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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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I want add a few day by day obs that I can remember so I can have more to look back on. So before I got sick, as I said, I did go to that trampoline park place that had tons of kids. But that was on Monday, and I got sick on Wednesday. Seems like such a short incubation period. Before that, I really hadn't gone many places. I had gotten some clothes for work, but probably like a week before that or so, I got them all purchased and out of the way. I remember spending a lot of time just at the apartment. Usually I go out multiple times a day and do stuff outside or go to stores. I don't like to just be home all day. But I remember spending multiple days without leaving home and being like totally comfortable with it. It got pretty cold outside around the time I got sick. It started getting below freezing and we turned up the heat quite a bit. We like did one huge grocery shopping trip probably a week and a half or maybe 2 weeks ago by now and that's like the only time I went out lol. We watched a lot of Bob Ross :P and I played tonssss of skyrim! That's what I was doing lol. I literally just remembered. That's why I was just at home and didn't go out. I realized that I didn't have my save file here, it's on a different system at my grandmothers or something. So I started a new game and played so much lol. The friends I usually hang out with were traveling. But I hung out with them that Monday at the trampoline place. We just jumped in one area the whole time and practiced flips woooh. I recently learned that one of the people who came to this excursion is also sick so who knows, maybe this is where I got it. In my experience, it's usually taken me like 5 ish days when I successfully got sick from someone I knew. Me and my bf also applied to a new apt place on tuesday I think. Anyway onto each day...

Wednesday: I had my job orientation thing. in retrospect I remember my throat being kind of agitated in the morning, but I didn't notice it until I was at work. Each hour that went by just made it worse. When I got off, I went and got some tea. I didn't think I was actually sick at this point. It wasn't super terrible. But by the evening (around 7pm, the time each change in symptoms has occurred), it got so bad. On Tuesday night, I had slept for an hour and a half at the very most. So I assumed the agitated throat was caused by that. When I went home, I got a couple things done but mostly just stayed in bed and tried to sleep. I was feeling really anxious. I felt like I had so much that i needed to do, and I had no idea how to do it, and I was really tired. I didn't sleep at all that night. My bf bought me some cough drop things and I made lots of tea and garbled salt water. Eventually I took a shower at like 6 AM and was able to fall asleep an hour or 2 later and slept for 5 hours.

Thursday - when I woke up 5 hours later, my bf was off work. I was feeling pretty sick but didn't have any symptoms but the sore throat. It was still super sore. I didn't have a fever, my temperature was actually like 97.3 hah. I just felt unwell and kind of achy, but I attributed it to ovulating (sorry if that's tmi). Again, the evening is when the sore throat got less severe. My throat was just a bit scratchy. Before it burned, like when you throw up and it burns your throat. That kind of sensation but a lot more painful haha. Now it was like slightly sore and slightly scratchy. I thought that might be the end of the illness. I hardly had any food this day. I was just feeling unwell and kind of nauseous. I felt both hungry and nauseous and wasn't sure whether food would fix it or trigger the nausea hah. It ended up helping when I had my leftover soup that I had gotten on Wednesday.

Friday - I had my first day of training. I felt fine and pretty much normal. My throat was just a little scratchy still. Again, the evening was when it progressed. My nose started getting the tiniest bit drippy. My throat started to feel tight, like I needed to cough all the time. But really, I still didn't feel like I was getting sick until that evening. By the evening, my nose was getting more runny. My throat was so agitated but my cough was just dry. Me and my bf went to a diner at like midnight haha. He napped while I was at work because he works early mornings. I do remember a couple of times when my throat really got that "need to cough" tickle that I totally just ignored. I willpowered my way through it until it went away. Luckily we were watching training videos, so I didn't have to talk or do anything that might trigger it while it was on the verge of losing my control.

Saturday - Is when I started to think I could be sick. At 5 in the morning, I still hadn't slept. I brought my boyfriend to work, then came home and slept until about 8 AM when I needed to get ready for day 2 of training. My nose was just kind of runny and I always felt like I had to cough, but it was still just dry and I never let myself cough at work haha. There were just a couple of times where I had to inconspicuously wipe my nose. I had taken the car and when it was time to leave work, I couldn't get it to start xP some random dude that works at the same place (but I'd never met him) helped me hahah. When I got home, I went out to get some more soup and tea.

