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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Uhm, don't have much more advice than to stay up late and stay indoors alot. :/

Don't worry I don't wanna die either :) It's just colds hehe. Gonna try my best to stay up late tonight :P I wouldn't mind being really sick at all...

Everyone is going to bed now, soon it's my chance to go infect myself with some stuff :P When my boyfriend dropped me off at my house, I sarcastically tried the door on my brother's car to see if it was unlocked and it was. So I got in and acted like I was driving away. He thought it was hilarious and I made sure to touch my brother's steering wheel and everything (since he just got here after driving like 10 hours in his car, it should be plenty germy). So I might go sit out there in his car later, it'll be cozy and I can read a book and be in the cold (30 degrees outside again tonight!). I've read that cold germs survive in colder temperatures longer (maybe that goes along with the "colds in cold weather" old wives tale), so hopefully they're nice and preserved in there. Now I'm going to play some video games to help me stay up late, and of course I'll use the controller my brother was using when we played fifa earlier :P Also found some snotty tissues in the garbage and uhh proceeded to rub them in my nose. Teehee. It kind of grosses me out to do that lol, makes me want to gag a little bit, but I know it's one of the most sure ways to get the germ.

I feel usually pretty good, just head hurts and nose is getting a little stuffy. Everything starts to feel pretty bad when I get up and walk for a while. So, I'm careful about that, I want a cold but I don't want to hurt my body too much. I know it would be a horrible idea to go out for a run or something right now, so I'll refrain even though I'm kind of curious what the result would be. But that's taking it too far I think lol.

I'm so excited for this to start affecting me :P

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I feel like this is getting a bit out of hand. You really shouldn't be hurting yourself. Licking an iPad could give you much worse than a cold.

Besides, a cold is a respiratory illness, so stick to the rubbing the nose rather than trying to ingest germs.

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Hehe, good luck! Perhaps you'll catch something more pleasant than your surprise-feverish-illness-thingy. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Lol. If your family's sick... there's NO way you can miss it. Trust me. And my immune system isn't that bad... I think... *winces*

Your friend when you were ten sounds awesome. :D Coughing and sneezing into a sheet? I would totally steal it for a few days. Muahaha... :)

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I feel like this is getting a bit out of hand. You really shouldn't be hurting yourself. Licking an iPad could give you much worse than a cold.

Besides, a cold is a respiratory illness, so stick to the rubbing the nose rather than trying to ingest germs.

Eh, I think if it doesn't kill you it shouldn't be such a threatening idea. Kids put stuff in their mouths all the time and they've survived. I read that funny rumor about if you lick your device with a touch screen, you'll get sick. I know it won't effect me if it goes straight to my stomach, but my tonsils are probably my personal downfall as far as health goes, so maybe they'll make a pit stop there. I'm not afraid of germs anymore. Other than seriously dangerous ones like dissentary or HIV haha. I would really like to be so sick that I don't want to make myself sick anymore. But I'm never sick, I forget the ill effects (haha), and just remember the good somehow. I enjoy it and I'm pretty desperate, I know, but I won't do anything that could kill me of course. :P

I feel pretty confident that I can't avoid it now. All that's left to do is wait and see. When this is over, I'll be content and no longer obsess over it for a while :) ultimately, I think it'll even strengthen my immune system to be exposed to so much, and as an adult / elder when I won't enjoy being sick, I won't have to worry about it as much as many of my peers do.

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And northern lady, before I joined I read about your experience with the coworker and using their keyboard when I was doing research to try to make this work lol!

My situation was pretty perfect. The sick coworker was sneezing uncovered toward his keyboard about once every 10 minutes. And they were incredibly wet. There was no way I couldn't get sick from this.

Hey does your sick family members have any allergies? If you aren't too grossed out by their sneezes, maybe you could gently provoke a sneezy situation and score some more viruses to inhale :D

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And northern lady, before I joined I read about your experience with the coworker and using their keyboard when I was doing research to try to make this work lol!

My situation was pretty perfect. The sick coworker was sneezing uncovered toward his keyboard about once every 10 minutes. And they were incredibly wet. There was no way I couldn't get sick from this.

