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~Jack Frost. Jaimie's sick~ Fic for Artygirl22


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Kai so here goes this shot. Jaimie will be sick then Jack takes care of him. ------------------------------------------ The frost element young boy was flying In the cold wind to arrive to Jaimie's house . When the white haired boy sat on Jaimie's window , the brown haired fellow opened the window for Jack. First thing that Jack noticed was how pale the other boy was, chapped/red nose and glassy eyes. The white haired boy didn't know what was wrong with his friend. All of a sudden Jaimie made a sudden sound "Ishoo Ishoo" he sniffled, Jack looked at him not knowing what to do. The chocolate haired boy looked up at Jack with red glassy eyes with bags underneath then said "uhm Jack I know you don't get colds but *sniffle* you're spose to say bless you after someone sneezes". Jack looked at him as If he'd grown three heads then asked "why?". Jaimie said "It's just polite, Jackolantern" . The white haired teen chuckles at the name he was called. But then said "Hey! I have nothing to do with Halloween jerk. Don't mess up my name". Jaimie said "Well you obviously don't care I'm really sick, you never understand how hard it is to go to school , mr.I can go anywheres I want and just have fun. Well I cannot !. ". Jaimie stomped out of his room then slammed the bathroom door. ------------------------------------------- After the fight , Jaimie noticed that Jack has left his room. He mumbled something alone the lines of "frosty asshole". He wiggled his nose then sneezes twice, bending at the waist "Hech'ew Hech'ew " . He sniffles then plucked a tissue from the box and blew his nose. ------------------------------------------ Notes : Caretaking from Jack In the next part :) promise . Enjoy :) tbc?.

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Aye I'm exausted so this part might not make sense. Wasn't really planning on continueing but thank you guys :). -------------------------------------- Jack soon flew back to Jaimie's house. He found the boy passed out.The white haired teen plucked a tissue from the box and put it on the freckled boy's nose , the human pitched forward "Ishoo Ishoo Ishoo Ishoo". Jaimie sniffled then was woken up by the outburst. He lifted his head up then looked at the guardian "You came back, jerk?". Jack nodded then gave him a bowl of carrot soup made by North. The sick boy grinned and ate the soup. Jack cleared his throat "Ehem I brought you medicine from Tooth" he gave the meds to Jaimie. The freckled boy swallowed the meds and chased it down with water. Jack then tryed to warm up Jaimie, but only made it worst since he's a chilly fellow. The white haired boy felt sorry he couldn't help. Jaimie said with a croaky voice " Id's okgay Jack, you did your best". He sniffled then Jack put a tissue to his nose instructing him to blow. Jaimie blew his nose trying to clear his sinuses. Jack threw the tissue in the wastebasket then got Jaimie a blanket. Jack cuddled Jaimie , the sick boygave a few sneezes on the frosty boys shirt "Ishoo Ishoo Ishoo". Jack stroked Jaimie's hair.They watched movies all day since the human boy didnt go to school. ------------------------------------------- Notes : Enjoy :) uhm Tbc? Should I get Jack sick?. Jack sick would be the last part of the story okay?. :)

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!! :hug: They forgave eachother! :yay: I love when one guy covers the sneezes of the other...its sooo cute!! if Jack does get sick..how would it be done..? Maybe he doesnt sleep for days since he's caring for jamie and doing gaurdian duties.

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