Sunday - it was pretty official to me that I was sick. My cough had become productive. And my voice sounded stuffy now and my nose was pretty runny blah. I ate my leftover soup in the morning and felt a bit nauseous. When I got to work, the chick i had been teaming up with and my closest acquaintance said she felt like she woke up with a cold, so I admitted that I did too hah. Usually I don't tell people, but especially since I worked closely with her and figured people could easily suspect that I was sick, I should just admit it at this opportune time and not try to act like I wasnt. I was kind of relieved that she was also sick, so I didn't feel as self conscious about being a disgusting germ when my partner in training was already also sick and wouldn't be bothered by me. We sat in the training room for the first few hours. We both had our tissues and I tried to be as inconspicuous as I could wiping my nose. But it was pretty runny. We had lunch break, then we were getting ready to go be cashiers for like 5 hours eek. Most of the people in the class were going to be cashiers. I work in the electronics, but I was still taking the cashier class. I work at a fancy one stop shopping place, like a high class target lol. So walking back from lunch, my friend mentioned that she didn't have any more tissues, so I offered her some of mine. We joked about how we hoped we would be at registers next to each other in case we needed to get tissues or cough drops from each other. The people training to be cashiers had to go right down the PLU codes for the produce by locating them in their section and writing them down. The few of us that we're just taking the cashier class but worked in other departments went to empty registers and used their reference books to look up and write down the produce codes. Then it suddenly got busy D: so they told us to sign on and start taking customers. We were kind of just thrown into it and overwhelmed, and at this point I never saw my cashier friends again. It stayed pretty steady. I had brought a water bottle luckily. I talked to the people next to me when we had no customers. After we got back from our lunch break, it got a lot smoother. We just felt so unprepared when we were thrown into the registers the first time haha. All of my customers were pretty friendly, thankfully. I could hear some difficult customers some of my classmates were getting. I felt so bad for them. But I was very glad that my customers were all easy. I didn't stay on the register much longer. The two of us electronic employees got to go to our section and spend the last couple of hours there. It was way more relaxed. I checked out a few chstomers, straightened stuff, got to know more coworkers and got a tour of the area. When I got home, at the lovely time of 7 pm haha, it got so much worse. My throat was so tight. The cough was really bad haha. I was so congested and dripping and blah. I got some more soup and started to feel nauseous again. We went to the store and I got a box of tissues and some more cough drops and some travel Kleenex for work. I couldn't sleep at all that night. I couldn't breathe, I felt like my throat was being squeezed shut and felt like I could throw up at any moment haha. My bf went out and bought some NyQuil, so I finally slept quite well haha.