Hey does your sick family members have any allergies? If you aren't too grossed out by their sneezes, maybe you could gently provoke a sneezy situation and score some more viruses to inhale biggrin.png

That's a great idea! Yeah I'm kinda grossed out by family sneezes but... it could be worth it. The only thing I know of that my family is allergic to would be my dad and brother are allergic to cats, as well as I am. But there aren't any cats around haha... My boyfriend has a cat, but the most I could hope for is getting its fur all over me and going back to my house... but I would have to take one for the team since it would also trigger my allergies hahaha... But I really think it'll be hard to miss the way it is now, and I'll be around them until the new year so plenty of time :P

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Oooh all those viruses, you're a goner for sure!! Good luck!! :D

Thank you :)

I'm just on the edge of getting a cold. It's so suspenseful lol. My throat is like really scratchy and sore and I've sneezed a lot, hurray :) but my nose isn't really stuffed or runny much. Hope it gets worse before it gets better :P

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Cool, I'm glad to hear that you're getting closer to getting a cold. I just hope that it doesn't turn into the flu or something worse.

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Oooh all those viruses, you're a goner for sure!! Good luck!! biggrin.png

Thank you smile.png

I'm just on the edge of getting a cold. It's so suspenseful lol. My throat is like really scratchy and sore and I've sneezed a lot, hurray smile.png but my nose isn't really stuffed or runny much. Hope it gets worse before it gets better tonguesmiley.gif

Ooohhh. XD That sounds awesome! I hope so too! Colds are awesome. C:

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Oooh all those viruses, you're a goner for sure!! Good luck!! biggrin.png

Thank you smile.png

I'm just on the edge of getting a cold. It's so suspenseful lol. My throat is like really scratchy and sore and I've sneezed a lot, hurray smile.png but my nose isn't really stuffed or runny much. Hope it gets worse before it gets better tonguesmiley.gif

Catch it! Catch it!! :D I am sure it will get much worse, you have no chance. :D Congratulations ;)

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My throat is like really scratchy and sore and I've sneezed a lot, hurray smile.png

Sounds like success to me! Congratulations!

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Hey, I see you haven't been on in awhile; I hope you're okay and didn't catch something worse than a cold!

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Hey, I see you haven't been on in awhile; I hope you're okay and didn't catch something worse than a cold!

agreed! I hope you're okay!

Edited by Faberrysneezes!
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Hey, I see you haven't been on in awhile; I hope you're okay and didn't catch something worse than a cold!

Sorry, Christmas made me super busy. It was fantastic.

I was sick for all of like a day :( then my immune system seemed to work it out and get rid of it... Can you believe it?

Lately I guess I've been distracted and focusing on other things. There was so much party involved during the break and I'm still hoping some stronger virus is gonna take me out soon... But seriously, with everything that I did and all of the viruses I was exposed to, I can't believe that I was barely even affected :/ I don't know what else to try xP

At least the break and time with family was a blast. There were some absolutely crazy nights haha, and now I'll finally get a chance to rest.

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There was so much party involved during the break and I'm still hoping some stronger virus is gonna take me out soon... But seriously, with everything that I did and all of the viruses I was exposed to, I can't believe that I was barely even affected :/ I don't know what else to try xP

You probably just need an higher dosage of viruses. An viral overdose ;) If the cold symptoms are caused by the body's one reaction to the virus and not the virus itself, overloading on viruses could give you a bigger reaction and symptoms.

Is you family still sick?

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There was so much party involved during the break and I'm still hoping some stronger virus is gonna take me out soon... But seriously, with everything that I did and all of the viruses I was exposed to, I can't believe that I was barely even affected :/ I don't know what else to try xP

You probably just need an higher dosage of viruses. An viral overdose ;) If the cold symptoms are caused by the body's one reaction to the virus and not the virus itself, overloading on viruses could give you a bigger reaction and symptoms.

Is you family still sick?

It's so hard to think of what I would do to get a higher dosage than I did. I mean, I've gotten really sick plenty of times I wasn't going out of my way to expose myself to a virus. I exposed myself sooo much through just being around them, their used tissues, touching what they touched, etc. anyway they're pretty much better now. I doubt they're contagious anymore, and they went home so they're not even here xP I think maybe I just need to be exposed to like a virus my body has never had something too similar to. A stronger, more uncommon strain of the cold than just the rhinovirus... But there's no way to know which of the viruses a person with a cold has anyway xP

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think maybe I just need to be exposed to like a virus my body has never had something too similar to. A stronger, more uncommon strain of the cold than just the rhinovirus... But there's no way to know which of the viruses a person with a cold has anyway xP

Yeah.. I know. Another trick that I have is to hang out with friends who have kindergarten age kids. They're always incubating something or sick anyway. Or volunteer to be their baby sitter. The worse cold I've ever had I caught by a kid literally sneezing in my ear. (yuck)

