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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Soooo my best friend might be sick. It's hard to tell cus she has pretty bad allergies, but usually she's just sniffly a lot and sneezes pretty often.

So yesterday we met at the store and I immediately noticed that her voice sounded stuffed up xP so we spent a bit of time shopping, then she came over to my apt and we hung out for a good 6 hours or so. We played a lot of card games like poker lol.

Then last night I couldn't sleep haha. She picked me up this morning to go to church with her, and her voice was still stuffy. She talked about being tired and after church we went to another store and then hung out at my apt again. We played some games, ate lunch (which she made), watched some tv, and did yoga haha. We were playing a card game when she was like "I'm so stuffy" and I just kinda acted like I didn't hear xP then a little while later she said something about her still being really stuffy and I was like so fuuun sarcastically cus ugh idk what to say hahah. Right before yoga she went to the bathroom and blew her nose, I didn't want to like pay attention and notice cus I hate blowing my nose where people can hear lol, but it was mostly just stuffy sounding. Then during yoga the instructor on the video is like "breathe steadily in and out your nose" and she's like "I can't I'm too stuffy!" And I was joking with her like "he said to breathe, you're doing it wrong!" Hahaha. And we just kind of joked back and forth. We're always super sarcastic.

She just left a bit ago and now I'm about to finally go to bed even tho it's like 2 in the afternoon xP she might not even be sick. She does have pretty noticeable allergies but she usually isn't stuffy like that. But it's been majorly windy lately. Just in case I did kind of casually let her use my phone and computer and I rubbed my nose or eyes every once in a while.

I don't know if this is a plausible thing or not but every time I try to infect myself with someone's cold, it seems like my nose gets really runny for like a couple hours like it's trying to flush out the virus I just planted in it :| it's probably more like rubbing my nose makes it irritated and it responds that way but still. It's sort of annoying cus I want the germs to stay inside xP

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey all, do you mind if i join you here? im a 23 y/o medical student and despite all the opportunities, i haven't caught a cold in a good ten years. contagion is also my thing (sorta and just with colds, so being in the hospital 24/7 doesn't make it weird) so id love to join the "mission to get sick" train. only if ur ok with it, of course!

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey all, do you mind if i join you here? im a 23 y/o medical student and despite all the opportunities, i haven't caught a cold in a good ten years. contagion is also my thing (sorta and just with colds, so being in the hospital 24/7 doesn't make it weird) so id love to join the "mission to get sick" train. only if ur ok with it, of course!

I'm veryyyy interested to know about your experience as well, especially if it will help me come up with more effective ways to get myself sick xD so I'm totally open to you sharing your attempts and everything. :)

I still haven't gotten sick ha. But for the last week or so my allergies have been sooooooo so bad haha. It's like... I kind of like it. But it's also extremely annoying.

My throat is the worst with allergies. It gets so itchy and painful. And it's been pretty bad for like a month or so. Especially for the last week. And I don't want to spend money on Claritin that I'm usually stocked up on hah cus now that I'm living on my own and paying for rent and stuff... I just want to buy the bare necessities and use the rest for fun and leisure haha.

So anyway... I'll just start with last week when me, onion the sort of complicated bf (things are going pretty well now), my best friend and her bf all went on a longboarding trek. It was like only 15 miles but the headwind was soooo strong. So the whole time my nose and throat are burning like crazy. We took a rest at a picnic table in the park and we're eating some snacks that I brought, and not sneezing suddenly becomes impossible haha. So I went for my classy stealth sneeze where I just hold it in and make no sound and no one notices. Sneezed like 3 times, but didn't draw any attention to myself. So we just chatted about the ride and our route and other boards we wanted to buy cus ours suck for distance haha.

We still had like 7 miles to go at that point. So later, when we're like 2 miles from our destination, we're sitting on the side of the road and I could not stop sniffling. It was kind of gross. I'm like trying to wipe my nose on my shirt the whole time we're riding and sniffling and it's embarrassing to me xP my best friend has pretty bad allergies in the spring tho so I feel like they understand / don't care, and I was tired of being "polite" and trying to not be sniffly and gross. Everything being so itchy and burny was really unpleasant during the long trek. Like I would try to pull my shirt over my mouth and nose to stop the air from burning but it didn't really help hahah. It was still a really fun trip. I tried to just ignore the stupid allergies cus I wasnt going to let it stop me from having a fun time and I couldn't do anything about it anyway. It was a really fun time, I want to do it again asap haha.