Monday - I had my first day in electronics. My bf didn't have work, so I woke up kind of early and got ready quickly and we went out to get breakfast. I had some DayQuil before I left. My voice was so congested and husky. I ate hardly anything at breakfast. I ate like a golf ball size of bread with butter on it to be exact haha. I felt so nauseous. I really wanted to call and not go to work but it was my first day on the electronics floor with my manager. I didn't want to not show up on day one. But I felt soooo terrible. And was obviously really sick. I showed up at work and almost threw up in the bathroom haha. If no one else had been in there, I think I would've. But because other people were there, I felt so self conscious and just decided not to think about it and tell my boss if I needed to. I got to my dpt and got a very thorough tour from my supervisor whom I was having a "buddy shift" with. I still felt so nauseous. I was so like practically silent and probably seemed like I had a bad attitude ugh. After about an hour, I asked if I could run to the bathroom. Still didn't actually throw up thankfully. When I got back, I apologized and told her I was sick and felt nauseous but I didn't want to look like I was trying to get out of work on my first day. I was SO embarrassed AH!! So embarrassed. She was just like "let me know if you need to run." And I was like UGH does she think in trying to make an excuse? And I felt so sick. Finally a little bit later, the nausea went away. I was still super congested and sick sounding. My voice kept just being entirely gone. I had to do a PA announcing deals that we had going on lol, and she told me I was too quiet xP nothing like doing a storewide announcement with almost no voice that's super stuffy and gross sounding ugh. So embarrassing. The whole day. Super embarrassing. I would step a decent distance away if I absolutely had to cough. But I mostly tried to hold it in. I had to sneeze once when I was conveniently not around people. I gripped a tissue around my nose and held my breath and managed to stifle it. I knew it would be powerful and full of gross phlegm stuff if I sneezed openly and I really didn't want to do that ugh. I did have to cough in front of people once xP I was waiting to ask a question and the supervisor was talking to some other people that work in a different area. My throat started tickling like crazy. I knew I couldn't hold it in for long, so I just turned to the side and coughed in my elbow. And was super embarrassedddd. I got off at like 2 PM and was like so glad to be off haha. I was so embarrassed the whole day at work. I played some online games with some friends that all said I sounded super sick and were like "jeez go to a doctor" xP embarrassingggg. I started feeling like I was going to throw up again. I had lots more tea. My boyfriend texted with some coworkers to find a good place in the area for soup, cus it was the only thing I could think about eating and I'd just had the same soup from the same place too many times haha. We went to a little bakery sandwich shoppe kind of place. The soup was sooooo good. Chicken noodle. It was really salty haha and so much flavor. But I didn't feel great and just ate a bit and put it in the fridge to save for later. I had a sneezing fit of 4 all spread out with like 30 seconds in between. Each time it was so blah strong and gross and phlegmy and made me cough a lot. And by 7 PM again, it felt like my throat finally wasn't so tight and wasn't constantly trying to make me cough. My nose wasn't constantly dripping anymore and wasn't as stuffy. We both had the next day off, so last minute we decided to go see the peanuts movie hah. I brought an unopened travel pack of tissues from a 3 pack that I had gotten the other day. My nose was running a ton during the movie for some reason. My bf was like "you wanna blow your nose?" Cus he knows I'm embarrassed about it. And I was like noooo xP so I just kept wiping it constantly. I sneezed a few times during the movie and felt like I was going to sneeze like the whoooole time haha. I kept trying not to focus on the light of the screen too much cus it was making the feeling stronger haha. I used all but one of the tissues during the movie xP I like stood my a trash can and emptied out my pockets of all the tissues after haha. Had more disgusting NyQuil and slept so good.

Tuesday (today) - woke up at 10 am, didn't feel too sick anymore. I was about the same as the previous night. My nose was still a bit runny for most of today. We went out to look for shoes I could wear to work. My nose was still running a lot and I still have a pretty gross cough haha. I used most of my last travel pack of the tissues. After being out for most of the day, I started just feeling tired. I felt kind of dizzy whenever I would bend down and stand back up xP today I keep getting like random throat tickling super strong and having coughing fits. Now in the evening, my nose is just a bit stuffy but not hardly runny anymore. I literally just got over a stupid coughing fit haha. But at least my throat isn't like tight and congested. Just kind of a looser gross cough now. xP I'm hoping that's not going to happen much during work tomorrow. Eek. But I don't feel very sick anymore.

Woooh way more information than anyone ever wanted. But it's for me.

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This is fabulous.... and at almost 50k views, I'd just say that that's probably not more information than anyone ever wanted! LOL. Face it, honey - you're a star! ;-) :clapping2:

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This is fabulous.... and at almost 50k views, I'd just say that that's probably not more information than anyone ever wanted! LOL. Face it, honey - you're a star! ;-) :clapping2:

Haha noooo way. I feel like people are pretty sick of my updates xD and that people have gotten to know me too much, and prefer to pick out flaws :P I feel like I've been too real and off topic too many times lol. Everything about this topic became for me. I don't care whether people agree with me, though I get down about when they don't understand me xP I'm just glad to have finaaalllyyy accomplished what I set out to accomplish when I first made this topic. It was such a serious project for me, and eventually I just got let down so many times that I stopped obsessing about it, which is for the best. But it left me feeling unmotivated because I had it in my mind that the effort I put in can only get me so far, and was never adequate enough. And that I was just unlucky in every aspect of life. But life keeps moving forward, and bad luck can't even delay the inevitable forever.

