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New York Christmas {Klaine M/M}


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Hey guys! So this is my second attempt at this story, but with a few tweaks. So here's the backstory. Blaine is 21, Kurt 22. Both are working on Broadway. Blaine is Finch in How To Succeed, and Kurt is Marius in Les Mis. This is only their third Christmas together in New York. Enjoy!!


Blaine Hummel-Anderson made his way up the elevator, walking out as the door dinged at level 9. It was December 23rd, and miserably cold in New York City. Gripping his jacket a little tighter, he carried his bag over his shoulder and soon was locking the door behind him, walking into his and Kurt's cozy 2 bedroom apartment.

After his 1 o'clock show, Blaine had gotten a text from Kurt instructing him to get some cleaner and fresh eggs from the market down on 7th street. Carole and Burt were getting in at 7 to spend Christmas with Kurt and Blaine, and both men couldn't be happier.

"I'm here love," Blaine called out, hearing the shower running. Putting up the eggs and placing the cleaner on the table, Blaine put his coat and shoes in the closet. Padding down to his and Kurt's bathroom in socked feet, he stopped outside the door, a noise startling him.

"ehh'EISHHH! Ugh, huh....huh'TSHHIEEW! *snnnnfl!*"

Brow furrowing, Blaine walked in, seeing Kurt through their large shower's glass, rubbing at his obviously runny nose.

"Bless you honey," Blaine cooed, making Kurt jump.

"Oh! Bl-Blaine! You scared me," giving a small smile, Kurt finished washing his hair.

"I'm sorry my dear. Are you feeling alright?" His husband asked worriedly, stripping down and getting in the warm water, letting a small shiver from change in temperature roll off his back. Arms engulfing Kurt, he pressed a small kiss to the mans lips.

"Mmm, I'm okay. Nose is just tickly today," Kurt gave another smile before his gaze broke, eyes fluttering shut and nose scrunching a bit.

"Uhh...I hate the f-feeling of wheeee....of when you ha-have to...tuhhhh huh'ISHH! e'EISHHEW! *snnnfl!* Huh'SHIEEEW!"

Blaine cooed as his husband sneezed over his shoulder, mist falling. He pulled away from the hug and saw Kurt's nose was running rampant, two thick dribbles of snot trailing down to his upper lip, nostrils still twitching.

"S-Scuse be," Kurt mumbled tiredly, as if sneezing had taken everything out of him.

"Oh Kurty-cat. Is someone coming down with a cold?" Blaine asked, kissing Kurt's forehead. He stopped the water and then grabbed two towels, wrapping the bigger one around Kurt. "Sounds like it's all up in your head, hmm lovebug?" Blaine asked.

Kurt shrugged, sniffling.

"It just tickles alot," the older man whined quietly, going and putting on some pajamas. Blaine followed suit and smiled.

"Well, how about we take a nap before your parents arrive. I'm sure that'll help you feel a bit better," he assured his husband who nodded, burrowing under the blankets, coughing into his pillow.

Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt, feeling him shiver slightly against him. Closing his eyes, he hoped Kurt would feel better.


That wasn't the case when Blaine woke up. Groggily, trying to figure out what had awoken him, he looked over and saw Kurt sitting up in their large comfy bed, a soggy crumpled tissue to his reddening nose, eyes shut, mouth slack.

"hehhh......ugh damb'it....." Kurt pinched at his nose, hoping to abate the insane itch that was deep within his stuffed up sinuses.

Blaine couldn't deal with how desperate Kurt looked. Leaning over, he grabbed his husbands tissue, pinching and rubbing at his poor nose for him. Kurt let his guard down and soon Blaine could feel the splattered explosion of snot, warm through the thin tissue.

"heh'ITSHEEEIW!! huh'GTCHHHEIW! hi'ITSHH! *snnnnfl!*"

Blaine grabbed another tissue, pinching one last time at Kurt's nose, wiping the underside of his sensitive nose a bit more delicately. He knew Kurt must be sick if he was allowing it.

"Sweetie?" Blaine cooed and Kurt gave a small groan.

"Mby paredts wil be here soond and I'mb bmiserable," the chestnut haired boy pouted, wincing as he swallowed. Blaine laid a hand against Kurt's cheek and then forehead.

"You're a bit warm. I'll take care of the cleaning and I'll go and get some medicine for you. We want you over this by tomorrow night," Blaine murmured, kissing Kurt's lips and sitting up.

"I'll be back snifflebear."

Blaine got up and pulled on some pants and a sweatshirt, seeing they had two hours before Burt and Carole arrived. Blaine would have to work fast.


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Why is Kurt's last name first in Blaine's last name? Shouldn't it be Blaine Anderson-Hummel since Anderson is his first real last name? IDK just curious.

Really good! Though, I was kind of grossed out by the amount of snot and blowing... maybe warning next time?

You're a really good writer, please continue!

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JRE11, I love your writing and I am so glad that you're back with more Klaine! I loved it, as usual, and can't wait for more Christmas with the Hummel-Anderson's!

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Omgomgomgomg I got SUPER excited when I saw this fic and saw that you wrote it :P I love your stories, seriously. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE continue!! *gets down on knees and clasps hands together*

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