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Feeling like hell. (James Wolpert, the Voice, sickfic)


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I hope you guys like this! I don't own anything! Please, please take the time to comment!

James woke up feeling absolutely horrible. He could tell he'd caught that rotten thing going around. He slapped his alarm off and shivered his way back under the covers, teeth almost chattering, before realizing that he had to go to The Voice studio: live shows tonight. 

Groaning, James sat up. Instantly, the world spun, forcing him to drop to his knees and crawl to the bathroom to the shower. Teeth really chattering now, he turned on the hot water and then crawled over the lip of the shower tub to sit for awhile. Man, he felt awful. Pounding head, body aches, throat ache...shit! 

James tried to speak, and found his voice slipping and cracking. Aw, this was bad. He had to acknowledge that the shower wasn't helping much, so he turned the water off and scooted back over the lip. How pathetic. Frustrated, he forced himself to stand up. 

That quickly proved to be a mistake, however. The dizziness was instantly so severe that he wasn't sure if he should pass out, throw up, or both. Coupled with the increased pounding in his head, James regretted that decision immensely. Wincing, he pressed a clammy palm to his forehead before grabbing the counter with the other. It faded after a moment though, and he straightened slowly. 

He didn't look much better than he felt. Dark circles and bags lined his eyes, and his face was white-bordering on gray, if he was being completely honest-tinged only with two splotches of color on his cheekbones and a redness around his nose. Reaching into his travel kit, James grabbed a thermometer and shaving supplies. While he shaved to try and look presentable, he let the thermometer sit under his tongue. 

Just as he was getting his jaw, his nose began to tickle fiercely. A second later, he sneezed. 

"AkSHTshhh! HAH-Ksssh! HUH-ITSHhhhuh! Aw, fudck id!" 

Unprepared, he had sneezed on the counter and mirror, spat the thermometer into the sink, and nicked himself. He hurriedly finished shaving, blew his nose, and then considered cleaning it up. Exhausted as he was, it seemed like too much work. James reluctantly trudged to his room to get dressed. 

In his sensitive state, jeans and a typical wool shirt chaffed too much. His skin throbbed and tried to recoil, so finally, he gave up and slipped into a long sleeved cotton shirt, fleecy sweatpants, and a fleece-lined sweatshirt. James was still cold, though. He eventually put on his glasses, drank a bit of juice and ate a bit of oatmeal, then grabbed a baggy of meds and tissues before stepping out the back door. 

Immediately, the sun agitated his sensitive nose and sent him buckling into his elbow, sneezing wetly. 

"HAH-ASSSHHHHT! HEEASCHUUUuh! IGSCHOOuhhhhh....ETCH!" James tried to rub the tickle away, then drove to the studio when it didn't work. The whole way there, he had to continually pull over to cough, blow his nose, or shut his eyes for a moment against the sun. By the time he made it to the studio, he was beat and considerably late. 

Meanwhile, Adam was waiting impatiently. The hot star was dressed in a tight white t-shirt, dark wash jeans, black combat boots, and a simple watch. His other team members had already gone off to practice their songs-now where was Wolpart? 

James got out of the car and trudged wearily into the studio, unsure of how he could possibly get through the tech portion of the day. Climbing stairs, under hot lights, singing...god. He just needed a nap. He got inside alright, but had to stop just before the arch to the room Adam was in to sneeze. James, of course, was unaware Adam was just inside. 

James pressed the back of his wrist to his nose, the tip of which was slightly damp and cool, trying to abate the tickle. It didn't work, so he wound up sneezing desperately, messily, wetly into his wrist. 


HSHT! ISHT! Hhhh...hhhh..." His breath caught weakly in his throat, his eyes watering under their heavy lids as he clutched the doorframe, trying to stay upright through the attack. 

Adam heard someone outside the door and started to go out, but paused when they started sneezing. Who would be out there...? 

"Oh shit..." He said softly, running once more as he saw a hand wrap around the door that looked suspiciously like James'. He reached out and grabbed his team member's upper arm, steadying him as the man sneezed. 