Anywayyyy just thought I'd record a bit of today. Symptomatically I'm pretty much the same as yesterday. My nose is just sometimes runny and the cough is still annoying. Everything is just thicker and loose, easy to expel. There's a lot of stuff running down my throat that's really annoying. There are no non gross words to use ugh. Sorry.

I just worked for a few hours today. During work my voice still gets raspy cus I have to talk a lot xP but work wasn't as horribly embarrassing today. I was often putting things away on my own, too, so I didn't have to like cough around people or anything. I've been taking medicine pretty religiously cus of work. I don't want symptoms to be bad during work, and it can be hard to sleep at night without medicine, so I've pretty much had it every day and night since we got it. But it's the gross terrible liquid kind :( lol it's disgusting. I have to take it in like 5 sips with a chaser and almost gag every time. I just end up barely managing to swallow it and coughing a bunch after almost gagging hahah... It's so gross! Whyyyy did bf have to get the liquid xP I don't feel too bad or anything. I expected the symptoms to all be gone by now. Usually as soon as I notice them getting better, they altogether disappear the next day and don't linger at all. But for now I still have an annoying sick sounding voice and super stuffy nose and the cough stuff... And the stuff always in my throat is annoying. It's not bad. I'm glad that I'm still sick and it didn't just last for a super short time like it usually does :P easing me into knowing that I probably won't get sick again for a long time xP that thought is a bit sad.

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Also 50k views..?! I can't see the views on my phone, but that makes me super nervous. Like I'm not too discreet about my life and events and whatever. I Hope none of those views are from people who could figure out who I am. Terrifying. D:

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If it'll make you feel better, it's in the mid 47k.... LOL. You're fine. I think you're kind of a character that people have grown a bit with, just like celebrities in magazines; your story is on people's mini radars if you will haha. I've just become invested. In your health, in onion, in your life, etc. lol.. I know I for one would be disappointed to see the updates stop. I feel like you're one of the posterchildren for the site now. Be proud but I don't think you need to be paranoid; with exception to what states you have lived in and what industry you're working in, I'd say you sound like me; just a typical chick living with her bf; oh yea we like to game. You're good,I think most people are most interested in your nasal passages anyway hahaha! :punk::clapping2::doublethumbsup:

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Haha i definitely get paranoud from time to time about people stumbling onto this thread and putting 2 and 2 together and realizing who I am to them xP but maybe they would be kind enough to ignore this part of me lol. This thread is so private to me hahaha. It became the place where I dump things or something. Cus I can't and would never want to talk to people about sneeze / illness related desires haha, and I mentioned quite a few other things I would never talk about in real life either. Here, my biggest secret is already out. It feels easy to just pour out everything lol.

I also never expected this to be so long or to go on for such a long time. It's like over 500 posts, I'm sure most of them by me lol. And 2 years since I started it. This was a way for me to focus in and pinpoint what could get my sick by process of elimination. And I haven't learned any kind of recipe to repeat this scenario. I kind of want to try a few things in the future when I'm ready to be sick again... Maybe in a few months, maybe next year, I'm not sure. Just things about this scenario that I would try to recreate. Like not getting out of the house, not sleeping very good, having some sort of psyical activity going on (me and onion would sometimes go out and practice random like handstands and kartwheels and fun stuff xD)... Have the weather randomly be cold lol. I really don't know what combination I could come up with that I haven't previously tried and failed with.

As far as symptom update for today goes, it's pretty much still the same. My nose is still really stuffy and the cough is still here haha. There's so much thick stuff in my throat. I can't even like swallow it and get rid of it. It's pretty annoying. I still keep losing my voice when I'm talking a lot at work. Everything just seems really thick and like sticky haha. All the words are gross ah xP I sit here and try to think of a less disgusting way to put it and just settle on the straightforward gross words. :P

This morning I actually didn't feel great for a little while. But after some time passed and I got my mind off of it, it got better. I got some more soup after work and drank soooo much water haha. Now I'm about to go to bed. It's so hard to get comfortable cus I feel like I'm drowning xP lol and I don't want to drool on stuff by breathing with my mouth open. And I usually sleep on my stomach but my nose is too stuffy gah. So I just move around a lot until I fall asleep. It's pretty disorienting cus the NyQuil makes me super sleepy.

