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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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Look forward to the most miserable sleep of your life XD Hopefully it works! I've been sick for a month now, but it's just exhaustion/low grade fevers/headaches/sore throat. Oh, and I pulled a muscle in my back, I was convinced I had a kidney thing,

cuz that's where it hurts, and I went to urgent care, and they gave me four shots of lidocaine in my back because the pain pills they gave me didn't do squat. I also have a viral infection of some sort...she's also thinking some other things are going on.


That sounds pretty miserable :( yeah I hope this works for me, and I hope it's like the dream cold lol... Hope your back and stuff gets better soon!!

I'm about to go put on the cold clothes and its gonna be awful haha

Edit - yuppppp cold. Eep.

Edited by BubbleTea
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Look forward to the most miserable sleep of your life XD Hopefully it works! I've been sick for a month now, but it's just exhaustion/low grade fevers/headaches/sore throat. Oh, and I pulled a muscle in my back, I was convinced I had a kidney thing,

cuz that's where it hurts, and I went to urgent care, and they gave me four shots of lidocaine in my back because the pain pills they gave me didn't do squat. I also have a viral infection of some sort...she's also thinking some other things are going on.


That sounds pretty miserable sadsmiley.gif yeah I hope this works for me, and I hope it's like the dream cold lol... Hope your back and stuff gets better soon!!

I'm about to go put on the cold clothes and its gonna be awful haha

Edit - yuppppp cold. Eep.

If you can make it through the night without changing clothes, more power to you haha

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Ironically I kind of feel like I may be catching a cold right now. Summer colds may have something.

I'm definitely a bit jelly haha. I stayed in them until they were like radiating heat lol. Then I took a cold bath, stayed in for like an hour, then the water was just lukewarm. Then I went to sleep my room with the fan on, slept for about 3 hours. The sister and I went running today, it was soooo hot and intense. After getting super sweaty, inside felt freezing. Like when you're all wet and the cold hair is on you..

I've been pretty cold all day inside haha. But no kind of symptoms. I'm going to take another cold bath later. I think I'll add some ice to it, then dress in my frozen clothes xP ugh it's so uncomfortable, they were really hard to put on cus they were all icy hahah..

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I'm definitely a bit jelly haha. I stayed in them until they were like radiating heat lol. Then I took a cold bath, stayed in for like an hour, then the water was just lukewarm. Then I went to sleep my room with the fan on, slept for about 3 hours. The sister and I went running today, it was soooo hot and intense. After getting super sweaty, inside felt freezing. Like when you're all wet and the cold hair is on you..

I've been pretty cold all day inside haha. But no kind of symptoms. I'm going to take another cold bath later. I think I'll add some ice to it, then dress in my frozen clothes xP ugh it's so uncomfortable, they were really hard to put on cus they were all icy hahah..

Oh man. I could only stay in my soaking clothes for a few hours before I gave up because it was so cold and I was shivering. You're way motivated, I hope this works out for you

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I've practically had someone sick people practically sneeze in my face before... or cough in my face anyway xP and sneeze on me, literally right next to me, but idk, just making my immune system even stronger or something.

Yeah, the wet clothes thing was a major challenge. I'm a wimp, every second lasted SO LONG I was like pleaasse can I take em off now xP haha. I haven't been doing much the past couple of days :/ family is visiting and stuff..

I kinda changed my name because it was awfully similar to another username I have somewhere else, so I was like... getting nervous that someone would find this one day and connect the dots lol. I no want that. Cus I know I'm pretty honest about my current situations, and someone who knows me would probably figure it out ugh. But whatever, living on the eedddge haha. just trying to put the edge slightly further away ;)

Edited by Boba
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Soooo I was talking to Kodak and he was getting his food, then he's like "I just sniffed pepper, that was probably a bad idea.." And I'm all like... No.. Then he made some fake "ahhhhh"'s and was like "jokes, jokes". Instead of laughing along casually or anything I just stayed silent. For some reason it made be super defensive. I was like...does he somehow know about this, is he trying to get a reaction???... And it just freaked me out lol. I seriously doubt he would know anything about that cus uhhh no one does and it's not even really a fetish for me, just a cute perk I guess. But it still spooked me a bit. And also this morning when we first skyped he said he thought he was dealing with allergies or something cus he was all snuffly like a cute sick kid lol. So spoooooky.