Aaaaand when we were crossing a busy street, onion is on my right and takes the sidewalk to the right of the light post on the other side of the street, so I quickly swerve to the left where there's like no room and a big raised square around the light post haha. I made it over with my front wheels so I'm like, oh I made it. I'm good. But my back wheels caught and I pitched myself forward off the board and kicked it into the street behind me hahaha. Onion turned back and saved my board from being run over and the people in the cars were pretty amused haha. We kinda just sat there and laughed for a while, I like flew into the air and scraped my leg and ankle up a bit haha. But not bad. Annoyingly in front of a lot of cars parked at a red light that got to witness this super easily avoidable bail hahah.

Anyway. Fast forward until today. My allergies are the worst in the morning. And usually I sleep from like 6 or 7 am to noon so it's not too terrible haha (bizarre schedule). But today. Onion just left for a flight to visit his family for a week. So last night we skated around a parking lot until like 2 am. My throat was super burny so he made me tea haha. Then he got some sleep while I stayed up and worked and woke him up at 8 ish. We went and had breakfast at a local place yum. Then we went skating again around a super lovely trail by lots of water features and stuff haha. We tried to skip rocks and I sucked at it :P and allll the time I'm stifling sneezes like a ninja. So itchyyyyy. Right after he left, my whole face was just super itchy. Like my eyes and throat and nose and ahhhh. So I like rubbed my face trying to get it to stop itching but it just makes it worse. And I started sneezing so much. Eventually I stopped stifling them and just let them out cus they were getting stronger and I'm home alone now anyway. So I'm like trying to get ready for bed, and just sneezing constantlyyyy. And the tickling was such a tease. I'd be gasping, on the verge of a sneeze, and it would just disappear and come back instantly in the next breath. My eyes were all squinted and my mouth is hanging open with my teeth clenched on one side and it would just keep teasing me until my lungs were totally filled with air and would sneeze so hard ha. Such a relief until the next breath I take continues the itchy cycle. I eventually just stood in the bathroom with several tissues over my face waiting for it to end. I didn't even keep count, but it was probably something like 20 sneezes over a period of 10 ish minutes. Constantly being teased and hitching haha.

So. I mean I kind of enjoy the sneezing. But also hate it cus it's so itchy and strong and wouldn't stoppp. Even now my nose and face is sooo tickly. I have to remember not to rub my nose too hard or it'll make me sneeze again ahhh.

So as far as wanting to be sick goes... This is a decent alternative. But also annoying and I can't just snuggle into my bed and be comfy and be taken care of haha. It's just a persistent itch and super runny nose and painful throat for weeeeks. But I can't complain. It's better than nothing.

I'm queen of rambly posts. I (just sneezed twice for the record ahhh) like to read my old memories. I like to reminisce haha. So a lot of the posts in this topic are for me... To remember, and for trial and error on this whole getting sick mission that I'm constantly failing at. Sorry that the rambling is mostly just boring babble haha. I find the mundane interesting xD time to try to go to bed finally. Face is so itchyyyy gah!

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Allergies are getting rather annoying haha. It gets so hot if I don't open the windows. So I've kept the ones open in the rest of the apt and closed the window in my room but it's so hotttt in my room haha. So I like walked out of my room and the second I open the door and the cool air hits me, my throat gets itchier and I feel like I'm gonna sneeze haha. Such a dilemma. But sneezing so much makes my head hurt and my stomach feel shaken up and throat hurting is so painful xP

So for now I choose to be hot. Cus being so itchy is annoying. I don't even know what I'm allergic to haha. Cus it wasn't this bad in the spring. And I have no idea what's "pollinating" or whatever in the summer.

Had a dream that I got sick while traveling. I'm gonna be doing a lot of flying and road tripping in a few weeks. I got a little excited about the possibility of picking up some germs during the trips xP

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If you had a dream about getting sick maybe it will come true xP. Sometimes I have psychic dreams lol.

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If you had a dream about getting sick maybe it will come true xP. Sometimes I have psychic dreams lol.

I dream about getting sick alllll the time xD sometimes like multiple nights in a row haha. It's pretty bittersweet. Cus I enjoy it but waking up is a bummer haha.

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Ohh. Sorry that happens! At least does happen. Then you can enjoy them while it lasts.

I have an immune system like yours. Last two times I got sick were two years apart and they were both stomach infections. Oher than that, I can not remembert he last time I was sick, let alone a cold, even though my sister gets sick all the time and I never get sick.

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I have some advice! If you are trying to get sick, go get a little sun burnt. It lowers your immune system.

Every time I get burnt, a few days later I come down with a slight cold. :/

Maybe it will work for you


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So for now I choose to be hot. Cus being so itchy is annoying. I don't even know what I'm allergic to haha. Cus it wasn't this bad in the spring. And I have no idea what's "pollinating" or whatever in the summer.

