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Sick Prisioner, M, The Avengers(ThorxLoki)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok...an update will be coming soon. I am so sorry everyone. I really am. Im currently in the process of typing it. So far its three pages long.

All I'll say is poor Loki....:shifty: hehhehehehe

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Ok…I need a serious kick to the butt…I am so sorry for not updating this story. I still need to update my other stories…Plus I’m still looking for employment and/or volunteer work. So I do apologize but I will try to update when I can. Ok. So where did we leave off in the story…

As yes… Loki meets the other Avengers and lets just say poor Loki eh?

This will all be in Loki’s POV.

Chapter 3

These people think they can hold me?! They have another thing coming to each and everyone of them. I’m not at all surprised at my foolish brother’s actions…He was always the favorite in Odin’s eyes the good one who could do no wrong.

Then why do I feel a pain in my heart at his betrayal?

I guess I do feel hurt by his betrayal…he may not be my brother by blood by he was my brother nonetheless. Still, I hate him.

After I wasted my voice yelling for Thor, I realized that I could scream no more. My throat felt dry as if I never tasted water in my life… I couldn’t ponder the snesation for too long as I was shoved from this place they call a prison and outside to the sun and cool air. I shivered a bit as I was only clad in a large thin shirt and pants with no shoes or socks. These people are stupid I thought to myself. I was roughly pulled to the side as some idiotic gaurds place these bulky handcuffs on my hands.

‘What the hell is this?’ I thought in both curiosity and anger. Do they think I’m just going to let them take me?! Not without a fight. As I struggled again my captures, I felt weak and drained. Like everything was being sucked out of me.

‘Is this what Thor meant?!’ These cuffs! Their meant to take energy from its captive and my father taking my powers doesn’t help. I slump in the arms of one of the guards as I look up at a familiar voice. A voice I grew to hate. The Robin Hood wannabe. He smirked as he lifted my chin and laughed in my face. Well I spat at him and smirked as he looked like a pitiful child. But that look quickly evaporated as he slapped me so I hard I started coughing and it was a wet cough. I spat out blood from my mouth. The slap hurt and that worried me because I could take pain.

Why am I feeling this way? That archer smirked at me and spoke in a tone that almost sounded deadly.

“That’s only the beginning of your deserved punishment scum. To bad big brother isn’t here?”

I looked at him with such hate and spoke venomously in my own voice. He didn’t scare me.

“You wait till I become stronger, you will be the first to-” I didn’t get to finish that threat as one of the guards punch me in the stomach. Any breath I had, left me. I nearly vomited there… Actually I did on that bastard’ shoes.

It was a small victory on my part. But Hawkeye would have none of that because he punch me in the jaw. Not hard enough to break it but hard enough where I would have a bruise. These are the people you decided to be apart of now brother…Oh how I despise you so…The fool grabbed my hair and pulled me towards me feet where I stumbled into another guard who also hit me and shoved me to the ground. Great…another bruise. I was force to stand by the archer who pushed me towards the awaiting car and roughly pushed me inside it. I glared at this fool as he said something that made my blood run cold.

“I can’t wait for you to meet the others…Especially Black Widow and Hulk. Hulk really wants to get to know you.”

And with that he slammed the door and the vehicle started to move. I shivered again and felt achy all over my body. Am I getting sick? NO! I’m Loki I can’t get sick I am NOT sick!? With a firm a nod that actually made groan in pain, because I DO NOT whimper… I settled myself in this car as best I could with a heavy ass hand cuffs covering my hands. At least my feet weren’t bound but they hurt since I’m barefoot. I sigh heavy as I looked outside the car window and saw him…

Thor. The person I thought that could help me. He looked at me with those pathetic sad, and handsome blue eyes and he waved sadly and left. Probably back to Asgard to tell father what has happened.

