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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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I think the reason people get sick in the winter so often is because you're trapped inside with other people, with no ventilation to filter out germs and viruses. Maybe that can help you?

That's what I've heard. But I'm skeptical haha. Cus it's not like tons of people for sick where I lived in the summer when no one went outside. Like it was really hot and humid, literally no one went outside. If someone's air conditioning broke they had to get a hotel or stay at someone else's house lol. And friends and family were always getting together cus yay, summer, let's all stay indoors and play card games and all...

Idk. Just in case, I try go to indoor places that lots of people would go to get out of the weather. And touch everything. I've pretty much come to doubt everything people say about getting colds. The "facts" change all the time and the experiments are all pretty inconclusive. I feel like there's a secret formula for how to get a cold somewhere out there, I just don't know the variables... :/ But I don't know what else to try. I've tried all of the cliches and old wives tales and everything ha...

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My bf seems to catch everything and I seem to avoid everything and we do practically all of the same things and eat practically all of the same things so yeah iono. As for people getting sick more in the winter due to the extra co-mingling is true. I used to work in the funeral industry and we did 70 percent of our volume in the winter time (and that's pretty consistent nationally). So yeah, that I do know is true! :-)

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My bf seems to catch everything and I seem to avoid everything and we do practically all of the same things and eat practically all of the same things so yeah iono. As for people getting sick more in the winter due to the extra co-mingling is true. I used to work in the funeral industry and we did 70 percent of our volume in the winter time (and that's pretty consistent nationally). So yeah, that I do know is true! :-)

Yeah. I kind of believe there's a little truth in all of the theories. I think cold temperature really does make a difference. I think people being together makes a difference. I think being out in the rain or cold wind makes a difference. But I also think there's a little bit of false information in all of the theories as well. Like obviously, colds can't just be caused by cold weather alone. There has to be a virus. And a bunch of people grouping up doesn't seem to make a difference unless the weather is cold. Like where I lived, even though winter was when everyone went outside and summer was when everyone cooped up together, people still got sick almost exclusively when there was a cold front in the winter, even though no one stayed inside in groups on those rare occasions.

I'm skeptical that the truth has been discovered yet. When we were kids, there was a different theory of how people got sick, and it was "scientifically proven" and everyone took it as common knowledge. Now the people that still believe that are old fashioned and foolish, and we have a new "discovery"... And I dont think it ends here. I think there is still more to discover, and in several years the way we look at it now will be replaced with a new idea and the way we think now will be looked at as foolish haha.

I think theres still a lot of mystery in the virus and i wish I had more information so that I knew for sure what would most likely make me sick. Because you can read back how many times I've undeniably exposed myself to germs of people around me, it's probably been at least 20 times over the past couple of years. I doubt that I already had every one of those colds and flus and was immune to those specific viruses. I don't think I've ever even had the flu haha. And I've done stuff like freezing wet clothes in the freezer and wearing them, always going out in the cold with wet hair and bare feet, getting as little sleep as possible, eating only junk food, being stressed and everything and combining all of the theories together... But there's a piece of the puzzle that I'm missing. And if I knew it maybe I could actually get sick.

Maybe me constantly looking for viruses warns my immune system so they're always on alert and ready to fight off everything haha. Every time I've gotten sick in the last 5 years, it was unexpected, and I was sure i wasn't actually sick until the second day of symptoms haha. But how do I catch myself off guard? xP

Edited by Boba
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Hmmm. Researched this topic a little. You may or may not have tried this, but lots of people are saying hang around in cold weather with wet hair. If I remember correctly, you've been soaking your feet in cold water, but maybe hair will work? One person said to use the same tissue as someone else. Possibly gross, but effective. Perhaps if you don't have anyone to share with, use the same one multiple times? Hope this helps, and good luck!

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Hmmm. Researched this topic a little. You may or may not have tried this, but lots of people are saying hang around in cold weather with wet hair. If I remember correctly, you've been soaking your feet in cold water, but maybe hair will work? One person said to use the same tissue as someone else. Possibly gross, but effective. Perhaps if you don't have anyone to share with, use the same one multiple times? Hope this helps, and good luck!

