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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Anything turn up from the sore throat lefty?

So today was spent with a few ok obs and care taking and a poor friend getting really sick, so I'm just gonna write about it. I'm changing the names and there's some v warning.

So my sister and 3 friends had this mini road trip planned to go hang out at a different city. We left early this morning, and one of the girls, Addy, was feeling kind of nauseous and had a headache. After we had driven for 3 hours and were almost there, we had to pull off on the side of the road while she threw up like nonstop for the next 3 minutes. I felt so bad for her :( she was so shaky and apologetic and thought she was ruining the trip for everyone, but we were really just concerned about her. A man from a car nearby that had been staring awkwardly walked over and gave her a water bottle. We fished our purses for tissues and gum and anything we could think of to help Addy.

So we talk about whether to go back, but she thought it would be better to just be at our destination and be out of the car. Really I think she just didn't want us to turn back because of her :( poor thing. So we get there, she sits inside in the a/c with my sister while the rest of us our in line for food outside. But she got worse, was having a hard time even standing up and couldn't grab anything and having chest pain and her head splitting. So we took her to a nearby urgent care place.

Waited for a while, my sister and one of the friends got us all sandwiches from some place when Addy came out. The doctor gave us an address and told us to take her to the ER at this place, and definitely not to drive all the way back home because they weren't sure if it was something serious and needed to do tests and didn't want to risk her getting worse and being in the middle of nowhere.

The other girls were just receiving the sandwiches so I'm on the phone with them, telling them to walk our way but we would pick them up. The girl driving had started the car, Addy was near my up against a wall, just getting off the phone with her husband. I was still frantically talking to my sister, trying to explain directions and what we knew about addy's condition.

"Addy you okay?" I hold the phone aside and squat down next to her.

She nodded slowly, her voice still so shaky. "I feel so bad I ruined everything for you guys."

"Don't even worry about that, we just want you to be okay. It's totally fine." I tried to assure her.

"It's so gross though you guys just have to sit there while I'm throwing up my guts.."

"It's fine! We've all thrown up before, we're not grossed out. And we're having a great time being with each other, you're not ruining anything." I told her again before asking if she wanted to go to the car. She agreed and I helped her get back into the front seat of the car, getting in the back myself and bringing the phone back to my ear, resuming instructions for my sister haha.

So almost to the ER, we have to pull over again while Addy throws up for another solid couple of minutes. She hadnt had anything to eat at all. We made it to the ER and I got out and walked with Addy into the front while the other girls parked. She explained her symptoms and they took her back right away.

So after they did a lot of tests, they let us come back with her while they waited for the results. The nurse was extremely nice and hilarious. Addy was starting to feel a bit better, we all joked to keep the mood light. Her husband was driving all the way down to get her, he was so worried about her. They gave her an IV that helped her symptoms but made her really tired. Eventually, her husband got there and they got the test results, thinking that it was something caused by her birth control and possibly other medicine but thankfully didn't look like anything serious. They gave her a prescription for the migraine and nausea and advice to follow up with a local doctor to solve the problem.

So thankfully she was okay. I feel so bad for her. Such an awful time to get so sick :(

Onto a cute sneeze ob. While in the car, One of the girls, a petite, tan girl in her early twenties, with black curly hair in a ponytail draped over her shoulder, sneezed a barely audible stifle, like "tchoo" practically whispered lol. My sister blessed her and said "you and your baby sneeze." The friend responded with "we're in a contained space! I can't just have that going everywhere!" Haha.

There were like 4 times I almost sneezed but it wouldn't come. I was like its okay, come on, you can do this... I'm not very comfortable sneezing in front of people but I'd like to get better at it haha. But it never happened.

So that's all of my story for today. Poor sick friend is doing a lot better now that she's home and with medicine.

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Anything turn up from the sore throat lefty?

Nope, unfortunately. It just keeps coming and going. I have been staying up a lot later (since I lost my job last thursday, and have nowhere to be), and waking up earlier because it's so hot in my room, so I'm just really tired now.