James felt someone grab his arm just as he stumbled forward, losing his balance as he pitched violently forward. Whoever had hold of his arm felt good-strong and warm and not sick. In a pause where the tickle only caused his breath to hitch, he opened his eyes. Quickly, they widened as they locked on his worried coach's face before shutting again as the sneezes began to tumble out. 

Adam felt James shiver weakly and try to wrench away as he began sneezing again, but the Maroon 5 singer responded only by grabbing him around his waist too, barely keeping him upright. 


Adam rubbed the singers back as he recovered from the dizzying fit, really worried by now. He guided James to a sitting position, then squatted in front of him, giving him a moment to catch his breath. 

James had his head between his knees as he coughed violently, harsh and chesty and wet. At last, his respiratory system awarded him the chance to breathe. Once he had enough breath, he tipped his head back against the cool wall. 

"Fudck id. Jusd fudck id. God, I'b so sorry, Adab." His voice was barely a whisper, cracking from the strain of speaking, which triggered another cough. Adam looked at him incredulously. 

"Bless you. Just take it easy, man. You gonna live?" James barely cracked a smile. 

"Kidda hopigg dot." Adam stretched forward to put his hand on James' head, causing James to weakly try to move away. 

"Hey, man, just relax. It's cool-well, your foreheads not, but I kinda figured-oh...!" 

James startled him by lurching to the side to sneeze desperately once again. 


Involuntarily, his hand lunged out to grab Adam's knee, trying to steady himself. It didn't work, and James fell onto his side on the floor in a fetal position, shivering and coughing violently. Adam touched his shoulder quickly before rushing off somewhere.

James, meanwhile, was abso-freaking-lutely humiliated. Not only had he sneezed in Adam's presence, but he had done so openly. Ugh-his coach must really be disgusted with him. Now he'd left James alone just when he needed someone. God, this was crap. 

Adam, meanwhile, had gone to find Blake. 

"What's up?" Blake drawled, brow furrowing as he looked at Adams worried expression. 

"James just about passes out every time he stands, so I need a little help getting him into the studio so he can nap on the couch." 

Blake frowned. "What?"

Adam frowned right back. "Just come carry him, please? I'm not big and tough like you." That, of course, was a joke. Blake nodded, told everyone to take five, and followed Adam. 

James heard footsteps approaching, and hoped to god they weren't Blake's. A moment later, he felt himself being lifted up and smelled spearmint at the same time-definitely Blake. Unfortunately, that aggravated his nose. 

"HIIH-mgst! HAH-nxgt-chu! HAH-MP!" He pinched off a desperate triple. Mortified, he buried his face in the couch pillow the moment he was set down. 

"I'b so sorry! I'b so gross!" He apologized. Blake shook his head, and rubbed James' back while Adam covered him with a blanket. 

"No, you're sick. It's not an issue. I gotta get back, though-feel better!" James nodded and tried to warm up. 

Adam knelt next to the couch. "Hey, man, really-it's okay. That man sneezes when it's pollen season, I sneeze when I get sick, it happens." James shook his head. 

"Dot lidke this, you dod't. I sdeeze...huh...all the...all the...tiBESHUH! IXT! HTXT!" He turned away again, disgusted with himself, and let himself cough and sneeze until he was exhausted. Adam sat quietly through the whole thing. James thought Adam had left, so he rolled back over. Instead, he found Adam waiting with a tissue box in one hand and a water bottle in the other. 

"Bless you, man." 

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That was absolutely wonderful! Although I'm not familiar with The Voice, that was very well written, no education on The Voice necessary. Great job! Please continue!!!

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I pretty much shrieked with joy when I saw that someone had written a story about him-he's my favorite on that show! This is so cute and so well written! Please continue! :)

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Yay! I'm glad people like this-it took me like, two hours to write this! I'll be writing another installment shortly, and I'll post as soon as I can-this week is going to be INSANE, though!!!!

Edited by 24Me
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OMG I FREAKIN LOVE YOU!!!! Not only is he my FAVORITE right now and Adam is my favorite coach and just OMG, I think I died reading this... still, you should continue this, if only so I can die over and over again.