Well I don't go out with wet hair every single day, but I have the past couple of days. And I've stiffed used tissues of people that were sick in my nose and eyes haha. But I've also read that tissues aren't actually that germy, softer items disperse the germs so it's unlikely that you'll come in contact with them. But hard objects like phones and doorknobs and stuff are supposedly the things that carry the most germs. Buuuuut who knows. Cus I also use like my bf's phone when he's sick. I even licked it lol. And his keyboard and mouse and doorknobs and all. :/

I'm thinking of trying to become obsessed with hand sanitizer or something lol. Cus I'm always very open to germs, but never get sick. And maybe if I douse myself in sanitizer it'll kill the good and bad bacteria and leave me open and vulnerable and unable to fight off the baddies. Hmm.

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I like that idea! Hypochondriacs actually have weaker immune systems, because when they never expose themselves to germs, their bodies never learn how to fight them off. Maybe you can use the same idea and apply it to your level of germ exposure.

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Bf had a weird stomach virus thing over the weekend and early into this week, but not a cold and not something I need to catch this close to the weekend (I have to do the cooking at a family function) so I really need to not get it. Good news is that he gets everything. I tell him it's because he bites his nails and always has his hands in his mouth. Plus he generally gets less sleep than I do.

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My partner gave me his stupid cold and it went straight to my chest. Anyone want it?

Psh of course I do! Haha sorry you're sick tho xP

Maaaan I bite my nails but I still don't get sick :( haha how unfair :P welllll I've been going the hand sanitizer route lately. I keep a little travel size one in my purse and use it like all the time :P and I'm taking allergy meds at night just in case they might lower my immune system. Plus they help me get to sleep, usually I screw up my schedule and stay awake until like 11 AM D: I don't even have allergies at night time usually buuuuut who cares haha.

Went to the hobbit tonight. Everyoneeee was coughing and I couldn't keep myself from touching all the handrails and my face to try to expose myself :/ I'm bad at being germaphobic. I want them! xP

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My partner gave me his stupid cold and it went straight to my chest. Anyone want it?

Psh of course I do! Haha sorry you're sick tho xP

Maaaan I bite my nails but I still don't get sick sadsmiley.gif haha how unfair tonguesmiley.gif welllll I've been going the hand sanitizer route lately. I keep a little travel size one in my purse and use it like all the time tonguesmiley.gif and I'm taking allergy meds at night just in case they might lower my immune system. Plus they help me get to sleep, usually I screw up my schedule and stay awake until like 11 AM D: I don't even have allergies at night time usually buuuuut who cares haha.

Went to the hobbit tonight. Everyoneeee was coughing and I couldn't keep myself from touching all the handrails and my face to try to expose myself :/ I'm bad at being germaphobic. I want them! xP

It's fine. So far, all I have is this lovely chesty sounding cough and I don't really feel bad. :)

I used to be a bit of a germaphobe (not actually phobic in a clinical sense but more like "ewwww, germs, no") before I had a child. Once you've had one of those, if it's not a genuine phobia, it's hard to care as much because you've already had every bodily function done on, at, or near you a million times anyway.

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Stuff with onion is getting annoying. He just thinks it's funny to be annoying, and he doesn't listen to what I say and gets mad for tiny reasons and it stresses me outtttt. I just dont want to be in his company.

But I feel like I can't even say anything because I did this to myself, I trapped myself here with him. I knew what I was getting into. And any advice about it is just going to make me realize what a terrible decision I've made. And I know. It was bad for me, it was bad for him.

Can't even stand it. All I can do is try to stay away from him until he gets over it, and until I don't want to start crying every time he says something insensitive haha. Cus right now I'm too stressed out to talk about it. I just stay silent and take it.

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Honestly, I don't think that leaving home is a bad idea at all. Sometimes it's that push we need to encourage progression in our own lives. This Onion thing is also a learning experience. I honestly think that you guys could develop a decent friendship once you're not living together in the same apartment anymore. You may wanna move into a house with some female students or something so you could meet people and get away from Onion.

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Oh, and don't take it personally. I mean, come on, all of this noise is coming from some dude you call Onion for christ's sake! ;-)

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Honestly, I don't think that leaving home is a bad idea at all. Sometimes it's that push we need to encourage progression in our own lives. This Onion thing is also a learning experience. I honestly think that you guys could develop a decent friendship once you're not living together in the same apartment anymore. You may wanna move into a house with some female students or something so you could meet people and get away from Onion.

