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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Car-Horn" - I accidentally a post-1D Day Larry Stylinson Fic (Sneeze-shy!Louis, Concerned!Harry)"


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Y'know how I was upset because Louis looked like he wanted to/had to sneeze during all of 1D Day (rubbing/squeezing nose, squinting, looks of frustration and distance?) but never did and I was frustrated?

Yeah well I accidentally-


Unedited Post 1D Day Crack by Renny

Louis scrubbed at the annoying feeling in the back of his nose that had been there all day as he power-walked away from any possible fangirls and paparazzi and into his and Harry's hotel room, a few minutes behind the other lad as instructed by management. He breathed in a sigh of relief when he finally made it into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Dihhh-" he his voice faltered with the build-up to the sneeze he had been holding back on for the past seven hours for fear of looking like an idiot in front of millions of people. "Did you check everything yet, love?" he asked his closeted boyfriend, who was currently sprawled on top of their bed on his back looking up at the ceiling. It was sort of a ritual that the first one in would always check if the windows and curtains were shut properly and make sure there weren't any fangirls hiding in the shower or under the bed or something. They never did it together- God knows what the fans would say if they confirmed that the two of them always shared a hotel room.

"Yeah, I've done it," Harry said simply, giving Louis a strange look afterwards. "You okay babe?" he asked, eyeing Louis up and down and sitting up in bed to look at him more clearly. "You seemed a bit off earlier- and now."

Louis was going to respond, he really was, but after seven hours of holding back, he just couldn't take it anymore. His entire body jolted as he turned away from Harry, breath hitching sharply in his chest.

"Huht!ChOOw!" he sneezed forcefully against his arm. It was quite a relief after all that time waiting, but Louis knew he wasn't finished yet. In a matter of seconds after the first outburst, Louis's eyelids started fluttering and his breath hitched sharply again. "Huh-SHHOO!" The sneeze was even louder this time- and a bit painful even. Seven hours of waiting didn't exactly do wonders on his nose. He sniffled sharply. "Yeah. 'M fine." Harry smirked a bit and let out a small chuckle as he stood up.

"Have you been holding that sneeze in the whole time, Boobear?" he asked as he walking over to Louis. "For the whole seven hours? Why didn't you just sneeze?" He started rubbing Louis's back playfully. Louis just shrugged, hunching over slightly and straying from Harry's touch.

"Dunno," he said with a shrug. "Didn't want to." Harry rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's answer. Of course he'd worry about that. Harry had noticed that Louis always broke away from the group to sneeze, and only ever really sneezed around him. While on that thought, he felt his boyfriend twist even further away from him just in time to catch another forceful "huhishoo!" against his wrist- only this time at the tail-end of it there was a squeaking noise from the back of his throat, kind of like how a whimpering puppy might sound. Louis sniffled and frowned, feeling defeated. What if that had happened during the livestream? Harry was going to comment on how adorable it was but decided he didn't want to, for fear of making his Lou uncomfortable.

"Are you okay, babe?" Harry asked with a small frown. Cute or not, those sneezes did not sound like a good time for his Lou. Louis nodded, sniffling thickly and rubbing at his now-watery eyes as he looked at the ground.

"Yeah, I'm- huh'tttxshoo!" he broke off to sneeze again, only this time his tongue vibrated against the roof of his mouth and made everything sound weird when he tried to stifle. Ugh, why do they have to be so weird? Maybe it'd be okay if they actually sounded normal. He sighed. "I'm fine." Harry frowned, his eyebrows creasing together. Louis's sneezes sounded different than usual and by the looks of the tears filling his eyes, they were a lot more painful- anything with that kind of force would hurt.

"Are you done or...?" Harry questioned, slowly reaching out again to rub the older boy's back gently. Louis shook his head quickly before ducking to catch a quick "huh'xtshoo!" against his wrist- this one was decidedly less forceful than the others, but Louis couldn't help but think it was still weird. Harry just wanted it to stop so they could cuddle.

"Ugh, I-" Louis broke off to sneeze again but after a moment of staring into space he lost it. "I'b sorry love. I doh't doh why they woh't stop." He frowned at the newly found congestion in his voice- it just made him sound even weirder. Harry didn't know what to do. He just wanted to help Louis stop, but as far as he knew, sneezing fits weren't a medical problem, so there was no way he really could. Frowning, he went around to the other side of the bed to grab some tissues and passed them to Louis.

"Babe I really don't know how to help," he said sadly, watching as Louis took the tissues to his raw, irritated nose and blew deeply, squinting hard as he tried to force the fluid out of his nose.