As far as the trying to get sick, like I said, family is visiting now so it kind of haulted. For a couple of days after the freezing my clothes thing, I was just cold in the house haha. Either my body was dragged down a bit from that, or for some reason they kept the air conditioning on high or something xD but if was chilly. I want to keep it up, even if its unpleasant. I'm kind of thinking of simulating some kind of stuck in the rain thing, like a cold shower in my clothes, or maybe an ice bath if the water would get cold enough, then sitting around or sleeping in the wet clothes...

Edited by Boba
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Welllllll.... Family is gone so I can go back to trying. I'm so wary. I know it's going to be unpleasant but results are worth it.

So... Kodak sneezed today.... Ugh I'm embarrassed even typing it. I'm like, i need to be on the DL right now. But it happened, and I'm gonna write about it while its fresh.

So this morning when we first were talking, he said he was gonna sneeze and I was like >.> all paranoid and hyper aware and felt like I need to hide. Idk why, it's like, come on these are things that plenty of people say, friggin everyone sneezes, but for some reason I'm like.... So paranoid. Haha. Anyway tonight, he sneezed a double. And I didn't bless him cus I'm a jerk :( I wanted to! But I was like whatdoidoahnowtoomuchtimehaspasseditwouldbeawkward.... So I didn't. And he was like "excuse me" and I was like ............... >.<

The thing is, it's hard to even go "aw" at cus for some reason I'm just worried that my reactions will give me away or that he already knows somehow and wahhh it spooks me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heyguyzzzz. So I haven't done anything too intentional with trying to get sick lately. The brother is visiting right now and it seems like since its summer and I probably won't come in contact with too many germs, I'll just be torturing myself and will never be successful :/ but I haven't gone all in so maybe if I do it will work..

I've gotten like no sleep for 3 days tho. Like literally 6 hours total for going on 4 days. It's at the point where my head is just like OW and my eyes hurt and I feel super nauseous and exhausted like every time a wave of tiredness hits haha. Soooo I'm hoping this will do somethig to my immune system. I'm so tired tho blah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like 3 nights in a row I've had these spectacular "caught a cold" dreams. I'm visiting my grandmas and for some reason my allergies are bad here. Especially yesterday. I took benedryl, usually I just suck it up and don't take anything haha..

So last night I had this dream where I was like in the bathroom and just kept sneezing and my nose was super runny and I was trying to keep my complicated ex / just friend from noticing that I was sick haha. I was like about to go on vacation and didn't want anyone to not allow me to go since I was sick hahah. So it was kind of like suspenseful, yet enjoyable.

The whole time I'm always like YES I finally got sick! And super excited about it. Then I wake up and my throats always so sooooore cus I keep the fan really high lol. And it just feels like maybe the dream transferred to real life and came true... But no. I mean I sneeze several times a day here cus yay allergies haha... But mostly my allergies just affect my throat. So terribly. It gets so itchy and painful and lymph nodes swell up... It's like the miserable part of an illness that never blossoms into anything like congestion, runny / stuffy noses, sneezing, coughing.... Nope just the stupid throat painnn.

Wah. It makes me sad to think "I haven't been sick since I was 19"... I'm 21 now. How terrible of a year was 20 to to without even being sick the first year in my 20s. Lame.

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Like 3 nights in a row I've had these spectacular "caught a cold" dreams. I'm visiting my grandmas and for some reason my allergies are bad here. Especially yesterday. I took benedryl, usually I just suck it up and don't take anything haha..

So last night I had this dream where I was like in the bathroom and just kept sneezing and my nose was super runny and I was trying to keep my complicated ex / just friend from noticing that I was sick haha. I was like about to go on vacation and didn't want anyone to not allow me to go since I was sick hahah. So it was kind of like suspenseful, yet enjoyable.