Haha yeah true. I just have to try to treat or like that. Like a learning experience. Instead of always feeling like I'm doing something wrong... I just kind of have to keep reminding myself that it's better than Texas at least. And I might not have to lose the friendship.. Maybe.

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Stuff with onion is getting annoying. He just thinks it's funny to be annoying, and he doesn't listen to what I say and gets mad for tiny reasons and it stresses me outtttt. I just dont want to be in his company.

But I feel like I can't even say anything because I did this to myself, I trapped myself here with him. I knew what I was getting into. And any advice about it is just going to make me realize what a terrible decision I've made. And I know. It was bad for me, it was bad for him.

Can't even stand it. All I can do is try to stay away from him until he gets over it, and until I don't want to start crying every time he says something insensitive haha. Cus right now I'm too stressed out to talk about it. I just stay silent and take it.

*big, huge, feverish, coughing hugs*

I'm so sorry.

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Hahaha thank you. Makes me smile xD

I slept like 3 hours last night yay. But I don't do much out in public until weekends so... Unless cold viruses magically become magnetically attracted to me, I'm just avoiding all my chances boooo....

So tired haha. Anyway stuffs okay. Onion is okay. I feel like a jerk, cus I've been talking a ton with a friend of mine. A guy friend. And we're just friends. But all of the deep conversations and like quality time, it's something I want to have with my own bf. But onion isn't open and doesn't like to talk about stuff and doesn't remember the stuff I say. It's just not important to him. But it's soooo important to me haha. Hmmmmm friendships are cool but I hope I'm not being like a jerk by spending my quality time with a different dude..

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Eh, it's none of his business. You guys aren't together so you're free to do what you want. But, it'd probably be a sensitive and slightly douchy thing to share with Onion, obvi.

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Hahaha thank you. Makes me smile xD

I slept like 3 hours last night yay. But I don't do much out in public until weekends so... Unless cold viruses magically become magnetically attracted to me, I'm just avoiding all my chances boooo....

So tired haha. Anyway stuffs okay. Onion is okay. I feel like a jerk, cus I've been talking a ton with a friend of mine. A guy friend. And we're just friends. But all of the deep conversations and like quality time, it's something I want to have with my own bf. But onion isn't open and doesn't like to talk about stuff and doesn't remember the stuff I say. It's just not important to him. But it's soooo important to me haha. Hmmmmm friendships are cool but I hope I'm not being like a jerk by spending my quality time with a different dude..

I agree with AnteatersOnParade. If you're not dating anymore, it's not his business who you spend time with.

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Yeah. I think I'm too hard on myself. I feel like everything's my fault and I'm taking advantage of him and stuff. But I'm a very open person, I was very upfront about not wanting to be in a relationship with him and possibly not even wanting to live with him, and he still made the decision to move with me and said he understands. I feel bad thinking that I'm leading him on simply by not refusing to ever see him again and giving him hope... But he's a part of this too. He chose this as well, i didn't hide anything from him. And I don't lead him on, I don't cuddle with him or even hug him. We just do stuff together like see movies and skate and play games.

So anyway I'm gonna try to think of it that way. Cus I'm tired of feeling guilty about it. He's an adult too.

I just want to mention that since I started taking Benadryl at night, my throat has actually been so itchy and stuff. It's weird. It's like it made my allergies in the daytime worse. But it helps me sleep so well :P I kind of wonder just a bit if I might get lucky and get sick cus it's been really itchy today.

I've still been spending time with this guy I met. But he's in another state so it's just texting and skyping. I never gave much credit to online friendships, I kind of thought they were just fake and eventually fizzled out but "this time it's different" haha.. Maybe not but at least this guy is a good friend and we relate really well and it's easy for us to talk to each other. It's not awkward or sexual or anything. It's just easy and simple and I like talking to him.

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Well no new sick updates :|

A few days go I was skyping my friend, he's gonna be... Arky. So me and arky were skyping and he's been mildly sick for a few days. He sneezed twice, like totally Classic "hih-chew!" One after the other. The beginning "hih" part was like a gradual higher pitch hehe. He also sneezed one other time skyping the next day.

