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BBT Sick Fic! Leonard Sick!


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So inspiration hit while I was writing an English Paper, and I decided to come on here and write at least the first chapter! I do not own BBT, any characters, or any medicine names.


Chapter 1

Leonard's POV

Leonard awoke about an hour before his alarm went off in a coughing fit. None of my illnesses has ever come on so suddenly before. He thought to himself. Feeling his coughing fit start to subside, he clambered out of bed and went out to the hall closet where he gathered some medicine for whatever illness he had. He took some of the Dayquil and went back to bed.

Nobody's POV

Sheldon looked at his watch impatiently. "It's 7:22... we should have left at 7:20! Where's Leonard??" Hearing some coughing coming from the hall, he walked until he found the source of the coughing. Leonard's room. "Knock knock knock, Leonard, knock knock knock, Leonard, Knock knock knock, Leonard".

Leonard woke up, and realized he forgot to tell Sheldon that he couldn't take him to work.

"Sheldon I'm sick I can't take you to work" Leonard said hoarsely before curling back up to go to sleep.

"Hmm. I guess I'll have to get Penny to take me then. Have you recorded your temperature? Have you been keeping track of your fluids?"

"No Sheldon, go away please"


Sheldon left and knocked on Penny's door.

"Hey sweetie what's up?"

"Leonard's sick and I need a ride to work"

"Wait, Leonard's sick? Will he be ok by himself?"

"I don't know. Look, Penny I got to get to work. If I don't get there soon Kripke will get to meet with the Dean first."

"Ok, ok, fine. I'll take you to work, but you'll have to find another way home, because I'm going to stay and take care of Leonard."

Penny quickly takes Sheldon to work and then on the way back to Leonard's apartment, phones Bernadette.


"Hey Bernadette!"

"Hey Penny! Is something wrong? You never call this early in the morning!"

"Yeah, well, kind of. Leonard is sick and I feel bad because Sheldon just abandoned him because he's so germaphobic, so I decided I'm going to go take care of him, but I have no idea what to do! I've never taken care of a sick person before!"

"Calm down, it'll be ok! Look when you get there ask him how he's doing and take his temperature. Make sure it's not above 104. If it's above 104 he'll have to go to the hospital immediately. If you can get him to give you a list of symptoms write them down. Then when you get him settled, call me. Being a microbiologist I have a decent background in common diseases."

"Thanks Bernadette your a lifesaver!!"

Penny hung up and went up to Leonard's apartment. She grabbed the spare key from under the mat and went inside.

"Leonard?" She called.

There was no answer so she assumed

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Sorry I ended abruptly! I accidently clicked post! Here's Part 2!


Chapter 2

There was no answer so she assumed that Leonard was in his bedroom. She walked back to his bedroom and knocked on his door.

"Leonard honey are you in there?"

She heard a muffled moan and took that as an invitation to come in.

Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo! Leonard sneezed.


"Aww sweetie, how did you get so sick?!?! You were perfectly healthy last night!" She said while handing him a box of tissues.

"I don't dow" He replied, sniffling wetly before blowing his nose.

*Leonard coughs harshly into the crook of his arm*

"Leonard honey, can I take your temperature please?"

"I'b dot a kid Peddy"

" I know, but I just want to make sure your not going to die or pass out or something from a fever"

"Fide you can take it." Leonard says reluctantly

"Where's your thermometer sweetie?"

"Hall closet"

Penny goes and gets it and then comes back and sits at the foot of Leonard's bed.

"Open up sweetie!"

Leonard sighs and reluctanly opens his mouth. He shivers as he closes his mouth around the cold metal tip of the thermometer. In an attempt to comfort Leonard, Penny strokes Leonards hair and softly lies her hand on his forhead to feel how high his fever his.

Finally, the thermometer beeps and Penny takes it out of Leonard's mouth as Leonard lies back on his pillows.

"102.5, what other symptoms do you have honey?"

"Peddy I'b fine really, its just a little cold"

"Well when you keep calling me "Peddy" instead of my actual name "PENNY" it causes me to believe your not ok, and your fever seems quite high for just a little cold."

Leonard scowls and Penny ruffles his hair.

"Your coughing, sneezing, you have a high fever, chills, you seem weaker than usual, have you thrown up? Or do you feel achy?"

"I feel achy everywhere" He says sheepishly.

"You ok Leonard? You're acting like you've never had someone take care of you before when your sick"

"I haven't really, mother was always away on bussiness, and Sheldon is a germaphobe. Usually though my sickness comes on gradually and it's easier for me to treat. This came out of nowhere."

