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Sick Prisioner, M, The Avengers(ThorxLoki)


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So this was a request for theDoctor96 whose birthday was a few days ago. So my gift to you my friend is a ThorxLoki story. (My first one...YAY!) So I hope you like theDoctor96. :heart: Oh! I'm drawing a picture or two for this fic. So look out for it in the artwork section. XD

Summary: A few months after the events of The Avengers, Loki is held their prisioner. The other Avengers minus Thor, bully and make Loki miserable to the point where he falls ill. On top of that Loki's powers are bound. Can Thor help his young and sick brother? And will a possible friendship spark between Loki and the other Avengers?


New York City, Manhattan- Present Day

If you were to tell me that I would be a part of team of heroes consisting of different kinds of human...and not so human. I would stare blankly at you for awhile, look away, then back towards you, laugh then hurt you bad. And did I mention the laughing part? Yes. I would. But Lucky for you, I don't need too. Who with any common sense would think that I, Loki Norse God of destruction and trickery would become apart of this team. Even in Asgard living with my family, I was a loner and my only companions were my spells and textbooks.( Thor always tried to get me away from the library. Deep down, he's the only one that can.) Sometimes like now as all of us are sitting together listening to the easily angered Rogers and the foolish yet intelligent Stark go back and forth fighting over Odin knows what. I wonder if they fight for other reasons then what they say...Lets just say I'm very observant. As I shake my head in utter annoyance at the pointless bickering, I watch as my older brother laughs as the scene. Hmm...I wish I could be as carefree and happy as he can. But when I'm near him, I feel a little happy too. BUT I'll get to that later on...Anyway, It was my brother's idea for to me to be here and I try to show my gratitude to him and the others for accepting me...But like everything about me, things were not easy to say the least and honestly, I wasn't surprised though I did learn a lot about myself at that time and the others as well as Thor. You're probably wondering what in the world of Jotunheim am I speaking about. Well, I'll tell you all.

My Name is Loki, younger brother to the thunder God Thor who I fell in love with. Son of Odin and I am apart of The Avengers. This includes Captain America, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Ironman, my brother Thor, and our commanding Officer, Nick Fury. How did I become apart if this team you ask? Well my friends, just sit tight and I'll tell you what happened five months ago. Trust me, nothing could have prepared me for this...and I'm Loki.

Hope you all like a good story because this one will make what I caused back in New York City seem like child's play.

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I love fics where Loki is a part of the Avengers!! Cant wait for more!

Omg I love this ur amazing!

Thanks you guys.

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I am going to hunt you down. Lol jk but u need to continue this cuz it's sad when good stories die before the even get a chance.

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Wahh!!! Dont hunt me down!! *Hides* :(...im sorry! I'll update when I can. I promise!!:scared:

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Most likely tonight or tomorrow there should b an update. (Oh!! And for those who r following my hey arnold fic, I swear im working on that too.)

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Ok so I apologize for not updating this story. I have so many other stories Im writing... But I will do my best to update for you lovely people. So I don’t own a damn thing..I would love Loki and Thor though..;)

Five Months ago- New York City

“Thor, it has to be you to do it... If Black widow or hell, Hulk get a hold of your brother, then we can’t interrogate him. He would be dead..Though if it were up to me and Not Fury then I would kill him too.”

“You make it sound so easy. Yes he’s my brother and no you nor the others will hurt him. He’s just...”

“What Thor?! Misunderstood? Yes we are all misunderstood but we don’t go hurting innocent people and nearly destroying Manhattan. Stop making excuses for him.”

Thor and Hawkeye were at the police station. Why were they there you ask? Well after Loki nearly destroyed New York City, and the avengers put some serious damage to the eccentric trickster God, he was brought to the police station where the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were waiting. Nick Fury wanted to bring Loki back to their headquarters to interrogate him as to what his true motives were. It was a few weeks after the near destruction and the citizens were trying to rebuilt their city back to what it was. It was not easy but it would be done.

Fury knew that Thor was close to his brother and was the main reason for why the thunder God was downtown to get Loki. Hawkeye was there for backup, plus Thor wasn’t familiar with NYC. Thor grunted in annoyance as he was made to do this. He understood that his dear brother could be a bit...no, destructive but he was also reasonable. The main reason Thor was apprehensive was because while he liked his new friends and got to know them well, he didn’t trust Loki with them. The blonde God sighed as he and his friend walked into the new Police precinct and after clearing up with security, the two men followed a nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. agent down a flight of stairs where they walked into a dimly lit hallway. Thor looked around the area in slight disinterest. Loki was on his mind and if he knew his baby brother like he knew he did, things would get ugly. It was only a few minutes when the three walked towards a cell that Thor instantly cringed at... The floors were a hideous shade of Gray and the walls looked like they weren’t washed for some years. The whole area smelled stale and dimly lit room was hurting his eyes.

