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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Hahaha is it bad that you're jealous :) I deadpanned when I read anteaters response at first. I was like being jealous is weird?! I totally get in a bad mood when someone around me is sick and I'm not wahhh. :P but I've read that there are several different viruses that are responsible for causing cold symptoms, and you can have more than one at a time and supposedly that can cause pretty bad colds. Sooooo maybe you both have different viruses and you can get his on top of your own and be even worse :P when I was working the other day, a lady that works in like scheduling or something was on the phone and talking about how she was sick. She just had like no voice but no sniffling or anything. And I was like so tempted to hop over and touch the computer she was using to infect myself. But at work that would look pretty weird for someone to see. Like don't mind me I'm just rubbing this keyboard and mouse and not actually using the computer xP

I hope this will be a winter of sickness for me. The whole reason I made this thread is because I was hoping to come up with a sort of recipe to induce a cold. And I'm sooooo disappointed that it seems impossible. Where luck is involved, I'm sure to not come out ahead xP and I feel like even when I'm living a lifestyle that would make colds more likely, it at best does nothing and at worst somehow boosts my immune system lol. It's been a while since I've scoured the Internet for articles about how to lower an immune system or how to cause a sickness lol. I really want to see if I come across any new information. But I don't want to get sucked into obsessing about wanting to be sick haha, cus that's just setting myself up for disappointment. That was not a fun time.

I've still been the tiniest bit sniffly earlier today and have to cough like a few times a day lol. Like where my throat will tickle so much that I can't hold it in. And it'll be bad for like a second and then totally go away xP

I just want the recipe for a cold! i want a magic way to program the cold I currently want. I want the universe to try to make me get over wanting a cold by giving me one so bad that I'll want to be healthy lol. Then I'll get my fill of illness and enjoy being healthy xP I don't want to take my health for granted, but I can't stop the desire I have to be sick. xP gimme the recipe hah.

Edited by Boba
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Um...I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm even more relieved it didn't turn into an infection.

Sorry if this seems rude. But maybe it was for the best. If it went on too long, your body would've probably gotten much sicker [weak from illness]. Give your body some rest time before trying again. :)

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You should check out that book Achoo! The Uncommon Life of your Common Cold. Talks all about colds, what causes symptoms, reasoning behind it, and actually getting infected herself. It's pretty interesting but then again, I'm into sneezing so... :doublethumbsup:

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That book sounds totally my style :o

Yeah of course I'm glad it didn't become some terrible infection too haha. I just wish I could recreate it at will and get my fill of being sick xP it's not rude to be glad it didnt get worse, and ultimately even I'm glad it didn't get worse, I just want something unrealistic where I can be sick and at no health risk and not contagious to others and blah blah lol. There's something beautiful about it being out of my control and running its course. What I want is to be able to have control of it lol, and for it to stay at the peak for a while instead of always progressing. But it makes it special when it does finally happen, and i just have to let it be what it will be and enjoy it while I can. Which I can totally appreciate, but it doesn't mean I don't miss it when it's gone lol.

I'm so bummed about it xP I want to be all thankful and glad it happened. But I'm so bummed haha.

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I really want to read that book but I also would feel really awkward about buying it haha. Maybe I can sneakily buy it on my iPad some day or something but I'm so paranoid xP

I kinda wanted to mention that right before I got sick, I was trying to get back on a normalish sleep schedule because my sleep schedule is usually pretty all over the place. And since I knew I was starting work soon, I wanted to try to sleep at more normal times. So for a few nights I was taking benedryl to try to help me sleep. Even the couple of days I went totally unable to sleep I took benedryl. I don't I slept all that much before I got sick either. And I wasn't eating that much because we didn't have many groceries and I was just binging on skyrim at home for the most part haha. I can be pretty careless. If there isn't someone to eat with me or make food with me, it just sounds like too much effort and I'd rather just not unless I'm super hungry. Then I'll like quickly snack on something, but I don't really like making food or eating by myself, so I just kind of forget to unless someone else is there reminding me ha.

But I don't know that any of that played a key role in getting me sick. I've done plenty of googling about what can weaken your immune system and done every bit of it together for weeks. Like getting little sleep, eating unhealthy and not exercising, being stressed, being cold... The only stuff I haven't tried on those lists is like being a smoker / alcoholic / being overweight... I'm not into smoking or drinking and I'm not overweight and not interested in aiming to change my size or whatever either way. I don't think I live a super healthy lifestyle, but I do enjoy being active and being outside and stuff. Even in the past when I've tried to get sick, it kinda focused a lot on going out to places where I could get infected by people like stores. But when I actually got sick, I hadn't gone out for fresh air for a few days haha, which is pretty unusual for me. So maybe that was a bit of a the reason I got sick, I don't know. I wish I knew exactly where and when I got the virus and how exactly my body didn't just fight this one off. Was it a virus I hadn't previously been exposed to, and for the past 3 years all of the viruses I was exposed to weren't new to me? Was it a combination of the actions I was / wasn't taking or the lifestyle choices I was making at the time?? I want to know..

