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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Man doctors these days really suck sometimes. I hate when prescriptions are handed out as readily as a free t-shirt or something. Plus, I hear ya - I hate it when men are whiny little bitches... huuuuuge turnoff for me.

Yeahhh it's dumb for them to just hand out prescriptions like candy... But people pay all that money to go see em and get pissed if they leave empty handed too. But that's their fault, for being rather ignorant and not waiting for their body to heal haha. I wish doctors could just give them like a rest up and don't go to work for a few days note or something, tell them to drink water. But no one would accept paying money to get that, especially if they would be losing money from not working too I guess. Meh I just wish it was less of a business, patients like customers looking for a new flavor of coffee to satisfy them and doctors just giving them something to satiate them.

Yeah. We were playing a game with like arky and a friend that he works with and a cousin of mine, and arky asked if the friend would work for him since he's sick (he just like doesn't go to work and idk how he doesn't get fired. He rarely tells them that he isn't coming, sometimes he texts to say he'll be late then never goes). Anyway this friend was like nah I'm way too tired and arky is like hope I didn't give you strep.... When he went to the doctor who tested him and told him he doesn't have strep! I was tempted to just call him out haha but I just stayed silent and was like come on... And of course he skipped work anyway.

Just not like a stand up guy... It's really getting on my nerves. Cus he thinks of himself as so smart and selfless, but he's ignorant and screws a lot of people over. Not really intentionally I don't think. But regardless it's still unpleasant.

Anyway. On the good things about life. My sister might come visit to go skiing. That would be fun. I'm totally sore from yesterday haha and I still haven't slept much. Wish my immune system would crash lol.

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Haha arky is no longer sick and is much more tolerable. Its such a massive difference. And I enjoy talking to him again when it's not always about illness speculation. It's kind of confusing and wild...the whole friendship... But not in a bad way...

So anyway. Still nothing sick related for me :( other than like a random migraine that was so badddd haha. Not the kind of thing I want xP buuuut for some reason today I sneezed 7 times in a row. It was like a record, cus usually if I ever sneeze a bunch it's still like spread out over several minutes and because I'm allergic to something like when I'm around cats and stuff. But allergies really aren't that bad here. They we're all within like 15 seconds all together, just like not exactly rapid but each one ending with a breath to build up the next. I was like whoa. It was kind of awesome haha.

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So, I've been super busy so I haven't had time to update til now. But yeah, I guess you win because about two weeks ago I caught a super minor head cold from my bf who didn't wanna tell me he had a cold because he just got over a stomach thing and didn't wanna be the guy who always gets sick. Yeah. I felt pretty run-down and achy and tired but I was on my period so I attributed it to that but then a day after I was stuffy and then a day after that I was fine. No sneezing from me. Some from boyfriend but he gets allergies so I thought it was that. His sneezes are pretty breathy, like HeeehTSCHuuuuu. But yeah, I guess not stealing his tissues worked and keeping my guard down worked too. Super weird.

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So, I've been super busy so I haven't had time to update til now. But yeah, I guess you win because about two weeks ago I caught a super minor head cold from my bf who didn't wanna tell me he had a cold because he just got over a stomach thing and didn't wanna be the guy who always gets sick. Yeah. I felt pretty run-down and achy and tired but I was on my period so I attributed it to that but then a day after I was stuffy and then a day after that I was fine. No sneezing from me. Some from boyfriend but he gets allergies so I thought it was that. His sneezes are pretty breathy, like HeeehTSCHuuuuu. But yeah, I guess not stealing his tissues worked and keeping my guard down worked too. Super weird.

Congrats but bummer it wasn't all that enjoyable :/ that's a good plan tho. I think in the future I'm gonna try to not be so obsessively trying to catch things, I'll just act casual and not even really try.

I had an awesome dream about being sick haha. It was kind of embarrassing cus my nose was like really messy and I was so self conscious about it xP but overall was a pleasant dream.

So arky, that friend of mine that I'd been talking to, I just ended the friendship last night... He was very argumentative and blamed me for a lot of things that were just projection. I usually just told him I didn't feel like talking when he was like that, and he would make all kinds of accusations and assumptions about me that made it hard to just end the conversations. But finally I just told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore. And he continued to talk, he called me and talked for almost an hour about all the problems I caused and what I'd done wrong haha... But I never said anything other than that I didn't want to talk to him, and I felt like it was better for me to not reply cus he would take everything I said as an attack. It's like he just needed my replies for ammo, as fuel to his fire. And it was just unpleasant and wasn't going anywhere.

