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Old Glee Fanfiction Sick Rachel


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Hey so this is my first attempt at a glee fanfiction! It takes place in whatever season Kurt and Rachel are good friends, and she's dating Finn. Note: I don't own any characters, Glee, or any medicine brands, restraunts.


Chapter 1

Rachel's alarm goes off at 6am and she almost doesn't want to get up. Her whole body is aching, she feels stuffed up, and she's hot and cold at the same time. But then she remembers..this is the day we leave leave for Nationals! She hops out of bed, does her morning workout and quickly takes a shower. Thinking she should probably take some medicine for the road since it was a 10 hour bus ride to New York, she walks out of her room to the hall closet where they keep the medicine, thankful her dads are away on business and can't keep her from going to the competition. She opens the Dyquil, and is disappointed to only see one dose left. Thankfully, there are cough drops in there still so she packs them in the bottom of her backpack that she'll keep with her on the bus. She finishes getting ready, takes the last dose of Dyquil, and heads off to school.

After loading her luggage under the charter bus she finds Finn and goes to sit down on the window seat next to him. Once everyone is on the bus, Mr. Schuester does a quick head count before telling the bus driver that she can pull out.

Rachel starts shivering and snuggles up against Finn's chest.

"Ya cold Rach?"

She summons up all her strength to say, "Yeah, a little" without any hint of congestion or hoarseness in her voice.

Finn takes off one of his blankets and wraps it around her. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks" she smiles and drifts off to sleep. The next thing she knows, Finn and Kurt are waking her up saying that they are stopped at a Chick-fil-a for lunch.

"Go on ahead Finn, I'll bring Ms. Diva in, besides I know how hungry you are."

"Thanks!" Finn gives a goofy little smile and kisses Rachel on the forehead before running off to get lunch.

Hschoo! Rachel sneezes

"Bless you...Are you ok Rach?" Kurt says cautiously

"Yeah, I'b fide" Rachel is shocked at how congested and hoarse her voice is. She's thankful everyonee except Kurt is already inside and didn't hear her voice.

Kurt scrutinizes her up and down before saying "ok then, lets go eat!"

Inside Kurt kept watching her, and he noticed that instead of her getting her usual grilled chicken salad with water, she got chicken tortilla soup with sweet tea. She also didn't say much during lunch, which worried him. Everyone else was happy that Ms. Bossypants wasn't suggesting new songs or berating them as usual, but it worried Kurt. Finn however, was oblivious to the fact anything was wrong.


Chapter 2 will be up soon! I have to go help with dinner. Any comments, tips, or suggestions are gladly apprectiated :)

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Thanks recuchii!! Here's chapter 2!!!


Chapter 2

Rachel's POV

I've eaten about half of my soup and I don't think I can eat any more or I'll puke. Kurt keeps staring at me and asking if I'm ok and I keep having to nod yes. If I can just sleep on the bus for the next 5 hours, then maybe after we get to the hotel, I can sneak down to the gift shop and buy some cold medicine and be perfectly healthy by the competition tomorrow.

"Be back on the bus in 10 minutes guys!" Mr. Schuester's voice calls out.

"I'll beet you on the bus, I'b going to use the restroom" I say to Kurt and Finn.

I go to restroom, wash my hands, and wipe my face down with water before heading onto the bus. I'm so tired that I fall asleep before the bus even pulls out of the parking lot.

The next thing I know Finn's waking me up and I groggily grab my stuff and head off the bus. Puck and Sam are unloading the bottom of the truck so once I see my 2 bright pink bags I go over and grab them. I wait for Mr. Schue to call out roommate assignments.

"Rachel and Quinn your in room 211 and your room will connect to Mercedes and Santana's who will be in room 212, the four of you may head to you rooms."