I also have sneezed a few times during our skype calls. So embarrassing ahh. The first time was pretty awkward ugh lol. I was trying to fight it off and thought I was winning, I didn't even attempt to stifle it, it just snuck up, and was like some weird "ksha!" Sound hahahah. I've kind of made it a goal to stifle less. I want to try to stop it. xP and not be so self conscious. So I've sneezed a few times out loud. And been all nervous and kinda weird. But its pretty much like "heh'ksshew" or something idk. Ugh my non stifled sneezes are kind of messy and I hate it, sounds annoying and gross to me lol but whatever. Gotta be less embarrassed.

I haven't blessed him tho. I'm too scared to... Hmm.

(Puke warning!!!)

Last night we decided we were gonna Skype and get drunk lol. Cus we both very rarely drink. And I wanted to just pace myself and have a good time, cus every time I end up so sick. So this time I only had hese 5% alcohol pear ciders. And I knly had 5. I was like, am I even gonna get drunk from this? So like a complete idiot, I chugged 3, and got so drunk. It was fun for like 20 minutes, then I got so sick ugh. Was embarrassing, cus I was like throwing up on Skype. But I'm super super quiet haha so most of the time he didn't notice. Then I was like ugh I'll call you back in like 5 minutes and threw up so much wahhh. And called him back and finally felt kind of better lol. It was not a fun experience. And I was so hungover today. And still like sick from it ugh. But like 3 ciders! How did that make it soooo bad! I'm such a lightweight xP

Anyway I just hope for things like oooh making drinking lowered my immune system for a bit. I didn't intend to get that drunk tho. Just wanted to be buzzed and have fun. I went to the movies today with my friend. Driving in the snow is a nightmare! I've gotten stuck so many times in the past week :( including once under a bridge that was essentially like a pit in between two hills that I got stuck inside. Booooo.

But still not sick. Just hoping :/

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Just make out with your skype friend and steal his sneezy cold!!! ;-)

Let us know if your drunken debauchery lowered your immune system enough to get you sick!!!

I'm hoping to get a cold. BF's sister complained that she was getting a head cold when we went over there for Christmas so I made sure to touch my eyes a lot when we played card games with her. We shall see... it's hard to tell if I'm getting sick because I smoke a lot and that messes with my throat sometimes. Especially during the stressful holidays. Plus I'm quitting for New Year so I've gotta smoke my heart out until then. Sigh. Never caught bf's stomach thing. We suspect it might've been food poisoning but there's no way to tell and it doesn't really matter at this point since it's been a few weeks. He ate oatmeal from a place before he got sick but idk, oatmeal seems like a weird thing to get sick off of. Oh well, look at me just rambling over here. LOL. Can you tell I'm outside smoking? Gah I feel like it's the best place to privately check the forum. Quitting's gonna ruin everything!!!! wallbash.gif

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Just make out with your skype friend and steal his sneezy cold!!! ;-)

Let us know if your drunken debauchery lowered your immune system enough to get you sick!!!

I'm hoping to get a cold. BF's sister complained that she was getting a head cold when we went over there for Christmas so I made sure to touch my eyes a lot when we played card games with her. We shall see... it's hard to tell if I'm getting sick because I smoke a lot and that messes with my throat sometimes. Especially during the stressful holidays. Plus I'm quitting for New Year so I've gotta smoke my heart out until then. Sigh. Never caught bf's stomach thing. We suspect it might've been food poisoning but there's no way to tell and it doesn't really matter at this point since it's been a few weeks. He ate oatmeal from a place before he got sick but idk, oatmeal seems like a weird thing to get sick off of. Oh well, look at me just rambling over here. LOL. Can you tell I'm outside smoking? Gah I feel like it's the best place to privately check the forum. Quitting's gonna ruin everything!!!! wallbash.gif

Hehe awww well good luck with quitting! Maybe you'll get a nice distracting cold to help ;)

A lot of people were sick over the holidays when we were spending time with onions family. And I was rather close in proximity, held the cute sick babies, ate the same food... But nothing seemed to happen from that. Ugh. Now today onions voice sounded like stuffy and kind of sick and I'm like NO. NO. He just got done being sick. And he's so freaking grouchy and whiney and I can't even. The past like 5 times he's been sick I haven't gotten it. So I've kind of given up trying and getting so anxious and hopeful for nothing. But I'll be so pissed if he's sick. He's just super annoying the whole time, super whiney the whole time, about everything. Exaggerates everything. And I won't be around him for that again I swear. I might have to flip sleep schedules again and just sleep when he's home and stay up while he works. Cus I'm not dealing with him being sick again. Nope.

