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Pine Trees - SPN


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Written for Sen Beret's meme!

Prompt by Sen Beret:

Sam and Dean working a case on a Christmas Tree farm. Sam's sort of (very) allergic, but they never really knew this because they didn't have a real tree growing up. They end up (eventually) figuring it out, so Dean sends Sam back to the little cafe/gift shop that the farm has set up, complete with a fireplace and a lot of big, fluffy couches (and two of the owner's dogs).

Dean goes back into the area with all the trees to finish interviewing people and leaves Sam there all sniffly on the couch. Maybe a nice family thinks he's just got a really awful cold ('tis the season, after all) and Sam doesn't really have time to explain that he's fine before they dote on him a little bit and buy him a hot drink.

(Maybe Sam is also kind of allergic to Dean when he gets back, and in the car, too, because he smells just like pine and he's got needles all over his coat and in his hair.)

“And then I saw it, rising up from the trees-”

Dean nodded along to the girl’s account, but his mind wasn’t really on the case. His gaze consistently flickered back and forth between the witness and his brother, never remaining focused on either for too long. Sam caught his eye and dropped his arms to his sides, making a futile attempt at looking innocent. The feigned ignorance didn’t fool Dean in the slightest, however. He had seen the surreptitious way that Sam had been pawing at his nose for the majority of the interview, and he wished he would just get it over with already. Unfortunately, his younger brother was unreasonably bashful about that kind of thing.

Eventually Dean cut the interview short, having had enough of watching Sam’s silent struggle. He lead him purposely further into the rows of trees, trying to find a slightly more secluded location.

“Would you just get it over with already?” Dean turned on his brother with a frustrated roll of his eyes.

“Wh-hh-what?” Sam asked, his expression remaining perfectly innocent despite the revealing hitch that had made it into his voice uninvited. Dean huffed a sigh and folded his arms.

Sneeze. You can’t hold it in forever” he answered.

Sam looked down at the ground uncomfortably, avoiding Dean’s eyes.

“Oh, for the love of-”

At that moment a breeze ran through the trees, rustling the heavy green boughs that hung either side of them, and suddenly Sam was being assaulted by a volley of harsh sneezes.

“hheh’ttTCHHheewww! eEh’sSHEeeeWwww! yyih’CHEEWWwwh! iih’YSHEEeeewww! hehhh’ITCHEEWWww!”

Each one jerked Sam’s body about like a rag doll, and Dean hurried over and put an arm around his waist to keep him from falling.

“Jesus, bless you, Sammy. You alright?” Dean asked in a pause between the fits. Sam nodded distractedly before being by snapped forward by another “eeh’YSHEEWWw!”.

He leant against Dean in silence for a moment, still reeling from the attack.

“Y-Yeah, I’mb okay” he murmured breathlessly. His brother raised his eyebrows, unconvinced. Sam had been fighting this particular battle ever since they had arrived at the farm, and truthfully, he was starting to get a bit worried.

“What the hell is making you sneeze so much, anyway? You were perfectly alright before we got here”.

“D-Dod’t kn-know-hhih’CHHHHSHh! eeh’tTCHIEEWww!” Sam resurfaced, rubbing at his eyes.

“Bmy eyes are paidful” he whimpered pitifully. Dean caught him by the wrist and forced him to stop.

“If you rub them it’ll only make it worse” he reprimanded him gently. Sam nodded and dropped his hand, though he continued to look uncomfortable.

Dean searched Sam’s face carefully, looking for any clues as to what could be bothering him so much. Watering, puffy eyes and the skin of his abused nose flushed pink. He frowned and glanced around them, letting out a little sigh.

“Bloody hell…” he muttered exasperatedly.

“What?” Dean ignored Sam and plucked a handful of needles from the nearest pine tree.


At the sound of the abrupt sneeze from behind him Dean turned back to him, holding out the small pile of needles to him.

“Hold these for me a second, will ya?” Sam looked confused at the request but complied regardless. It only took a few seconds for the increased proximity to take its toll.

