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Worked Too Hard (The Tomorrow People-JohnxCara)


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A/N: Hey Guys! So this story originally started off as a rather long drabble, but it quickly turned into this four page monster. I might continue if you all like it, so let me know what you think!!

This story is based off the 2013, CW version of the Tomorrow People. John and Cara are in a bit of a committed relationship, but Stephen is trying to get in the way. The Tomorrow People also have three powers, Teleportation, Telekinesis and Telepathy.

Cara woke up to the sun on her face and John snoring beside her. She rolled over on the pull out couch they called their bed and glanced at the clock. It was already past eleven and John, whose internal time clock woke him up at eight every morning, was still asleep. Cara frowned and sat up, running her hands through her hair.

The night prior, TIM had managed to find another new breakout, located ten miles from the Broad street station. John had insisted on going out after the girl, despite the fact it was forty degrees and raining sideways. Cara had refused to go, stating that he was stupid and the girl could wait till morning. It had taken him several hours, but eventually John had returned, soaked through the bone, gripping the hand of a trembling girl, who called herself Ava.

“John, wake up.” She urged, nudging him. John groaned and tried to roll over, but Cara persisted. “You can sleep later.” She felt bad for waking him up, he hadn’t been sleeping very well lately, but some things couldn’t be put off forever. They were running low on supplies, and Ava had to be prepped and trained, not to mention that Stephen still needed help with his latest crisis. John lifted his head, eyes bleary and hair mussed wildly from sleep. There were deep, dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he was shaking.

“Time is it?” He asked groggily, rubbing at his eyes.

“Almost eleven.” Cara said, tugging her jeans on and throwing John’s jacket at him. John swung his legs over the side of the bed. As he stood, he stumbled, catching himself on the wall and sitting heavily back down. Cara rushed over. “Whoa, are you alright?” John nodded, trying to push her away.

“M’fine.” His voice was still thick with sleep. Cara probed at his mind, but his thoughts were jumbled, and confusing. She couldn’t distinguish one thing from another.

“You’re not fine,” Cara muttered, her hand finding his forehead. “Jesus John!” She gasped, pushing his sweat soaked locks back from his forehead. “You’re on fire.” He pushed her hand away and tried to stand again. Cara put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back down.

“It’s just a cold, I’ll be fide.” John sniffed wetly, his nose was twitching. “Heh…ehh….Het’ITCXNGT!” He snapped forward with a violent, stifled sneeze. The sneeze brought with it a hacking, painful sounding cough that rattled his lungs and throat.

“You sound fine.” Cara spat, crossing her arms over her chest. John was stubborn at his best. Now, he was being downright idiotic. John rolled his eyes and stood, this time steady. He shrugged on his jacket, swiping his jacket sleeve under his reddening nose.

“Hexngt!” He stifled another sneeze into the crook of his elbow. It was sudden and made him stumble again. Cara grabbed his arm, but he shrugged her off.

“Cara, stop worrying, I’m fine.” He gently pushed past her and out the door.

“Son of a…” Cara hissed, going after John. He’d only made it out the door, where he was leaning heavily against the wall, his hand pressing against his forehead.

“Ow…shit,” He muttered, rubbing at his temples. Cara caught his wrists and ran her hand over his forehead.

“John, you’re burning up, just lay down for a little longer,” He shook his head, wincing as it caused him pain.

“I can’t…theres…too much…” he gestured faintly around the corner, where the buzz of conversation continued to grow. His nostrils, which had already become pink-tinted, were flaring dramatically. “Ehh…heh….heeehh,” He pinched his nose, fighting off the sneeze.

Hxnght! Hetxngt!” John pitched forward sharply, stumbling slightly. Cara caught him, practically dragging him back into his room.

“Sit down.” Cara ordered him to his couch. He fell down heavily, resting his head in his hands again. Cara dug around for a moment in John’s things, before coming up triumphantly with a thermometer. She approached John cautiously. In the two years she had been with him, she knew of his constant need to maintain a perfect appearance, to appear as the strong, indestructible leader. More than once it had landed him in a nasty situation. Once, a gash on his knee had festered, till he was incapacitated with fever, and another where he let a broken finger sit to the point where it was permanently disfigured.

“Hold still,” She instructed, cupping John’s chin and pulling his face towards hers. His lips parted and Cara stuck the thermometer into his mouth. He made a face but maneuvered it under his tounge before leaning back against the couch cushions. He closed his eyes for a moment, and Cara brushed her fingers through his hair. He moaned appreciatively in the back of his throat. Cara smiled, taking the thermometer from his lips as it beeped.

“103.6,” She exclaimed, shaking her head. “John, how long have you been sick?” Cara crossed her arms, glaring at her boyfriend. She wanted to be angrier, to yell at him for being so stupid, but she just couldn’t, he just looked so pathetic.

“coupl’ days,” He muttered, rubbing at his nose. His nostrils were twitching again, flaring in and out as he tried to fight off the impending sneeze. “Cariihh…Cara…I’m, fiii….I’m fine,” He managed to gasp out, holding off the outburst by force of will. Cara rolled her eyes and reached over, running her finger down the side of his reddening nose. John swore.

Ehhh…..hehhitxt!Hexghnt!Heptchxnght!!......hehh…hehh…heptchoo!Heishoo!Hetchoo!....heptCHOO!” The final sneeze pulled him forward with a moan. They had gotten more forceful as the fit when on, causing John to cease stifling and sneeze openly. He moaned again, leaning against Cara.

“You’re an idiot,” She muttered, easing John’s head into her lap, and stroking his hair while his eyelids drooped slowly. Soon, he was snoring in her lap. She covered him with a thin blanket, the only one they had, and leaned her own head back. Soon, she too was asleep.

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