Here's a short bit of one of our conversations.

Me: anything I say you'll take as an attack. I think it's better for me to just not say anything cus no matter what I say, it will always hurt you, and I don't like that.

Him: oh ya? Anything you say you refuse to admit as an attack. You can't compromise yourself cus it's too hard.

Me: it's okay. I didn't text you to rehash. I'm not interested in talking like this. There's nothing to gain from it. I missed the good times but it's alright.

Him: that contention...is going to become contempt. Be careful.

Him: you created every problem

Him: you'll see that eventually.

I just didn't text back for a while. And he kept sending a bunch of texts like that lol. And another time... He asked me what I meant when I was talking about something. I explained it to him and he didn't like my answer haha. And he asked me why I even told him. He was like..

Him: but why?

Him: not cus I asked... I hadn't.

Him: literally all I've said is what I meant. I don't know where your "vinegar" is coming from, but you're spitting acid. (I tried to make a joke and said if you wanna talk about it lets lose the vinegar haha, I was trying to lighten the mood but.. That didn't happen).

Me: when I said something like "the things mentioned earlier" and you asked what I was referencing (this was me answering his question about why I answered his first question haha)

Him: nope. Still earlier than that (I'm not really sure what this meant)

Him: I've quoted enough for tonight XD (he liked to "quote" our precious conversations and use them as arguments. But mostly he just says stuff like yesterday you said you didn't care and blah blah if I had said something like "I don't care to talk about this anymore" hahah.

Him: you're trying to fight with me... You should stop. We could've spent this time enjoying ourselves. Haha.

But I don't usually even participate much in the conversations. Because I know my words will be used against me. I don't even argue back or try to defend myself. I just try to end the conversations. And he tells me I'm just taking the easy way out and that I'm not even trying... Which is true, I originally tried to stay his friend, but I'm not interested in a friendship that's so difficult to maintain. So I made the decision to her cut him off. It wasn't a good relationship for me or him. So eventually I just had to say goodbye and hang up right when he was like "hey wait a minute"... And he kept texting me like 10 times, saying we can just be friends and try to make it work and not talk about stuff like this anymore. But we've tried that already. And if I'm going to want to end the friendship constantly, I think it's better that I just do it. And move on.

So. It's a huge relief. I miss the fun times we had but it's much more of a relief that i won't be so stressed about those conversations... xP im not saying it was all his fault or something, I know I said some things that made it worse like telling him things like to chill out or that it wasnt a big deal to me or when I would just respond with things like "so you keep saying" when he would accuse me of things. But I tried to pacify him, I tried to comfort him, I tried to give him advice, i tried not caring, I tried everything I could think of, it was just not something I could grow from. It was just a stressor that I needed to eliminate.

Soooooo yay. How exciting. xP no sick updates tho. Boo.

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Eesh. It's super good you ended that. He's toxic right now. Perhaps always. Maybe it's just your chemistry together which triggers him. Idk what it is, but something's not right there. I wouldn't salvage this friendship even if he's apologetic and 'says the right things' in a few weeks or days. My sister had a friend like this and she was way better off without him. He was taking her down with him. But yeah, stay strong lady! Still hoping a cold will come your way soon!!! And some better male companions... ones that are less like... little bitches. hahaha! ;-) My fingers are crossed for you! As are my eyes and toes. Good luck!

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Eesh. It's super good you ended that. He's toxic right now. Perhaps always. Maybe it's just your chemistry together which triggers him. Idk what it is, but something's not right there. I wouldn't salvage this friendship even if he's apologetic and 'says the right things' in a few weeks or days. My sister had a friend like this and she was way better off without him. He was taking her down with him. But yeah, stay strong lady! Still hoping a cold will come your way soon!!! And some better male companions... ones that are less like... little bitches. hahaha! ;-) My fingers are crossed for you! As are my eyes and toes. Good luck!

