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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Yeah, any change?

I'm almost better, aside from the cough and stuffy nose. It's not as bad though, which is good. I'm still really tired though. I woke up at almost nine (The past couple of days I've been waking up super early, like before six AM), and took almost an hour and a half nap, and I'm STILL tired haha.

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Yeahhh right? It's a little freaky for those of us that embrace germs xD

I'm not much afraid of it tho. As much as the media and conspiracy surrounding it tries to create panic about it, I'm like... Meh. I'm even in Texas where it's at :o scary lol.

Anyway so on Sunday last week, went to a wonderful concert (Austin city limits) and packed in with tons of other people for 5 hours to see Lorde lol. It was amazing. Of course no one around me seemed sick but still, I was a bit hopeful. Then I went to grandmas for a week, just got home a few minutes ago... And my sister is sick!! She only just got sick yesterday so I hope I didn't miss it. Now I'm doing the same old touch her things, rub my eyes, rub my nose, everything I can... Might try to uh borrow some of her used utensils or tissues (ugh as much as that grosses me out). I just don't want it to skip over me again like it has every other time someone close to me has gotten sick lol. There's hope!

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Yeahhh right? It's a little freaky for those of us that embrace germs xD

I'm not much afraid of it tho. As much as the media and conspiracy surrounding it tries to create panic about it, I'm like... Meh. I'm even in Texas where it's at 7.gif scary lol.

Anyway so on Sunday last week, went to a wonderful concert (Austin city limits) and packed in with tons of other people for 5 hours to see Lorde lol. It was amazing. Of course no one around me seemed sick but still, I was a bit hopeful. Then I went to grandmas for a week, just got home a few minutes ago... And my sister is sick!! She only just got sick yesterday so I hope I didn't miss it. Now I'm doing the same old touch her things, rub my eyes, rub my nose, everything I can... Might try to uh borrow some of her used utensils or tissues (ugh as much as that grosses me out). I just don't want it to skip over me again like it has every other time someone close to me has gotten sick lol. There's hope!

I'm in california XD It hasn't hit here year, i don't think (I refuse to research it and freak myself out) The only thing that freaks me out is that my soon to be sister-in-law is going to be a nurse o_O

Colds are only contagious in the first 48 hours so GET ON THAT

(I kinda want to get sick again. As much as it sucked, now I know I CAN get sick hahaha)

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Yeahhh right? It's a little freaky for those of us that embrace germs xD

I'm not much afraid of it tho. As much as the media and conspiracy surrounding it tries to create panic about it, I'm like... Meh. I'm even in Texas where it's at 7.gif scary lol.

Anyway so on Sunday last week, went to a wonderful concert (Austin city limits) and packed in with tons of other people for 5 hours to see Lorde lol. It was amazing. Of course no one around me seemed sick but still, I was a bit hopeful. Then I went to grandmas for a week, just got home a few minutes ago... And my sister is sick!! She only just got sick yesterday so I hope I didn't miss it. Now I'm doing the same old touch her things, rub my eyes, rub my nose, everything I can... Might try to uh borrow some of her used utensils or tissues (ugh as much as that grosses me out). I just don't want it to skip over me again like it has every other time someone close to me has gotten sick lol. There's hope!

I'm in california XD It hasn't hit here year, i don't think (I refuse to research it and freak myself out) The only thing that freaks me out is that my soon to be sister-in-law is going to be a nurse o_O

Colds are only contagious in the first 48 hours so GET ON THAT

(I kinda want to get sick again. As much as it sucked, now I know I CAN get sick hahaha)

My contagion fetish always goes into overdrive when colds and flus hit, this time of year, but the presence of stronger and more destructive or deadly pathogens frequently stop me from trying to pick up whatever is going around, unless it's a close friend or loved one and I've sort of watched it unfold.

Also, contrary to popular belief, colds are still contagious well into the week -- sometimes up to two weeks post exposure and subsequent development of symptoms. It's more that they are MOST contagious prior to when symptoms develop (as the body hasn't waged an immune response yet) and within the first 48 hours after symptoms develop. That said, the longer you spend in close contact with someone who is infected, the chance you'll succumb as well is still alive and well. Particularly if they cough and sneeze on you, or on objects that you then touch and then touch your mouth, nose, eyes. It doesn't help (or does help, since you're keen to get sick again!) that people often stop being careful after the first couple days because they figure if they haven't caught it by now they are not liable to do so.

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Well so far I haven't gotten anything. Yeah I've heard colds are much less contagious after the first couple of days, so I tried hard the when I found out she was sick. Though plenty of times I've been around people before, during, and after their illness constantly, literally being coughed on and licked and sharing food and drink and touching things they sneeze on or their tissues and blah blah, yet I still never got sick from it. According to alllll evidence, it should work, I shouldn't be already immune to every single germ I come in contact with. Yet I am.

