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Bless you, Sasquatch.(Blake Shelton, The Voice)


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"Hey, Shelton, ready to go down?" Adam Levine asked, walking up to his friend on the first day of Season 8. Blake smirked.

"No-oh, no-oh-oh, I specialize in winning. Whose been the winner three times in a row and twice more?" His southern drawl accented his cocky smile. Adam smirked right back, his eyebrow cocked, and gestured to Christina.

"After you, my lady." Christina cocked her arms and stepped up to the bigger judge.

"James Wolpert, then Jacquie Lee. Suck on that, Sasquatch." Blake tossed his head, looking a bit annoyed, then smiled.

"Whaaaatever. Can't wait for today." Christina nodded, looking happy. She was dressed nicely in a pair of skintight fire-engine red jeans, a creamy, off the shoulder chunky sweater tucked into her waistband, and a pair of black ankle boot stilleto's. Since the last season, she'd let her hair grow down to her rib cage, and today it was curled loosely and tucked behind her ear. A huge pair of black earrings and a chunky collar necklace completed the look.

Blake himself looked ruggedly handsome in a pair of dark distressed jeans tucked into a pair of tan combat boots, a loose white t-shirt, and a cool black jacket. His beard and tousled curls had been cut close.

His bromance counterpart, Adam Levine, was dressed similarly. He looked stunningly handsome in a pair of slightly ripped acid wash jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black pair of false glasses.

"Well, shall we go sit down?" Christina asked. Her matching cherry pout was accented by a thick black pair of false eyelashes and dark brown eyeshadow. Blake shook his head.

"Where's Ceelo?" Adam asked, just as his friend walked in. Blake cursed under his breath and quickly strode out.

"Well, that was abrupt." Ceelo said with a smile, his eyes hidden behind the trademark pair of dark sunglasses. Christina suddenly yelped.

"Aww! You brought Mr. Fuzzyboots!" She cooed, reaching out to take the rabbit from his hands. The white angora snuggled under her chin while Ceelo brushed off his white shirt.

As usual, he was dressed in one color-today it was white, to blend with his rabbit. White jacket, white jewelry, white shoes, shirt, and pants.

"We have to get out there, FYI." Adam said, waving them out the door. Ceelo nodded, and took back his rabbit.

"C'mon, let's go guys-we have to get out there." Their manager said. Christina bounded out, even in her high heels. Adam and Ceelo quickly followed suit. They sat down just as the countdown began.

Sorry that this is all intro-sneezing and continuation to come.

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The chairs turned around to face away from the stage, and Blake snuck a rub at his nose. Damn-it was itching a little already. Ceelo and Christina had switched seats, so Blake was now directly beside his smooth talking counterpart. The lights dimmed, and he tuned into the first contestant.

She was decent, but didn't stand out too much. At least, not in Blake's opinion. He didn't hit his button, but Ceelo and Christina went at it over twenty-nine year old Lea DeBris. While the attention was off of him, Blake snuck a tissue out to wipe his slightly watering eyes and itchy nose. Ceelo looked at him oddly.

"Watchoo cryin' about?" Blake smirked, and smoothly slipped in a funny line to cover up his discomfort, making his dabbing motions more obvious.

"It's so sa-ya-ed watchin ya tra' an' beat the lay-dey. All that smooth talk ain't doin' ya shit." That got a big laugh, while Adam pulled out a line from a previous season.

"Huh talk from a man whose initials, are in fact, B.S." Blake chuckled, and discreetly pocketed his tissue. He'd never admit to anyone that he-six foot five, furry, self-proclaimed Sasquatch-was allergic to something as simple as a bunny. Pathetic. It had always been that way for him, though. God, he hoped he could hold out.

Should I continue? Comments make my day! Thank you guys!

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Blake didn't know how much longer he could hold out halfway through the filming. He hasn't added anyone to his team yet-huge disappointment-but it was only the first day. They had a ways to go yet. The second the break was called, he rushed straight for the bathroom in his private dressing room.

Once there, he buried his nose in a crisp hanky and sneezed.


They were loud, huge, body bending. His shoulders shook, he bent at the waist, and when he surfaced, his eyes were bleary and red. After splashing some cool water on his face, he walked into the main part of the dressing room.

"GodDAMN!" Blake swore, his heart racing. Sitting on the couch were Adam and Christina. Both had their arms crossed. "Whay do Ah feel lahke Ah'm gonna be interrogated?"

Christina laughed, then crossed over to Blake and put her cool hand on his eyes.

"Blake...they're all swollen and red. Why?" Adam stood up and walked over to his friend, placing a strong hand on Blake's wide shoulder.

"And we heard you sneeze." Blake gave a soft sniffle.(Just imagine the accent from now on.)

"My allergies are giving me hell." He admitted. Christina shrugged, confused.

"Yeah, the studio is pretty dusty...but it never bugged you before."

Should I continue? Thanks for the support, Deathy!

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  • 4 months later...

SASQUATCH! Pssh hilarious! I especially enjoy his loud sneezes and the banter. Oh god the banter. :P

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