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Still pretty much the same today haha. Earlier was kind of worse. My throat was sore again and nose was really gross and stuff. But now it's back to the way it has been the past few days. Maybe it was just worse for a bit because I didn't have any medicine today ha. Sleep is kind of annoying. I feel pretty disoriented and restless at night all the time. I'm like out if it sleepy from NyQuil, but can't get comfortable. The night is just like fuzzy memories of rolling around a lot xP

I'm pretty surprised that it hasn't gone away by now. I first got sick 9 days ago. This might be like my new record ha. It's great :) I don't work for the next few days so I'll probably get better since I'll be able to rest more. But I'm enjoying it while it's here. Having lots of delicious soup and tea and I have like a set of sick kid supplies I bring with me xP like tissues and water and cough drops haha. I think my voice is sounding less sick now. It's still stuffy but not bad.

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This is a forum about sneezing so I should talk a bit about that lol... This illness hasn't really been very sneezy at all. It was a bit earlier on, but still not very much. I have induced a bit too, mostly cus I'll get false starts and be like noooo and make it happen myself haha. Its so messy though blah. Even when my nose isn't particularly runny or super stuffy, as soon as I sneeze everything gets blocked up and super messy. It's really thick and like sticky xP I feel embarrassed talking about it but maybe there are people out there that want to know so. Might as well include it.

Whenever I cough it always makes my nose run haha. It's weird. And I'm out of tissues :( haha. I need to go buy more. My voice is being kind of sick now too. It keeps going back and forth between seeming like the symptoms are lessening and then they come back just as strong as they have been hah. So for a while I'm just sort of stuffy, and then for a while im like coughing and my nose is running and my voice is rough. It's weird. This morning my throat was kind of annoying and like felt like I had to cough all the time and kind of sore. Then it went away ha. Then it came back for a bit. And now it's not sore at all anymore.

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Quick little update... It's still pretty much the same. It's weird, cus in the evening the symptoms aren't too bad and seems like it's going away. Then in the morning my throat is always tickly haha. So the cough is still pretty bad and my nose is always gross up until like 5 pm or later. My voice is only sometimes husky haha. Today someone told me I sound like a boy going through puberty D: but usually it's just kinda stuffy.

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Wow, after all this time you finally got sick! Congratz! I was rooting for you the whole time :D:bleh: I certainly hope you enjoyed it since it seems to be going away... :(

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Thanks bananatree and good luck Charliesgirl!! I hope it doesn't take you as long as it took me xP

For a while this evening it seemed like it was totally going away. First we had an appointment for an apartment and it was pretty annoying. My nose kept running and my voice was soooo rough xP of all the times for it to be that way haha. I got soooo tired. I slept plenty last night but for some reason I was just really tired. I had a bit of chicken noodle soup :P gotta love the ill life as long as I can lol. My friend wanted to hang out and has been wanting to hang out for forever but last time we had the chance to hang out was on Monday when I was reallyyy sick so we didn't. So this evening it seemed totally fine. I wasn't coughing as much and my nose wasn't as stuffy. Then we went out to play pool at a bar and it was soooo smokey. It was bothering my throat so much xP I couldn't like talk or breathe without having to cough haha. So embarrassing ugh. And it made my nose really runny too. Now it hasnt gone away but I just had medicine. Ugh when we were talking about how smokey it smelled, my bf was like "she can't smell anything anyway" and I was like can tooooo xP my friend that knew I was sick because I'd told her that's why I didn't want to hang out Monday was like "oh yeah are you feeling better?" And I'm like shuut uuuuppppp. I was just like "I'm cured" haha. I hate talking about being sick ugh.