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Welllll tonight I'm having a super hard time sleeping so I think I'll just end up staying up all night, going skiing early in the morning. Too bad my immune system doesn't ever seen to be affected.

Onion seems okay now. I think he was just like... He makes to exacerbate his symptoms like since he was all better, he pretty much got in the habit of blowing his nose when he obviously didn't need to and was just fixating on a problem that didn't exist lol. I'm not really into nose blowing. Especially when it's forced and unnecessary. It just seems like drawing attention unnecessarily and I don't find that attractive lol.

So anyway, remember arky saying he was sick and all? We skype like all the time. His voice was a tiny tiny bit congested and he sneezed those couple of times but otherwise seemed totally fine. No cough, no hoarseness, not much of a stuffy nose or sniffling and not talking about his throat being sore or anything haha. He's just be like I'm still sick every day hahah. And I'm like okay. And now he's talking about how he thinks he has an infection and I'm like bummer. But if you know me, my opinion on stuff like that is to just suck it up and let your body beat it and not taking antibiotics lol. Cus you don't want your body to get uses to antibiotics and stop being affected by them in case something where you actually needed them happened. That's just my "view" on it. And arky is like complaining all the time, generally not even mentioning symptoms just saying he's sick and being dramatic. He like assumes he has something serious and unique to him, like he's the next star of mystery diagnosis. And we Skype all the time and he doesn't have any audible symptoms lol.

Point being it just annoys me, it's nottttt attractive to me for a guy to whine about sickness. Especially when it seems totally fine, and when it's exaggerated and assumed that he has something that the rest of the human race can't identify with and is much worse than normal human illnesses lol. Everyone's had a secondary infection I bet! Much worse ones I'm sure! Like he's been sick for 2 weeks. Any of you guys been sick for 2 weeks? Did you think it was abnormal? I don't even mention my own experience to him cus I try to acknowledge it as little as possible except for occasionally joking with him that he's gonna have to find a cure on a different planet or that he shouldn't be so worried that he's the 1% that still get a practically extinct virus like scarlet fever or something. And he's like so people still get it, there's a chance I could have it? And I'm like ugh. You know it only develops from strep, which I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten without noticing lol. But anyway, I remember being sick for 2 solid months when I spent 3 months in Germany. I don't mention it. I didn't think there was some medical mystery that could turn out to be serious. I knew the whole time it was just normal bronchitis that turned into pneumonia lol, or I suspected that because I'm a human prone to normal human diseases. And went to the doc a couple times and, what do you know, suffering from totally normal ailments.

Anyway it's soooooo annoying. He's a funny, friendly, nice dude but Im so put off by guys that whine about being sick. I'd rather then try to push through it and be tough and let me tell them to slow down and worry about them, instead of them trying to suck all my pity and acting like they're dying from something everyone in the world has experienced lol. It's like acting like you're starving to death after not eating all day. Plenty of people have gone one day without eating, and plenty of people are actually starving and it's actually serious and terrible. And someone complaining like they're the only person to ever experience hunger lol.....so annoying.

Anyway I just had to rant about it somewhere. Tbh my first instinct was to worry that he knew who I was on here. And thought it was doing me a favor to exaggerate an illness or something. But he doesn't relate himself to other people lol. He thinks that he's very abnormal and that his experiences are unknown to other humans. But he doesn't realize that the things he thinks, does, and feels are all things every. Single. Person. In the world! Has felt. Lol. Like he thinks chapped skin he used to get in cold, windy weather was a legitimate allergy to cold temperature. What? Everyone gets dry skin lol. And you know when you think of something and then you see it like very soon after and you're like holy crap I'm psychic. He thinks it's just particular to him even tho I'm like yeah that happens to everyone there's a name for it in psychology lol.

He's an awesome friend. But he just doesn't realize how normal normal things are. Here's some of our conversation today (paraphrasing cus copy and paste makes me nervous lol)

Me - going skiing tomorrow hurray!

Him - I wish I wasn't sick and could go skiing

Me - some day soon :)

Him - maybe. I'll be sick forever tho.