Anyway I went to a birthday party for a friend today. We played some games and ate some cake and I got like a super bad headache xP I hadn't had any food all day (cus onion was working all day so I kinda failed at eating haha) but we got some food on the way home. And had some nice healthy ice cream cake :P lol. But my head hurt soooo much and I threw up when we were home xP sorry if that needed a warning. I don't mean to be gross or something. Then I just stayed in a hot shower for like 45 minutes haha until it started to get better.

Not really relevant I guess. But I wish I had been recording my boring day to day life the week(s) leading up to when I got sick haha. I don't remember that much... There was nothing special or exciting. Just boring normal life xP I just hope I'm not forgetting about and overlooking a key component.

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I'm totally back to normal by the way. Being sick seems like a different time boo. I also wanted to say that when i got sick I hadn't been drinking like any soda ha. I'm usually pretty into soda. But we just haven't bought any in a while.. So tired xP just remembered that detail. If I ever need it in the future..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today my throat has been sore and been a lot more sneezy. Like I'm wondering if I'm getting sick again... :o

Ah! It's crazy! Idk if I'm excited or nervous lol. I would guess the only place I would pick something up is from work. Tons of people at work have been sick, customes and coworkers. I totally touch my face all the time haha, force of habit and I have no fear of germs :P but I wouldn't expect to get sick again right away. I'm not sure if it's just weird allergies happening in December, like wth haha.

I guess I'll update in a day or 2 whether it progresses or goes away.

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I'm totally suspecting that I'm sick again. It's been like a month since I was last sick. I'm shocked haha. I can hardly sleep xP throat is so hurty and my nose is pretty funny and getting kind of stuffy now. I fell asleep sometime after 4 finally, and woke up a couple hours later lying on my stomach with my nose running on my covers hm. Kinda gross.

The last like week or so has been suuuuper stressful haha. We've been trying to get a dog, and stuff wth that kept seeming hopeful and then unlikely and then hopeful again. We had plans to move to a new apartment, then when we called to see how close they were to telling us to move in (already paid deposit and everything), they were like uh you didn't get accepted. Basically because with their estimate we made $150 a year too much to live there. So we were like panicking trying to find another place. Toured one that was pretty small and not so nice, but they told us the price and it was super cheap so we jumped on it and applied for it. Then later they told us the price was actually over $100 more expensive that what they'd first told us. So we had paid a non refundable application fee of like $60 that we never would've done had they given us the correct price ugh. There were nooo options in our budget. So with our plans set up to get a dog in the next few months, reputable breeder had confirmed after talking to us on the phone that she thought we would make great owners to one of her pups. And we thought that was hopeless again, cus we were going to have to move to a place $200/mo more expensive, or our rent here was going to be raised by just as much when the lease is up because a new company bought our building. Luckily yesterday things finally worked out with the original, affordable apartment that we were planning on. Thank God lol.

My bf is very carefree and is like whateverrrrr it'll all work out. And I want there to be a plan. This is like, trying to figure out where we'll be living in under a month. And all the plans shattered haha. He doesn't make an effort to help at all xD he just makes jokes like "well if all else fails we can take these cardboard boxes we've been using for packing and live under a bridge or something." And I'm like uhhhhhh not funny, not helpful, we need real solutions ugh. I'm asking for ideas and help for a real problem. We're both really sarcastic people haha. But he doesn't read the situation and realize that a sarcastic answer when I'm stressed about it isn't going to get him the result he's looking for, and is just going to frustrate me even more lol. He wouldn't do anything. He kept saying he would do things, like provide his proof of what he gets paid for the apartments cus they couldn't get the information from our actual bosses so they kind of guesstimated with the very few pay stubs we had provided. My bf makes like several dollars an hour more than me, and works about twice as many hours as me. But I had to do so much work talking to my boss and a third party website and using my online portal information and having the apartment people talk to my boss and everything lol. It would've been a lot easier for him to get the information needed and he had a lot more options than I did on ways to try and fix the situation but he just kept saying he would do it and never doing it. Every day he would promise to do it while I was it work, every time I went to work he would play games the whole time or fall asleep and not even be there to pick me up. And I work closing, so the place closes, it's been below freezing for forever, I don't have a car so I really have to depend on him for rides haha. Sometimes the only time he can give me a ride is an hour or more before my work starts so I kinda just have to hang out there until it's time for me to start xP but it's worked and it's been nice having a lot more money for us hah. He's just sooooo careless and forgetful and bad about keeping his word. It was all super stressing me out for a while there lol. Now it's hopefully all worked out.