Aahh that is really such a dilemma, windows closed and be too hot or windows open and be too itchy...

I was also curious why spring and summer bring different hayfever symptoms to different people

According to one website

You can have an allergy to:

  • tree pollen, released during spring
  • grass pollen, released during the end of spring and beginning of summer
  • weed pollen, released any time from early spring to late autumn

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I've personally got nothin', boba! I haven't been sick in so long I've genuinely forgotten what it feels like. So much of my life is work work exhaustion work that simply being wiped isn't a clue. Yesterday I had that awful swollen glands sore throat thing, but I seem to have gotten over it by morning. As per usual. Honestly, at this point it's less about getting sick and more about knowing I still can, haha.

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So many helpful posts :) I'll try the sunburnt thing haha. We're going camping in about a week so... Time to get slightly burnt. xD

And I feel like maybe it has to do with the grass or something. The groundskeeper at the apartment I live in is totally on point with his lawn care lol. He mows the lawn every day, waters it almost nonstop (which sucks because it lowers the whole apt complex's water pressure hahah)... Like I didn't have this bad of allergies in the past. I've always had them, but not this bad. It's so annoying! The sore throat stuff is the worsssst. It's totally painful and scratchy and blahhh. But it's been so hot. Like 100, and being in the second floor makes it so much worse. I've been opening the windows anyway and it doesn't even cool down the apt haha. So now I'm just keeping them open at night. And it's super uncomfortable.

So I very very rarely sneeze openly. I usually stifle it almost silently. But I've been sneezing soooo much lately. And since I've been here alone this week, I always just let them out hah. So when I am with people, some of the time I've actually started letting them out :o I never thought I would. But it feels so much better. Holding them in hurts my throat more haha and my head sometimes. I went to a movie with a friend earlier (inside out for the second time, so cute) and sneezed a few times when we were in the car xP she was like "I've never heard you sneeze before" haha and I'm like eeeeek... Hated that she brought attention to it. But I just tried to play it off and was like "I'm usually a ninja when it comes to sneezing" haha.

Anyway, captains, I totally relate to you. I try to remember what it's like to be sick all the time. And I think I have a decent grasp of it just because I knew the last time I was sick that I probably wouldn't get sick again for a long time, so I held the experience really strong in my memory. But it's so faded and distant haha. And I want to know I can get sick, too. I don't want to wait until I'm old to start getting sick. That seems...unattractive and unpleasant. Right now I'm like in my prime, ready and wanting it to come, able to bounce back from it once I need to, able to handle it being really bad... I want it nnooowww haha. And so many people I know are sick all the time. While I make such a big effort to get sick and don't.

That's been like... This underlying purpose I've had for the past few years. And it almost makes me feel lost because I've wasted so much time on it lol, and I don't want to give up trying. I don't want to let it no longer be my focus. But I'm also tired of trying and failing all the time. I want to make goals I can actually reach. And stop wanting this soooo much lol.

I need to have other goals tho haha. Cus I want to get stuff done, and I feel like I'm wasting so much time and effort into failing at getting sick xD but I can't give up.. Just gotta let myself be distracted by other things sometimes. :P

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Go somewhere where kids congregate! Kids love socializing with other kids and unfortunately (but fortunately for you!) they often forget about sickness and hygiene when they're having fun and their adrenaline is going. I bet parks and stuff would be useless if it's that hot outside (germs would fry on the monkey bars, I'd imagine!) so maybe try like, an indoor play area at a fast food place, the public library, and maybe some ice cream place where all of the toppings are sneeze-level hahahaha. Oh man, I still feel the tension building... even at 31 pages later, I like, I need to see this happen.

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Go somewhere where kids congregate! Kids love socializing with other kids and unfortunately (but fortunately for you!) they often forget about sickness and hygiene when they're having fun and their adrenaline is going. I bet parks and stuff would be useless if it's that hot outside (germs would fry on the monkey bars, I'd imagine!) so maybe try like, an indoor play area at a fast food place, the public library, and maybe some ice cream place where all of the toppings are sneeze-level hahahaha. Oh man, I still feel the tension building... even at 31 pages later, I like, I need to see this happen.

Not a bad idea :D there's a super nice library here too actually haha. I haven't been there since I was a kid myself xD there's also a great ice cream place.

