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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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I hear stress can make you more susceptible to getting sick. Now, what could stress you out... hmmm.... I mean, this suggestion is purely in the name of science.... you could type out some of onion's obs...you know, for science. 4.gif

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I hear stress can make you more susceptible to getting sick. Now, what could stress you out... hmmm.... I mean, this suggestion is purely in the name of science.... you could type out some of onion's obs...you know, for science. 4.gif

Omg. Ugh. That's evil lol. Uuugh....

I'll share one that grosses me out. So much. We were on our computers. He sits directly across from me. Like our computer screens are back to back on a card table hah. So he sneezed and was trying to hold it in, instead he like sprays everywhere. Ugh. UGH. He got up to go clean himself off and I uhhh reached over and touched his computer and keyboard and my face.

That's all. Ugh. I hate it. I've just been doing casual careless stuff like letting him carry my coat in the store when he offered, touching everything he touches always haha he just went to bed so I'm going to go use his computer that he was just on haha

I just went all out. Alllllll out. I'm sitting at his computer watching Netflix atm haha. I'm wearing the headphones he wears when he used the computer. I rubbed my nose on the mouse, licked it and the keyboard. I rubbed my hands all over them and in my nose and eyes. Ugh. There's this sticky spot that I assume is explosive sneeze. Ugh. I wiped it and put it in my nose. Did I mention UGH?

He had just finished a Pepsi and some food before we went to bed. I dug his napkin out of the trash and rubbed my nose with it. I grabbed his empty Pepsi can and tried to squeeze out an extra drop. I put some water in it and drank it. I put my nostrils around the light switch that he turned off. I ran his still damp, minty toothbrush over my teeth. Wiped my face on his towel.

Ugh. It grosses me out. I just have to do it fast and not think about it. If I dont friggin get sick... I'll be so frustrated.

The one thing I'm majorly looking forward to is not having to worry about getting him sick if I get sick. If I'm the one to get sick first, it stresses me out so much because I don't want to get him sick and have to suffer through watching him be sick with no hope of actually getting it myself. But now, if I do it it, he'll be getting better and I'll be sick without having to worry about which plates and cups I touch and trying to keep him from touching the doorknob and stuff like that haha.

Things I'm planning for when I get sick... I'll try to sleep as little as possible. I won't dry my hair before I go out lol. I'll wear flip flops and a t shirt in the snow. I'm not going to drink much liquid. Except milk. Since grandmothers think it makes colds worse lol. I'm gonna play this stupid game that always stresses me out when I try to improve my rank haha. I'm gonna try to plan a snowboarding trip go running either in like the super early morning or evening when it's coldest.

Any other suggestions? Anyone know anything else I can use to ensure I get sick, and how to keep myself sick? Usually when I get sick it goes like this: day 1 I'm starting to get sick, day 2 is full blow sick, day 3 is starting to get better, then it's over lol. I don't want to just have one day of full on sick! I want it for much longer xP

Onion came out while I was typing that and I was like oh crap try to find a casual way to hide my phone without looking suspicious haha. Anyway he got a drink of water and went back to bed. And I proceeded to drink out of his cup :P

How long until I get sick xP

Edited by Boba
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Oh, man. I'm so sorry! My partner is awesome under normal circumstances, but he is a mess when he's sick, and not in the sweet, caretake-y way. He somehow manages to be vaguely whiny without actually whining all that much and just... hates the world. Any interaction I have with him is unpleasant because he is likely to get mad and I do find myself getting stressed out if he shows any sign that he is getting sick. We are compatible in other ways but when he is sick, it would be better if we didn't have to be in the same living space at all. This has never happened with any of my previous partners, but it did with a former friend and the feeling was just as you described, like, "gahhhh, can I just never be around you until you get better?"

...And then, like you said, I feel bad being annoyed at someone for being ill. But just ugh.

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Oh, man. I'm so sorry! My partner is awesome under normal circumstances, but he is a mess when he's sick, and not in the sweet, caretake-y way. He somehow manages to be vaguely whiny without actually whining all that much and just... hates the world. Any interaction I have with him is unpleasant because he is likely to get mad and I do find myself getting stressed out if he shows any sign that he is getting sick. We are compatible in other ways but when he is sick, it would be better if we didn't have to be in the same living space at all. This has never happened with any of my previous partners, but it did with a former friend and the feeling was just as you described, like, "gahhhh, can I just never be around you until you get better?"