Good luck again! I think i'm on my to have my own little cold without even planning to :P

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think maybe I just need to be exposed to like a virus my body has never had something too similar to. A stronger, more uncommon strain of the cold than just the rhinovirus... But there's no way to know which of the viruses a person with a cold has anyway xP

Yeah.. I know. Another trick that I have is to hang out with friends who have kindergarten age kids. They're always incubating something or sick anyway. Or volunteer to be their baby sitter. The worse cold I've ever had I caught by a kid literally sneezing in my ear. (yuck)

Good luck again! I think i'm on my to have my own little cold without even planning to :P

Good idea :) my mom works in the Sunday school during church, and I've thought about offering to help when I'm up visiting her hehe.

Anyway lucky you getting a cold haha, I'm jealous :) hope it's not too uncomfortable tho.

Currently my plan is more like... Be patient. As frustrating as it is for me to try so hard and fail, and I don't want to give up, it just feels like the reason it won't happen is because I'm always looking for it. So now I'm just... Blah, not motivated to do anything right now... Time to try out being lazy and bummed and not going out...

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Just wanted to post kind of a mini update.

So during Christmas, my grandma (who I live with) got sick, and my boyfriend again. I'm so jealous haha. The two people I spent the most of my time around were sick, along with the majority of my family that was visiting. And yet I still avoided it. Someone is messing with me xP drives me crazy.

So that kind of pushed me to just accept that it'll happen when it happens and it's useless for me to freak out about it and try so desperately just to fail and be totally disappointed.

Now I'm still just trying to be carefree about my hygiene, not try to avoid any germs and just try to touch my eyes and nose, but not being so obsessive about it xP

I'm so disappointed though haha. It feels so defeating, and me and the boyfriend are going through a lot of stupid stuff so with my odds, I'll probably get sick after I move (and we break up) when I'm alone and have no one to take care of me lol.

But that will be a good change, I'll be around more people and be working more. And getting paid. Right now my boss owes us all thousands of dollars and she just took off for a cruise in the Bahamas :/ can't wait for new job.

That's about all. I'll update this if I find any particularly thrilling chance to get sick or if I succeed. I just wish it would happen! I've even looked up buying the rhinovirus online hahaha, it's soooo expensive and hard to maintain without the right equipment though. So I'm trying to suck it up and be patient and not let the desperation take over lol :)

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Just happened across this little gem now. I've got to say, I've never seen someone so dedicated to a project like this and I really admire you!

I will stick with others and say don't do anything to put yourself in any serious danger or go to extremes like buying the virus!! It's not necessary and with bad luck you could go from 0 to 100 on the misery scale very, very quickly.

That being said, I'm stunned at how impossible it's been for you to catch even a hint of a cold (and feel pretty infuriated too, seeing as how you've been at this for QUITE a while). I think you've earned it. Darn those other people who can catch a cold without even thinking about it; how do they do it... confused1.gif

Seriously, you were around that many germs and still nothing? Psssh.

Since you've probably gathered all the cold-catching advice the world has ever known by now, I'll try to offer some side advice, which you've already heard: try to get distracted! When you really want something to happen it just never does and it's so aggrivating. You probably know this by now (though I'm still shocked that nothing has turned in your favor because... really?!)... but try to turn it back into a hobby! For lack of a better word. Lol. I know you're pretty desperate at this point but it's still possible to just let it become fun again (if it was to begin with- it was, right? I don't remember whistling1.gif ).

Be patient and turn your mind to other necessities while carrying out all the typical things you've been attempting; public transportation, contact with infected people, a little less sleep than normal, getting chilled... etc. etc.

Also, don't bother with eating UNHEALTHY on purpose. Just don't take extra vitamins or go out of your way to eat especially healthy things. You still need your nutrients. Just not TOO many. laughingsmiley.gif

But basically I'm just completely rooting for you at this point, because honestly, you've earned it. Pull back into the basics to avoid anything dismal, and have fun!

You're an inspiration for me too (I'm still a little wary about the whole purposely-getting-sick business, but I'm hoping for something fairly decent to come my way before cold season ends... I've caught a nice one at the start of this winter but I could stand a repeat of that, you know...)

Good luck, and hope you catch a classic sneezy cold without anything unpleasant. Don't give up yet! It'll happen.

Can't wait to check in on the progress. thumbup.gif

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