Nobody's POV

Quinn, Mercedes, and Santana chatter animatedly to each other and Rachel just smiles and nods at all the right places.They reach their rooms and once everyone settles in Mercedes and Santana go over to Rachel and Quinns room to hang out. Rachel looks over some material the hotel had lying out and sees that the gift shop is open all night. So she relaxes and has a decent time hanging out with everyone. They were all so excited and chattering that they barely noticed Rachel hardly said two words all night or that she had been stifling her coughs and sneezes all night. Around 11pm they decided they should hit the hay seeing as Nationals was the next day. Mercedes and Santana went back to their rooms and Quinn turned out the lights to go to sleep. Around 11:30 Rachel heard light snoring coming from Quinn so she grabbed a roomkey and snuck downstairs to the gift shop.

When she got to the gift shop she was surprised to see Mr. Schue checking out with a bottle of water and a bag of chips. She quickly hid behind a concierge desk by the gift shop and she didn't come out until Mr. Schue was in the elevator. Rachel quickly went inside and purchased some Nyquil, Dyquil, 2 bottles of water, and some tissues. Once checking out she hid the items in her backpack and headed back up the elevator. She was walking to her room when she heard.

"Rachel? What are you still doing up?"

It was Mr. Schue. She knew she was going to have to be careful with her choice of words so he wouldn't know how congested she was.

"I went to the gift shop to get some water" She said as carefully as she could.

"You ok? You sound a lil stuffy..." Mr. Schue said while giving her a glance over.

"I'm, ok"

"Ok, good, wouldn't want our soloist getting sick right before a competition."

Rachel smiled and said good night. Then went back to her room and went into the restroom and quietly closed the door. She opened the Nyquil and a bottle of water and took the required dosage.

She was exhausted so she decided to go to bed and set her alarm to 8am instead of the usual 6, and she feel asleep before her head even hit the pillow.


End of Chapter 2! Chapter 3 will be up later tonight or tomorrow! Any comments, tips, or suggestions are gladly appreciated!!

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Yaaaay turned.gif I freaking love the old Glee...I've been really disappointed with the new episodes. :(

Anyway keep going, this is great! :D

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Thanks flowerpower67 and SapphireStream!!! This would've been up early but I typed the whole thing up and hit a wrong key and the page closed. So I had to retype the whole thing. P.S. SapphireStream I agree the new episodes aren't the best, the old ones were amazing. I just keep watching to hear new songs I think. Ha ha a.


Chapter 3 (Part Rachel's POV part nobody's Pov)

I awoke to voices all around me. I decided to stay asleep so that I could hear what they were saying.

"Do you think she's sick?" That's gotta be Mercedes.

"I don't know, but isn't she usually up at like 6am or some other crazy time. It's already 7:45 and she isn't up yet. I'm worried, we're supposed to be downstairs at 8:30" Definitely Quinn's voice.

"Well if you think she's sick I could go get Mr. Schue." And that's Santana voice.

I guess I better wake up before they go get Mr. Schue. I stretch and sit up to find everyone staring at me.

"Good morning." I say cautiously.

"Rachel are you ok? You sound pretty hoarse?" Mercedes asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, besides my voice is hoarse because I just woke up." I respond. However at that moment my body betrays me by going into a coughing fit. Quinn comes over and rubs my back until the coughs subside.

"Chica, don't try to pull any of that crap. Your pale, you're coughing, you're voice is hoarse. And don't think for a second I didn't notice how you didn't say more than two words yesterday!" Santana says.

"Please don't tell Mr. Schue!! I won't talk from now till the competition, and I'll take some of the medicine I got at the gift shop last night. Besides I only have 1 solo at the beginning of the competition and I can lip sync the rest if I need to. You can tell Mr. Schuester after I promise, just don't tell him before!" I beg them, upset at how hoarse and congested I sound.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Rachel has a point. We could all perform her solo well, but this song was made perfectly for Rachel. She'll put the most emotion into it. Alright, we won't tell but if you start to get worse we're telling in a heartbeat." Quinn tells her calmly.

Santana goes and sits on the bed and places the back of her hand on Rachel's forehead. "You got one heck of a fever mija"

Rachel points to her back and Mercedes hands it to her. She takes a dose of Dyquil and a cough drop before getting up. She writes on a pad of paper "I'll meet you downstairs at 8:20" and then she goes and gets a shower. Once she turns on the hot water she breathes a sigh of relief. That could've gone worse.I quickly shower, get dressed and grab my back with the medicine hidden in it before heading downstairs. Over half the glee club is already there. Finn comes over and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before Kurt grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner.

