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Being a hero has its consequences (Criminal Minds, Reid)


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Hey everyone, I wanted to do a new Criminal Minds story, this may be based off of someone’s request. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from Criminal Minds… bummer.

Also a side note, really any of the information in this story is made up, I’m not a genius and I don’t feel like looking up every piece of information.

Chapter 1

The steady ticking of the clock echoed through the virtually silent office. Time usually found itself in the category of illusion but meant so much more in this sense. Somebody’s life could be in danger; every second that passed something tragic could be taking place where no one would know except the killer and the victim. Other people would only know after the tragedy.

That’s why the BAU was there, to prevent someone from having their life lost. The only problem was finding out where the UnSub was. Now this is where one young Dr. Spencer Reid was taken hostage. A prisoner to the heart-breaking pictures of someone’s rage. Waiting for an idea to spark as to why someone would do such a terrible thing. He soon switched his attention to JJ as she walked into the office.

“Hey, Spencer, they found another body.”

“Ok, just give me a second and I’ll come with you.”

JJ nodded in response and walked out.

Reid ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. He collected himself then walked out with JJ, getting ready to go to the victim’s house.

It was your typical family house, nothing in particular that stood out which would make the UnSub attack.

“Open living-room window was an easy access to the inside of the house.” JJ observed.

“This family had a security system but left their window open by mistake. What’s weird though is that the UnSub knew that they had a security system but still chose to kill them. This leads me to believe that this family was being stalked, that’s the only way the UnSub would know that the security system wasn’t on.” Reid said.

“They were all shot then stabbed ten times.”

“That’s overkill. The UnSub must have had some personal connection with this family to have this sort of rage.”

“Look here, there’s a message on the wall, it says: There is no piece in a civilized town but in a forest far away. What do you think that means, Reid?” JJ asked.

“In a civilized town there are many people who argue and fight one way or another because we’re humans. But in a forest it’s quiet because there aren’t any humans, only nature a few animals.”

“I’m going to have Garcia look up all of the forests here and see if any match.”

“Your woman of wonder is here, what can I assist you with my mere mortals?” Garcia answered the phone.

“Garcia, we need you to look up all of the forests here in Branson.”

“Are there any forests with their names regarding to silence or peace?” JJ asked.

“Right on the money actually, there’s a forest named The Silent Forest. It is about 20 miles from where you are right now, the directions have been sent to your phones.”

“Thanks, Garcia,” Reid replied, then hung up the phone, “you know, this might be a clue as to where the next victim will be dropped. If we get there fast enough there’s a possibility that we could catch the UnSub in the act.”

“Let me call Hotch,” JJ said, “Hotch, we think we know where the UnSub will drop the next victim. It’s on Orange avenue; twenty miles from here… We’ll meet you there.” JJ finished.

When everyone got there they got in position, suddenly they heard the UnSub strolling into the woods.

“I can’t believe your dirt-bag of a husband didn’t want you, you’re a piece of artwork.” The UnSub said seductively.

“Get off me, let me go!” The victim cried.

“That can’t happen sweetheart, you’re mine now and I can do whatever I want with you.”

“Please, let me go!” She pleaded.

“Shh,” he shushed her,”I know you want me.” He said cockily.

Hotch nodded at Morgan which gave him permission to make a move.

“FBI- let her go!” Morgan demanded.

There was a little river about fifteen feet deep probably about fifty feet from the UnSub. He started to walk towards the river, pulling the woman by her hair.

“I said let her go!” Morgan yelled again.

“I’ll drown her.” The UnSub warned.

“You’re not going to, now let her go and put your hands up!’

The UnSub threw the woman into the water and pushed her head so she sank to the bottom. The woman couldn’t swim back up because her hands were tied together with rope. Morgan ran over to the UnSub and kept him secure.

“Reid, go help her!” Morgan yelled.

Reid went into the water and saved the girl, she started spluttering and coughing up water.

“You’re going to be okay.” Reid assured the woman.

It started misting outside; suddenly it started to pour heavily. Reid was absolutely soaked. The ambulance had come and everything was alright. Morgan was under an umbrella when he handed Reid a dry towel.

“Nice job, pretty boy.”

“Thanks,” Reid replied.

The team went back to the hotel for the night before they would leave in the morning.

When Spencer woke up in the morning there was a heavy feeling that settled in his sinuses. His throat was dry so he drank a cup of water and when that didn’t help he swallowed a couple times. He noticed that there was a scratchy feeling in his throat. It was almost in equalivence to knives running down his throat.

“This is great,” Reid mumbled to himself.


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Just realised I've been reading loads of fics recently and not commenting on them, boo me!

I <3 CM, and you've got off to a great start. Hopefully there's more?question.gif

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Yes, I will continue this story. My computer cord broke and the computer I'm using now doesn't have Microsoft word so I'll probably have the next part up sometime next week.

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I’m really sorry for the delay, my computer cord broke and then I was really busy, emotional problems, and all of this other crap has happened so I haven’t been able to write but I found time to write the next part anyway because I want to do quite a few things with this story. I haven’t abandoned this story at all so now you can relax and sleep happily.

Chapter 2

A distant ringing echoed through Reid’s bedroom.

“Hello?” Reid answered his voice rough.

“You ok, Spence?” JJ’s soft and comforting voice came through the phone.

Spencer cleared his throat, “Yeah, I’m fine.” His voice went an octave higher then cracked. A blush crept over Spencer’s face though he was glad that JJ couldn’t see him.

“OK, well I was wondering if you wanted to come and spend some time with me on our day off.” JJ asked; hopeful.

“I don’t know,” Reid answered, he knew he was getting sick and he just wanted to try and get rid of it before the next case.

