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Magi-Having some fun


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After watching Episode 21 of Magi, a little story grew in my head~ Hope you enjoy!

This is Hakuryuu: http://magi.wikia.com/wiki/Hakuryuu_Ren

This is Zagan: http://magi.wikia.com/wiki/Zagan


Alibaba took the lead as the group pushed forward in the dungeon. They were traveling through the dungeon of Zagan, trying to find a cure for Sinbad's and Alibaba's curse. There was no knowing what would pop up, Zagan the Djinn had all sorts of tricks up his sleeves. As the motely group made its way hrough the leafy undergrowth, all of a sudden, vines shot up from the ground. Prince Hakuryuu, who was at the back, noticed first.

"Hold it!" They froze. The vines, instead of wrapping around them like they anticipated, grew and formed a rectangle,resembling a doorway. "A door?"

Hakuryuu shoved to the front. "It's probably a trap. Didnt that Zagan guy say that he would provide a clear path for us?"

"Well, this might be a part of the path..." Aladdin started, but he didn't have time to finish as Hakuryuu strode right under the archway of sinister vines.


He didn't look back. 'I must be strong... I must stop relying on others for help,' thought Hakuryuu. The jungle turned quiet as he trekked amongst the roots and plants, and he had to blink to adjust to the sudden dim light. It had been way too many times that Alibaba and the others saved him from doom. He was going to defeat this dungeon himself...

"Hi hi!" A booming voice sounded through the jungle. It was that pretentious blue Djinn, Zagan. "What is with you weaklings? Always seperating from the group...How stupid of you!" Hakuryuu clenched his fists. "I'm tired of relying on others to help me. I can do this part on my own!"

"On my own, on my own," teased Zagan. "Let's see how much I can weaken you while you're all alone..." His voice took on a sinister growl, and the ground under Hakuryuu rumbled ominously. What was going on...! A particularily massive vine shot up from the darkness, wrapping tightly around his ankles. It snaked into the air, holding him upside down. He struggled to get out, but it was no use.

"Look at you, squirming around. If I didn't hate humans so much, I'd say you were cute..." At this, Hakuryuu fumed. This Djinn...taking pleasure in tormenting humans...It was unthinkable. Quickly, he summoned his Magoi into his lance, and struck the vine. The blade , sparking with yellow magic, bounced off, and he could feel a jolt through his arms.

"There is no use in that!" A giant flower bud emerged from the ground, and Zagan relevaled himself in a flourish of petals. "It's my special baby-impenetrable to magic and weapons!" He leaned in close to Hakuryuu, his giant stature making his heart freeze for a moment. Zagan took one finger and carelessly ran it along the side of the vine, sending rumbles that shook Hakuryuu. 'One of those claws could easily kill me... They're as big as myself,' thought Hakuryuu. 'I have to stay calm and find out some way to get out...'

"You won't get anything from killing me, you know." Hakuryuu tried to bargain with the Djinn, bitig the inside of his cheek to keep the quiver out of his voice. "You mistake me for one instilled with dark Rukhs, little meatsack. I don't kill for pleasure. I am a Djinn of the earth, and sadly, you humans are also beings of the earth. Plus, killing you will not be fun." Zagan brought himself closer to Hakuryuu, so close that the prince could make out each individual eyelash on the blue being. "But I will have some fun...Ohoho!" With a snap of his blue, slender fingers, snake-like vines tore off from the thick one ensnaring Hakuryuu, and lashed around his arms. They pulled him upright, to Hakuryuu's releif. Any longer hanging upside down, and he would've fainted. Then who knows what Zagan would've done with him. Hakuryuu couldn't help but wonder what he meant by 'fun'.

"Now, for some fun!" A burst of blue smoke, and Zagan dissapeared. And then...a weird sensation in his sides. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't very pleasing eiher. He looked down. Small, leafy vines were caressing his sides, and were pulling at his shirt. What the hell...he was being tickled...?

"No laughing? Not even a smile?" Zagan said from behind him. Luckily, Hakuryuu was not ticklish at all. Zagan huffed, and those vines retreated. He tapped a finger to his lip. "That failed miserably. What to do now...what to do...Yes!" Hakuryuu did not like the expression on his face. Evil. He dissapreared again, leaving Hakuryuu to wonder what was going to happen next.The vines around his arms and legs were unyielding, even to the strongest tug. After a few minutes, Hakuryuu grew impatient. Was his next game to leave him starving?