Anyway so now.... Some uh super crazy stuff happened on Monday night. I won't go into details. But my complicated ex and I moved together to Idaho lol, like 2,000 miles away from where we lived in Texas. We just got here today and are looking for an apartment tomorrow, so yay stress makes you sick right?..... And it's much much colder here, loving that. And at least now I won't feel like I have to be really careful if I get sick around my mom, who's doing great and stuff but I don't want to make anything hard on her body hah..

So, super spontaneous move and we like barely have enough money. I don't have a job yet but guy does and living here will be great. I have friends here, he has family, the weather is better, and I'm freed from the stuff that was going on at home.

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Sounds like an exciting new adventure to me! Plus, you picked a less-expensive place to live so you should be good until you can secure some employment. Temp agencies are a good way to secure good connections to more permanent positions... an obviously you can type... so yeah. Good luck!

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Hehe thank you :)

Yeah the money stuff is a little hard but it'll be better when we're both getting paychecks. A friend of mine said she can get me a part time job, so at least I'll have something while I'm looking for a job with more hours.

Still not sick :( haha I'm so ready for it. I'm in a new place, not around my family, it's nice and cold and soon I'll be working and having to deal with being sick in public if I ever get sick then lol. Now would be a lovely time.

On the bright side, allergies are pretty decent here. Usually just in the morning, or like last night when we went to a haunted theater that was all dusty and stuff. That was a little awkward, I had to sneeze the whole time and was just trying to hold it back. It was kind of like a maze, and it was super dark, so we're winding through these super dark, super narrow passages, sometimes having to crawl or climb. And I'm just trying to find a direction to sneeze that isn't toward someone that was with us lol (there were 5 of us). So when I absolutely had to I would just duck to the side and stifle, but after a few times they were building up to be too strong to be silent, so I would like squeak as softly as possible hahah.

And of course, I get a little hopeful and am like, sure it's super dusty and here and feels like allergies but what if just maaaaybe it doesn't go away when we leave and starts to feel like a cold?? But no.

But it has to happen sometime. I feel like being in a new place makes me more likely to get sick, idk. Around some new germs maybe. I hope haha.

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I'm new to the forum and I find this thread very interesting. I've always enjoyed having colds since I was little. I remember one day after I recovered from a cold I innocently told my mom that I wished I still had that cold. She was a bit bafled and asked me why I wanted to be sick. I told her because it was fun sneezing and blowing my nose all day. She said I was silly but apparently didn't think much of it.

Now like you, I don't get colds very easily anymore. The last cold I had was about 2 years ago. I have allergies twice a year (in the spring and fall) which I also enjoy but I like colds more than allergies. Anyway, last night I started caughing and today my throat is sore. It will be interesting to see if it develops into a full blown cold. It would be really fun to have a cold on top of my allergy smile.png I don't care for the caughing and sore throat though, just the sneezing and runny nose. But you can't be too picky right? smile.png

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will have a cold in the next day or so. I have never really gone out of my way to catch a cold but this thread has given me some ideas in case I fail to get sick this time twitchsmile.gif

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I'm new to the forum and I find this thread very interesting. I've always enjoyed having colds since I was little. I remember one day after I recovered from a cold I innocently told my mom that I wished I still had that cold. She was a bit bafled and asked me why I wanted to be sick. I told her because it was fun sneezing and blowing my nose all day. She said I was silly but apparently didn't think much of it.

Now like you, I don't get colds very easily anymore. The last cold I had was about 2 years ago. I have allergies twice a year (in the spring and fall) which I also enjoy but I like colds more than allergies. Anyway, last night I started caughing and today my throat is sore. It will be interesting to see if it develops into a full blown cold. It would be really fun to have a cold on top of my allergy smile.png I don't care for the caughing and sore throat though, just the sneezing and runny nose. But you can't be too picky right? smile.png

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will have a cold in the next day or so. I have never really gone out of my way to catch a cold but this thread has given me some ideas in case I fail to get sick this time twitchsmile.gif

Good luck, hope you are indeed getting sick! :) love the cute story of you innocently admitting to enjoy being sick even as a child xD

I don't think I'm going to catch my sister's cold.... Haha I keep just kind of hoping that it'll hit me. And now that I've been here for almost a week, my allergies are like getting used to the area and going away. Mine have always been like that, like I'll meet someone's cat for the first time and my allergies will be so bad. But after I've been around it for a few days I'm no longer allergic to the cat, so weird.

I forget what it's like to be sick, I want it back xP

On the bright side my complicated bf and I found an apartment and will be moving in the next couple of days. So that'll be nice.