"Quinn, Santana, and Mercedes filled me in. I knew you were sick yesterday! Don't worry, I won't tell Mr. Schue, but I wish you had told me. I thought we were friends." Kurt says disappointedly.

I grab out a piece of paper and pen and write, "We are friends. Best friends. But I know what you would've told me. You would've wanted to tell Mr. Schuester or for me to stay home. Really I'm fine it's just a cold."

"Ok, well the moment this competition ends I'm telling Schue."

I nod and climb on the bus. We sight see through the bus windows, trying to decide what to visit tomorrow since we added in a day of sigh seeing before we head back to Lima. At 11 we swing through McDonald's for lunch. I nibble on a happy meal, but I don't want to eat much because of my throat. So I secretely pop a cough drop out of my back. By noon we are back on the bus and by 12:30 we are checking in to the competition.

Even though we don't perform until 4:30 my stomach is doing flip flops. I'm either super nervous or I'm nauseas. Either way NOT GOOD!

Mr. Schuester leads us into the auditorium where we watch the other performers until 3:30. They are all so good I'm getting nervous. What if my voice comes out croaky!!?!? At 3:30 we go to a green room and we all change into our costumes. At 4:20 Mr. Schue leads us in our pre-show circle and then we are out.

We go onto stage into our position. I start singing "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion. My voice thankfully holds it together until the last 20 seconds when it starts to fade and get hoarse again. My throat hurts and my eyes start to water in pain, so I'm praying the judges think it's due to how emotional the piece I'm singing is. We then perform our other songs, and then it comes to our big fun dance number. "Best Day of my life" by American Authors. I'm getting dizzy and my nausea is overwhelming. Thankfully I hold it together we take our bows and run off stage. While everyone runs back into the green room I run to the girls restroom.

I collapse in front of the closest toilet and puke my guts out. I'm shivering and lying with my head on the toilet when someone comes in . I realized I forgot to lock my stall. I suddenly feel someone rubbing my back and I know it must be Quinn because she's the only one who wouldn't be 100% disgusted. I whimper because I know I'm about to throw up again. I puke. Quinn grabs my hair and starts to braid it. I love it when people play with my hair. It's comforting to me.

"Rach, you ready to go back into the green room? Mercedes, Kurt, and Santana explained to Mr. Schue what's going on. He's pretty upset that we didn't tell him earlier."

"I'm ready" I croak out.

Quinn helps me up then takes me over to the sink where I wash my hands and my face. I'm nervous that Mr. Schue will yell at me for not telling, but I allow Quinn to slowly bring me back into the green room. Thankfully when I get there the only people in the room are Mr. Schue, Kurt, Santana, and Mercedes. I guess Mr. Schue made everyone else go back out and watch so that they wouldn't be crowding me. Quinn leads me over and sets me into one of the chairs.

"Rachel, how could you not tell me you were sick. Your voice cracking at the end could've jeopardized the competition if the judges don't think it's your emotions."

"I'm sorry I just really wanted to perform. I didn't want to let people down. And if I didn't perform their would've been a hole in the stage where I was supposed to be and that would've hurt our score." I croak out.

Mr. Schuester looks concerned when he hears how horrible my voice sounds. "Rachel, what if you had gotten hurt?"

I just shrug and look down guiltily.

Mr. Schuester sighs and says "The rest of you can go back out and watch the competiton, I'm going to check over Rachel"

The rest of the group exits and Mr. Schue walks over to get the First aid kit. He grabs a thermometer out of it.

"Open up Rach"

I open up and shiver as he slids the cold metal tip under my tongue. He comes and sits beside me and rubs my back. He's like my dad, seeing as my dads are always away on business. My dads are actually good friends with him and I've stayed over at his house with him before while my dads were out of town. The thermometer suddenly beeps pulling me out of my thoughts.

"103.1, according to all the symptoms your friends told me, I'm pretty sure you have the flu."

Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo I sneeze and rummage through my bag for my box of tissues.