"I'm back! I'm sure you will LOVE this~" sang Zagan. He held a single bud in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the flower bloomed vividly, revealing tentacle-like appendages from inside the flower. As Zagan brought the strange plant closer, Hakuryuu winced, anticipating pain. Instead, a gentle breeze picked up.

"Now, it begins!" What in the world was he saying? Hakuryuu started to wonder when Alibaba and the gang would come and smack sense into this idiot when...Another weird sensation, this time in his nose. He opened his eyes, and was startled by the giant flower being shoved in his face, the tentacles waving and releasing a powdery substance.

"Ah...ahh-ishoo!" He blinked rapidly.

"Lovely, lovely! Encore, encore!" squealed Zagan. If he wasn't an all powerful, magic wielding Djinn who enslaved people as food for his sentinent garden, Hakuryuu would call him childish.

"Enough with this. Aren't there more...prohh-haah...haa-ishooo! Productive ways to test me?" He really hoped Zagan would agree, Hakuryuu knew that once he started, he could not stop sneezing until he was left gasping for breath. Not a pleasant experience.

"Nope! This is ver-r-r-ry productive, my young prince." He shook the flower, so it dumped more of its powder onto poor Hakuryuu. "Human weakness is so yummy~" Hakuryuu gritted his teeth. He would try to not show weakness in front of this demon. Maybe then he would be impressed by his stoic- All thoughts left his head as his face went slack. The tickling sensation grew more irritant, and he fought to hold it back.

"You...haah...You're dot gettig ady- aaah...heeEEHhh...any pkeasure frooh...frob be!" His breath hitched with every other word, and he fought to keep it steady. "A fighter, now are we?" Zagan hunched over, in mock sadness. "Well, I'll remedy that!" He extended a clawed finger to Hakuryuu'sz face, and started stroking the edge of his nostrils. It was too much.

"Ahhnn...Ahhnngxt!" The stifle attempt left him breathless. "Hey hey now, I didn't hear you!" His eyes took on a predatory shine as his wandering claw caressed the inside of his nostril. The foreign tickling sensation, mixed with the powerful burn of the flower pollen, was too much for the prince. "Aah...aaah..haaa-ishooo! Aaah-hitchoo! Eehishhooo! AAEISHOOO!" He paused to cough from the ferocity of the last sneeze. "Yes! What a brilliant performance! Oh, it left me tingling!" Zagan's blue face was flushed with a brilliant pink, as if he was enjoing Hakuryuu sneeze so helplessly. Hakuryuu wished he could have a hand free, his nose was streaming with mucus and his eyes were teary. As if he could read his thoughts, Zagan snapped his fingers, and all the vines lowered him down, gently, onto the jungle floor. He embarassedly swpied at his messy face, triggering another sneeze.


"Oh, that was the most fun I've ever had in AGES!" The Djinn clapped his hands in amusement. "Oh, my teeth are chattering! My fingers, trembling! I've never seen such a..."

His sounds of merriment died down as Hakuryuu scurried under the giant leaves, escaping that insane demon. Why the hell did he take such intense pleasure from that...He recalled Sinbad's words: Understand those around you. Well, this was one being he would give up on trying to understand. His nose was still running, and he sniffed with every breath to keep it under control. How embarassig was that all just now...He blushed furiously. He was glad the others were not around to witness that.

"Hakuryuu nii-san! Hakuryuu!" He whipped around. There they were! He remembered how he left them to show his strength and composed himself as best he could.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Alibaba was the first to reach the dark haired prince.

"Yeah, I'm alriihhhh..." He squinted wih the effort to keep from sneezing.

"Is that so? Why are your eyes all red? And you nose is too!" observed Aladdin.

"Prince Hakuryuu, you are not ill, are you?" asked Morgiana in a questioning tone.

"No no no, I'm.. Ihhh...hhhishuu!" Alibaba, Aladdin, and Morgiana frowned.

"It's a long story. Let's keep moving," grumbled Hakuryuu, his face still red.


I hope the formatting isn't messed up, I'm under the mercy of posting from mobile ~_~

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