The whole time I'm always like YES I finally got sick! And super excited about it. Then I wake up and my throats always so sooooore cus I keep the fan really high lol. And it just feels like maybe the dream transferred to real life and came true... But no. I mean I sneeze several times a day here cus yay allergies haha... But mostly my allergies just affect my throat. So terribly. It gets so itchy and painful and lymph nodes swell up... It's like the miserable part of an illness that never blossoms into anything like congestion, runny / stuffy noses, sneezing, coughing.... Nope just the stupid throat painnn.

Wah. It makes me sad to think "I haven't been sick since I was 19"... I'm 21 now. How terrible of a year was 20 to to without even being sick the first year in my 20s. Lame.

I hate when dreams are better than reality.

Like, I'll be dating a really hot guy, and then I wake up and I remember that I'm forever alone XD (but maybe not for long)

I always keep my fan on really high, pointed right at my face, so my throat is always super sore when I wake up and for about a half hour afterwards. And my nose is always really stuffy, but I don't want to draw attention to myself and sniffle, 'cause I feel fine, and I don't want people to acknowledge it

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I hate when dreams are better than reality.

Like, I'll be dating a really hot guy, and then I wake up and I remember that I'm forever alone XD (but maybe not for long)

I always keep my fan on really high, pointed right at my face, so my throat is always super sore when I wake up and for about a half hour afterwards. And my nose is always really stuffy, but I don't want to draw attention to myself and sniffle, 'cause I feel fine, and I don't want people to acknowledge it

Yeah the dreams ahhh. Such torture lol. And it's so hot here in the summer, so I have like 2 fans on my and it messes my throat up so much bleh. I don't like it.

So yesterday we went to this outlet mall and were shopping, there were these 3 dudes that worked in the shoe store I went in with my mom lol. One was coughing the whole time, the kind of cough that's like dry and unnecessary haha so possibly forced but still. One of the guys was like "you know how I drank his water earlier? I bet you I won't get sick, I don't get sick easily." And they were all talking about him being sick. He's like "I need a refund on this mucinex it's not suppressing my cough at all" and uh anyone that knows much about medicine, mucinex is usually an expectorant anyway lol. They might make some suppressants idk. But I was like ohhh what a fun work day for him... I just kind of breathed deeply where he was, touched things I thought he might've touched but I was pretty undercover since my mom was there and all lol.

I'm so friggin sniffly today tho. It's probably just an allergy thing and will be gone in the afternoon, I don't wanna get my hopes up again but I wishhhh. My throats still all nonstop itchy / sore from allergies. Grrr. Been sneezing a lot today too... And nose is so drippy xP I would be so happy if this turned into an actual cold... My nose was tickling earlier and it wouldn't come lol, so I just pinched the bridge of my nose for a second and sneezed between 10-20 times it was ridiculous. Not all at once, spaced out by a few seconds. I let the first few out, then like walked into my room and sneezed into my pillow haha, and then went to the bathroom and sneezed into some toilet paper cus my nose was like blehhh.

Please don't go away symptoms xP

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I hate when dreams are better than reality.

Like, I'll be dating a really hot guy, and then I wake up and I remember that I'm forever alone XD (but maybe not for long)

I always keep my fan on really high, pointed right at my face, so my throat is always super sore when I wake up and for about a half hour afterwards. And my nose is always really stuffy, but I don't want to draw attention to myself and sniffle, 'cause I feel fine, and I don't want people to acknowledge it

Yeah the dreams ahhh. Such torture lol. And it's so hot here in the summer, so I have like 2 fans on my and it messes my throat up so much bleh. I don't like it.