"They told me you have medicine on you. I'm pretty sure it's time for another dose. They won't judge the competition until 8ish so I recommend taking some Nyquil then you can sleep for a little bit, but if you would rather have Dyquil go ahead."

I nod then take some Nyquil and a cough drop.

"Come on let's get back out there. You can between me and Finn. I don't want you to get other people sick, but I doubt Finn will leave you"

I nod and go into the auditorium. I sit between Mr. Schue and Finn. Finn notices me shivering so he wraps his jacket around me and kisses my forehead. I fall asleep almost instantly. The next thing I know Mr. Schue is shaking me awake and it's 7:45. We go back into the green room and Mr. Schue checks my temperature again.

"102.5, it went down with the medicine, hopefully it'll stay down a little while longer."

The intercom in the room comes on and the whole club gathers in a circle and we all hold hands.

"The following three teams please report to the stage. " Vocal Adrenaline, The Starlight Scale Blazzers, and the New Directions".

Everyone starts cheering and squeling!! We made the top three!!! In a wave of adrenaline we rush onto the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, these let's hear it for the top three teams"


"In 3rd place we have................The Starlight Scale Blazzers!!"


Rachel coughs harshly into her elbow and leans against Finn. Mr. Schuester and the rest of the club watches in concern.

"Now, for the winner of the National Glee club competition.....The winning team is.................THE NEW DIRECTIONS!!!!"

All at once thunderous applause, screaming, and squeeling is heard. Mr. Schuester goes and shakes the judges hands and I go into a coughing fit, Finn and Kurt lead me off stage. Kurt forces me to sit down once we are in the hall and he starts rubbing my back until the coughs subside.

"Rach, has he called your dads yet?" Finn asks.

"Not yet"

Suddenly Puck rushes out and asks. "Everyone ok out here? Schuester is wondering where y'all went?"

"Tell him we're fine, Rachel was having a coughing fit. We'll meet you all at the bus." Kurt responds.

"Ok" Puck says before rushing off.


Alright there's part 3!! Comments, tips, and suggestions are appreciated!! I can't believe this story is gonna be four chapters! All of my stories are only 3 haha

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Ok, Here's chapter 4!! It should be the final part unless anyone has any suggestions to make the story go on longer. Haha. Authors note: Emma is in this chapter some. I forgot to mention she was one of the chaperones and that she stays in Mr. Schuester's hotel room


Chapter 4 (Part Rachels POV part nobody's Pov)

Kurt and Finn help me to my feet and then Finn surprises me by picking me up and carrying me bridal style to the bus. I snuggle into his chest since he's so warm and I'm shivering. On the bus, Finn and I sit in the two seats across from Mr. Schuester and Kurt sits in the seat beside Mr. Schuester, instead of us sitting in the back like we usually do. The bus is loud and excited with our Nationals win, so I can't really sleep good.

Hschoo! Hschoo! I sneeze and then a big chill runs down my spine causing me to shiver. Kurt fishes through my bag until he finds my box of tissues and he hands me one.


"No problem"

After what seems like forever, we pull into the hotel parking lot and everyone starts to head back to their rooms.

"Hey Rachel, lets go to to my room and we can call your dad. Finn, Kurt, you can come too if you want."

I look over to Finn and Kurt and see that Finn looks exhausted.

"Finn you can go up to bed, you look exhausted" I croak out.

"Thanks baby" He replies. He kisses my forehead and goes up to bed, however Kurt looks determined to stay with me so he follows me up to Mr. Schuester's room, where he and Emma are staying. Upon getting to his room he motions to his bed for me and Kurt to sit down. He dials my dads phone number and eventually they answer. Kurt, almost pyschic knows my dads will want to know my temperature so he reaches into Mr. Schuester's coat pocket and grabs the thermometer. Kurt sticks it under my tongue while Mr. Schue talks to my dad. I can tell my dads aren't happy to hear I am sick, and knowing them they won't come home early just because I'm running a little temp.

Before I know it the thermometer beeps and Mr. Schue whips around and grabs it out of my mouth and tells my dad, "her temp is 102.9"

Mr. Schue utters some more "mmmhmm's and ok's" before saying "Will do, goodbye"

"So?" Kurt asks for me.