Let me know if you end up getting sick ;)

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So I've just been awake daydreaming about being sick lol. Wishing it would happen because it's really good timing, but knowing how awkward it would be to see old friends and if I got my bf sick bleh.

So addressing a little bit of the complicated bf situation... He's totally a gentleman and super nice and adores me and would do anything for me, and I'm so thankful for him and I think he's a great person. I can see a future with him but I don't know if it's the future I want... Like my bf is very generous and loves to serve. But I don't want a servant.... I'd rather have someone that shows me their love through spending time with me or remembering our moments or talks openly to me, while my bf shows love by making me food and not letting me pay for things and doing whatever I want (or what he thinks I want, which is usually inaccurate because he isn't very good at knowing me specifically or reading my emotions). He's totally a nice dude. I get along with him great as a friend, and I think I could even force myself to be happy with him forever haha, but I think he and I both deserve someone that loves them for who they are and despite who they are.

So anyway, all this to say.... I hate when he's sick. Hate it. He's like family now. We're so completely comfortable around each other, like family. We don't kiss or cuddle anymore, though I think he would if I was comfortable with it. We just hang out like buddies and have a good time, but I can't stand him coughing or sneezing or sniffling and all ahhhhh. To me, it always seems overly dramatized lol. Which it probably isn't, but I'm like AH he doesn't need to cough right now, there's nothing to clear from his lungs, just stop ugh. It's unnecessary to sniffle all the time and snort and be loud and gross about it. He works at Starbucks, like have enough self awareness to not gross people out while you're making their beverage lol. I hear like every slightest sniffle and see every time he wipes is nose and the bitterness rages inside me xP I can't help it. I just try to ignore it. And it's not like I can ever say it to him or post my Facebook status as "I hate when people cough when they don't need to" hahaha. So I'll rant about it here, where at least these stupid quirks I have can be accepted...

So I want to get sick sooo much. But that definitely risks getting him sick. And like since I've known him, I've been sick once, and he's been sick 7 or 8 times at least. So I would expect him to catch my germs, even though I'm SO careful about not getting other people sick lol. And even tho I never get sick from him. At least now I wouldn't be hanging around him or my family while he's sick though. So I could mostly just try to ignore it haha.

So I might go hardcore mode on trying to get sick now that I live in a different, much colder place. Our apartment has a balcony that I can freeze on lol. And more people in this area seem to be sick. I want it. Despite the risks and potentially getting my bf sick, I. Want. It.

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Well, I'm getting sick allright, but not the way I want it. I was running a low grade fever the whole day yesterday, my throat is sore and I'm coughing, but no sneezing or runny nose, aarrgghh! How can that be? Thank goodness my fever went down this morning but I'm still feeling pretty lousy. Even my allergy seems to have left as I haven't sneezed at all today. Maybe I should start inducing just for the fun of it, hehe! Hope you have better luck.

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Well, I'm getting sick allright, but not the way I want it. I was running a low grade fever the whole day yesterday, my throat is sore and I'm coughing, but no sneezing or runny nose, aarrgghh! How can that be? Thank goodness my fever went down this morning but I'm still feeling pretty lousy. Even my allergy seems to have left as I haven't sneezed at all today. Maybe I should start inducing just for the fun of it, hehe! Hope you have better luck.

That sounds a little annoying hehe. Hope you get some sneezes out of it :)

Well we moved into our new apartment today. It's not all that nice and has some quirks like doors that stick and drawers that come loose but I still love it lol. My room has elephants on the wall and the tub is pink and it's so spacious and has a balcony. I think it's great.

I keep hearing sick people everywhere we go lol. Like Walmart or out to eat or anywhere. I have to keep myself from running over and trying to get close to the sick person ;) sometimes I try to conveniently walk by though haha.

My allergies are still a little annoying, like I still sneeze probably between 5 and 10 times every day but I wanna be totally sick. I dream about it all the time.

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Last night I hardly slept at all. The new apartment smells different lol, not has at all, it's just that even with my eyes closes I'm constantly aware that I'm in a new place and it made it hard to sleep. So I probably slept for a maximum of 3 hours.

My meals have also been totally unhealthy lately. Like McDonald's, cheap pizza, ramen noodles, and stuff like that because traveling and not having much money haha. I wish we'd had more time to prepare before moving across the country xP

And really, other than working i never spent much time outside in Texas. It's so hot and unpleasant there haha. Here we've been going outside a lot, long boarding, playing catch with baseballs and frisbees, going for walks... It's been cold and chilly, but soooo nice in the afternoon. I love the weather.

I came across several "appears to be sick" people in walmart. I tried to go behind them, touch what they touched and rubbed my eyes and nose. Even when ex bf dude pays, he hands me his card and I touch all of the machines, put in his pin, etc. then of course touch my face like crazy.