A couple nights ago I was laying in bed watching stuff on my iPad lol. And it tipped over and hit me on the bridge of the nose hahaha. It's done that before but this was like a weirdly perfect shot somehow. So now I have a bruise on my nose and a little bump xP haha stupidest way to get a bruise. iPads are dangerous ;) I was telling onion about it and he's like "maybe I need to massage your nose"..... Which made me both suspicious and kind of grossed out. Not to mention massaging a bruise?? Hurts to think about, terrible idea... But I had some like knot in my shoulder that I wanted him to massage recently, and he's terrible at it so we joke about it sometimes. I still was weirded out by the comment about nose bruise massage. Bleh. Creepy.

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Well I'm still trying to be sort of casual about picking up germs haha. We went to the movies, so I run my hand along the railings and the displays that would seemingly attract kids or any demand to be touched lol. We went swimming and played soccer and I got like barely sunburnt lol.

I wonder how people started getting colds.. Like if there's a way other than contagion to get them. Cus surely when they sort of die down in the summer there aren't just a couple of people in each town that keep them from being eradicated and barely pass them around enough until it gets colder and they can flourish. Then there wouldn't be 200ish different types of the cold, there'd be like 3 lol, and everyone in the area that had ever had 3 colds wouldn't be able to catch the same ones... Idk. Like it just seems like there has to be a way to cause them other than catching it. But every experiment and test injects cold viruses into people haha, how is that supposed to prove whether or not something (like cold temperature or lack of sleep) causes colds. If the test subject develops symptoms, they probably haven't been exposed to that specific strain. If not, they probably have. And we'll never really know how or if the whole reason they did the experiment has an affect...

Like man. I've done so much research. And learned that it's confusing and not much else lol. So the only things I can try is to experiment with the most widespread information and hope that it became an old wives tale for a reason, hope that it was discussed so much and assumed to be correct so often because there is some connection. More than just colds are caused by contact with germs. There has to be more information because that's not working for me lol. Neither is exposure to cold temperature, lack of sleep, stress, staying away from people or spending a lot of time in busy crowds... I feel like there's some missing link lol. Maybe there's some kind of level of over exposure? Like if I was just mildly exposed to the germs, they could sneak into my immune system without being noticed. But whenever someone around me is sick, I put myself in contact with so many germs that they can't slip in unnoticed...? I just wish I knew some formula. One dose of exposure + waiting 4 days - a full nights sleep + 20 minutes of chilled body temperature = cold. But that's not how it works. Still such a mystery to me. Grrr.

Going swimming / floating down a river in tubes made allergies freeaak lol. It sucked. It mostly just made my throat hurt a ton. And pretty sneezy which was embarrassing xP even like my ears were stuffy and hurt until I got home and showered hah. My voice sounded retarded and I pretty much just tried not to speak and wanted to dash as soon as we were done with the fun floating hah. So about the whole grass / weeds causing more summer allergies rather than like tree pollen... There were tons of weeds. I kind of suspected grass before but now I'm getting suspicious of weeds lol. Not that it really matters but... I like to define everything eh :P cus it wasn't as bad when we were playing soccer on a massive amount of grass haha but when we were floating around a bunch of weeds it sucked. It just like never goes away. My throat has been perpetually hurting for like a month or more. Makes a couple lymph nodes on the right side of my neck get pretty swollen hah. Even when allergies were really bad during floating the river, it was mostly my right nostril and my right ear. What's up with that haha, the right side of my has allergies? :P jk. But it's weird.

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I remember reading that even without allergies, the left and right side of the nose take turns being swelled up. Which is weird but true, and I'm pretty sure that's why mostly your right nostril was stuffed up. I don't know about the ear though, maybe the right nostril was only causing pressure in the right ear?

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I remember reading that even without allergies, the left and right side of the nose take turns being swelled up. Which is weird but true, and I'm pretty sure that's why mostly your right nostril was stuffed up. I don't know about the ear though, maybe the right nostril was only causing pressure in the right ear?

Yeah I've read that before too. That nostril being the one mostly affected during that allergy experience might've just been coincidence I guess haha cus I haven't noticed it being only that side before. Just annoying throat thing is always on the right. So I was like I wonder if they're connected somehow lol.

Wellll I've been doing a lot of stuff outside lately. I've been super active lately. I don't know whether that makes trying to get sick easier or harder xP at this point I'm skeptical about everything that "lowers your immune system" hahah. Going to go camping this weekend. Which is gonna suck for the allergies probably D: just about a week more and I'll be flying on a plane, which are always receiving blame for spreading colds :P I'll be sure to turn on that recycled air above me.

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  • 1 month later...

I got back from vacation about a week ago. No interactions with colds at all :/ haha bummer. But it was a great time.

Buuuut my brother was here this weekend, and he was totally sick. He was mostly just coughing a lot and sneezed some and sniffling a bit. It just made me suuuuper like anxious because onion is here too and I really don't want him to get sick. As annoying it was to be around my brother when he was sick, it's soooo terrible to be around onion lol.