So yesterday we went to this outlet mall and were shopping, there were these 3 dudes that worked in the shoe store I went in with my mom lol. One was coughing the whole time, the kind of cough that's like dry and unnecessary haha so possibly forced but still. One of the guys was like "you know how I drank his water earlier? I bet you I won't get sick, I don't get sick easily." And they were all talking about him being sick. He's like "I need a refund on this mucinex it's not suppressing my cough at all" and uh anyone that knows much about medicine, mucinex is usually an expectorant anyway lol. They might make some suppressants idk. But I was like ohhh what a fun work day for him... I just kind of breathed deeply where he was, touched things I thought he might've touched but I was pretty undercover since my mom was there and all lol.

I'm so friggin sniffly today tho. It's probably just an allergy thing and will be gone in the afternoon, I don't wanna get my hopes up again but I wishhhh. My throats still all nonstop itchy / sore from allergies. Grrr. Been sneezing a lot today too... And nose is so drippy xP I would be so happy if this turned into an actual cold... My nose was tickling earlier and it wouldn't come lol, so I just pinched the bridge of my nose for a second and sneezed between 10-20 times it was ridiculous. Not all at once, spaced out by a few seconds. I let the first few out, then like walked into my room and sneezed into my pillow haha, and then went to the bathroom and sneezed into some toilet paper cus my nose was like blehhh.

Please don't go away symptoms xP

woo! Hopefully it turns into a cold! Exciting haha

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So far it's kinda teasing it. After I showered and went out for the day, it wasn't as bad. Usually the throat allergy thing subsides in the afternoon but it stayed bad all day, still bad now. There were so many times where I had to sneeze but kept losing it lol. And my nose was still a little drippy but not much, not stuffy at all or anything. I've been tired all day but that might be totally unrelated. The throat is so annoying. So itchy and sore xP a few times I've felt like I had to cough but never a sicky kind of cough haha.

I'm just hoping I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be full force and not turn out to be allergies that don't last xP but again, I shouldn't get my hopes up. It's in the heat of the summer and I haven't even really been active about trying to get sick lately.

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Siiiigh didn't blossom into anything. All gone. I kind of wonder like, maybe that one day of super minor symptoms is my body getting sick and fighting it off. If that's the case and some of you are like heyyyy be thankful, celebrate, you've done it!! Uhh no. Haha. If that's what "sick" is on my body, then I don't count it as sick. I want the sickness that lasts for a week or more, the symptoms become unable to hide or suppress, no wondering whether it will turn out to be a sickness...just knowing that it is because of the severity haha. So I'll keep waiting.

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So forgot to mention that my cousin whom I spent the past 2 weeks with woke up sick the same day I thought I did haha. I definitely think that was just my stupidly op immune system fighting off the same virus that he now has, we were with each other nonstop. He's a very clingy teen, we probably weren't more than 20 feet away the entire 2 weeks lol. I'm sure I came into contact with the same germs, but I'll admit I'm a little jelly that my immune system was to strong to go down like his did ugh.

I mean we ate the same things (also sharing most things like drinks and bites), I would usually get about 5 hours of sleep each night because I'd stay up later and wake up earlier than him, we went to all the same places...and I fought it off. I'm a little disappointed.

He wants to hang out tomorrow, and I'll gladly spend time with him and his germs but it probably won't have any affect on my body now anyway. My body's already been exposed and fought it off, so I doubt it'll be my chance to get sick but... Siiiigh doesn't mean I won't try haha.

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So forgot to mention that my cousin whom I spent the past 2 weeks with woke up sick the same day I thought I did haha. I definitely think that was just my stupidly op immune system fighting off the same virus that he now has, we were with each other nonstop. He's a very clingy teen, we probably weren't more than 20 feet away the entire 2 weeks lol. I'm sure I came into contact with the same germs, but I'll admit I'm a little jelly that my immune system was to strong to go down like his did ugh.

I mean we ate the same things (also sharing most things like drinks and bites), I would usually get about 5 hours of sleep each night because I'd stay up later and wake up earlier than him, we went to all the same places...and I fought it off. I'm a little disappointed.

He wants to hang out tomorrow, and I'll gladly spend time with him and his germs but it probably won't have any affect on my body now anyway. My body's already been exposed and fought it off, so I doubt it'll be my chance to get sick but... Siiiigh doesn't mean I won't try haha.