...And then, like you said, I feel bad being annoyed at someone for being ill. But just ugh.

Haha exactly I feel so bad for being so annoyed by it. If he ever was really sick and really needed me I don't know what I would do. If I actually asked me I'm sure I'd help him. but if I know him, he would never ask. And that's something I also hate. It's like he wants me to know he's sick but he doesn't ever just say it. So instead, like when I go out of my room to get a drink at night I hear him snorting and coughing like so unnecessarily. Like forced coughs lol. Or when I go to brush my teeth he comes in and blows his nose dramatically. But when I'm not around and am able to still watch him, like if I sneak up when he has his headphones on and doesn't hear me, or when he thinks I'm still in my room, it's like he's barely even sick haha.

I think if he were a guy that I was into, I wouldn't be so bothered. I'm not a fan of anyone playing up symptoms and trying to sort of show them off lol or seeking pity. But if someone was just open. If they just ever said "I think I'm getting sick" or ever talked about it and didn't make me guess and expect me to comment as if I were their mother haha... I'd like that much more.

He's the kind of person that never tells me what's going on and expects me to just know and make all the right decisions. And gets mad at me when I don't predict what he's thinking. Even that makes me feel bad. Like I'm supposed to know it, so it's my fault by not figuring it out or something. And he legitimately feels rejected when I don't guess what's going on. But I can't help it. And it would be so much easier if he were just open and comfortable and confident instead of needing me to confirm his illness or guess what he wants.

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Oh, man. I'm so sorry! My partner is awesome under normal circumstances, but he is a mess when he's sick, and not in the sweet, caretake-y way. He somehow manages to be vaguely whiny without actually whining all that much and just... hates the world. Any interaction I have with him is unpleasant because he is likely to get mad and I do find myself getting stressed out if he shows any sign that he is getting sick. We are compatible in other ways but when he is sick, it would be better if we didn't have to be in the same living space at all. This has never happened with any of my previous partners, but it did with a former friend and the feeling was just as you described, like, "gahhhh, can I just never be around you until you get better?"

...And then, like you said, I feel bad being annoyed at someone for being ill. But just ugh.

Haha exactly I feel so bad for being so annoyed by it. If he ever was really sick and really needed me I don't know what I would do. If I actually asked me I'm sure I'd help him. but if I know him, he would never ask. And that's something I also hate. It's like he wants me to know he's sick but he doesn't ever just say it. So instead, like when I go out of my room to get a drink at night I hear him snorting and coughing like so unnecessarily. Like forced coughs lol. Or when I go to brush my teeth he comes in and blows his nose dramatically. But when I'm not around and am able to still watch him, like if I sneak up when he has his headphones on and doesn't hear me, or when he thinks I'm still in my room, it's like he's barely even sick haha.

I think if he were a guy that I was into, I wouldn't be so bothered. I'm not a fan of anyone playing up symptoms and trying to sort of show them off lol or seeking pity. But if someone was just open. If they just ever said "I think I'm getting sick" or ever talked about it and didn't make me guess and expect me to comment as if I were their mother haha... I'd like that much more.

He's the kind of person that never tells me what's going on and expects me to just know and make all the right decisions. And gets mad at me when I don't predict what he's thinking. Even that makes me feel bad. Like I'm supposed to know it, so it's my fault by not figuring it out or something. And he legitimately feels rejected when I don't guess what's going on. But I can't help it. And it would be so much easier if he were just open and comfortable and confident instead of needing me to confirm his illness or guess what he wants.

Oh, lord. That would drive me nuts. Absolutely nuts.

At least my partner warns me when he thinks he's getting sick, and I don't think he intentionally plays it up. He's just unpleasant to be around because feeling ill makes him super cranky (and not in the cute way) and I think my kink or whatever makes it worse because everything associated with an illness is a million times more noticeable for me. So I go into it already defensive because I know he's going to be a cranky butthole and then he's (rightfully) upset when I'm essentially pissed off at him for being sick.

We have learned to mostly avoid each other when one of us is not feeling well. I don't like to be fussed over anyway.