Onion like broke his finger recently and it's been better now for like 2 weeks, but he's soooo needy. It's so annoying to me. I'm all about care taking, but when someone is just acting needy, it's a total turn off. Even when people actually ask to be taken care of, I sometimes find kind of sweet. But when people are like... Just acting like a doormat and waiting for you to do everything for them, that just annoys me lol. And that's something that onion always does. Then he gets mad at me when I'm not catering to him lol.

Anyway so my brother being sick... My strategy was just act totally normal. Not try overly hard to get his germs. In retrospect, I realized things that I touched that he also touched. But at the same time I was just trying to keep onion away because I caaaan't handle him getting sick right now lol. He's still very much needy from his broken finger thing from a month ago. And he was a jerk to me the whole time... And he's getting better about his attitude but he's still pretty annoying about it. I just want a break xP haha.

I've decided to move back home though. I don't want to live with onion anymore. Even though I have some great friends here and I love the weather, my family really wants me to come back there and they were really supportive when onion was being pretty harsh. He's a fine guy, but he can have a temper and be so needy and our personalities don't mesh that well I guess. So I'll be moving back in like a couple of months!

I'll update if someone (hopefully me) happens to get sick haha. But at the same time, I almost don't want to be sick right now because it'll just stress me out to keep onion from getting sick :P it's worse than when your family is sick, and that's pretty repulsive as it is xD

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Sweet, I'm stoked you're moving - I've been at that stage where anymore exposure to someone's annoying idiosyncrasies can tip the friendship over the edge. Get out while it's still good! Haha! Plus saving money is nice. But damn, I was like, okay she's sick! Here it is.... nope. Haha you're like a medical miracle! :punk:

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Haha I'm sure anyone other than me would love having this immune system. Yeah I'm excited to move. My best friend here really doesn't want me to go and I'll definitely miss hanging out with her. But I think it'll be better.

And so far no illness happening here xP not much of a surprise I guess.

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Haha I'm sure anyone other than me would love having this immune system. Yeah I'm excited to move. My best friend here really doesn't want me to go and I'll definitely miss hanging out with her. But I think it'll be better.

And so far no illness happening here xP not much of a surprise I guess.

Can I ask a question? Why do you want to get sick so badly? Is it that someone will take care of you like in fanfics? Sorry, I'm just curious.

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I think there are a few reasons why I want to get sick. I like the sneezing / coughing hah. I can sort of induce that and fake it but it's nowhere near the same to me... I'm also very much embarrassed by coughing and sneezing but I don't want to be... I haven't been sick in forever, and the idea of it is probably kind of romanticized for me lol. I don't remember the misery, only the parts I like about it xP

as for being taken care of... I do want to be taken care of. But I would never ask for that. Or even try to get it. I understand that not all people are caretakers haha. I love taking care of some people sometimes. But even I'm pretty oarticular about it. I wouldn't expect anyone to take care of me at all, and I definitely don't want to get sick to lay in bed and be served tea and tissues. That sounds awkward and boring and terrible lol. I want to be taken care of, but not for being sick...

I don't really know ah! You'd think I would. I'm analytical and totally over think everything. But like, I don't even know what I want or why. I just want to be sick... I wanted to find a sort of formula where I could have that control and make myself sick. But that isn't working at all. Now I just want it so much. I want to know what would happen... I'm so self conscious about being germy in public lol. I'm afraid that people will be disgusted by my and not want to be around me xP but I want to know...what they would actually do. If anything.

That's a terrible answer. I enjoy being sick on my own. And I imagine what each scenario would be like if I were sick... I want to experience it, all of it, the inconveniences and embarrassment that I know is inevitable..

I don't know how to answer clearly lol. I feel like if I keep rambling maybe what I really mean will be in there somewhere :P but anyway... I met this person about a month ago and they invited me to their small group thing. So I went today and brought my best friend with me lol. The girl that invited me a month ago was there, and was sick. I didn't hardly interact with her. I doubt I even exposed myself. But I can't avoid getting sick forever can I? xP

I'm having some mixed feelings about moving lol. I really think it will be good to get away from onion and move on from that and all. But maaaan I'll miss my friends here. Here I have great friends and there's great weather. When I move home I'll have family and several jobs already waiting for me, and some distance from my ex. But I'll definitely miss my friends. Not like you guys care lol, it's totally off topic of this. This stupid thread has become my diary. It's disgusting. And so long and just one huge failure about me never getting sick.

Edited by Boba
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  • 2 weeks later...

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