I think you just have an amazing immune system XD My friend posted on facebook that they had either a cold or the flu, and I'm sitting there like "dammit"

If you really wanna be risky, skip the flu shot XD Knowing your immune system, it probably won't even matter hahaha

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I've never had a flu shot lol. Not even when h1n1 was big. I even went to a concert and stayed the night with my best friend right as she was getting the swine flu and I didn't get it xP

Yeah if I knew the secret to my own ridiculously strong immune system I'd share, cus I know a lot of people would rather never get sick like me. I feel like not being a germaphobe and not being obsessively clean might have something to do with it haha, exposure doesn't scare me.

On Friday drove with some family to go visit cousins in another city. So on the way we went by sick cousin's house. I woke him up, laid in his bed with him and shook him awake. He's the kind of person that always gets pretty sick when he does get sick, cus he has bad asthma and stuff. But this time he was barely sick, no cough, just stuffy voice and sore throat. He still went to the doctor which I think is kind of a waste of money for a virus just to be told "it takes time" and be sent home lol. But I mean, since it barely infected him it must just be like a weak virus that my immune system had no problem fighting off wahhh.

Then stayed at other cousins on Friday until today. They have cats that I'm allergic to, but once I'm around them for a couple days it starts to get better haha. So the first day was bad blah, but once Sunday came it was practically fine. And I've been around these cats a couple times before so it wasn't as bad. Idk if other people's allergies are like that or if my body is just weird lol, but if I'm constantly exposed to an allergy it'll just go away. Like a pet, I'll be allergic for like a few days then it'll go away and be fine. If I haven't seen them for a long time sometimes it acts up again for a day or so. It's mostly just the super itchy throat stuff, and sneezing, and that's it. So weird.

Anyway now we're on the way back home. :P

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I have actually heard that getting a flu shot increases your risk of catching a cold, because your immune system is temporarily preoccupied with other things, leaving you more susceptible. It's not a guarantee, and it's never happened to me, but I've heard it's a thing that happens, and it might be worth trying?

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Hehe thanks for the support :)

Yeah I've thought of that but unsure which myth to believe, and I'm totally up for trying every option, so I might try getting a flu shot in the fall or something, but I also don't want to spend money on something like that lol. Giving my money to something that is supposed to help people not get sick, with the intention that it might make me sick... Hahaha I just don't really support unnecessary shots or like antibiotics for things that heal on their own with time, ya know, I think people need to let their immune systems do their job :P it's working for me, so much so that I want it to stop working for me xD

Allergies are so annoying atm. The sneezing part is lovely, the throat part is not. Haha today I wanted to buy some febreze, that stuff makes me sneeze every time I spray it xP so I was spraying like a ton of them trying to find my favorite smell, totally making me sneeze and sniffly and made my voice sound weird xP I was embarrassed haha. And didn't even find one I wanted I was just like...uhhh let's go look at other stuff :P

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Hehe thanks for the support smile.png

Yeah I've thought of that but unsure which myth to believe, and I'm totally up for trying every option, so I might try getting a flu shot in the fall or something, but I also don't want to spend money on something like that lol. Giving my money to something that is supposed to help people not get sick, with the intention that it might make me sick... Hahaha I just don't really support unnecessary shots or like antibiotics for things that heal on their own with time, ya know, I think people need to let their immune systems do their job tonguesmiley.gif it's working for me, so much so that I want it to stop working for me xD

Allergies are so annoying atm. The sneezing part is lovely, the throat part is not. Haha today I wanted to buy some febreze, that stuff makes me sneeze every time I spray it xP so I was spraying like a ton of them trying to find my favorite smell, totally making me sneeze and sniffly and made my voice sound weird xP I was embarrassed haha. And didn't even find one I wanted I was just like...uhhh let's go look at other stuff tonguesmiley.gif

Sore throats suck. Even more so when you know it's not going to result in anything. My throat hurts, and has been on and off all day, as has my head, but I just KNOW it's not going to result in anything haha

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