*Leonard coughs harshly again*

"That's awful sweetie! Well, why don't you get some sleep, I'm going to go get you some soup from that new restraunt downtown"

"Chicken noodle?"

"Of course."

"With sour dough bread, and some tea with honey?"

"Okie dokie!"

Penny watches him start to drift off before leaving. In the car on the way to the restraunt she calls Bernadette and rattles off his symptoms.

"Sounds like a bad case of the flu. Make sure his temp doesn't get too high and just let the virus run it's course. If he starts throwing up, trying giving him saltine crackers, ginger ale..OH and a mixture of 1/2 cup gatorade, 1/2 cup water to help rehydrate him. "

"Thanks Bernadette! Your a huge help!"

"No problem!


End of Chapter 2! Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow!

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Oooh yay more Big Bang Theory!!! Aww this is adorable, sick Leonard is just so cute! wub.png

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Ok! Sorry this wasn't updated as fast as I first thought. Might do a sick Howard fanfiction next...not sure yet. Anyways here's the final chapter! :) BTW Sheldon might be a little OCC


Chapter 3

Penny arrives home an hour later with the food and sees that Leonard is still asleep. She puts the food in the fridge and then goes and lies beside Leonard on his bed and strokes his hair. After a while Leonards eyes start to flutter open.

"How ya feeling sweetie?"

"A lot bedder thanks"

"You feel up for eating anything?"

"Yes please" He says with a weak grin.

"Alright, I'll be right back!"

Penny goes and heats up the food, when all of a sudden, he cell phone rings. Shocked to see on the the caller ID that it's Sheldon, she quickly answers the phone.


"Hello Penny, how's Leonard doing?"

"Pretty good, Bernadette said she's pretty sure he has the flu."

"I knew I should have made him go with me when I got my flu shot. I don't know why he's so afraid of needles!"

"Sweetie, a lot of people are afraid of needles, it's not that uncommon"

"I know it's not uncommon, but it could've prevented this illness."

"Yeah, so why are you calling Sheldon, you usually try to flee when someone's sick"

"Well, Leonard always takes care of me when I'm sick so I figured I should return the favor. Besides, I had my flu shot over a month ago, I should be protected against whatever strain of the flu he's got."

"Aww, well that's so sweet of you! So does this mean Leonard is able to come out into the living room?"

"Hmm, I guess, but I'll have to disinfect everything once he leaves it."

"Thanks so much! I know Leonard will be more comfortable and not as bored out there. Are you coming home soon?"

"Sort of, I'm leaving in 3 hours."

"Ok see you soon!"

They hang up and Penny heats up the food. She leaves it on the counter and then goes into Leonards room.

"Leonard, honey, let's move you into the living room so you can watch tv and be closer to the kitchen."

"I can't da roobbate agreement." He moans hoarsely.

"Sheldon called and he said that you could move out there"


"Yes really, so let's go!"

Penny helps Leonard gather up his pillows and blackets and then helps him get comfortable on the sofa. She then brings over the food and helps him eat it.

"mmm dis is good" Leonard says contently.

Penny cleans up the dishes and then goes and hands Leonard the remote.

"Whadya wanna watch Leonard?"

""I can pick?"

"Yep, your the sick one, so you get to pick!"

Leonard smiles and then puts it on the tv on the dvd player which starts to play first episode of the modern Doctor Who (the episode called "Run" starring Christopher Eccleston). Seeing as he started the whole first season disc he got himself cuddle up on Pennys lap, ready to watch. Leonard fell asleep halfway through the 2nd episode, but Penny who had never seen Doctor Who, started to really get into the series. About 10 minutes into the 3rd episode Sheldon walked in the door.

"Hello Penny, hows Leonard?"

"Shh" She said pointing to the bundle of blankets on her lap and all over the sofa.


"He's doing better" She whispers.

Sheldon sits down and watches Doctor Who with Penny. In the middle of the fourth episode, Leonard starts to stir.

"Your still watching Doctor Who?"

"Yes actually it's really good!"

"Glad you like it"

"Leonard I hope you know that according to the Roommate agreement "soft kitty" and hot tea when necessary is mandatory.

"Thanks Sheldon"

Sheldon clears his throat and sings,

"Soft Kitty

Warm Kitty,

Little ball of fur,

Happy Kitty

Sleepy Kitty,

Pur Pur Purr"

Leonard and Penny share a smile and then the three of them watch the entire first two seasons of Doctor Who.


The End!

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