Yeah I'm sure it was for the best. I still miss the good times haha but doing other fun things instead ;) somehow while playing this game my cousin accidentally invited me to this random chat that also somehow had arky's brother in it hahaha. I was like mashing keys cus we were just spamming each other in the chat haha and then arky's bro is like "what?" And I was like uhhhhhh oops don't know how I got here and then he left haha. It was weird. Super weird cus I'm not even friends with his bro on this game or anything, neither is my cousin, I just recognized his username and was like how did this happen lol.

Anywayyy. Ive been doing all kinds of fun public things lately like going rock climbing and ice skating and to casinos and playing pool and all that loveliness. But I never get sick. Wah. In February it will have been 3 years since I last had a cold :'( haha whyyyyyy.

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You're like a medical marvel... !

Hmmm. 2 possibilities; either he's using his cousin's name or having his cousin spy on you or 2; you guys live close enough to use the same server or he's on a server that yours [used to] connect with often so it matched you up? Iono much about computers so this is all speculation on my part though.

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You're like a medical marvel... !

Hmmm. 2 possibilities; either he's using his cousin's name or having his cousin spy on you or 2; you guys live close enough to use the same server or he's on a server that yours [used to] connect with often so it matched you up? Iono much about computers so this is all speculation on my part though.

Well I was playing the game with my cousin. Not his haha. My cousin was friends with his brother at the time this weird chat thing happened and somehow his brother also got invited by my cousin to the chat or something, or the chat already existed with him in it when my cousin accidentally invited me to it lol. I don't think it was any kind of weird spying thing or Intentional at all. Arky had told me to make a list of something he needed to remember a few days before we stopped talking. I texted him the list, didn't say anything with it, just sent it cus if he needed it I don't want him to not have it, and then I deleted it haha. He texted me back like the next day saying "I'm not ignoring you I just need some time to decide what to say" and I just didn't say anything xP I didn't mean to start some conversation. It was like if he had left something at my house I would send it to him. But he hasn't said anymore since then so.....here's hoping he won't.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No colds for me :/ but when I woke up I was super sniffly cus of allergy stuff. It's often like that when I wake up haha. Usually after i shower or am up for like 15 minutes it goes away. So we were playing a computer game, me, onion, a friend, and my cousin haha. We're all on skype even tho onion and I are right next to each other. I was like sniffling the whole time and sneezed a few times, no one notices except maybe onion, cus they were silent... Then when me and onion were having dinner, my cousin called and I was talking to him and my voice cracked hahah and onion was like "are you sick?" In german cus we're losers and speak super improper german to each other haha. And I'm like me? No... Like all the allergy stuff was long gone by then. And he isn't the type of dude to notice anything or ask anything like that so I was like waaah? Then all awkward cus i felt like I had to overcompensate to show how not sick I was hahah. Like if I swallowed too often or rubbed my nose or sighed or something he would think I was sick xD It would be sort of awkward to be sick since I live with him... But I still want to be sick ahhh.

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My throat is actually really irritated today haha... No other symptoms.

I had like a spoonful of frosting this morning lol and was like ow my throat. Then it stopped hurting and just feels really irritated like I have to cough or clear my throat or drink something but it won't go away xP

Hopefully it won't just disappear after today... Also my birthday is Sunday soooo...birthday cold would be cool :P

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Aaaaand totally fine today. Boo. Gets frustrating to update lol.

Went to a massive packed mall today and was sure to touch everything like always. Which hasn't seemed to help so far.

Ugh I can't even type. Onion is driving right now and he can't drive for like 5 minutes without falling asleep. That's a quality of his that I totally hate. If he doesn't get like 12 hours of sleep he can't drive for more than like 10 miles without falling asleep. I slept for 5 hours, woke him up several hours later so he got 8 hours of sleep and he suggested this trip to Utah where we drive 4 hours and go to fun stores and I'm like yay car rides are so comfy. But then it's like blizzarding and i have to constantly shove him and yell at him and he insists we keep the air as cold as it can be when its blizzardinggggg. So not comfy. And I'm totally terrified to drive his stick shift car in the snow cus I kind of got stuck under a bridge last time I did haha. He really needs new tires.