Mr. Schuester sighs," apparently your dads are too busy to come get you, but they say to feel better and that they will be home on Wednesday."

"BUT WE GET HOME ON SUNDAY!" Kurt cries out mad that they are leaving me alone while I'm sick.

"Kurt, chill it's fine, I can take care of myself."

*I cough into my elbow some*

Kurt rubs my back and says, "it's not fine, your going to come home with me and Finn. Dad and Carole would love to have you. And Carole makes the BEST homeade soup."

I smile and give him a hug. "Tbanks"

"Rachel, Kurt, why don't y'all go back to your rooms. Rachel I'll be by in the morning to check on you".

We leave and when I get back to my room all the girls in glee club are in there chatting away. I go to the bathroom and get ready for bed and then walk out and sit on the edge on my bed.

"Rach we're gonna go into Mercedes and Santana's room so you can sleep and this room will be all quiet ok?"

"Tbank you" I say.

They leave and I take some of my medicine and fall asleep.

The next morning I'm awoken to Mr. Schuester gently shaking my shoulder. He bids me a good morning and asks me to open up so he can take my temperature.

"102.5, looks like it's coming down slowly. I'm sorry Rach, but you're too sick to go sight seeing. Emma is going to take them sight seeing and we'll meet them for dinner if you're feeling up to it."

"But don't you want to go sight seeing?" I hoarsly say.

"I've been to New York. I've seen it all, besides you need someone to make sure your comfortable and to help you feel better."

I smile and then he hands me a dose of the Dyquil which I gladly take. I text my dads and update them on what my temperature is before curling back under the covers. Mr. Schuester leaves to go get me some breakfast and the other glee kids are already gone.

Mr. Schue comes back and props up my pillows so I can eat. He brought me toast, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. Along with apple juice, milk, water, and hot tea to drink.

"Sorry, I should've asked what you wanted. I know you threw up yesterday so I didn't know what you would feel up to eating"

"It's ok, I'll take the pancakes and hot tea, I think I just puked yesterday because of all the dancing and singing."

He nods understandingly. "I brought you something else I think you'll like."

I look at him questioningly and he pulls out the movie "Singing in the Rain"

"This movie always makes me feel better when I'm sick."

I smile and he pops in the movie to watch.


End of Chapter 4 .Should I keep going? Comments, tips, suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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OH GOD!!!! Mr. Shue, you're like a father to all of them! It's so cute!! Though for a sick patient, I would have gone for the toast, since it's easy on the stomach... But whatevs :)

I like how you got Singing in the Rain. I'm no obsessive Gleek but I've watched the Substitute Teacher episode too many times not to know that Mr. Shue loves that movie when he's sick. :)

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Thanks flowerpower67!! As for Rachel picking pancakes....Spoilers......Haha! Anyways here's part 5! :)


Chapter 5 (Mr. Schue's POV)

Rachel fell asleep with 30min. left in the movie. Once the movies over I reach over and feel her forehead, frowning when I find that it's still burning up. Looking over to where she keeps her medicine, I see that it's almost empty. I write Rachel a quick note that says,

"Rachel, went out to get you more medicine. I'll be back soon!

Mr. Schue

I walk down to the gift shop only to find that they are out of Nyquil and Dyquil. Crap! Remembering that I saw a Walgreens down the street I exit the hotel.

Rachel's POV

I awake to find my stomach in knots. "Ughh" I moan. I sit up and find Mr. Schuester's note. I just finish reading the note when all of a sudden my stomach does a complete somersault and I rush to the bathroom, barely making it in front of the toilet before I throw up. I definitely should've eaten the toast instead of pancakes. Well, at least Mr. Schue isn't here to see me like this.

Mr. Schue's POV

After grabbing the medicine I rush back to the hotel. I'm thankful that I grabbed Rachel's room key since she's not answering the door now. I get the door open and seeing that her bed is empty call out "Rachel?" I hear some soft whimpering coming from the bathroom and I quickly drop the bag of medicine and rush to the bathroom.

"Rachel is it ok if I come in?"