‘Wait did I just say…HANDSOME!?’ Well I thought to myself, I do love the big oaf…but the way he flaunts himself towards the women here and at home, why would he want me? I’m just a scrawny thing who understands magic and tactics. Thor is the gem. I’m not. Plus why would he want me after what I did?

It seemed like an hour or two before we arrived. I must have dosed off. I triy to blink off the tiredness I feel but its not just in my eyes but my entire body.

Curse Odin…

Curse the humans…

And curse my foolish Brother.

I was roughly yanked out of the car and I growled at the guard who shook me roughly. Ugh now I’m dizzy. I swear by all of the ice giants that I had better not be getting sick. I look up at the building and recognize it as the place where they tried to keep me before. But before I was feeling tired and dare I say weak.

Oh joy…

I stumble as the guards and I walk towards the building. Before I knew it I was on the ground and I hit my leg hard. It didn’t break but it hurt. What in the name of Asgard just happen?

“Hello dog.”

It was a female voice…An angry one at that. I heard a click of what I rationalized as a weapon of some sort. As my favorite guards “helped” me up from the ground. I was faced with a woman I dubbed: “Demon”

“Hello Black Widow” I slyly said to her. She looked at me with so much hate and pointer her gun at me. My smirk went away and my eyes were widen for a minute. The other guards were slightly scared for a minute as well. She touched my chest with her weapon and it clicked again. I gasped a little and closed my eyes and heard a loud pop.

‘Did I die?’ I thought. I opened my eyes and saw the demon woman shoot at the sky. I didn’t die?!

Holy…Odin… I will not admit this out loud but I nearly wetted myself. This Black Widow woman can be scary…Trust me. Said woman looked at me with such hatred that when she walked over to me, I visibly cringed. She beautiful but deadly.

“So…look who we’ve captured… a worthless god. So you think you are so powerful that you can go where ever you please and ruin it? Oh… we are going to have so much fun…

“Hm.. Lucky for you Ms. Widow, I like fun.”

And I knew it, I was yet again on the ground coughing up blood. Damn woman…her punches were dare I say amazingly painful. Ugh…but why do I feel dizzy? I swear to Odin, has he done enough?! The fiery bitchy woman pulled me non to gently by my hair and punched me so hard I passed out but not before hearing her last words.

“Your going to be great fun for Hulk and the others. Your big brother isn’t here to help you. Pathetic.”


So…Cold…dizzy…Thor…B-brother where are you? Why have you left me? I-I-


I sneezed and jolted myself awake. Wait? When did I pass out? AND WHY THE HELL DID I SNEEZE? I can not be-

“Hetchiiu!!! Chiuu! Hitchuuiiuuu…..HETCHUUU!”

I can not believe it… Here I am with no powers and I’m getting sick. No! I will not believe that! I can’t believe that. I am not sick. I sniffled wetly as I instantly took in my surroundings. This is where they hold the prisoners. I should know because I was here before. But I had my freaking powers then. The room was extremely white giving the room an erie feeling of endless space. I groan as the lights bother my now sensitive eyes and headache. I swear…when I get out of here, those bastards better watch out. I realized that my hands are still bound but at least my legs aren’t but I feel so tired that I just sit in the corner.

I swear…when I get my hands on that traitorous brother of mine…But would I really hirt him? No…I could never hurt him. Not him… I lov- Damn these sneezes! Leave me be!

“Hetchuuu! HETCHUU CHUU!. Ugh…I-I C..heh..can’t s-s-stop..Uchuuu! AISHIOOOO!”

“Aw… Is the dog down with the sniffles?”

I tiredly looked up at the window and saw Fury with his stupid stoic face looking down on me…I hate him so damn much! He reminds me of Father…Always looking down on me like I was worthless. I glance over at the man and see three other people…


“Didn’t think Gods get sick…Hm…guess he isn’t so much of God as he is dirt.”

The idiot who called himself Captain America Spoke in a condensing tone. Next to him was the man and even bigger idiot Iron Man…

“Dirt? Nah that’s giving him way to much credit. Way to much…Gotta work on those insults bud.”