"Thahks, hud, you are helpig. I-It'll pass," Louis said with a small half-smile, although the effect was ruined when he lurched forward with a muffled "hishoo!" into the tissues he'd just been given. "It's dyidg dowd," he assured his boyfriend with a small sniffle before rubbing at his eyes. At least most of the congestion was gone now. Harry sighed, going to the other side of the room to flick on the other set of lights. It was getting dark out.

"Next time just sneeze love," he insisted. "It's not that embarrassing- Liam did. Wearing a blue and yellow 'Payne Train' onesie." Harry chuckled, going back over to Louis, who just sighed heavily and looked at the ground.

"But Liam's sneezes are cute. Mine are...weird..." He shook his head and bit his lip after he said it, feeling awkward just talking abut it. Harry rolled his eyes with a small smile.

"Your sneezes are not weird, babe. They're just sneezes, like everybody else's. I promise." Harry smiled, standing beside Louis and rubbing his back again.

"But Harry they're really not," Louis insisted. "They just sound... different than everybody else's." He looked away from Harry and mumbled something incoherent before sneezing again.

"What?" Harry asked, putting a hand on Louis' shoulder in an effort to get him to look at him. "Babe, what did you say?" He knew Louis only mumbled when he was afraid or embarrassed of something.

"I used to get teased about it," Louis said in a slightly louder and slower voice. Harry instantly felt sorry for the poor lad.

"Aw, Lou," he cooed, touching the underside of Louis' chin affectionately with a curled index finger. "Who teased you about it?" Louis sighed and looked at his feet.

"When I was in primary school there was this one kid, Steve. He who told everyone it sounded like a car-horn when I sneezed," he said with a small frown. "After that everybody would laugh every time I sneezed, so I just started holding them back." He shrugged sadly as Harry sighed and rubbed his bicep.

"Babe, they were stupid little kids," Harry insisted as he kissed Louis' forehead. "We're more mature than that now, we don't need to be afraid of anyone making fun of something so silly. Just sneeze when you need to."

"But what if someone says something bad about it online? What if- hught'shoo!" he sniffled briefly. "What if they say it sounds weird?"

"Babe, no one's gonna say it sounds weird- and even if someone does, we've got millions of fans to yell at them," Harry insisted, kissing Louis' sad little pout briefly before getting up.

"I guess you're right," Louis said with a shrug. "I'll try to let them loose a bit from now on."

"'Atta boy!" Harry cheered with a smirk as he made his way to the other side of the bed. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

and then the next day louis sneezed and it was caught on film bye

please excuse my trying to make them talk like brits i am an american and i do not know what i am doing

Edited by Renny
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WOAAAAAH that`s amazing. I could totally imagine Louis sneezing like that.!

why you no sneeze for reals louis :l

Goodjob Renny, you`ve accomplished an amazing fic c:

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That was so adorable. :3 Imagine if fics came with videos. I'd DIE if I watched this. Oh my gosh. GREAT job Renny. :D

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Awwwwwww...!! <3

I'm crying. Wow. Something must be wrong with my hormones, or, idk. Not sure what's wrong with me, but something definitely is!

Anyway, I loved every bit of this fic! Especially when Harry mentioned Liam's sneeze. It all felt so real...! o.O

Adorable, cute, awesome, amazing, wonderful, special, gorgeous... Haha... just the perfect story for me today!

And btw, I'm really sorry that you were so frustrated, but at least the forum got this beautiful fic out of it! ;) Thanks for sharing! You're a great writer!

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Aww thank you guys so much! I just really had to get that headcanon written down before it slipped my mind! lol thanks. :3

You guys are honestly like the sweetest :3

Let's hope maybe this conversation was actually the case and Louis isn't afraid to sneeze anymore~

Edited by Renny
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THAT WAS SO AMAZING I HONESTLY COULDNT PULL IT AWAY. It was do well written and gosh poor Lou! And I'm going to be honest, I died laughing at the end when it had the crossed out "the next day Lou sneezed on film bye" oh my god I JUST CAN'T. Too perfect and nothing can be too perfect! :)

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THAT WAS SO AMAZING I HONESTLY COULDNT PULL IT AWAY. It was do well written and gosh poor Lou! And I'm going to be honest, I died laughing at the end when it had the crossed out "the next day Lou sneezed on film bye" oh my god I JUST CAN'T. Too perfect and nothing can be too perfect! smile.png

Aw thank you so much!

I think I might write some more Larry over Thanksgiving break or maybe some Ziam since they're my OTPs. <3

I was thinking of trying out some sneezy RP on Omegle but IDK if anyone of you guys would want to? :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVED how sweet this was! Louis being so embarrassed and Harry being so sweet! I hope you continue if you can, because this melted my heart <3

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