“ehhh’ISHHHHhheh! hihih’SHHHCHHhh! ihh’SHHIEEWWw! hhih’CHYEEWWwh! eHh’TCHHEEWW! hehh’CHHEEWWww! ehhh’YSHEEWW! ehtt’CHIEEEWWww!”

With his hands already occupied Sam was forced to muffle each explosion into a shoulder. Dean moved forward and took the needles from him, scattering them on the ground.

Once Sam’s sinuses began to calm down Dean put an arm around his shoulders sympathetically.

“We need to get you outta here, Sammy” he said, leading his brother away from the trees, “Looks like I’ll be handling the rest of the interviews by myself”.

“Wh-What d-do you b-bmead?-hhh’TSHIEEWW!”

“I mean the pine trees. I think-no, I’m certain-that’s why you’ve been sneezing so damn much” Dean explained as they emerged from the aisle of trees. Sam gave him a look of incomprehension.

“But dod’t you thidk…if I was allergic to theb, wouldn’t I dknow by dow?” Dean shrugged, the action made difficult by the way that the taller man was leaning against him.

“We never had a real tree at Christmas, remember? Dad always got a fake one. That might be why. There’s never really been a time when you’ve been exposed to pine trees…” he trailed off musingly.

Sam huffed frustratedly, trying to pull away from his brother.

“Deadn, I’mb fide to keep at the case, you d-dknow…iih’YSHEEWWW!” Dean smiled mildly.

“You want me to push you into a pine tree?”


“Then shut up and let me take you back to the café”.


Dean lead Sam back to the small café near the entrance to the farm. It was slow going, with Sam having to pause periodically after a particularly violent sneezing fit or to get his breath back. Eventually, and much to their relief, they made it back.

On pushing open the door they were greeted with the pleasant warmth of a fire that was crackling gently in the grate of the small, cosy room. It was a welcome contrast to the sharp, cool air outside, and Dean was almost tempted to stay. He had a job to do, though, so he deposited his brother on one of the squashy sofas and left to continue the interviews, promising to be back as soon as he could.

Sam sighed and gazed inattentively into the fireplace, trying to sniffle as little as possible. Although the heat felt nice against his chilled skin, it was making his still irritated nose run. He shivered a little despite the roaring fire, still getting accustomed to the abrupt temperature change.

Something warm and heavy suddenly spread across his feet, taking Sam by surprise. He looked down to find two magnificently fluffy Old English Sheepdogs, one of which had stretched itself contentedly across his feet. The other jumped up and put it’s paws on his shoulders, slobbering affectionately. He laughed softly and cuddled it as it wagged it’s tail frantically. A few seconds later, however, he was forced to twist to the side and muffle a loud “eeh’SHEEWww!” into an elbow.

“Bless you. You’re not allergic, are you?” Sam looked up to see a kind looking woman smiling as she gently removed the over-affectionate dog from him.

“Dno, they’re lovely. Just-” Sam started to explain, but was cut off quickly.

“Oh, you poor thing, you sound just awful” she cooed sympathetically, “I’ll go and brew you some tea. Best thing for a cold”. She gave him another smile and disappeared through a door behind the counter.

Sam stared after her, not having had a chance to explain fully before she had jumped to the conclusion. He smiled a bit to himself and sniffled. Tea wouldn’t be so bad, he supposed.

The woman was back within minutes, bearing a heavily laden tray.

“Here you go. On the house” she said warmly, setting it down in front of him.

“I couldn’t-”

“I insist” she interrupted his protest. Sam smiled gratefully.

“Thadk you” he sighed, picking up the mug of tea and allowing the heat to seep into his skin.

“Don’t mention it. You look after that cold” she smiled and whisked away to wait on the other customers.

Sam took a sip of the tea, finding it exactly the right drinking temperature. He took another, beginning to warm up with the combination of a fire, tea and two fluffy dogs curled up on his feet.