Anyway. Hanging out with friends tomorrow morning so hopefully I'm not like worse in the morning like it has been for the past few days haha.

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my bf was like "she can't smell anything anyway" and I was like can tooooo xP my friend that knew I was sick because I'd told her that's why I didn't want to hang out Monday was like "oh yeah are you feeling better?" And I'm like shuut uuuuppppp. I was just like "I'm cured" haha. I hate talking about being sick ugh.

Haha. I can relate. I'm a big denier when my bf says anything, but mainly because it's awkward (yes, after many years with him) and also because I'm afraid that my symptoms will altogether stop right then and there!

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Charliesgirl, I'm still uncomfortable with like sneeze / cold related things around my bf and we've been together for like 5 years xP i hate it lol. But I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with it around anyone haha.

So today I hung out with a friend of mine. I went to church with her and was trying to not cough as much as possible during church ugh. But I had to a few times. I just tried to be really quiet xP then she came over after. And around people I just try to be normal, but we're both just super sarcastic and laugh at everything, and laughing kept making me cough xP and I didn't have any medicine or anything. I keep feeling like it'll go away soon but it's still dragging on. And I'm loving that actually. In the evening for a while it wasn't too bad again. But after playing online with some friends, I kept having to cough so I'd mute my mic hahah. And my nose is still like runny and thick and feel like I need to blow my nose a lot. I didn't like hardly at all today cus I was around people. But tonight I used like half a dozen tissues or more and now I can finally breathe comfy enough to sleep xP

It's been almost 2 weeks since I got sick! I feel like this has never really happened. And when I'm sick the cough I get is usually a lot looser and not as often as this hah. And I've never had like a stuffy / runny nose for more than a few days. It's crazy. But there's not as much like stuff in my throat that I feel like I'm drowning in haha. It shows up occasionally but usually it's okay.

Also since its been nearly 2 weeks since I got sick, I feel fairly confident that onion isn't going to get sick. At least not from me. Which seems weird to me, because this is like one of the worst colds I've had and also I never get sick, so I kind of just figure that if it manages to get to me it's probably childs play to get others lol. But I'm glad I didn't spread it around or anything. Especially to him cus that would drive me crazy if he was this sick for 2 weeks ahhhh. He'd be such a grump lol.

I feel like maybe it's becoming a secondary infection kind of thing. But I hate going to doctors, there's nothing I want out of that. I like to be sick, I definitely don't want to pay money, it's altogether an awkward experience to talk about symptoms and have him listen to me cough or something ugh. I feel almost guilty or irresponsible that I'm super anti doctor tho haha. But it's not like my life is in danger or something. The worst is being soooo tired at times though. I like stop caring about anything and just want to curl up wherever I am and nap xP and the whole cough thing I'd say is worse than yesterday. Particularly during this post ahhh. Keep having to cough and just muffling it into a blanket haha.

Last night I had a dream that I was trying to get sick because this illness like turned out to be a dream or something lol. So I was recreating an exact experience that I knew would get me sick somehow. I had to wear a certain pair of socks and had a tight schedule that I had to follow. And it was kind of a sad feeling to never see it come to fruition haha. Until I realized that this actual illness is real. :P I wonder how long it'll last though.

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Just keep an eye on yourself to make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia or walking pneumonia. See if you still have a temp and the chest issues and if the fatigue continues to be extreme - then you may wanna get checked out. But I wouldn't be too hard on yourself for needing to nap when you've got yourself a bad cold. You could start internally narrating your life like a sneezefic. Maybe it'll make you more comfortable to be sick in front of people? Hope you feel better everywhere except your nose! Cheers!

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Maybe because you just haven't gotten sick in so long, your body doesn't know what to do, and it's taking longer to fight it off. But yeah, I agree with Anteater, keep an eye on it and go to the doctor if you really need to XD I know it's uncomfortable for you, but if it IS a secondary infection, you may need antibiotics.

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Errrm... I think I caught something, except it's my throat that's on fire and there's no nasal symptoms (yet?). At least I'll get some caretaking. Win!