Tony patted his friend on the back while the blonde hero muttered something and blush while turning away.

“Will you two shut up or get a room!”

I hate her…I hate her so much! I have stupid bruises because of her. Though I must say her at least she can fight. She should try to teach the obvious lover boys something. Wait…There’s two people missing. Where that’s asshole Hawkeye and Banner guy. I began coughing as the Widow woman spoke.

“Oh don’t worry Loki…Hulk will be with us shortly. Too bad for you, your daddy took your powers. And after Hulk is done, you’ll deal with me.”

I ended my coughing fit gasping for air when I heard a loud sound coming from the door. I look up at the avengers and all but Fury are smirking. He Whispers something to demon woman as she nodded as he left somewhere. She turned back and crossed her arms as she smirked at me.

‘Damn it…I never felt this scared before.’ I thought to myself. I bet anything that Odin and his favorite are watching this is sick amusement. Well I’ll prove them all wrong.

“You think me scared of your little green pet?! Ha! You fools, I faced worse with ice giants and my own father. You pathetic humans are so simple minded.”

“Well…I wouldn’t call him little.. But you’ll see!” Stark replied in humor.

“Oh Please fool like I should be frightened of a man who can’t control his emotional state?”

“Well I guess you’ll be the judge of that huh? Can’t wait to see this. Entertainment at its finest. Good vs. Evil. Who will win!? Not you Loki! Oh well, nice kicking your ass.”

I hear the loud banging again and as it grew louder and louder, I truly did become frighten. Yes, my powers are bound, yes, I may be getting sick, and yes I have no weapons. But I have wits and intelligence. Something these humans hardly have none of.

The sound grew even more intense when suddenly I hear a growl and the door to this prison is ripped out of it hinges. I look at the door then towards where the door used to be. I backed up slowly and fell on my ass as all I saw stare back at me was green hatred filled eyes. I knew it all to well. Out of all of these fools, he was the one who…scared me the most. As he walked no stomped in the room slowly, I feel my heart pump faster and faster. I felt a cold sweat run down my back as he now towered over my small frame. One hit could kill me. But I have to be smart and careful. If I can dodge I can come up with something…Anything.

If I could get out this room I could-

“Hitchuiiiiuuu! Hehchuiiiiuuu!” Damn it body! Work with me here.


He may be huge…But he isn’t stupid…I gulped in fear as Hulk raises on big fist in the air and punches the wall by my head. I hear Stark getting excited while the others just snickered.

I slide the wall as Hulk cracks his knuckles and grins evilly… I-I never been so afraid for my life…Never..


‘Thor…Please…help me.’

I shamefully think as all I hear is the conceding laughter of my captors…

‘Please big brother, Please save me.’

But… you won’t. Will you? You left me here. You hate me. You’ll never love me as I do you.

YAY! An update! I hope you enjoyed what took me forever to do. I hope I got the characters right. I haven’t seen The Avengers in a while but I still hope its enjoyable yeah? Ok gotta now update my Hey Arnold Fic. :sweatdrop:

Edited by Artygirl22
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glad u like it. Is there a paticular part u liked?

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all of it. this was really good you've pretty much got the characters down. But I think it would be cool to do some Steve guilt because a lot of this is against Steve's morals or make him a little uncomfortable. but I really like the way you portray him, as really the old school hero.

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They all will feel major guilt when thor gets back....which.is way later...thats all i'll say.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Ok.........im really sorry for not updating...*speaking from a dark corner* but i will update!

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Ok.........im really sorry for not updating...*speaking from a dark corner* but i will update!

Yay!!! I love the story so far, THIS is one of the reasons why I'm going to watch Avengers on tv! X3

Can't wait for the update, I can feel it's going to be amaizing!

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the story like holds a lot of promise, and for the most part i like it, however the grammar is a little rough around the edges. that said i look forward to the next part!

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