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Oh man, for future reference; when you find a dude you're super into, don't tell him about the fetish. I told my boyfriend once like five years ago and to this day he really plays up his colds and whines about how he doesn't feel well. It can be a little cute but yeah when he overdoes it I just find that he's being a drama queen. I mean, obviously it's your choice, but yeah, heed my warning... wallbash.gif

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I've heard that sneezes are the way to get sick. Apparently kissing someone with a cold only works about 25 percent of the time. Probably cause saliva doesn't carry as many germs as snot does. If the combination of chills, lack of sleep, eating crap, and keeping super active doesn't work, then it probably wasn't meant to be. If that's the case, I suggest you submit your body to the cdc for research purposes...science... always for science. ;-)

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I've heard that sneezes are the way to get sick. Apparently kissing someone with a cold only works about 25 percent of the time. Probably cause saliva doesn't carry as many germs as snot does. If the combination of chills, lack of sleep, eating crap, and keeping super active doesn't work, then it probably wasn't meant to be. If that's the case, I suggest you submit your body to the cdc for research purposes...science... always for science. ;-)

Yeah I've also heard that about saliva haha. But for me my sneezing is like 80% from my mouth so my sneezes probably aren't all that contagious lol. But this morning once he left for work I laid in his bed, face down in his pillow. I drank some of his tea today.

I'm not as annoyed by it anymore at all. It doesn't even seem like a very bad cold at all, which makes me still slightly annoyed that he plays it up when I'm around. And he doesn't even know about the fetish. I'm also wondering if this is gonna be one of those viruses that's too wimpy for me :/ and will just pass me over. I just praaaay that t magically didn't affect him very much but will totally take me out. I hope.

Yeah usually once he starts getting better, I just get relieved that it's finally going to be over and I don't have to be so aggravated about it haha. So now it's okay. I really hope I get sick though.

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Man, after 26 pages, my fingers are so crossed for you!!!! Hehehehe, the saga continues!

Hahah I know!! Has it been over a year since I started this post yet?? Ugh. I started this with such determination, I expected my plans to work within like months.

Added - so for today's attempts at getting sick, I didn't do anything too all out or crazy haha. We went shopping and I got a drink and onions all like "can I try" and I'm like of couuuurse lol.

Later we were in a drive thru and got some fries. He sneezed in the car before we got our food came, and I opened my mouth and he fed me some fries haha.

Other than that it was just stuff like, watching what he touched and touching it myself xP I'm getting to the point where I feel like it might just skip me :/ it's happened so many times like this where I've gone to great lengths to get sick. Like, seems impossible to avoid getting sick. Yet I never actually get sick. :( the anticipation is so ridiculous. I test every swallow hoping my throat will be sore, every time my nose runs a tiny bit I do like an assessment of if I feel like a potential illness is coming on haha. But nothing at all yet.

I mean I could read into the tiny details like today I had a headache, I was pretty tired earlier. But I'm like 90% sure that's just me looking for symptoms hah. Ugh time of the month started today too so I'm sure that had much more to do with the headache. And I like threw up and felt so shaky and weak and bleh but that happens almost every time for me haha. So painfullll. But now it's much better. Which is a little like... Aw I wish the shaky weakness stuff was caused by a fever or something instead xP

whether I get sick or not, I really want to get out of the house and do stuff. But I don't want to like go when he's sick and make his worse. Ugh no. And I can't help imagining doing all of these things while I'm sick. That would be great. Like sledding, hiking, skating, driving out to where I grew up to look at the stars...

Ugh my fingers are crossed a million times.

Edited by Boba
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Haha now I have all of these plans to do things with the bestie over the next week and I'm like "lol well in actually planning on being sick so..." Jk of course I didn't say anything at all I just am like hmm if I do get sick do I hang out anyway and be the jerk friend who exposed everyone to sicky-ness or do I just cancel and stay all bored by myself but not get other people sick... I get so self conscious about being around people when I'm sick. i don't want to gross them out or make them worry that they'll get my germs or anything haha.

And this is all with the hope that I'll get sick. That's still to be determined. Ugh but right now I haven't slept yet, my head hurts soooo much. It's making me feel nauseous ugh. It's sp heavy. And I'm probablt just tired but whatever. Just in case it blossoms.

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Normally I'd probably advise you to stop focusing on it so much because in my experience, whenever I've stopped focusing on something happening, the thing essentially happens. However, this seems to be taking care of the stress thing... so... hmm. We have a storm coming out here. Is it going to hit your part of the US? You could sit out in the freezing rain for a while. Or jog in it. I feel like when I was younger, whenever I'd get sweaty in the cold and wet weather, I'd wake up sick the next day.

I've really been enjoying the anticipation. When you started this, I felt the exact same way and it had been years since I'd been sick so I was wondering which one of us would succumb first. Hasn't been either of us yet... page 26... hahahaha god we're ridiculous. This whole thing is too funny.