Maaaan I want it haha. Why is it so hard for me to get sick? I started this post in December, determined to get sick before that cold season ended. And failed. And sort of gave up off and on, but still always trying in mild ways at least. Always touching my nose and eyes, always gravitating a little toward sickly sounds...

Well I'm just hoping it'll all catch up to me. The move was so stressful, I have such a hard time sleeping alllll the time, yet I'm still very active, being fueled by crap food and no sleep... And I'm invincible. Haha. I'm sick of not being sick ;)

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Man, I felt the same way when you posted this and it still hasn't happened to me either. BF even had a touch of the flu last year and even then, kisses and lots of sexy times, nothing!

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And I'm invincible. Haha. I'm sick of not being sick wink.png

I feel you on this. I almost never get cold and flu sick. I might get a stomach virus, if I catch anything, but who wants that? :P

It's kinda shocking that you've been doing this for almost a year without success. Good luck in your endeavors! It has to happen eventually :)

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Thanks guys :) and right, it has to happen eventually. And I really really hope that eventually comes soon :P

Yeah, my bf has gotten sick so many times and cousin has the flu and was literally in my face and all... And it just passes on by me haha. Like do the germs even phase my body? Do they just slip out of grasp like they're trying to hold on to ice? Or does my body just not react to them once they're in, it just cleans them out without missing a beat or breaking a sweat?? Haha cus whatever it is, I want to be impacted by the germs, I want them to all gang up on me and once and take over xP

If I went back and counted the times I've undoubtedly exposed myself, even just to people I know actually telling me their sick rather than strangers that I think are sick, it would still be such a huge number of times I could've gotten sick but didn't. Like dozens.

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i am new to the forum..this will sound disgusting but... have you tried maybe using your sick family members toothbrushes?(as gross as it sounds...) i mean i've heard thats a great way to get a virus.

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i am new to the forum..this will sound disgusting but... have you tried maybe using your sick family members toothbrushes?(as gross as it sounds...) i mean i've heard thats a great way to get a virus.

Never tried it with my family, but once when I was rooming with a friend, I used hers when she was sick. Every say twice a day for like 3 days or so, but I never got sick xP yeah it would gross my out a bit if it were a family member. But... If it worked it would be worth.

Welcome btw :)

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Good luck on that, I think your immune system is a little too strong. Woah, I wish I had an immune system like that.:)

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It sounds like you have an immune system of steel. I totally used to be that way, which I talked about on a different thread I think. I don't miss those days, not really, because in the span of about 10 or 11 years I caught maybe one cold, and one really bad flu, maybe one stomach thing...and that was great in the sense I never missed work or school, but I really sorely missed catching cold. It was at best a frustration and at worst a desperation. A physical ache, almost. I definitely catch cold more regularly, now, usually once a season -- sometimes more depending on other vaccinations, donating blood, who's been ill near me, etc. But any more than that and I have to intentionally expose myself a LOT before I fall ill. I usually end up using the old used tissues on my nose and eyes trick, but even that only works half the time...and of course only so long as I haven't previously been exposed to the strain someone close to me has. That's always such a bummer! But then again, at the same time, it kind of makes me feel like a rock star? Hahaha, like I can expose myself to all kinds of crazy germs and still come out victorious? I dunno. Maybe that sounds ridiculous!

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Have you gotten sick yet?

I'm not feeling very well, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I pulled an all nighter last night, and monday night, and only got about three or so hours both nights, than actually coming down with something. Plus, I've only eaten a bagel all day, and it's 2:42 PM (I have class literally all day, from 8 AM to 5:45 PM, and only have a two hour break. Which is at an inconvenient time for getting food)

I'm in such a bad mood though, everyone is pissing me off (this dude sat on the bench next to me when there were about ten other benches around which were unoccupied. get away from me. I don't want to be by people)

I just feel bleh, and want to sleep. And I've been really really stressed lately, I'm just ready for school to be done.

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Have you gotten sick yet?

I'm not feeling very well, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I pulled an all nighter last night, and monday night, and only got about three or so hours both nights, than actually coming down with something. Plus, I've only eaten a bagel all day, and it's 2:42 PM (I have class literally all day, from 8 AM to 5:45 PM, and only have a two hour break. Which is at an inconvenient time for getting food)

I'm in such a bad mood though, everyone is pissing me off (this dude sat on the bench next to me when there were about ten other benches around which were unoccupied. get away from me. I don't want to be by people)

I just feel bleh, and want to sleep. And I've been really really stressed lately, I'm just ready for school to be done.

Oh, that sounds horrible! hope you get some sleep!

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