That's just ranting. And I should possibly be more understanding about his drowsy driving issues but ugh. He has zero self control. And why would I ever marry someone who would potentially kill himself, me, our future kids, and other people on the road whenever he drives. He can stay up fine if he's doing something like playing a video game but not driving?... Regardless of it not being intentional on his part, it's still a freaking massive flaw. Like even if we survived and he wrecked his car... We would be screwed. It's so stupid of him to not even like make an effort. :|

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Um, you may want to tell him to see a sleep specialist? It sounds like narcolepsy...

Edited by Azuralis
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it might be more like hyperomnia than narcolepsy. He doesn't just fall asleep in the middle of whatever he's doing uncontrollably, just like if he isn't being entertained like by playing a video game or physically walking or moving haha. He just sleeps forever and if doesnt get like 12 hours of sleep he's super tired. I'm like the opposite, i can't sleep for more than 5 hours haha. And I've told him he should see someone but he doesn't want to spend money on that... I just have to be careful and make sure not to let him drive any trips if he hasn't slept forever the night before ugh.

Maaaaan every single night I have a dream about getting sick. Every single night. I sneeze constantly in whatever scenario the dream is in, my nose gets so congested and all. And then I wake up and it isn't reality haha :( but stupid spring, my throat is sore and itchy all the time cus for some reason my allergies are kind enough to mostly just affect me there. Haha cold season is leaving and I made it through without getting sick again :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh. I think onion is getting sick again. I want to gouge out my eyes or something haha he makes me so annoyed xP

His voice is kind of raspy. And every time he gets sick and has weird hoarseness or anything he talks constantly. Like he just likes to hear himself talk. He constantly broadcasts every movement, every video game movement, bums to every song, and doesn't stop making noise lol. I'm like shut UP. xP and he just gets sooo needy and whiny. I would love care taking someone who didn't demand it and get pissed at you of you don't act like their servant. But for him, I'm like you're pathetic. There's nothing at all wrong other than his very slightly hoarse voice. It's just the instinct. For a couple days before he got sick last time, this was the same way. His voice sounded different and I was like no. Please. No. And turned out that he was indeed sick. And I feel like the same thing is happening now.

For one thing we had like a big fight recently haha. I told him I don't want to be with him, I want us both to try to meet other people, and he only wants me, and says he'll try harder for me....ugh...I don't want to be a jerk. But I don't want to be with him. But he doesn't accept that, and in his mind we're still dating and he won't let me go. If I do meet someone else... I'll just have to hope they understand the situation and explain again to onion that I'm not his girlfriend and hope he lets it go xP

Anyway. So there's that. Like...it's just annoying. Cus I can be sooooo stressed. So stressed. And never get sick. He's never stressed cus he's like clueless...the one day we try to talk this over and I finally try to get it off my chest and settle things, he gets stressed. I get more stressed cus he won't accept what I'm saying. And after a few days he gets sick because of the hour of stress he experienced??

I don't understand how to get sick. Other people get sick of they expose themselves, if they don't sleep enough, if they're stressed, if they eat poorly, if they don't exercise, if they drink too much, if they get chilled... All of those speculations... I do every single one of those things, each separate or all together, and absolutely nothing happens. It's so frustrating.

I can't even be near him when he's sick ugh. He has no control over things that are totally voluntary. He forces himself to cough all the time and blow his nose all the time when he doesn't need to at all. He's just like "this is what sick people do" and follows some annoying blueprint. Every time he sneezes he doesn't turn away from whatever he's facing, he doesn't cover his mouth or anything, and usually he just like shoots out snot and it's super gross. I'm like come on... He like sneezes in his own food and thinks it's hilarious. And on the video game controllers. It's so annoying and absolutely voluntary, it's soooo easy to learn to turn your head at the very least, or open your mouth so you're not spraying snot everywhere like a 4 year old that thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Its the biggest turn off ever.

And if he's sick, I'm absolutely staying in my room for however long it takes. He's too immature, and I just can't handle it haha. It makes me so annoyed. Better for me to just stay away. Cus every time he's been sick for the last 3 years i've never gotten it no matter how close I was to him. So no. Its not worth it to me to try something I've already tried a dozen times if I have to be around him for that. Ugh. It's worse than family.