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I just realized how appropriate this fic is because he was actually sick on the show on Monday! Apparently he woke up that morning feeling awful without a voice, poor guy :( He was able to perform really well that night though and was really a trooper through the whole thing! :)

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@24Me That's so perfect! :D I'm so glad he was able to sing and make it through to the next round! The hug between him and Adam after he was saved was just so adorable and this story is super sweet too! I hope he feels well again soon :)

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Here's the next installment-sorry it took forever!

James, of course, felt his face heat up even more as he looked at the concerned but lively face of Adam Levine. He immediately covered his face with his clammy palms, way too embarrassed to look at his coach.

Adam felt awful for shy, sweet, but crazy-once-you-knew-him James. He was obviously embarrassed, but Adam didn't want to leave him alone like this. Sighing, he reached out and touched James' shoulder.

"Man, it's cool." James shook his head as much as he could without it hurting badly, his glasses already on the floor.

"Do it's DOT! I'b sidck ad I soudd lidke crab ad I'b all gross ad...ad..." He trailed off, shoulders shaking, voice muffled and barely audible behind his hands.

Adam reached out with concern. Was James...crying? He certainly sounded like it!

"James, man, it's fine! You okay?" Standing up, he started to remove James' hands.


He broke off, breathless, and thankful that his hands had, for the most part, remained on his face. He sniffled thickly before hurriedly grabbing a tissue to clean himself up.

Adam smiled to himself, glad that he'd placed the tissues there, and handed James the water bottle when his pupil began to cough harshly. He had to wince at the deep, chesty, congested, harsh sound-he tried not to. James spluttered and finally regained enough control to fall back on the couch, completely drained of color and energy.

"Can I grab you anything?" Adam asked. Unbeknownst to most people, he was very good at assuming the fatherly roll. This would have caused James to blush again, but he didn't have it in him. He coughed chestily again, the whole couch shaking as he stifled the explosions into a hastily thrown up elbow, and sighed weakly after.

A fine film of perspiration now dotted James' forehead. He was hot, but cold, and in so much pain. Awful didn't even begin to encompass it. He struggled upwards, then fell back on the pillow again.

"Adab, you dod't have to...ET-CHISSH! Stay with be." Adam shrugged, dragged over a chair, and plopped down.

"I know that...but I want to. Man, you look awful. Can I count on you not to pass out? No I can't. No logical person would." James grinned in spite of it all.

"How ab I goigg do ged ready for dodighd?" His voice was all but gone as he took another sip of water.

Adam frowned. There wasn't a sick day on live TV, unfortunately.

"Do you know the words and the tune?" James nodded, and brought his hands up to cup his mouth and nose, eyelashes fluttering as the need to sneeze tantalized him.

"HTTTSSSHHHH! Ub, yeah, bud...hadg od-USHHH! USHHH! HUT-HISH! I beadt the stagidg." Adam nodded, impressed that James could actually focus on this at a point where he felt so miserable.

"Why don't you come to the stage-you can sit, don't worry-and I'll walk the staging for you?" James nodded again, and started to try to sit up. Instantly, he felt about a million times worse, and his vertigo returned.

"Adab?" He managed to choke out before coughing endlessly. Adam put his arm around James' shoulders and handed him the water bottle again.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, man. Just breathe." The coach said when James started to try to squirm away, obviously uncomfortable with the proximity and his illness. A second later, James launched into another fit.

"ATTTTTSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!-KSSSSSH!" The first two had been uncovered-they'd taken the sick man by surprise. Mortified, he immediately clamped his fingers to his slick, twitching nostrils in order to stifle the next explosions.

"HA-mp! HUH-knp! HETCHMP! HGXT! NXGT! IXT! HYESH!" Exhausted, James blew his nose again and sniffled thickly.

"Adab, I'b so sorry." Adam shook his head.

"No big, man. Do you always sneeze like this when you're sick, though?" James shook his head slightly.

"Do-id's usually worse." His coach chuckled and guided James into a standing position, keeping him upright as the vertigo took its toll.

"Alright, let's just get you to the stage, kay?" Adam asked, rubbing James' back as he gathered the supplies in the other. James nodded.


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OH. MY. GOD. Adam's actually going to let James get up in his state of being?! WTH??? Don't make James die!! He's gonna die!! Just let him rest!!!

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Aw, thanks, icky! Flower, he is because James has to learn the choreography. Don't worry-he'll be able to lie down.

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