It was half an hour or so before Dean returned, relieved to be back inside. The temperature was dropping outside, and he had a suspicion that it was going to snow soon. He chuckled softly when he found Sam snuggled up in front of the fire with the two dogs.

“I see you’ve made yourself some friends” he commented, sitting down next to his brother on the comfortable sofa.

“Yeah. How did the rest of the idterviews go?” Sam enquired, still a little congested. Dean shrugged.

“As well as they could have”.

“Dnothig dnew, thedn?”

“Nothing new. C’mon, Sammy. Much as I’d like to stay here and warm up, we should get back to the motel”.


“iih’TSHEWWww! ihh’ttchEEEWWwww!”

“Damn, dude, you’re still sneezing?” Dean glanced at Sam incredulously.

“C-Cad’t st-stop-yihh’TCHEWW!”

“Bless y’. What the hell is makin’ you sneeze this time?”


Dean looked over at his sneezy mess of a younger brother as he turned off the engine of the Impala. Sam had been sneezing consistently throughout the return drive to the motel, and it was a wonder he was managing to answer him at all.

“Well we’re back now. Maybe it won’t be as bad when we get in…?” he trailed off uncertainly, watching as Sam geared up for yet another round of sneezes.

“hheh’TISHEEWW! eEh’chsshhhEeWW! hehh’IhHCHEEWWw! ihh’sshIEEWWWww!”

Dean got out of the car and strode round to the other side to haul Sam from the passenger seat.

“You gonna be alright?” he asked, supporting his weary body as they walked towards the motel building.

“iih’CHEWWwsshh! hep’tsHeeEWW!” Sneezes were the only response he received, Sam’s weary body jerking against him with the force.

“Bless y’ again. Hang in there, almost in”. Dean reached out to unlock the door, which was somewhat difficult to do when he was pretty much holding Sam up. Once he succeeded he half-carried the taller man through the doorway and lowered him onto one of the beds.

Dean left Sam to pull himself together whilst he hunted around for allergy meds. When even Sam’s duffle bag proved devoid of them, he was forced to conclude that they had run out.

“Don’ have any allergy meds. D’you want me to go and pick some up?” Sam shook his head.

“Dno, it’ll probably stop s-soo-ehh’cHIEeeWww!” Dean threw a small packet of tissues he had managed to find to him without a word, starting to feel that they were past blessings at this point.

He slipped his shoes and coat off, purposely not paying any attention to Sam as he dealt with his unruly sinuses. Dean knew it would only make his brother uncomfortable.

“Jeez, these needles sure do stick to things” he muttered, shaking his jacket out and scattering the remaining pine needles about the motel room. Sam’s eyes widened as he watched.

“D-heihh-Deadn-” he managed to struggle out before another fit took hold, more violent this time.


Dean looked from the coat to Sam, suddenly realising what the problem was.

“Oh, God, Sammy, I’m so sorry” he murmured, “I didn’t realise…” Sam shook his head.

“D-Dnot y-you-r f-fault-iihh’HHICHEEWW! eeh’TTCHEEEWw! hihh’IHTSHEEWW!”

Despite this Dean still looked guilty, and sat down next to Sam as he waited for the fit to cease, rubbing his back in what he hoped was a comforting manner.

“It’s alright, Deadn. I didd’t realise ei-either-hhih’EESHHEWW!” Sam tried to reassure him. Dean sighed.

“Guess I’d better jump in the shower and change these clothes” he said, glancing down at his pine needle covered clothing.

“You too, Sam” he added, glancing at his brother.

Once the sneezing had subsided a little Sam lay back on the bed and sighed heavily.

“I’mb sorry, Deadn”.

“What the hell for?” he asked confusedly.

“I didd’t dknow this would happed, add dnow I’mb goig to be useless odn th-this c-case-eEhh’SHEEWWW!” Dean rolled his eyes.

“Okay, Sammy, stop apologising and get in the shower. Or I will actually will push you into a pine tree”. Sam smiled weakly at the empty threat and complied.

Edited by MaiMai
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