‘Loki would have been better off being judged by father then this...’ Thor thought. He almost didn’t see his baby brother sitting there in one of the chairs until he moved past Hawkeye who looked as he would attack the locked up God at anytime. That made Thor a bit nervous but he understood as to why. When he got closer, he saw his brother sitting with his usual attire on. Instead of his robes, Loki’s hair was a bit dishevel but still looked good and was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with baggy black pants and no shoes or socks. His hands and feet were chained.

‘Why is he barefoot?! Is this how they treat prisoners? No..this is how they treat Loki. But I am powerless to do a thing as this is their rules..not that of Asgard.’

Loki felt eyes upon him as looked up. While his appearance was a bit out of the ordinary, that smirk wasn’t. No matter what, Loki was confident he would get out of this hell hole, get yelled at by both his older brother who was currently glaring at him and by Odin...Though Odin was more threatening then Thor but still he could survive. Loki looked past his brother at Hawkeye who threw daggers at him. Loki only snorted at his gaze shifted back to Thor.

Loki was the first to speak. His voice full of confidence.

“Brother, what do I owe the pleasure? And I see you brought one of your “Friends.” Tell me Brother, why would you join, these pathetic humans. You are a God they are beneath you.”


“Be quiet! We may not be Gods! But we can knock you down a peg or two you over confident-“

“Hawkeye...Let me speak with my brother.”

Thor’s back was turned away and Hawkeye almost didn’t listen, but he remembered that Thor was also a God and that hammer is his hand was clutched very tightly so he listened...But he clutched his bow very tightly. Loki smirked at Hawkeye who glared back.

“So tell me Thor, what? Are you gaining their trust so you can betray them in the end? As juvenile as that sounds...I suppose you can’t screw that-“

“ENOUGH! Loki! You have been unbearable to deal with. I’ve tried talking with you and you have not listen. You come in this world and try to destroy these people’s homes. I went back to Asgard as father wished to discuss his punishment for you.”

Loki’s smirk was instantly gone but he still kept his composure as he stood up to face his older brother. He was curious as to what Odin wanted to do with him but he would not falter. No..He was Loki, he would not yield to neither Odin nor Thor.

“And what pray tell is this punishment of father’s?”

Loki asked as he folded his arms across his chest in boredom. Honestly, he went through worse. He turned as he heard Hawkeye snorting in amusement. Loki was not amused.

“What is so funny idiot!?”

“Oh, you’ll soon find that you are the idiot...dear Loki not I. Thor, tell him what you told us.”

Hawkeye stood there with a cocky grin. Loki looked confused for only a second until he started muttering a spell that would cause Hawkeye pain.

He waited a few minutes... a nothing happened. Loki was confused. Surely the spell should have had the weakling in pain. Why was he still standing with that ridiculous smirk. Loki looked to his older brother for answers. Thor looked at Loki sadly then turned his gaze elsewhere.

“Brother, your powers are bound. You can not use them. Odin has locked them within you as punishment for both your crimes in Asgard and this realm...I am sorry.” Loki was dumbfound as he stare at his older brother. He tried another spell after spell and none worked. He looked stunned and felt sick.

‘Bound?! He locked my power away?’

’ Loki angrily thought in utter confusion. Loki’s powers were what made him..him. He looked towards Thor for any deceit in the thunder God’s blue eyes. When Thor looked back at him as the agent unlocked his brother’s cell, Loki saw only truth...And that made him nervous...Even though his feet and Hands were bound, Loki walked towards Thor wanting...demanding an explanation even as the Agent and Hawkeye pulled him away from his brother roughly.

“Y-Y-You’re lying! THOR! YOU LIAR!”

Thor said nothing and looked away as Loki was forcefully dragged out of the dimly room. Hawkeye smirked as he whispered in his ear menacingly.

“Big brother won’t save you from us. You will wish you never stepped foot here. I will enjoy watching you squirm like the useless worm you are.”

Now Loki was scared... He started thrashing and screaming in panic... Where were these people taking him?!


Loki’s screams and fears that were still heard from the hallway, left the now alone thunder God to fall to his knees. He had his hands on his head and sighed with anger then sadness. He slowly got up and walked out into the hallway where he still heard his baby brother. He wanted to protect Loki but maybe that was the problem. One thought entered his mind as he tried blocking out Loki’s yells in anger and fear...

‘I am sorry little brother... Please forgive me...’

Yay! An update! Yeah I know... Im super slow updating stuff. :sweatdrop: I hope you lovely people like it. In the next chapter, Loki meets the other Avengers...and it doesn’t look good for our favorite trickster God. Stay Tune! :heart:

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*Nervous laugh* h..hey.. :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :guilty:

I know...i know....update? Where art thou... im so sorry... im bad!!

Edited by Artygirl22
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