asks Anabel. "Oh cobe od! Ju... Hu... Just Ha Ha Ha He Ti Essshhha!" a wet spraying sneeze explodes from Melody's nose. "Bless you Belody. Dow cobe od- say you're sick add you cad have ode of by tissues" says Anabel. "I.. I... Hu Eshoo, He Esh, TiYesha!" Melody tries to speak but more sneeze come out instead. "What's that? I did't hear you" Anabel teases her. "Alright fide! I'b Hi Yesha! sick. What did you expect with you two sdeezig all over be yesterday Ha He Tisha Hu Esh, TshiYesha"! Once Melody starts sneezing it's hard for her to stop. Her sneezes are huge, wet and messy, and she doesn't bother to cover them up, since all the girls are sick anyway. "That's all I wadted to hear. Dow here- have sobe tissues add blow your dose" says Anabel. "Thadk you" says Melody and then blows her nose hard into the tissues. The other girls echo her and after the sounds of gurgling nose blows subsides they hear a knock on the door. Melody opens the door and is shocked to find the camera crew. "Did you two do this to be od purpose?!" she almost yells. The other girls explain to Melody exactly what happened. She is angry at first, but then she realizes she's too sick and tired and that it's pointless to protest. "Hea Ishie! So dow what?" she asks. "Now turn to the camera, say your name and admit that you've caught a cold" says the camera man. "Alright, but you two are Tsha He Tshea! doig this with be" says Melody to the other girls. "I'b Adabel", "Add I'b Christida" says the other girl "I'b Belody, add they both gave be this terrible Ah Ah..... Hold od" Melody's breath starts to hitch again, but this time the other girls join her for a simultaneous three way mega sneeze- "Ha Etshoo!", "Hi Tishoo!", "He Tshiae!" "*sniff* We all got a cold" the three of them say. "Wow! What a show!" says Mila. "Join us next time for another show of 'Catchin'".


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