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Holiday Blues {Future!Klaine+Family}


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Hey guys! This is in honor of the Holiday season! Here's a little backstory.

Blaine is 25, Kurt is 26. They're both in shows on Broadway; Kurt is Marius in Les Mis and Blaine is Finch in How To Succeed. They have two kids, a four year old boy named Graham, and a two year old girl named Abbey. Hope you enjoy! Also, I've decided that this coming year I'll be writing lots more on here.


{Part 1}

Blaine Hummel-Anderson made his way back to his and Kurt's cozy, three bedroom apartment. He knew Graham and Abbey were probably waiting to take a nap until he got there. Checking his watch, Blaine read '1:30 pm' and smiled.

After doing the 10 o'clock show of How To Succeed, Blaine had the rest of the day off. A few more minutes of walking and he was back in the apartment. Instead of hearing little feet running around and Abbey's infectious giggles, he heard nothing. Eyebrows furrowing, he quietly walked a bit further in, putting his coat up.

Moving and pulling his shoes off, Blaine then padded down in his socked feet to the kids shared room, not finding them there. Only once place left, Blaine told himself, walking to his and Kurt's bedroom. All three family members, along with Nemo their yellow lab pup, were sleeping in the big warm bed.

Cooing, Blaine changed into some sweatpants and got in beside their son, the little boys brown curls messy against his pillow. Kurt felt the bed dip and his eyes fluttered open groggily.

"Hi," the older man whispered, rubbing his eyes exhaustedly.

"Hello love. How long have you three been asleep?" Blaine asked curiously. He looked at their kids, noticing Abbey's cheeks were flushed.

"An hour or so. I've been tired all morning, and Abbey's been cranky...." Kurt mumbled, eyes drooping shut again.

"I think she may have a touch of a fever," Blaine murmured worriedly, pressing a hand gently to the two year olds porcelain skin.

Sure enough, Blaine was correct. Her face wasn't hot, but it had an unusual warmth to it.

Kurt groaned. "It's three days till Christmas. I hope she'll be okay..."

"I'm sure she will," Blaine smiled, but internally he was worried. Kurt never took naps during the day, and with the way he was acting, so sluggish and sleepy, Blaine guessed Kurt was coming down with it too.

The room going quiet, Blaine let his eyes shut, hoping to get a bit of rest in before dealing with a sick little girl, especially if her Daddy would be going to work, leaving her Papa all alone for the night and dinner time.


An hour later Blaine was woken up to the sounds of Abbey sniffling and whimpering. Rubbing his eyes, Blaine looked around a moment, seeing that both Graham and Kurt had woken up and left the bed.

"What's wrong Abbey?" Blaine asked, seeing that the little girl was now awake.

"Papa.....Abbey.....Abbey 'ucky. Owwie...f'oat owwie," the little girl whimpered, pointing to her throat.

"How about we get you some juice for your throat and see what Daddy and Graham are doing?" he asked.

His daughter nodded and Blaine got up, holding Abbey to his hip. "Daddy? Graham?" Blaine called out playfully, hoping to make Abbey laugh, but the girl just rested her head on her Papa's shoulder.

Rubbing her back, Blaine walked down the hallway of the apartment and into the living room. Graham was coloring while Kurt sat on the couch, holding a cup of tea and a book. The chestnut haired man had his glasses on, his hair a little messy from the nap. Kurt's nose was scrunched a bit, pink around the edges.

Taking a break from reading, Kurt's eyes fluttered shut and he sat his mug of tea down quickly.

"Ehhh....heehh...he'ISHHHIEW! huh'TSCHEEW! *snnnnfl* Ugh...." Kurt's body tensed as two wet sneezes wracked his slender frame. Even from the other side of the room, Blaine could see Kurt's nose running, two wet rivulets running down from his thin nostrils.

"Bless you Daddy!" Graham said, not bothering to look up from his doodles.

"Bless you Daddy!" Blaine echoed, handing Kurt a tissue.

Taking the tissue gratefully, Kurt pressed it to his still itching nose.

"Th...theeeehhh'hi'SHHHH!! *snnnfll* huh'TCHIEEWW! *snnnnnfl* huh'PTCHH! Gohd,"

Kurt groaned, rubbing his nose with the tissue.

Cooing, Blaine rubbed Kurt's back before chuckling.

"Loogks likge thatd's two downd for the cout'," Kurt mumbled, eyes drooping as he rested his head against the back of the couch. Boy was it going to be a long few days.

Edited by PuddinPop
Story edit for poster.
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