I'm glad Addy's feeling better :)

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Bummerrrr. Seems like it would be a convenient time to be sick and able to relax and rejuvenate.

I've been getting like a few hours of sleep for a few nights now too. Today after church and yoga with my fam (lol) I was sooooo tired and just napped in my room for what felt like forever but turned out to only be like an hour hahah. When I woke up I was super sniffly and sneezy and was like... Could it be? But no, it went away after about an hour of being up. The tease I hate the tease.

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Bummerrrr. Seems like it would be a convenient time to be sick and able to relax and rejuvenate.

I've been getting like a few hours of sleep for a few nights now too. Today after church and yoga with my fam (lol) I was sooooo tired and just napped in my room for what felt like forever but turned out to only be like an hour hahah. When I woke up I was super sniffly and sneezy and was like... Could it be? But no, it went away after about an hour of being up. The tease I hate the tease.

Your body is like "oh, let's tease the crap out of you then NOPE HAHAHA"

Now would be the absolute PERFECT time to get sick. No job, three weeks until school's back in session, it's absolute PERFECT timing for a cold. Perhaps I'll start my attempts again > : )

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You're like way more hardcore than me or something haha. You succeeded on like the first documented try! I'm like.. :o if you to I will gladly refer to your journey for research ;) haha and definitely wish you luck.

Now would be an okay time for me other than I don't like to be around my family for it xP I really want to move as soon as I can so I've sort of been focusing on that.

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You're like way more hardcore than me or something haha. You succeeded on like the first documented try! I'm like.. 7.gif if you to I will gladly refer to your journey for research wink.png haha and definitely wish you luck.

Now would be an okay time for me other than I don't like to be around my family for it xP I really want to move as soon as I can so I've sort of been focusing on that.

I found out that I had a slight throat infection (not enough to make me hot or even hurt really, but enough to give me low grade fevers) which I found out after going to urgent care because I pulled a muscle in my back. I was mainly just vitamin D deficient and dehydrated, I don't know why it all became apparent then, but that's all. No fun sneeziness or anything :/ But then I gave up because I had work and couldn't afford to get sick and take time off. BUT NOW I'M FREE TO DO WHAT I PLEASE

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How're your attempts going?

I've been strangely achey and tired today (and had a headache off and on today and yesterday) but I'm reluctant to think that it's going to amount to anything, since I randomly get sore pretty often, but we shall see. I haven't even been trying or anything, so I'm sure it's nothing

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been lurking here for a while... and keeping my fingers crossed! Hope this finds you with a sniffly drippy cold!!! <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

How're your attempts going?

I've been strangely achey and tired today (and had a headache off and on today and yesterday) but I'm reluctant to think that it's going to amount to anything, since I randomly get sore pretty often, but we shall see. I haven't even been trying or anything, so I'm sure it's nothing

How did that turn out? Any success?

I haven't been on here in forever. Buuuut, no surprise, still no illnesses for me. A couple of weeks ago, my little cousin had strep, she literally licked my cheek lol. Friends of mine were sick, dad was sick but getting better when I returned from a vacation. I'm getting tired of being invincible lol. I started this thread 9 months ago, positive that it would be a sort of accountability to remind me to be active about accomplishing this goal... I feel like I've tried so hard and still failed hah. It's annoying.

On one hand, knowing that I rarely ever get sick, I'm kind of relieved that it hasn't happened at a time like now when I'm not around any friends and like still going through a complicated attempt to breakup with the bf haha. Like, I want someone there that can.. care while I'm sick. Not necessarily take care of me, I don't know if I would like that, but at least to acknowledge my illness, ask me every day how I'm feeling.. The small stuff.

I've just kind of run out of ideas. It's almost become an obsessive habit to rub my nose after touching like anything haha. I get a little happy there's a chill and I'm freezing and just toying with the potential of it to awaken a virus. I drink after people that are sick, share eating utensils with them, be near them, cuddle them even lol. Nothingggg. There has to be a way, right?? But what have I not already tried??