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Normally I'd probably advise you to stop focusing on it so much because in my experience, whenever I've stopped focusing on something happening, the thing essentially happens. However, this seems to be taking care of the stress thing... so... hmm. We have a storm coming out here. Is it going to hit your part of the US? You could sit out in the freezing rain for a while. Or jog in it. I feel like when I was younger, whenever I'd get sweaty in the cold and wet weather, I'd wake up sick the next day.

I've really been enjoying the anticipation. When you started this, I felt the exact same way and it had been years since I'd been sick so I was wondering which one of us would succumb first. Hasn't been either of us yet... page 26... hahahaha god we're ridiculous. This whole thing is too funny.

Haha oh man. You still have to update me when it comes for you! I feel the same way about when I'm focusing on getting sick.... Like I always focus on it so much, then my body is too prepared for it to let it take over lol. But I don't think I can stop focusing on it. I also wonder if I can over expose myself to a germ, and if overloading somehow makes my immune system learn the germ faster and fight it off before it shows up... But all just reasons I tried to use to explain why I didn't get sick all those other times I was in a scenario like this.

I still feel fine Today though... Waiting semi patiently..

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Oh, I'll definitely stick a post here when it happens! Man, if I get through the holidays without getting sick it'll be pretty amazing because I'm doing a lot of traveling and seeing a lot of different people and it's going to be super stressful and way colder than where I live. So we'll see, right? Bf had a really minor cold about a month ago, wasn't really worth posting any obs on, but I totally stole his tissues and made out with him like crazy and tried smoking outside with no jacket but nothing. Ugh, I think I sleep too much and that's something I have a hard time changing if I can help it haha (totally admire your self-control on that one!).

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Oh, I'll definitely stick a post here when it happens! Man, if I get through the holidays without getting sick it'll be pretty amazing because I'm doing a lot of traveling and seeing a lot of different people and it's going to be super stressful and way colder than where I live. So we'll see, right? Bf had a really minor cold about a month ago, wasn't really worth posting any obs on, but I totally stole his tissues and made out with him like crazy and tried smoking outside with no jacket but nothing. Ugh, I think I sleep too much and that's something I have a hard time changing if I can help it haha (totally admire your self-control on that one!).

Man I know how you feel sometimes about the sleep haha. Sometimes I try really hard to stay up all night but if I don't have someone to hang out with I'll like fall asleep wherever I'm sitting and wake up hours later like noooooo. Tonight I'm determined to stay up all night and day though since I'm doing stuff with a friend Saturday and don't want to be too dead for that haha.

Definitely hope to hear that you get sick over the holidays :) I've been sleeping with my window open which is pretty freezing. That's the thing I'm worst at is tolerating cold. I love cold weather when I can be all bundled up and stuff but trying to force myself to sleep in a freezing room in no clothes and stuff... I last like an hour at most before I'm like I casaan't lol.

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Oh, I'll definitely stick a post here when it happens! Man, if I get through the holidays without getting sick it'll be pretty amazing because I'm doing a lot of traveling and seeing a lot of different people and it's going to be super stressful and way colder than where I live. So we'll see, right? Bf had a really minor cold about a month ago, wasn't really worth posting any obs on, but I totally stole his tissues and made out with him like crazy and tried smoking outside with no jacket but nothing. Ugh, I think I sleep too much and that's something I have a hard time changing if I can help it haha (totally admire your self-control on that one!).

Man I know how you feel sometimes about the sleep haha. Sometimes I try really hard to stay up all night but if I don't have someone to hang out with I'll like fall asleep wherever I'm sitting and wake up hours later like noooooo. Tonight I'm determined to stay up all night and day though since I'm doing stuff with a friend Saturday and don't want to be too dead for that haha.

Definitely hope to hear that you get sick over the holidays smile.png I've been sleeping with my window open which is pretty freezing. That's the thing I'm worst at is tolerating cold. I love cold weather when I can be all bundled up and stuff but trying to force myself to sleep in a freezing room in no clothes and stuff... I last like an hour at most before I'm like I casaan't lol.

Do you know any children? My son has a cold seemingly every other week in the winter and my partner and I used to always catch them even though we had great immune systems pre-kid. It's only been the past year or so that we usually don't get sick from him anymore.

There is probably something to the sleep-deprivation thing, too, because having a kid definitely cuts into your sleep hours. But our kid has gotten other people sick, so. We warn people and everything if he's got so much as a sniffle before we bring him around anyone, but when they're small you pretty much end up spreading their cold germs everywhere unless you keep them in a bubble.