Me - I'm sure there's a cure on Mars! (We have an inside joke about space travel lol)

Him - it's been like 2 weeks :(

Me - that's not that long :P sucks tho

Him - I'm spending all my time sickly I'll never be healthy

Me - nah, you're making your immune system stronger!

Him - immune system fight! What if I lose? :(

Me - then you must've been in hyper sleep (space travels haha) for forever and now you're actually like 200 years old and any virus will wreck you! (Obviously sarcastic of course)

Him - what if I'm dying tho, should I google my symptoms?

Me - lol of course not, it'll tell you it's cancer! Just go to a doc if you want, even if you were positive you had something serious like scarlet fever you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Him - oh no what if it is actually scarlet fever?

Me - haha you can only get it from strep and its pretty much nonexistent now

Him - pretty much? That means I could have it. I get weird diseases like being allergic to cold weather.

Me - it'll be fiiiine don't worry about being the 1% that ends up on mystery diagnosis

Him - I googled my symptoms anyway and when I said my neck hurt it told me I need immediate medical attention.

Me - hahah see it always gives you the worst case scenario. It tells me that when I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my weird allergy thing (throat gets swollen and really sore on one side for those of you that don't know. It's silly). Just go to a doc if you're so worried haha.

Him - i hope I'll make it one more night so I can go tomorrow.

Haha I wouldn't usually suggest people to go to the doctor. But basically I'm like, he should just go to out his mind at ease and realize that uh it's so super normal and not something to freak out about if you get a secondary infection. And then maybe taking dumb antibiotics will make him feel like he's getting better faster even tho his own body would get rid of it on its own cus he's a human and that's what human bodies do unless they're super obviously vulnerable like by age or an auto immune disease like aids or something else that wouldn't just occur to a normal, healthy person. Real people suffer. It annoys me when other people whine endlessly about normal things. I know for most people being sick sucks. But it happens to everyone. Deal with it ;) hahah cus we have several days of conversations like that, and I try to stay lighthearted and fun and never tell him to stop whining about it or anything. But maaaan tonight it got on my nerves after a while.

Haha anyway. Yeah. Sorry. Huge rant, standard post from me. I feel like I'm such a complainer on here sometimes but I have to express it! I can't have any kind of irl conversation about illness or the things that bother me about it xP gotta get it all out here.

The taking benedryl at night thing still makes my allergies act up when I'm not taking it lol. And now it's not even helping me get tired anymore :( I just wanna sleep xP but no great symptoms or anything, mostly my throats just sore and scratchy in the morning then gets better in like an hour lol. Pretty common allergy stuff for me.

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Stupid phone froze while I was still typing and deleted everything lol. So short version now lucky you :P

Arky continued to whine alllll day today and went to a clinic and the doctor told him nothing was wrong with him, he just had a slightly tight neck muscle lol. And arky was all mad that the doctor wasn't doing his job. Doctor gave him antibiotics anyway cus that's how docs satisfy patients that don't even need medical attention.... Haha then even after a professional told him he was fine, he whined about how he couldn't hang out with all his friends since he's sick and I'm like.... Come on. He's a cool dude and all but this medical ignorance quality of his hahaha it gets under my skin so much. It's seems so obvious to me. LIke when someone's sick and when it's something completely unrelated, and when it's just a sore muscle and not some deadly infection....it's so obvious. And he's like "it must be strep" even tho he got tested for it and it was negative. Cus of course he knows more than the doctors and the tests that tell him he's fine, cus for some reason all human experiences and research don't apply to him.

But anyway snowboarding today was great. Wasn't even tired after the all nighter. My throat was so itchy when we were heading home and then I slept for a couple hours, and now it seems like it's gone away xP I feel pretty energized haha. Which is kind of annoying cus my body is pretty exhausted from boarding and I'm like I'll sleep so good since I haven't been sleeping well for a while and didn't even sleep last night. But nah instead I'm like yayyy lets go to a movie or something so hyped xP but in a happy way so I'm cool with it lol. I'll sleep eventually.

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Man doctors these days really suck sometimes. I hate when prescriptions are handed out as readily as a free t-shirt or something. Plus, I hear ya - I hate it when men are whiny little bitches... huuuuuge turnoff for me.

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