And it's annoying because before our whole fight thing stuff was going pretty well. I was like...maybe I should give him another chance. I enjoyed his company. He had fun times together doing things. And then he just ignores what I say and doesn't ever listen or remember. He does exactly what I ask him not to do cus he was never listening in the first place... I do everything he asks me to do, I listen to every word he says and I remember everything... But to him none of that stuff has value. And it kind of hurts when he doesn't even remember what I like to eat or the plans we make a day in advance or anything about me... he tells me he'll change that stuff cus he knows it's important to me, and he never does. And I'm absolutely fine with moving on. I started moving on a long time ago. And every time I discuss it with him and want to find someone who has the qualities I love, he doesn't accept it. Every time I'm like "let's just be friends" and he's like "I'll just have to try harder" and it goes in circles until we leave not gaining anything because he still sees us as together and I dont.

So anyway. This has become the rantiest rant page ever. About the desperation of trying to get sick and he frustration of it always failing and the details of life that don't explain why my immune system is so freakishly unbreakable. Still every dream I have every night is about being sick haha. I feel like a someone on Valentine's day without a date or someone who can't have children on Mother's Day haha. I know its not that serious at all. And I get that I should be glad that I'm healthy and very blessed in the grand scheme of things. But I still feel left out. And the stress of waiting and trying for so so so so long seems even more negative because it hasn't made a difference. xP Vent vent vent.

My bestie here is great tho. I feel like after complaining I have to include the positive side that I'm super thankful for, and the reasons im still totally happy and enjoying life. She's super understanding about the way I deal with problems, which is mostly to do fun stuff and be happy and make good memories haha. She asks about what's going on without being awkward or too sappy. We just laugh it off. And if it wasn't for her I would probably be in a much less fun and more frustrating place haha. And other friends here. Having people to have game nights and go to movies and bowling with and stuff. Super simple stuff but...it makes me happy.

Just wish I could get sick. Ugh. As always if anyone out there has any suggestion on something I should try or a way I could get sick...I'm all ears. Sorry for ranting lol.

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I feel like a someone on Valentine's day without a date or someone who can't have children on Mother's Day haha.

Sorry, did you just compare not being able to catch a cold to infertility?

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I feel like a someone on Valentine's day without a date or someone who can't have children on Mother's Day haha.

Sorry, did you just compare not being able to catch a cold to infertility?

I know its not that serious at all. And I get that I should be glad that I'm healthy and very blessed in the grand scheme of things. - I guess you missed that part. In other words, obviously I know my problem with not getting sick is totally trivial. I just feel the similar feeling of trying and failing, not nearly on the same level. Obviously infertility is a way more devastating issue. Haha I kind of thought that was a given, I didn't know I needed to clarify something so obvious. xD

it's like if I'm hungry, the comparison to something like infertility would be starvation. I'm not starving to death. I'm not suffering. I just have a desire and it's a disappointment when I can't make it happen. I'm not at all saying that just because I'm hungry means I'm exactly the same as someone starving to death. I think everyone understands that. It's just easy to be critical when something is in writing and doesn't contain every single word of intention. I just felt it was implied and unnecessary to include the obvious differences and figured people would understand the comparison without trying to put them at equal value. Hopefully it's more clear to you now haha. I'm not trying to say I have it bad at all. But everyone gets unhappy, and even minor problems get people down. My disappointment isn't serious or vast, but the felt emotions are relatable to anyone who has tried and failed, big or small.

(reread and hope I didn't come across as too condescending or something. Just thought it was an easily understood, casual comparison, and that people would know that it obviously isn't the same. It just shocks me a little that someone would infer that, especially when the very next sentence I wrote said I knew my disappointment was a blessing in comparison to more serious issues. I think everyone can agree that something like infertility or most other issues are way more serious than failing to get sick lol.)

As far as updates go, by some miracle I think his random sickness stuff was just some irritation that lasted all of like a day. It was a pretty annoying day lol but I mostly spent time with other friends and wasn't around for much of it. So he got some rest. And he seems fine now. Massive relief. I enjoy his company for the most part, but him being potentially sick is like being around sick family members haha. Cringeworthy.

Edited by Boba
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I think it's pretty tasteless to compare trying to catch a cold and infertility. I disagree that the emotions are relatable; they are nowhere near on the same level. And frankly, it's insulting to those who are trying hard to have children but can't.

And yes, you do sound condescending.