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Nope I don't know any kids.. I've tried in the past to just hang around playgrounds or touch toys and things that seemed irresistible to touch if you were a kid lol. The only thing I can really think of is going to the church here or something and trying to sort of see if I notice any sick kids touching stuff xP

Well right now I'm soaking my feed in cold water. The good ol myths go with that so why not right xP I remember reading an experiment where some people put their feed in cold water for 20 minutes and the others put them in an empty basin and kept their socks and shoes on lol and this was like the one experiment I could find where they didn't administer the cold virus into the subjects' noses. They just let them go on to live their lives and the people who had soaked their feet in cold water were like twice as likely to get sick naturally. Instead of them exposing them to cold conditions and the virus, which doesn't prove at all whether cold conditions can cause or increase the likeliness of a catching a virus haha.

So anyway... Brr. What else should I do xP Classic go outside with wet hair? Lol

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Starting to feel like it's hopeless haha :( I got suspicious of bf being sick on Sunday. Now it's Friday and still nothing for me.

When I've gotten sick before, it was usually 4 or 5 days after I exposed myself. And seemed to be true last time I was sick (nearly 3 years ago) and my bf got it 5 days later.

Ugh the thing is I've slept so much the past few days. At terrible weird times like noon to 8 PM, but still, plenty of sleep :/ in the past when I've exposed myself I would stay awake for like 50 hours straight and still not get sick so maybe my amount of sleep has nothing to do with it... But if I don't get sick now, then when?! And I'll have to worry about onion getting sick or God forbid he gets sick again and I repeat this desperate attempt...

I don't understand! I don't eat healthy, I don't exercise much, I'm so obviously exposed to germs but I evade every single one no matter what. Wahhhhh it makes me so fucking depressed. And I know that as soon as I do get sick I'll probably have to wait another 3 years until the next time I get sick again :( i want my immune system to be weak. I know I should be thankful that it's so strong but ugh. I'm not.

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You could take a city college class or two. That'll definitely get you the exposure you need. Or a job at a daycare or pre-school.

At my last job, I used to have to make daily trips to the county health department. There are always people there coughing and sneezing and looking generally pretty contagious! Hahaha, also the DMV. I feel like people wait until they have a bad cold, take a sick day, and then go to the DMV. Go get a new driver's license for your state or at least an ID and a cold! Hehehehe. Full of ideas here. Full of em. You could rub your eyes after touching cold meds at a drug store. You could pretend to be stocking up. It's a good time, esp since onion just got a cold and all.

Hahahaha, I love how invested I am in this! I like, SO want you to get a bad cold!!!

Edited by Joal 555
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You could take a city college class or two. That'll definitely get you the exposure you need. Or a job at a daycare or pre-school.

At my last job, I used to have to make daily trips to the county health department. There are always people there coughing and sneezing and looking generally pretty contagious! Hahaha, also the DMV. I feel like people wait until they have a bad cold, take a sick day, and then go to the DMV. Go get a new driver's license for your state or at least an ID and a cold! Hehehehe. Full of ideas here. Full of em. You could rub your eyes after touching cold meds at a drug store. You could pretend to be stocking up. It's a good time, esp since onion just got a cold and all.

Hahahaha, I love how invested I am in this! I like, SO want you to get a bad cold!!!

Taking a college class isn't a bad idea but I don't have moneyyy lol. And I actually do touch all of the cold medicine in drug stores xD I like hide / get separated from onion and go touch all of the cold and flu medicines hahaha. But I'll admit I haven't done that in a while. I think I should next time we go to the store.

Well so far I've successfully stayed up all day. So tired. Onions getting on my nerves a little cus I'm tired and he's like totally better now but he continues to do the dramatic snort thing. For no reason. Like uh those of us that are obsessed with illness know when it's necessary, or at least when it sounds reasonable. He just like does it out of habit or something. Or because he wants me to notice haha. And it's annoying.

Ugh it was really a wimpy cold, barely lasted him 5 days... So I guess I shouldn't be surprised if I don't get it but... I want xP

There is actually a daycare at the church here my mom suggested I try to work it haha. But I don't think its hiring.

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Well still not sick today. Grr. I'm soaking my feet in cold water again. I'm just going to try to do it for like a week or something to see if it magically makes something happen. I used to try to soak my feet in ice water in Texas but the water here gets way colder so I'm hoping this will somehow make a difference.