Lately I have dreams ALL the time about succeeding. It's nice, but also frustrating to wake up from and realize I've still failed in reality lol. Even when I'm dreaming I'm like "this is finally happening!!! I need to update my forum thread! Finally!" Hahaha. It's silly.

So anyway, no news from me xD

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How did that turn out? Any success?

Negatory XD Still not sick, despite being back in school and EVERYBODY catching colds

Haha aw bummer. Hope you get lucky soon ;)

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How did that turn out? Any success?

Negatory XD Still not sick, despite being back in school and EVERYBODY catching colds

Haha aw bummer. Hope you get lucky soon wink.png

Haha thank you wink.png

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How did that turn out? Any success?

Negatory XD Still not sick, despite being back in school and EVERYBODY catching colds

Haha aw bummer. Hope you get lucky soon wink.png

Haha thank you wink.png

Update: I'm FINALLY sick, I think i might have a fever, but I'm not sure. So now i"m just sitting here at 4 AM desperately willing myself to go to sleep, but my head hurts, and my throat hurts, and my nose is stuffy. I just wish I'd sneeze more

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Woohoo!!! Congrats!! I'm a little jealous :D but happy for you. I can never sleep when I have a fever, always makes me so restless. Hope your cold gets sneezier :)

For some reason the air conditioning in our house funnels like right into my room lol. It's soooo cold. Just the cold temperature makes my nose kind of leaky and my throat sore (stupid sensitive throat lol), and it just makes me hope I'll get sick... As soon as I leave my room, everything goes back to normal though haha. Just when I wake up I'm like it's so coldddddahhhh.

Today I had church with my family hah. So I just decided I'd stay up all night in my super cold room. I was so tired lol. So after church at like noon I went to bed :P super messed up sleep schedule now.

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Woohoo!!! Congrats!! I'm a little jealous biggrin.png but happy for you. I can never sleep when I have a fever, always makes me so restless. Hope your cold gets sneezier smile.png

For some reason the air conditioning in our house funnels like right into my room lol. It's soooo cold. Just the cold temperature makes my nose kind of leaky and my throat sore (stupid sensitive throat lol), and it just makes me hope I'll get sick... As soon as I leave my room, everything goes back to normal though haha. Just when I wake up I'm like it's so coldddddahhhh.

Today I had church with my family hah. So I just decided I'd stay up all night in my super cold room. I was so tired lol. So after church at like noon I went to bed tonguesmiley.gif super messed up sleep schedule now.

I was sneezier yesterday, today my nose is just super stuffed up and I'm exhausted. I had to go to my little brother's baseball game because I promised him I'd go, but it was just awful. It was really hot, and I just wanted to sleep XD I tried taking a nap, but I couldn't breathe and kept coughing, and my head and throat hurt. I feel a bit better since I took airborne, and had an icee (I swear it's magical), but now I'm dizzy XD Ah well. It was bound to happen, since EVERYONE at my school is sick and coughing and sneezing all over the place hahaha I took cold medicine for the first time ever thumbup1.gif I really do hate having a stuffy nose though

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First time ever cold mess! Whoa hehe.

Sad you have to be so miserable like out in the heat and stuff xP but still so happy you got yourself a cold :) ugh I wish I were in college just for the contagion hahah

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First time ever cold mess! Whoa hehe.

Sad you have to be so miserable like out in the heat and stuff xP but still so happy you got yourself a cold smile.png ugh I wish I were in college just for the contagion hahah

Don't take Tylenol cold and flu after having barely eaten anything in 24 hours. It just makes you nauseas thumbdown.gif and airborne is disgusting, but it's magical hahaha

I hope you get sick soon :)

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I hate drinking airbornes so I just chew the tablets and my bf thinks I'm super weird....but they fizz in your mouf...tooth.gif

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I hate drinking airbornes so I just chew the tablets and my bf thinks I'm super weird....but they fizz in your mouf...tooth.gif

We got the chewable tablet. Disgusting. And it's not even orange flavored. *Shudders*

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I just shotgunned this entire thread in two hours. Perfection. It's really nice to know I'm not alone in sometimes doing everything in my power to get sick.