I hear a soft yes and come in to find Rachel curled around the toilet, crying silently. The air is thick with the stench of vomit.

"Oh, Rachel." I say sympathetically.

She throws up two more times and I hold back her hair with one hand and rub her back comfortingly with the other.

"Are you done?"

She nods yes and I help her stand up and then I leave her to brush her teeth and mouth.

Nobody's Pov

Mr. Schue goes and grabs the thermometer before sitting back on Rachel's bed. Rachel finally comes back out and sits back against her pillows.

"Here Rachel, open up so I can take your temperature and then I can give you more medicine."

Rachel reluctantly lets the thermometer go under her tongue. It beeps and Mr. Schue takes it out of her mouth.

"103.0, it's going back up." Mr. Schue says before handing her some Dyquil.

Rachel takes the medicine and lies back down on the bed.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I got you a surprise!"

"You didn't have to get me anything" Rachel croaks out.

"It was on sale and didn't cost more than $5. Besides I wanted to give you something since your sick when you could be exploring New York."


Mr. Schuester gets up and puts in the movie he bought for Rachel. "Funny Girl".

Almost instantly, Rachel's face lights up and she settles in to watch the movie. While Mr. Schuester is up he goes into the bathroom and wets a washcloth. He rings it out before bringing it out of the bathroom.

"Rach, it seems like the medicine isn't cutting it, so I'm going to put this washcloth on your head to see if we can get your fever to come down a degree or two".

Rachel nods reluctantly and allows Mr. Schuester to put the cool washcloth on her head. Once the washcloth is on Rachel starts to shiver.

"I'm sorry, I know it's cold. If you can just leave it on for 30ish minutes, then you can take it off." Rachel nods ok.

The movie ends and Mr. Schuester finds Rachel asleep once again.

At around 5pm there's a knock on the door that wakes up Rachel. Rachel looks around dazed while Mr. Schue goes to answer the door.

All the Glee club kids file in, all bringing gifts for Rachel.

There's a humongous teddy bear with a dozen red roses from Finn, a get well balloon from Puck, and various other stuffed animals and cards from everyone else.

"Thanks guys" Rachel croaks.

"No problem, you look like you could use some cheering up" Finn says before kissing her forehead. Finn frowns and asks "What's her temperature at? She feels hot."

" I was just about to take it actually, so if y'all could move out of the way a little bit please?"

Everyone moves out of the way to make room for Mr. Schue and he puts the thermometer in Rachels mouth. Kurt sits down on the bed next to her and she lies on his shoulder. He plays with her hair and hums sympathetically. Finally the thermometer beeps.

"102.1, it went down quite a lot." He says with a smile.


Part 6 will be up soon!!! This is my longest fanfiction yet. I'm shocked haha . As always comments, tips, and suggestions are always welcome!!!

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Aw, not much sneezing--actually not any at all! Second... ew... I'm not one for vomit... it just grosses me out.. keep it coming, I hope Rachel's fever goes down and all that's left is a sneezy cold!!!

OH BTW, did you see her on the Ellen DeGeneres Show today?! I LOVE Ellen and it was the first time Lea opened up about Cory's death.. it was kind of sad, but really sweet. The segment is on YouTube under Ellen DeGeneres' channel if you missed it and want to see it.

Anyway, good part! can't wait for more!

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Haha thanks! Vomit grosses me out too, I can write about it though. Lol. And no I didn't see the Ellen show today! I loved watching the Ellen show last year when I got home from school right at 3pm when it came on, but now the school times changed and I don't get home till 4! I need to start recording it! I'll have to go check it out! Anyways, here's part 6, sorry it took a while. I'm somehow in a serious motivational mood! I've written 3 papers that were makeup work for English, a 9pg paper for History, done the dishes, some of my laundry, and now I'm going to write part 6! Who knows what'll happen next! I might even clean my room...


Chapter 6 Rachels POV/ Nobody's POV

"So what are you all doing here?" Rachel says hoarsely.

"Well, we were about to go out to dinner, but we wanted to know if you felt up to coming with us? We're going to one of those Medieval themed restraunts where they put on a theatrical show for you while you eat." Finn says.