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Went to church with a friend and ended up sitting next to a sick stranger. Of course I uh didn't try to avoid contamination lol. But it's not like I could reach over and steal sips of her drink or something haha. There wasn't much I could do. I made some effort but hoping not going so all out might actually be a secret to success haha. Who knows. I don't expect much. But it would totally be a pleasant surprise. I also slept for half an hour last night eeeeep. So tired. But that hasn't made a difference in the past lol.

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Went to church with a friend and ended up sitting next to a sick stranger. Of course I uh didn't try to avoid contamination lol. But it's not like I could reach over and steal sips of her drink or something haha. There wasn't much I could do. I made some effort but hoping not going so all out might actually be a secret to success haha. Who knows. I don't expect much. But it would totally be a pleasant surprise. I also slept for half an hour last night eeeeep. So tired. But that hasn't made a difference in the past lol.

You can have mine!! ;-)

Edited by norcal tinkfan
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Have you maybe tried faking the symtoms of a cold and your body sorta gets fooled and you actually catch one? It works for me.

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I never get sick, but I think I may have finally caught a cold. My nose and face have been feeling weird for like 2 days and I've been a little congested, but today my nose was actually stuffy and I have sneezed probably about 15-20 times which neverr happens. I, unlike you, love my strong immune system because I hate getting sick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's pretty tasteless to compare trying to catch a cold and infertility. I disagree that the emotions are relatable; they are nowhere near on the same level. And frankly, it's insulting to those who are trying hard to have children but can't.

And yes, you do sound condescending.

Haha it's okay you kind of do too. I think the emotion of trying and failing is relatable, not the devastation. Obviously there's a big difference, of course I know that haha. No need to get defensive and accusatory about something that isn't intended to be offensive. There are plenty of more serious topics in the world to take offense to if that's what you're looking for. I think most people have a thicker skin, and can see the differences rather than trying to compare the two on the same level. Gotta take a lesson from Taylor Swift and shake it off hahah.

Have you maybe tried faking the symtoms of a cold and your body sorta gets fooled and you actually catch one? It works for me.

That's not a bad idea. I feel like this thought has crossed my mind before but I've never tried it. So thanks for the idea! I'm totally gonna try it :D at least as far as I can go without calling too much attention to myself. I'm thinking randomly blowing my nose (which I like never do), breathing through my mouth some, throat clearing... i don't wanna fake cough or do stuff that would be noticeable tho lol xP it's embarrassing enough when it isn't forced haha.

Edited by Boba
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Been so busy. I've been trying some to fool my body into sickness haha. But im not bold enough to keep it up when I'm around other people xP so when I'm hanging out with friends or around people I'm way too self conscious to continue sniffling and blowing my nose around them and clearing my throat and whatever.

By myself tho, it does kind of create a cycle. Like clearing my throat often ends up aggravating it, and then clearing it comes naturally and I don't have to remind myself to keep up the facad. Same with sniffling even.

I don't feel sick or anything at all yet. But I've been so busy, and been around people most of the time. So it's just like at night I play sick xP I've slept like barely the past few days. Multiple times this week I've stayed up for like 30-40 hours then only been able to sleep for about 3 and staying up forever again after that haha. It's super annoying. My body is so tired but my eyes aren't heavy and I'm so energized haha. I've like been trying to do some workouts and stuff just to tire out my body and make sleep more easy xP but last night was one that I only slept a few hours after being up for almost 2 days, and going running and doing yoga didn't really help. And it's easy for me to refuse sleep once I'm awake and be like well I'll just go to bed early tonight, and end up hanging out with friends until really light and waking up really early the next morning just because my body is used to being awake at that time or something haha.

So that's been annoying buuuuut of course I'm always like maybe I'll get sick from not being able to sleep xP sometimes it makes me feel nauseous which sucks but maaaaybe instead I'll get an actual cold virus instead of just being uncomfortable from sleeplessness.

I'm sure I'll finally hibernate eventually hahah. It's been fun spending so much time with friends and all anyway. But if anyone identifies and has any sleep tips let me know xP I know I need to stop letting my bed be a place of entertainment. I like to watch like a tv show episode or listen to a podcast while I'm going to bed haha and I think that plays a roll in keeping me so energized. But I get so bored just laying in silence and hearing cars and people in the apts next door can be distracting. Maybe I'll try listening to music instead of dialogues :P

Edited by Boba
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