I'm so annoyed. I just want to get sick. I might walk to the store in the cold when the sun comes up a little, or walk to the Walgreens and try to feel all of the medicine. I'm just so frustrateddddd I can't get sick. It's like impossible. Ugh. In about a month it will have been 3 solid years without getting sick... :/ ugh

This is pretty gross but I don't care. I think I'm gonna try not washing my hands haha. In the past I've like rubbed my hands in my nose and eyes plenty, then washed my hands after. But I think I'm just gonna try going without it. I mean I think it's sort of gross, but what's the worst that could happen? A stomach virus? At least that would leave my immune system fighting it and letting the cold viruses come on in..

Edit - just got done showering. I decided to go with switching the water from freezing to super hot like ever couple of minutes haha. It was was super unpleasant but also super comfy xD now I'm standing in front of the open window all wet and stuffs. It's pretty windy and cold. But the air is so freshhhh.

Edited by Boba
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Wellll today hung out with my friend at the mall. Then we went to an animal shelter cus her bf is getting a dog, so we were outside for a while and it was blizzarding and I conveniently forgot my jacket in the car lol. Soooo cold.

My throats all scratchy cus we were looking at the cats too yay for allergies. Soooo there's the part of me that's like please just stick around and turn into a real sore throat. xP I'm sure it won't but ya know. I can dream.

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At least the hot-cold switch will be nice for your skin hahaha. It's funny, I know there's a lot of conflicting information about the cold and whatnot, but from my research, people who have allergies almost have like, hyper-vigilant immune systems. In fact, carrying a cold and not experiencing symptoms could make your immune system not as good as someone who maybe does experience symptoms because the symptoms that make us sick from a cold come from histones which result from your immune system making antigens to battle the cold. Or something like that. But I was thinking, allergy medication is actually supposed to suppress your immune system which is why people with immunologically-compromising illnesses have to consult doctors before taking them. Making taking allergy meds will lower your immune system? You may wanna research that. Iono, you'll try anything, right? LOL

Sucks you still don't live where they do that cold-research thing. I wanted to do it soooo bad and the money's great but the travel made it not worth it. sadsmiley.gif

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At least the hot-cold switch will be nice for your skin hahaha. It's funny, I know there's a lot of conflicting information about the cold and whatnot, but from my research, people who have allergies almost have like, hyper-vigilant immune systems. In fact, carrying a cold and not experiencing symptoms could make your immune system not as good as someone who maybe does experience symptoms because the symptoms that make us sick from a cold come from histones which result from your immune system making antigens to battle the cold. Or something like that. But I was thinking, allergy medication is actually supposed to suppress your immune system which is why people with immunologically-compromising illnesses have to consult doctors before taking them. Making taking allergy meds will lower your immune system? You may wanna research that. Iono, you'll try anything, right? LOL

Sucks you still don't live where they do that cold-research thing. I wanted to do it soooo bad and the money's great but the travel made it not worth it. sadsmiley.gif

Yeah I totes wish I could be part of one of those experiments. That's like the dream... Get paid to have a cold. Heck yes. I did like a tiny bit of research and most places said like it affects such a minuscule piece of your immune system that it doesn't count, or that having allergies in the first place lowers your immune system. But idk. I'm trying it anyway lol. I took a couple benedryls. I don't know if there's a most immune system impacting type of allergy medicine.... I'd be up for it lol.

I'm just so frustrateddddd this shouldnt be humanly possibly xP at least not for someone with my kind of lifestyle. It's not like I grew up in a city where I caught every cold and built up an immunity. And oddly the people I know who have allergies get sick pretty often. Mine aren't all that bad, it mostly just messes with my throat. But still... Why don't I ever get symptoms :/ all the stupid sites are like blah if you don't get out much a and stay couped up in your home you'll make yourself vulnerable to viruses. I feel like everything people say about your immune system has to be bullshit cus it doesn't apply to me at all lol. If mines just different then I sure wish I knew my immune systems person weakness xP

I did go to Walmart and touch a bunch of cold medicines. I'm almost tempted to get that like nasal spray where If you use it for like a couple weeks straight you get a chronically stuffy nose. You become dependent to it because you have to keep using it to unblock your nose but really it just makes it more blocked after a few hours. Haha I want it :P

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I think the reason people get sick in the winter so often is because you're trapped inside with other people, with no ventilation to filter out germs and viruses. Maybe that can help you?

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