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Secret Santa for SomeoneRandom (Sherlock sickfic)


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Guess I'll kick off the Secret Santa train this year. First off I'd like to say I really hope you like this SomeoneRandom. I couldn't find many posts by you so it was hard to gauge what you are really into. (Yes, I go all stalkerish when trying to make my secret santa gifts) and I didn't know the fandoms (and I don't really enjoy doing original stuff usually) so I watched all of the Sherlock BBC on Netflix and fell in love. Normally I tend to lean towards more slashy but I wasn't sure if you'd want that, so I tried to keep this as neutral as possible so it can be viewed as friendship fluff... or more if you put your goggles on). Then I couldn't figure out if you'd want Sherlock or John sick, so yeah, you get both. I really really really tried, please let me know what you think and don't be afraid to tell me if you don't like it. I can always try something different.

As for everyone else, I hope you like it also. This is one of my favorite things about secret santa, we all get so may fics to gawk over. And I would love your input as well. Now... on with the show...


Sherlock buried his fifth sneeze of the morning in his hands, unable to get a tissue in time. Muttering under his breath he cursed the inspector for being sick on their last case. Still, why should Sherlock have to stay inside and muddle through his misery.


"Where do you think you are going?"


"You are sick. You aren't leaving."

"You're going to stop me?" Sherlock sniffed into a tissue unsure for once what his flat mate had up his sleeve.

"Actually no," the taller man only got two steps before his associate continued, "however, if you do leave I will trash all of your belongings, and considering how many you have I should think at least a few would be of some importance to you."

Turning, Sherlock's eyes locked with John's. He couldn't be serious... except he clearly was.

"And why would you be so concerned with my health?"

"Because I like you."

Sherlock scoffed.

"Or it could be because I happen to like this flat. Does it matter?"

"I suppose not." Feigning indifference, Sherlock returned to his room.


A light tap preceded John's entrance.

"You may be extraordinary but you're also a mess."

"I am not a mess."

The doctor just rolled his eyes as he swiped some tissues off the bed and set a tea tray down.

"Just drink your tea."

Instead of doing as told, Sherlock turned his head away. At first Watson thought it was in defiance but he soon realized otherwise.

"H'tshhh, uH'TSHHuh," the man sneezed into his lapel.

"Bless you."

"What a useless phrase."

John pretended not to hear as he returned to his workings around the rest of their place.


"Watson... Watson... WAATSONNN!"

"What do you want now?"

Dr. John Watson had spent the better part of the day running up and down the stairs, tea, tissues, meds that Sherlock had at first refused to take, until John had lied and said they were much more sketchy than just typical cold pills.

"I'm bored."

"Of course you are." He was about to leave but then he heard it. The petulant whimper that only a sick Sherlock could muster.

"But I don't feel good."

The blonde sighed and scrubbed his face.

"Read to me."


"hu'KTSHH het'SHhhh uh uPTSHHuh"

"Can't you cover more." The doctor wiped his damp arm on his friend's leg.

"The polite thing to say would be 'bless you'."

"Since when have you cared about polite?" Not only that, hadn't he been the one earlier to say it was a useless phrase.

"I don't."

"Then, what..." John looked expectantly, suspecting some long drawn out deduction that had little importance. Instead, what he got was this odd expression flittering across Sherlock's face.

"Oh my gosh, you LIKE it when I bless you."

"I do not." The dark haired man muttered before turning his body towards the wall, hoping the subject would be dropped.

A smile crossed John's lips and he ruffled Sherlock's hair before leaning in close.

"Bless you." The whisper sent shivers down the lying man's spine. Although it could easily have been explained away by his illness, neither said a word, until John seamlessly returned to reading, his smile piercing each word.


"How's our patient?" Mrs. Hudson walked in with tea and some scrumptious looking crumpets.

"Still sleeping."

"I'b dot sleepig." Sherlock shuffled in, duvet draped over his shoulders. A tissue was held in place under his pink nostrils and even his eyes watered in irritation. "I'b dying." The second phrase seemed almost an after thought as he slumped down onto the couch next to his partner, and the doctor couldn't help but wonder if he was being overly dramatic for the attention.

"I hardly think you are dying." Nevertheless, the blonde held out an arm encouraging the tall man to lie down and rest against his side.

"I'b dyig of boredom, you can't keeb be here forever."

"Oh deary, you won't be sick forever." Mrs. Hudson gave a sympathetic cluck as she rested the tray in front of the men. "Besides, it's about time you men took a break."

It was true that they had been working nonstop for weeks.

"Well, I'll just leave you two be. Heaven knows I don't want this, you look dreadful."

