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Prince of Egypt Drabbles, M/M


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Song Prompts: 1. Brother my Brother 2. Let My People Go 3. Almost Doesn't Count 4.The Plaques 5. Deliver Us 6. Animal I Have Become 7. Applause 8. Cry 9.I'll stand by You 10. I Can't fight this Feeling Anymore 11. I Will Always Return 12. I Knew I loved You 13. Shadowland 14. The Prayer 15. When will my life begin 16. Jar of Hearts 17. Chemicals React 18. Bad Romance 19. When You believe 20. Beautiful Liar 21. Riot 22. A Thousand Years 23. Don't Wake me up 24.They Don't Know 25. I still Believe 26. Journey to the past 27. Still Dream 28. Crazy Kids 29. Headlock 30. I'm still here 31. Careful 32. I can go the distance 33. Dj got us falling in love 34. Bad 35. Jack's Lament 36. One World 37. Haunted 38. Sweet Sacrifice 39. When I grow up 40.What Makes you beautiful 41. Wrecking Ball 42. Never had a Dream Come True 43. You Raise me up 44. Who Says 45. Come and Get it 46. Human 47. Madness 48. Marriage 49. Payphone 50. Grenade ***Random Choice***(If there's three stars, I'll pick a song randomly that's not in my prompt) 

Ok let's get down to business yes? Though we're so not fighting the Huns!! :lol: a little Mulan humor...uh yea...Anyway, I was promised coffee flavored ice cream and brownies by flailingartist. They delivered. So now, Rameses I'm sorry but I must torture you a bit as promised. Enjoy!

Prompt 9: I'll stand by You (Glee Version) by Cory Monteith

Sneezer: Rameses (Head Cold)

Warnings: Takes place sometime after Rameses is made Co-Regent and Moses never ran away. Rameses knows about Moses and the adoption stuff. This can be seen as brotherly or slash. 

Wake up, Get dressed, Eat with everyone, then spend the entire day with father listening to how to become a Pharaoh even better then him. 

Rameses was supposed to be doing that. He was awake but as he sat up in bed, he felt off. Off meant something was wrong and that was a big no. Today his father was going to teach him about battle tactics and even have him spar with the head general. 

He can't be off. Not today.

But when Rameses groaned, his throat did not like it and the young man found himself coughing. It hurt and Rameses held his arms in a protective stance against his chest. His eye sight was blurry and he felt tears run down his cheek. He was starting to feel his temperature differ and fell back on his pillows. Bad move because his nose felt stuffy and his nostrils flared up in warning. Rameses was forced to sit up quickly for the sneezes coming out of him were powerful.

“huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU!!!! Ugh”

Rameses groaned as his head started throbbing. He didn't realize that Moses was getting ready to start the day when he heard the sneeze. 

Standing by the door, Moses spoke.

“Bless You. Are you feeling alright?”

Rameses sniffled wetly as he slowly looked towards the younger man. He nodded as he got up as well.

“I'm fine.” Rameses stood on shaky legs as he held his head coughing. Moses shook his head as he walked in the room to help Rameses dress. It wasn't like he didn't see Rameses nude before. They even bathe together as young children. But Moses was worried about the elder man. This Co-Regent business was important to Rameses. It was Seti's way of saying he was proud of his eldest. But how much responsibility and pressure can one man take? 

“Rameses maybe you should-”

“Don't! I have to be there! Father expects me there and I should do nothing because I am not sick.”

Moses shook his head as he saw Rameses take in breath, tilted his back, and eyes closed.

“huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU!!!! Heh..heh..ehhhh-huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU!!!! Sniff.”

Moses caught Rameses as he fell to the ground. Moses took a nearby cloth and wiped the sick man's running nose. Moses could tell the older man was in pain and felt the heat radiate from him like the sun on a hot day. He rubbed Rameses’s bare back as he gasped again getting ready to sneeze again, tears of both shame and illness pouring out of his red rimmed eyes.


“Enough! You clearly have run yourself ragged and now look at you! You can not go to that meeting let alone spar!"

Rameses tried standing and weakly shoved Moses but just fell in his arms. He sighed as Moses was much cooler in temperature then him. He hated how he gotten ill so quickly.

“I...I have to-”

“What you need is rest. Something I think everyone would agree upon.”

“Y...you don't get-

huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU, get it. I habe to be there.”

Moses sighed in annoyance as he with all his strength placed Rameses back in bed and under the blankets. He got a nearby servant to relay that Rameses was in no condition to attend Seti’s meeting and that a healer was needed. The young girl nodded and both winced in sympathy as Rameses coughed much more wetter and sneezed more harsher.

“Huu- huuhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU!!!!”

The young girl blessed him and nodded as she went about her tasks as requested. Moses looked on in sadness as Rameses head his head in both hands. Sitting on the bed, Moses placed his cool hand on Rameses’s shoulder. 

“You'll be ok. We are all proud of you. You are ill not weak. There will be other meetings.”

Rameses shook his head. Looking towards the window, he scowled. And rubbed his eyes similar to that of a tired child. Only near Moses would he do this.

“I can not be sick. I must prove that I can be a good no better Pharaoh.”

"Even Pharaohs become ill and need rest. Do you honestly think that with your coughing and sneezing that you could actually go up against the head general?”


“The fact that you even think that, worries me. You can't and stop acting like a child. You will and need rest.”

Rameses looked back at Moses who smirked at him as he glared but with his glassy eyes, it didn't have the effect he wanted. But with Moses, he was immune to the glares. 

"Yeah yeah...I can't tell you what to do, but when your health is concerned, it's different. What if it was me?”

Rameses blew his nose and looked dazed and confused. 


“What if it was me who was this sick but insisted that I wasn't but still tried to go about my day?”

Moses smirked as Rameses glared but went silent. Moses knew playing on Rameses’s protective side of him was wrong but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. 

"I jusd wand to show him I’b dot the weak link.” Rameses sadly spoke in a congested tone.

Moses smiled as he hugged the bigger man kissing his forehead.

“You're not though. Don't worry. I'll be right here with you.” 

As the servant girl from before and the healer arrived, Rameses smiled a bit as he stared at Moses. As long as Moses kept his word, Rameses could deal with his father and his cold. At least he had Moses by his side. 

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