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I just shotgunned this entire thread in two hours. Perfection. It's really nice to know I'm not alone in sometimes doing everything in my power to get sick.

Have any tips?? Lol. Thanks for reading and all xD

Chocolate I'm so happy for you!! To be honest I kind of have a thing for coughing too lol. I hate when like anyone else coughs pretty much xD but I like having a cough. And way to eat that airborne lol.

So I came to update and say..... I have like this super mild tickly throat thing going on right now. And for some reason it's giving me so much hope. I haven't felt this since being sick, and it's a symptom I never really thought to look for (and therefor imagine). Really it's not that strong. But it's constant. I have all those stupid like itchy throat problems with allergies, but it doesn't feel the same. With allergies it itches and I always try to do that thing where you sort of scratch the inside of your throat with maybe the back of your tongue or whatever? Know what I'm talking about? Like my throat just gets itchy, doesn't make me feel like I have to cough or anything.

This morning I was super sniffly and a little sneezy. This I don't think is abnormal at all. Like many mornings I have random allergy stuff that goes away after I shower in the morning or once I've been up for a bit. And this was no different. And now I'm totally fine, no nose symptoms at alllll.

So to be honest, this probably isn't anything. It just reminds me of the feeling of being sick and it makes me sooooo hopeful and excited lol.

And I have no idea where I would've caught it. Church maybe? A store? A group of friends from church all meet together once a week to hang out, and one girl there was drinking tea because she said her throat was sore. But to be honest, she's a mega hypochondriac, I've never been around her when she hasn't has a random illness. She's seriously the one who, when the news announces that Mosquitos in our area carry malaria, announces to everyone the next day that she has malaria. The one who is convinced that she had Ebola. Like obviously that's not true. Yet she believes it. But her most common but never actually happens claim is that she's getting a cold. By some miracle, could she actually be telling the truth this time?? Lol.

Next, my dad had this random deal on the electricity bill where he had to use a certain amount, and if he did he would get a huge discount. So he's been keeping the air on super high for at least a week. And tonight is the last night and he has to use like 9 kilowatts or something idk. So it's nice and chilly. And my room is always the coldest in the house, lucky me. So there's that.

Also before last night I hadn't slept for 40 hours. So there's that hehe. I tried so hard to sleep and I couldn't for some reason! For so long!

Let's be honest, it's probably nothing. But still.

Edited by Boba
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Maybe sleeping with wet hair will help?

Thanks for the suggestion! I have done this before but the house wasn't freezing like it is now, I'm seriously thinking of preparing myself an ice bath and taking this advice.

Thing is, when I do stuff with wet clothes or hair or ice water, I don't fall asleep with it wet lol. I stay awake until it's just damp and warm xD the initial cold temperature of like first dunking my head or first slipping on a wet icy shirt from the fridge is shocking, then I get used to it and it doesn't seem cold anymore hmm.

Anyway of course all potential symptoms went away within like 10 hours. Maybe it was just irritation from the stupidly cold ac. And last night was supposed to be the last cold night hahaha but I just got home abs it's freeeeezing in here. And I fail at sleeping so much, why doesn't that affect my immune system? Since Saturday I've gotten about 8 hours or sleep total. It doesn't even really affect my energy throughout the day, and by the time I get home at night I'm not tired at all lol. And end up not being able to sleep until like 11 in the morning, or I just stay awake the entire day and still fail at sleeping the next night. Like, come on, do I have no consequence for not sleeping? No uhh crash in the immune system?

Anyway I might try something tonight, while its nice and cold in the house.

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