Sherlock glared at the doorway the woman left through. Despite constantly putting others down, he seemed quite put off when others did it to him. Thankfully a distraction came in the way of fingers smoothing through his dark curls. He wondered if John had a care-taking complex. The man had become a doctor after all. And the way he opened himself up to comfort Holmes. Had his throat not been so sore he would have definitely dialogued these thoughts out loud.

"Sherlock... Sherlock." Finally roused out of his thoughts he looked up at the doctor.

"Here." John partially mistook his friend's quietness as discomfort and handed over a clean tissue. "Blow your nose and drink some tea, it should help your breathing, and I can't imagine your throat is feeling that great right now."

The blowing only seemed to irritate his nose further, if that was even possible. A few sneezes, and tissues, later he finally was able to tackle the tea. It felt good on his throat but made his nose run even more which just meant more tissues. He couldn't believe he had barely moved all day and just blowing his nose seemed to exhaust him. John seemed to sense this and took the tea while comfortingly guiding Sherlock's head back to his lap.


The next day Sherlock felt much better, alas, the same could not be said of his friend.

"John! John! We have a case, and I feel much better so we can go!"

The doctor mumbled something unintelligible from under his sheets so Sherlock did the most logical thing, tossed them aside.

"What the bloody hell?!" Well, that's what he tried to yell anyways, though his voice cracked and half the syllables were lost.

"You're sick." The statement was made as if it were the most puzzling thing on earth.

"heISHHH! Ugh." The blonde looked for something to wipe his nose on and ended up settling for just pushing a hand up against the bottom of his nose. "How observant of you."

Adjusting to the fact that Sherlock was not going to be of any help, John got up and made his way downstairs for what was left of their tissue supply.

"Just go."

"Go where?"

"The case... you can go without me."

"I solved it already anyways, I'm sure they'll figure it out within a day or two."

John looked up incredulously before giving his nose a few honks.

"Then why on earth were you planning on going."

"To get out, it's not the same without you though." Empty pause. "Is taking care of someone as boring as being sick is?"

He looked genuinely curious.

"Probably worse."

"Oh" Sherlock poked at the ground.

"Can we make a game out of it?" His eyes perked up with the thought but all John could do was groan.

"I'm really not feeling good."

"You should lay down."

Watson couldn't help but think, ' what do you think I was doing before I was so rudely awakened,' but he knew better than to voice this. Instead he laid down, still cautiously concerned with this 'game' idea.

"How about I deduce what you are thinking?"

"And what am I thinking?"

"Your left eye is twitching as you swallow, so I'd say your throat is sore. And your right nostril flares more than the left meaning more air can get through the right, given your left eye is also more closed and watery, possible sinus infection brewing."

Given the substantial pain around his left cheekbone, Watson gave a nod of confirmation.

"God, even this is boring." Sherlock threw his head back dramatically.

All John could do was lower his head, wondering how on earth he ended up with such a self centered person as a friend.

"You're distressed."

Such an observant self centered person as his friend.

"I feel awful and all you care about is how bloody boring I am." John's voice rose in anger and cracked again.

"You sound strikingly similar to a prepubescent boy when you are ill."

Standing to storm off John swayed and lost consciousness.


John felt a tissue dab at his nose and he opened his eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen concern in Sherlock's eyes, but there it was, fear and worry, and actual human emotion. It made him smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't seem sympathetic earlier."

And an apology.

"I made you tea."

With tea.

"Your fever doesn't seem that high, but I've been shivering so I may not be the best judge right now. I put a cool cloth on your forehead."

"Thank you."

To his surprise, he watched and felt Sherlock ghost his thumb over John's lips.

"My lips felt chapped when I was sick."

The touch and salve was soothing.

The moment seemed blown though as Watson pushed himself to the side to sneeze, shocked again when Sherlock caught it with a tissue covered hand. A whispered 'bless you' ended the scene and both men smiled, knowing right where they were meant to be.

Edited by Dusty15
Pasting in story for Ickydog :)
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I just thought I check out this section of the forum and then... Surprise! The first topic is for meeeeeeee. mf_w00t2.gif

THANK YOU!!! No need to be so nervous. This is perfect! I can't believe you watched all of the show for this -- that's dedication.

And sorry, I didn't realize I was so mysterious with my preferences. I wrote a fic and commented on a lot of Sherlock ones, but they were pretty old so they must be hard to find. Either Sherlock or John works for me, so both was even better!

The moment seemed blown though as Watson pushed himself to the side to sneeze, shocked again when Sherlock caught it with a tissue covered hand. A whispered 'bless you' ended the scene and both men smiled, knowing right where they were meant to be.

OMG, stop. Too hot to handle. dribble.gif ...No, you don't understand -- I keep rereading this over and over and over. Favorite lines ever. Perfect ending.

1000 points to you for writing this and for being the first, bravest one.clap.gif

(Sorry I'm so into smileys right now.)

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