So that was a lot of rambling again but I like to have the info for myself haha. I can look back and remember exactly what was going on. If I am sick again, and I suspect that I am, it's already progressing a lot faster than last month. Last month it took several days of a much worse sore throat to turn into mostly a cough and a bit of nasal symptoms that were bad for like a couple of days lol. Now it's like later in the same day, my nose is already pretty runny and stuffy and so sneezy haha. I would love to be able to sleeeep though.

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Update of today: nose still runny, still sneezing a lot haha. My throats turning from sore to rough and irritated. And I'm bummed cus I want to save every penny possible for our puppy that we're getting in a month or so, so I really want to indulge the illness and just have some comfy soup and cough drops but we already bought food and I don't want to spend money on more xP I'll have to buy tissues though, I didn't have any leftover from being sick last month.

Bad timingggg but still intrigued to see how it progresses.

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I know! It's like not quite exciting or unpleasant to me cus I'm like....really? Throat is so sore and scratchy. I just want soup and warm things xP so I caved and bought a couple $1 cans lol.

Still sneezing but not quite as much. Nose is getting more stuffy and runny. I'll update more later ha so tired

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Today it seemed a bit better. My nose isn't terribly stuffy. Just a bit runny and still sneezing fairly often haha. Now my throat isn't sore anymore, which for me is always the least desirable of cold symptoms. It's just irritated now. Like scratchy / tickly. But I'm not coughing so far...

Now I'm just wondering if it's this mild, or if there's more to come..

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It's weird. It's progression has seemed to be from coming to going away. No intense "gets worse before it gets better" kind of stuff. But still obvious enough to be a sickness. It's so weird. My nose is still pretty funny, more today for some reason. My throat doesn't hurt at all and often it's not even really irritated, but every once in a while it gets soooo tickly like i have to cough. But it's only a dry cough haha, so like no reason to actually cough because I don't need to get anything out of my lungs. It's just randomly tickly like 5-10 times a day. All tonight it's pretty irritated and tickly but not super strong. I've still been pretty sneezy which is totally enbarrassing at times. But my nose isn't really stuffy. My voice doesn't really sound sick. And for the most part it's pretty easy to avoid anyone noticing hah.

I guess it's just pretty mild compared to last month being more sick haha. Idk if it's just lingering now or still not over yet.

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Haha yeah it is kinda like a weird aftershock xP still totally mild. And pretty much over. There's just annoying like stuff in my throat.

I'm not really that into trying to type out day by day progression if this one cus it was pretty mild and kind of a disappointment for me xD haha. Other than being kind of intriguing since it was so soon after last being sick, it really wasn't much. Which I'm okay with for now. I'm content with my previous experience of being sick haha. I wouldn't complain if I got sick again, even with something as mild as this one, but I'm ready to focus on other things for a while :P for now lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while since I last visited this forum and I was wondering if you ever accomplished your mission, and I must say I'm glad to read that you did, and twice too! :P

I'm having a mild cold myself which started a couple days ago. What a great way to start the new year, huh? I'ts pretty mild, with just occasional caughs and runny nose. It's not really the best cold lol, but I'll take whatever I can get since I'm like you, I enjoy having a cold but don't get it very often.

Happy new year!

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  • 4 months later...

Whoa this site looks different. I haven't been on for a long time. I've been having really allergies this season so it was on my mind haha. For like a couple of months straight now, I've been sooo sneezy and sniffly especially in the mornings. I've been doing a lot of camping with friends, so especially when we're out in the wilderness and I'm awkwardly around others it seems particularly bad. xD by force it's made me a bit more comfortable sneezing and sniffling in front of people. Cus it's happened a lot, and even though I try to stifle, sometimes I can't. 


I also now have a puppy that's adorable and amazing. I wish I could include or reference a pic but of course I won't. He's pretty much my world now and makes life so much greater. I really enjoy working with him and training, so he's really well trained despite being a challenging breed that is known for their stubbornness and difficulty to train. I'm very proud of him, he's my world. ;) he also probably plays a roll in why my allergies are so bad lately lol. He only sheds in like seasons, but has been shedding pretty heavily for the last month. Losing his soft puppy fur! 


I haven't really thought about being sick in a long time. I'm pretty content with life at the moment. Of course I'd always love to be sick... But I'm currently patient. 


Just thought I'd stop by and say hey. Wow for some reason auto correct is absolutely nuts this site..?? Haha it keeps trying to do stuff like correct one typo into two of the same word plus an additional word. Odd. 

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Well I thank you for sharing your epic quest with us! Glad your content with life, its a good place to be.

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I'm quite confident that I'm actually sick again. :o


So here's a loose timeline. Memorial Day weekend some friends and I went camping. My bf was also going to come but his voice sounded like stuffy and I told him he shouldn't come and would be inconsiderate to the rest of us. xP I'm a big meanie sigh. But 1 he's a massive grump when he's sick. Me telling him he should just stay home made him grumpy, and much worse when I decided I was still going to go with friends... And 2, my friend has like really bad asthma and has a very rough time when she gets sick and I know that my bf is very careless about being careful to not spread his illnesses. 