I look pleadingly at Mr. Schuester, "Please Mr. Schue, can we go to dinner with everyone?"

Mr. Schue ponders it for a moment. She still has quite the fever, but it's gone down a lot and she's just taken some more medicine...."Sure we can go, but I don't want you running around too much or talking too much, or you'll make yourself worse."

Rachel nods excitedly in agreement.

"Oh Rachel, we forgot! Kurt and I got you something so you wouldn't have to talk!

*Blaine pulls out a whiteboard with a pink, case covered in gold stars that he hands to Rachel. He also hands her a variety of colored erase markers in a cute little bag, that also contains a cloth and spray for wiping off the board*

She eagerly takes it and writes, "It's so beautiful!!! Thank you guys so much!!"

"Your welcome!" Blaine says.

"Alright everybody! Let's go! Hey Quinn, Mercedes, Santana? Can you help Rachel get ready and get her on the bus? We'll leave after you get on."

"No problem, Mr. Schue" Mercedes replies.

*Everyone except Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes, and Santana exit the room*

"Ok Rach, did you bring any sweats or comfortable clothes?" Santana asks

Rachel nods yes and Santana opens her suitcase to find a light pink sweatsuit and a pair of white reebock sneakers with pink accents. Rachel goes to the restroom and gets dressed before sitting in a chair in front of a mirror to do her hair. Quinn grabs the brush out of Rachel's hair and grabs a light pink ponytail before brushing and fishtailing Rachels hair.

Rachel writes Thank you! On her board and then Quinn, Santana, and Mercedes lead Rachel out of the room and onto the elevator. The elevator is much stuffier than the room and hallway was which causes Rachels nose to tickle.

"Hschoo HISCHOOO HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO!!" Rachel can't stop the sneezing fit that comes over her.

HISCHOO!!!! Rachel sneezes so hard that she can't almost falls over. Thankfully Santana grabs her before she does.

"Woah there chica! Don't need you injuring yourself on top of the flu bug you have"

"You alright Rach?" Mercedes asks.

Rachel nods yes. Finally the elevator open, and Santana grabs her arm and leads her on the bus after seeing that the sneezing fit left her dizzy. After leading Rachel to a seat beside Finn, right behind Mr. Schuester, Mr. Schue shoots Santana a confused look. She mouths to him, "Sneezing Fit. She's dizzy". He nods to her and tells the bus driver that she can pull out.

Rachel rests her head on Finn's shoulder and Finn strokes her hair soothingly.

They eventually arrive at the restraunt, and they all sit in at the longest table closest to the stage. When ordering their food, Rachel writes down on her board, "Tomato soup with cheese and a side of sourdough bread and butter. And a cup of hot tea with honey to drink" and hands it to Kurt who is on one side of her, knowing that Finn (who was on her other side) would probably mess up her order since it had a couple of add ons.

The show started right after they all got their food and it was magnificent!

*Rachel coughs a few times towards the end of the play* Thankfully no one really seemed to notice as they were all absorbed in the play.

The play ended and they paid for their food before heading back to the bus. "HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO!!" Rachel sneezed going into a powerful sneezing fit that left her dizzier than before. Thankfully Finn was there and led her onto the bus. Rachel was asleep before the bus pulled out of the parking lot.

The bus pulled up to the hotel and Rachel was still asleep. Everyone filed off of the bus and Finn picked up Rachel and carried her to her room. He peeled off her shoes, tucked her into bed, and kissed her forehead.

However, at that moment Mr. Schue came in and told Finn that he had to wake her up so that he could check her temperature again before giving her medicine. Mr. Schue gently shook Rachel awake and she looked around confused wondering how she got back to her hotel room. Finn, seeing she was confused, quickly explained that he carried her up.

"Rach, can you open up? Just for a minute. I'll check your temp, give you some Nyquil, then you can go back to bed ok?" Mr. Schue says

Rachel nods and opens her mouth for the thermometer. It eventually beeps and Mr. Schue reads, "102.5, It didn't go up too much after you going out, so that's good."

He hands her a dose of Nyquil and she quickly takes it before falling back asleep.


End of part 6 :) Comments, tips, and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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