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I haven't posted a thing in ages, and I decided I wanted to get back into writing on the forum. I don't really know where I am going with this fic, but I am expecting to have a part for all of the tags I put. The beginning is stupid and has no sneezing so you can skip past it. Okay, you can start reading now *(O_O)*


It had been bothering him for a while, but it hadn't become a problem. Well, until now. Until Katara is standing over him, asking him something he could just make out be "Are you okay?". Everything felt like it was moving. He could feel the earth spin as he lay there in a ball. The pain, what once was a small pounding feeling in the back of his head now made him feel as if his skull would crack open. What had once been a headache now consumed his entire being. What once was not a problem, now was.

"Zuko? Zuko!?" the words repeated in his head a million times, ringing in his ears until they no longer sounded like words any longer, until he thought he had imagined them in the first place.

"What?" and just like that, he could stand up, and move and breathe and speak and live again.

"Zuko, what were you doing?" Katara's soft concerned words felt comforting

"I was just taking a nap, chill" Zuko put a hand up to the sharp pain in his head, that had lessened enough for him to be able to speak, but still hurt immensely.

"This isn't a time to be taking a nap! We let you into this group to teach Aang firebending, and if you don't want to do so then this isn't the place for you!" Her words went from concerned to angry in a matter of seconds

"relax, Katara, I'll teach him. Where is he anyway?" Zuko sat down on a small well in the middle of the temple.

"Go find them," she barked.

"Do you expect me to search the entire village to find them?" He put a hand up to his pounding head.

"We didn't let you come to be lazy and dependent. I don't know where they went"

"Katara, do you gave a problem with me or something?"

"Maybe I do Zuko, maybe I do. You make me trust you, and then you turned on me." Katara hissed. "Zuko?" Zuko was clutching his head with both hands, a pained expression on his faced. Katara sat beside him and he blacked out.


"Hingsah!" Zuko woke himself with a sneeze that was painful, and felt a sharp pain in his head as he jolted forward.

"Zuko? You're awake," Katara said, as if she was informing him.

"Thanks for clearing that up Katara," Sokka said in his usual sarcastic tone. Toph snorted. Just then, Zuko noticed that the whole group was leaning over his bed.

"hiughnash! hiusha!" Zuko sneeze into the crook of his arm.

"guys, give him some space," Katara commanded, and the whole group left but the two of them. Zuko rolled over on his bedside and fell back asleep.

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Oh my gosh, this was like a literal answer to prayers. I've been stalking the forums, waiting for a new Zuko fic. I'm dying of happiness right now. PLEASEEE continue! And the beginning wasn't pointless, I actually was hoping for more of Katara & Zuko's arguing tbh. :3 I'm hoping for some denial in this fic, despite the fact that it's obvious that Zuko is sick. :3 Thank youuuu! <3

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This is looking great so far!

Btw, I just wanted to send you some praise: your obs of your cat-allergic friend is just one of the best I've ever read, holy cow. The forum closes old topics now, so I can't post in the topic, nor can I seem to PM you, so it'll just have to be said here. =)

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