So I've talked about this smell that I get from him when he's sick. When I walk in the apartment after a couple days of camping, I'm hit with that smell. And I'm like dreading how much of a grump he's gonna be... But he's like barely sick. Not even sniffly, not even sneezy, just like his voice was a little bit hoarse when I got home that day and otherwise he seems fine. Thank goodness. I would love to indulge in some care taking but with him, it's become like he's family. Like how awful it is when family gets sick. And he just gets quite rude and I really dislik being around him when he's like that... 


So probably on like Wednesday ish, my throat was sore. I was sneezing a lot. But that's pretty typical of the last couple of months with allergies ugh. But usually with allergies my throat is just itchy-sore, and now it was actually sore. So the thought crossed my mind but I just attributed it to allergies. Yesterday I hung out with a friend, and my throat started to feel really scratchy, like I needed to clear it constantly. We were really active and had forgotten to bring water, so I was like whoa I'm so parched and didn't think much of it. But today it's soooo aggravated. Still sore, but mostly really scratchy and feel like I need to cough constantly. And have still been sneezing pretty often, but allergies have been doing that all along. Now it's more forceful though. I'm pretty heavily a mouth sneezer haha... But now after a sneeze, even though it's like all from my mouth, my nose just immediately starts gushing ugh. 


So it's not too bad at the moment. My throat is just really rough. Bf started blessing me when I was sneezing, cus usually when I stifle it's silent. But since they've been stronger from potential illness, I can't be silent... Embarrassed ugh. Idk if this will progress much. If it's similar to the cold thing bf had, his only lasted a few days and he was barely sick so... Idk what to expect. 

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Mostly it's just in my throat. Cough is worse today, and still sneezing a bit but not too much. I don't have any particularly noteworthy obs. The only times I (paused here for forever cus I actually almost sneezed lol) sneezed much was like sitting on the couch and in my bed before sleeping. And just muffled / stifled into blankets cus bf was there and I didn't want to sneeze openly. 

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It's not a very sneezy illness. It's mostly just been constantly sore and agitated throat. In the morning it's the worst, and at night. During the day it's not as bad, but I still always feel like I have to cough. It's so annoying, in the morning and sometimes at night it's more like phlegmy and gross haha but throughout the day it's just nonstop throat tickle and usually dry. Soooo annoying lol. Seems like it's been worse today. Not a lot of change from day to day until now. Feel kind of fevery now and cough was awkwardly sooo bad when hanging out with a friend. I'm also constantly losing my voice. Weird throat sickness. Also weird that it really didn't effect my bf much. He would have to cough like once a day sometimes for a couple of days. And I'm like gahhh can't talk can't breathe or have to cough xP embarrassing lol. 

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Still sick. Still mostly just a cough. My throat isn't as irritated anymore. It's still a little bit sore in like a pinchy sort of way. Like half s dozen times a day I'll have like a weird coughing fit and totally can't not cough hahaha. It'll like almost make me gag.. Yet it's dry while my throat is going crazy making my cough. Then after the insane tickle finally goes away, I still have to cough for like 10-20 more minutes ha. No longer like tickly desperation but suddenly lots of phlegm... Gross. It's so awkward. It's also worse at night. Like throughout the night I just kind of have disoriented coughing fits. Feel generally worn out. Yesterday we riding bikes was exausting. 

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  • 4 months later...

Just reread a little bit of this. I'm not here much anymore, but sometimes I come by and read stories and stuff. The sickness I was talking about last time i updated was so lingery lol. Just the cough, even when I went to visit my family in august, in the morning i still had to cough a few times, like gross embarrassing cough but usually only a couple of times each morning. But it went away while I was there. 


Bf was randomly like sneezing a few times the past couple of days and it makes me wonder if he's getting sick. I'm not AS bothered about it, I just really don't want him to become a jerk lol. He's a very careless person even without being sick. Never cleans up after himself and stuff. And when he's sick, he just leaves crap all over the place and I feel obligated to not ask him to do anything since he's sick and he gets really grumpy hahah. But having a puppy, it really bugs me when he doesn't pick up after himself, cus it's unsafe and encourages bad habits to a pup... I wish it could be something to indulge in rather than a stressor because of the way he acts when sick hah. And obviously it also puts me kind of on edge / makes me wanna just crawl in a cave and wait it out. 


OMG trying to type on this site on mobile is soooooo hard these days for some reason. 


Edit - oh! I'm starting some college classes in January. So I'm wondering if that will be a wreck to my immune system since I haven't been in a classroom setting for a few years. 

Edited by Boba
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