“But I have all of the Star Trek movies.” JJ tempted.

“Fine,” Reid sighed.

“Good, you can come over now if you want, we have a lot to get through.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“See you then.” JJ hung up.

JJ was so excited that she was going to spend time with Spencer; she never got to spend quality time with him. Their demanding careers left virtually no time left to just be able to relax. She knew that work pulled Hotch away from his marriage. JJ didn’t want that to happen with her friendships. Reid plucked a couple tissues from the tissue box next to him and thoroughly blew his nose. He prayed that his symptoms would back off when he was at JJ’s.

JJ heard someone knock on her door and answered it quickly.

“Hi, Spence,” JJ spoke cheerfully.

“Hi,” He replied.

“Come on in, we can sit in the living room and watch the movies.” JJ gestured for Reid to follow her.

A tickle consumed Reid’s sinuses and he knew there was going to be no way out but to sneeze.

“Hgnxt!” He stifled a sneeze almost silently, only a little squeak escaped.

“What was that?” JJ asked.

“Nothing,” Reid responded but internally cursing himself as he needed to sneeze again.

“Hgnxt!” “Hgnxt!!” Spencer stifled another two sneezes.

“Bless you,” JJ said sweetly.

“Thanks,” Reid sniffled quietly with his head down.

“We can start the movies now.” JJ offered.


Halfway through the first movie the same dreaded tickle returned. Reid had to think fast. JJ was snuggled up against him and in that position she would be able to feel the restraint in his body. Reid’s breath started hitch quietly and JJ picked her head up.

“Are you ok?” JJ asked.

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” Reid sneezed twice into his cupped hands before he could answer.

“Bless you! Are you feeling ok, Spencer?”

“Thanks,” Reid sighed, he knew he had to tell the truth because she would only get more suspicious as the day went on, “no, I don’t. I’m sorry.” Reid apologized.

“Spence, you could’ve told me that you didn’t feel well in the first place. And don’t you ever apologize to me because you’re sick, you can’t help it.” JJ assured.

“I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“You wouldn’t have, but now I get to take care of you.”

“You don’t have to.” Reid said, thinking back to his childhood.

“How about we make a deal, we’ll keep watching the movie and if you’re tired then you can sleep.” JJ offered.


“Good, I’ll go get the tissue box for you.”

Reid blushed as a result of what JJ had said.

When JJ got back they kept watching the movies. About an hour later, JJ felt extra weight on her shoulder. She looked down and saw Spencer sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him relaxed.


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Thanks for the comments and here’s the next part!

Chapter 3

Spencer’s soft snoring was the only sound in the quiet room. Just to be ruined by JJ’s cell phone ringing… on full volume.

“Shit,” JJ mumbled to herself as Reid jerked awake, “sorry, Spence.” JJ apologized, “hello?”

“Have you heard from Reid? I called him to see if he wanted to do something but he wasn’t answering his phone.” Morgan said.

“Yeah, he’s here with me.”

“Ok, I just wanted to make sure, you know how he’s always getting into trouble.” Morgan chuckled.

“Yeah, I know.” JJ awkwardly laughed.

“Ok, bye.”


“Who was that?” Reid asked sleepily.

“Morgan, nothing’s wrong. Go back to sleep.”

Reid held up his hand to tell JJ to wait as his eyes got glossy.

“Hgnxt!” “Hgnxt!” Reid stifled two sneezes but his breath was still in shallow gasps.

“Hgnxt!” A desperate look came over his face.

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” Reid sneezed forcefully into cupped hands.

“Bless you! Are you okay?” JJ asked with concern etched on her face.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” He sniffled and JJ handed him two tissues.

Spencer blushed deeply and took the tissues but only wiped his nose. JJ looked at him with disapproval on her face but let his action slide. She didn’t want to embarrass him anymore than he probably was.

“Okay, now lay your head down on my lap and go back to sleep, I’ll be here.” JJ instructed.

Spencer layed down and JJ stroked his hair to lull him to sleep but he just couldn’t sleep. Instead his mind was confused on why JJ would want to mother and take care of him. His mother wouldn’t do anything when he was sick as a child. This care from JJ twisted his mind simply because he wasn’t used to it. In no control of his emotions a tear slipped from his eyes, that one tear caught JJ’s attention as she felt a sudden wetness on her jeans.

JJ only dismissed it thinking her conscious was playing tricks on her only to feel more than one. Her thought was only proven when she heard a little whimper come from Spencer, almost like a lost puppy. JJ touched Reid’s shoulder as she whispered,

“Are you okay, Spence?”

Reid picked up his head and JJ’s heart shattered; he had tears streaming down his face.

“Spencer, what’s wrong?” JJ asked softly.

“I don’t understand why you’re being so nice to me; no one has ever cared enough to take care of me.” Reid spilled.

“Spence, I’m doing this because I care about you.”

“Anyone that’s ever cared about me has left… like Meave.” Little tears escalated into sobs.

JJ pulled Spencer into a hug and rubbed his back soothingly.

“Shh, shh, it’s okay. I’m never leaving you, Spence.” JJ assured and just let him cry as long as he needed to. Suddenly his breath came out uneven.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” Reid sneezed uncovered onto JJ’s back by accident.

“I’m so sorry.” Reid rushed to apologize.

“Shh, bless you, it’s fine.”

“Thanks,” Reid whispered.

“Now I want you to rest, come on, lay down and go to sleep. Everything will be fine.”

Spencer layed in the same position as before and this time he dozed off peacefully.


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I'm really sorry but I don't have anymore ideas for this story so this is the end of the story but I promise I'll start writing another one really soon. Also I have a Criminal Minds drabble thread that I just started if you want to check it out. Here's the link http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=54055

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