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Charliesgirl, that's how my sickness started out so don't lose hope :)

Yeah i'll go to the doctor if I really need to. It's not like super bad or anything, it's just lingering for soooo long haha. Not getting better but not getting worse either. I also don't have a ton of work this week which is kind of a bummer. I just have to watch boring training videos lol. But I won't be like making it worse by overworking or something. And at least I won't be in too many embarrassing situations xP

I don't know if I could ever be more comfortable with being sick around people haha. Even when I was a kid it was embarrassing. I would always try to hide it and never admit to it. Now I'm fine with admitting it to people I just don't want to talk about it or focus on it..

So far still every evening it seems like it's getting better. But sometimes at night it can be kind of annoying. And in the morning until the evening hah. But it's not like painful or making me feel too unwell. I haven't really been tired the last couple of days either. Usually I totally have trouble sleeping for more than like 5 hours but I guess being sick tires me out enough to sleep a good 8 hours every night. It's sooo cozy haha.

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See, for me it was different; I always knew I sort of had a penchant/attraction to colds, caretaking, h/c, etc. in like, media and whatnot. During that time growing up, I was pretty insecure about being sick around others ( esp family which hasn't changed but I hate being around them always so moot point lol) but I think that as the realization set in that it was an actual fetish, so did being comfortable being ill around others. idk. lol rambly sharing time yea?

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I understand what you're saying.

Well today my temp is 100.1 and throat worse. Slight stuffy nose when I lie down.

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That's interesting anteater... I've definitely always been uncomfortable. I would say I was interested in like illness in the media or in playing with toys and stuff but I still felt embarrassed about it. Even when we would like play house and someone would pretend to get sick, I hated it haha. Being sick around people though has always just made me feel self conscious. My family, especially my dad, is pretty germaphobic lol. He didn't like anyone to come near him when they were sick ha. I always feel like I'm being watched or something. I mean, I know most people don't care and everyone is more concerned about themselves ha, but I still feel like people just see me as a germ that they should avoid and are grossed out by or something. I don't want to be that xP or some kind of potential inconvenience to them. I'm somewhat intrigued by contagion but I don't want to spread any germs myself. I just want them and don't want it to be possible to get others around me sick while I'm sick xP haha. How's thaaaat for rambling xD

I think my current illness has pretty much run it's course. I'm kinda sad about it haha. The cough got a lot better today and my nose is like almost back to normal other than very occasionally sniffly. It lasted a full 2 weeks, but I think it's finally pretty much gone. :( haha I know I should be glad that it happened and not sad that it's over. And I am. It was so nice and a lot more sick than I expected to be, and lasted for way longer than I expected. And onion didn't get sick. It was everything I could've wanted. Other than occasional embarrassment lol but it was worth it to be able to be sick. :P I'm just bummed that it's gone and that I feel pretty back to normal now. And that I'll likely not get sick for a long time. :/ it's like the day after vacation, you're home and back in the swing or normal life and realize you're now the farthest away from your next vacation that you could ever be. xP the past is forever away and future sickness is an unknown distance away that's likely a pretty big number xP it gets me down. I'm smiling because it happened, but I sure am sad about it being over.

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Eh who knows though; they say that 'when it rains, it pours' - maybe this cold weakened your immune system to make you susceptible to getting a cold/flu in a few months (winter is upon us...). That's kind of how I feel anyway. Now I never get sick but I barely go out and live somewhere where the temp is 65-85 degrees all year long so I haven't had a cold in ages. But when I worked I got one maybe once a year? Idk, I guess it all boils down to timing, circumstance, and a bit of luck.

PS I'm sad your illness is gone too. I'll miss it. RIP Boba's cold 2015-2015. :4:

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Well my bf has what I have, except he has nasal symptoms and I don't...yet! Grrr. Is it odd that I'm envious? Jeez, you guys are the only people who'd understand this, as I sound crazy right now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Yeah, it is kind of weird that you're envious.... JOKING! :4: (I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face in real life hehehehehe) You're totally right - this is the place to be for any sort of sneeze-related musings you may have. I've SO been there! I totally feel your pain - I'm with ya, sister!

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